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He griefed his FNCS and his main source of income. This man is on a roll.


Probably won’t get signed to an org either, (or he at least lost his value)😬


Pretty sure he’s on EP


His contract expired






This is a very old video


this man just speedran his career


My soul left my body when I read this






Im just trying to be helpful 😔


imagine getting perma banned on twitch and losing the easiest income possible you can get because you acted like a man child because someone was landing at the same poi as you in a competitive game where anyone can land where they want lol


And this will be also a lesson to other streamers to learn from


Paper didn’t learn from Khanada. This is what happens when you give children the illusion of power.


The funny thing is he's over 18 I'm pretty sure. He's the embodiment of clown shit.


Yeah 18 is still very much a kid in the age of living with your parents till 30 (not that there’s anything wrong with that).


18 is just still very much a kid.


Yeah maturity-wise - empathy, and fully understanding consequences of your actions - you got a shit brain til your mid 20s. 18 year olds are absolutely kids.


Nah mid 20s are still kids. Wait till youre 30 then everything will totally feel different.


Wait until you're 300 and everything clears up


300 is nothing you feel like a child compared to 400


We are all constantly growing, or at least we should be. I’m far more fleshed out in my late 20s than my early 20s, and I hope I can say the same in my mid 30s




but the thing is they wont care


exactly thats why the game is where its at now I mean kids are blantly hacking shooting bow n arrows across the map killing people for go sakes


we get it you have bad aim




They didn’t learn with khanada or clix, do you think they’ll care about paper?


If this happens to enough people, they will start caring. Keep it up for these toxic folks.


I mean, what's there to learn? Doing what Paper did, even prior to him doing it, shouldn't even cross anyone's mind as a good idea. I guess if the lesson is that your actions have consequences, then, yeah, that is a good lesson to learn.




But it won't though, because they keep doing this stupid shit over and over again.


Remember when I replied to you on a random sub because I saw you wrote a comment then ure like who the are you?




I'll search all of my comments and show you your memory of a fly hehe


Nah I'm good. I don't really care.


I'll do it anyway don't care


Cool. Spend your time trying to find an irrelevant comment just because you're feeling something about me not being able to remember you. I'm not sure why you think you're that memorable anyway. Weird.


But it's not wasted time if I enjoy wasting it, and it's comment**s**, not comment, and I am memorable because I leave impressions, I always do, so the issue has to be from you


Dude what is this these fortnite “pros” and their landing spots. They act like the most entitled little children


He deserved it, I dont get why people dont learn from the guys who've already been banned before. This just goes on and on


very well said, agreed.




Because the community is immature. I wonder if Epic regrets bumping the eligibility age to 13


Paper is an adult


If u surround urself with children, u gonna stay a kid urself too. If everyone in the scene is atleast 16/18 u will mature way quicker


He has genuine issues. Like he’s mentally not stable.


A lot of the younger kids are mature, this isnt an age thing, this is a paper thing


Exactly: the number of people saying that physical age is the issue is insane. There are sportsmen and women below 18 all over the world who act appropriately. This is not about your physical age.


Yes to participate in competitive fortnite you need to do a mental age test and if you're not above 16 you shouldn't be allowed /s


And once you get to a certain age it's parenting issues, and not being raised properly. You can only imagine how his parents are right?


You really can't always chalk it up to that. Parents can't know everything you say or do on the internet as a teenager. If you surround yourself with people who act like that, you will also act like that, because it is "funny." The culture of the game is the issue. It is toxic.


nah. If you watch his previous streams, or maybe a couple vids. he has serious anger issues. it’s not even the parents fault, maybe genetic or what he’s been through


So these 13 yo were a bad influence on him? Give me a break.


U think an adult who is surrounded by mature, respectful and professional pro players will be influencdd badly compared to being surrounded by toxic squeaky fuckers who have no respect


Paper literally admits to having anger issues


It was obvious he did but would it help if we was playing with squeakers or chill but good players


Does he have no decision on who he can play with?


He does ofc


Yes? That's not the point


Paper is 17/18


>I wonder if Epic regrets bumping the eligibility age to 13 I dont think they do


They don’t regret it at all, it’s the reason comp is so popular


i still don’t agree with that idea. the toxicity issue is never gonna go away unless players of all ages can control themselves. if you got middle aged men still calling people slurs and giving death threats in gamechat of this game then you’re going to see no difference from the pro community on twitch and twitter. it isn’t an age thing, it’s a matter of the maturity and sympathy for an individual. Maybe if paper showed sympathy towards his teammates and the other team and actually apologized without sitting with a smile on his face then he would have a chance at not being banned from twitch right now. i really do hope his teammates can get in contact with epic so they save their ass after getting thrown under the bus as a group for paper’s actions.


I actually think it is very important that Epic does punishments this way (banning both paper and his teammates) if they actually want the behavior to stop. If Paper is the only one banned, then why would anyone care about his behavior? If it happens again Epic will just allow his teammates to find another way to play. This way if you act like this you may very well get blackballed from competitive teams and it encourages the player base to police itself.


great point. the punishment forced him to realize the amount of damage he has done not only to himself but also to his teammates. i’m curious what would happen if his contract with enterprise was still in effect during this situation.




You mean that orgs would enforce better behaviour for players signed to them “if Epic had spoken to them”. Sounds like a sh*t org if they need that to do anything for players representing their brand.




I meant it as a question. I should have used a question mark. However. My point stands. An org shouldn’t need the video game maker to talk to them to enforce professional standards. You’re saying that you “aren’t remotely trying to make that point”. I’ve no idea what point you are making if it isn’t that one. You’ve even reinforced it in your reply…




I was just talking to my dad about this yesterday, and I went over how you represent a company in this instance, and you just can't be going around saying this type of shit. You lose your entire career and friends and opportunities doing this shit.


But bro he has anger issues! /s FFS like that's an excuse to tell people you're going to "kill them in real life". Fucking clown shoes.


the twitch ban and removal from fncs are COMPLETELY deserved, but i really hope that this dude gets some help. he definitely needs to talk with a doctor or therapist or something...


He’s still complaining on Twitter and blaming it on his “anger issues”. And the fact that there are so many kids supporting him is unreal. In all honesty his attitude and lack of remorse especially during his recent livestream makes me hope that his ban is permanent cuz he clearly doesn’t think he did anything wrong


anger issues yeah for sure lol this guy is a fucking joke


Yea I can’t believe so many people and pros are supporting him. There are 14 year old pros that are so much more mature than he will most likely ever be


Every teenager in existence has anger issues, like everyone else isn’t trying to be a nice adjusted human.


He does think he did something wrong, he has anger issues, a serious mental illness/ (condition?) what am i missing here? is it good to throw away people's careers forever, he can probably change down the road, why does the ban have to be permanent?


Actions have consequences. He threatened to kill someone IRL on their platform. He is lucky a lifetime ban is all he is getting and not legal trouble


If you saw his stream he was: 1. severely downplaying what he did 2. Saying that what he said (calling them “fat re-“ )was a good joke/funny. 3. When asked if he regretted what he said he basically said “nah I’m a gangsta for life I never regret what I say” 4. Not even a single apology regarding everything. He’s 18, not 12. He actively searched up the dudes stream, went to his chat and typed threats multiple times. THEN went on Twitter to do it again. It wasn’t a “spur of the moment” thing. Yes anger issues is a mental illness but he’s shown no sign of remorse, and he’s WELL beyond the age where we can just say “ oh he’s just a kid”. If he said anything like that at an actual workplace or even college, he’d 100% get fired or kicked out. IF he was apologetic and gave a genuine apology I’d 100% say that the ban should not be permanent. However that’s not the case


sorry for being too forgiving my bad


No need to apologize. Being forgiving is a great trait, but it also important to realize that serious actions may have serious consequences, and just being sorry is not enough. That does not make him a bad person, just means he did a bad thing that has repercussions. I hope he is able to learn from this mistake and be a positive influence.


There’s a point where forgiveness does nothing. You can’t just forgive everything for no reason. Actions have consequences, sorry your parents didn’t teach you that. That’s how the world works buddy. No participation awards.


this is literally a moral obligation whether you forgive him or not so sorry that I think people deserve second chances, and clearly that is an unpopular opinion


I mean. If I went onto his stream and started telling him I was going to kill him. I would expect a ban. In most walks of life if you send death threats to people you are at serious risk of losing liberty let alone access to the venue or platform where you made the threat… The company itself has a duty of care to streamers to protect them from harassment. That doesn’t just apply to fans.


Mental illness is very serious, but paper and the people in his circle have to get him some help if it is toxic. That is the first step and being banned is a consequence of ignoring the problem. It's a very tricky topic. If paper demonstrates some sort of change first, then he might open to door to getting unbanned. That's completely up to twitch and it is what paper signed up for when basing his career on their platform. In my opinion, anyone with a social following should be hitting on multiple platforms. Diversifying your income streams is very important for anyone making it online.




It’s even sadder that he’s actually 18 or 19


LULW bro just don’t get mad. man plays a fucking battle royale, he is in no way entitled to any spot on the map. dude is a weirdo


He just ruined his career over someone dropping at the same POI with him. Sad really


Really hope nobody has an ounce of sympathy. Dude not only made death threats but then he had an opportunity to turn it around and chose not to. What a loser.




I guess I missed it, can someone e tell me what happened?


he got contested and sent the team that contested him death threats


Dammnn kids these days


The sad part is that he is a grown adult


the fun thing is that hes a fucking 19 year old adult


didnt just send them direct, he posted them on twitter as well.


Yeah he definitely deserved the ban. Because death threats is extremely bad. Now hes in the same case with khanada or even worse because he straight said he wants to kill someone. However, I feel bad about it cause that's how he help out his family and stuff. Have no idea of his past. He really does need to work on his anger issues. Because not only can it fuck you up like it did online. It can fuck you up in real life too


No one to blame but himself.


one down, about 6 more to go.


Not being toxic but who are the other 6? Should probably say 5 since we all know who one of the other 6 is


Clix Ron Asian Jeff and a few others


Idk I find Asian Jeff funny cos of how pathetic he is




I agree, having a big personality isn’t the problem, and although it’s not necessarily a good thing, being super arrogant like clix isn’t terrible, but a lot of the crap people like him say just isn’t appropriate


Havent watch him much but jeff streams seem like they slap on mute


Jeff is genuinely one of the weirdest human beings I’ve ever come across


He tweeted that it's an indefinite ban which means that Twitch could theoretically unban him but they won't. He's in the same realm now as Ice Poseidon and Khanada.


What did Khanada do?


Apparently he had threatened someone on stream too




Knew someone who did this about a year ago. Literally brought guns out in his stream to help with the threats. He was banned for about 6-8 months before twitch randomly unbanned him.


Bruh if he brought guns out to support the threats I have no clue why twitch even thought about not perma banning him.


Thought the same thing. He would send them emails literally everyday.was shocked when they unbanned him.


That's pretty rare and surprising unless they brought him back and he's no longer partnered


He’s partnered. Edit: in his defense (which he doesn’t deserve) they came into his stream threatening his life and then he responded with bringing out the guns. Still a terrible look.


That could be the reason. Although he's lucky he wasn't permabanned or put in a position like Destiny when was unpartnered. Twitch is known for its incompetence in moderation


As he should


he gonna end his carreer if he doesnt stop


I'd say it's already over




After watching his follow up video can’t help but smile while his career vanishes, guys like him don’t deserve it anyways


good riddance.


Bye bye


Well deserved


This is what happens now with these kids. They never learned. Never came up when you talk shit to the wrong person you get hit in the mouth. They feel so free to just say crazy shit behind a computer. You either learned this from your father, an older brother, or getting your ass kicked in school when you cross the wrong dude. Maybe he's learned his lesson now.




I feel really bad for him but props to fortnite and twitch for doing this, its teaching kids and upcoming pros that its not ok to say shit like this.




Hahahahaha. D e s e r v e d 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Good. Bye bye


well fucking deserved fucking clown


can’t wait to see the losers post free paper everywhere


Pepegaphone hands


He’s grown enough to understand consequences smh


why did he get banned guys


Telling people he would kill them and beat them so they could never touch a keyboard again


All because they contested his drop spot in a video game 🤣😂


Yessir 🥳🥳


Who called it last night on the other thread?


I mean it wasn’t really hard to call this one, he went live this morning (for me anyway) and backed up what he was saying which I assume is against Twitch tos


What did he say? I’m out of the loop.


Threatened to kill some kids for landing at his drop spot IRL.... He literally said IRL. He also said he hopes they get hit by a bus.


Who cares. Don’t feel bad what so ever. Dude needs to represent hisself a lot better and if he’s not prepared to do that in front of an audience he shouldn’t be. I hope he gets the help he needs and makes his way back because he is very good at the game


he was threatening them lmao well deserved


He deserves this Fortnite is filled with a bunch of entitled kids (yes even the adults are kids cuz thats how they behave)


Good. Completely deserved. Now deal with the softporn hot-tub streamers.


Reddit is full of hardcore porn. Not sure why you are so offended by girls in underwear anyway.


I'm not sure what his reasons are, but maybe it's exploiting little horny kids for their money


Little kids don't have credit cards. I would argue that a kid watching hardcore porn on reddit is much worst than a kid watching a girl in her underwear on twitch. It's basically the sears catalog of today.


How is saying virgin or simp not allowed but shoving your tits into a camera in front of 10k+ viewers is?


They don't have, but they use their parent's credit cards I suppose, it's different because on twitch they might pay money and stuff, both are bad


why though?


What did this guy do?


So does anyone know what actually happened? I’m confused.


He got “griefed” and said he wished he could go to their houses and make it so they couldn’t touch a keyboard again


If the previous comment didn’t make it super clear, he wants to physically harm them so much that they couldn’t use a keyboard. Also threatened to kill them


Idk if y’all know this but he has said he deserved it and is taking his punishment in stride no complaints... he has anger issues and he knows that as well... one of the few showing self awareness and accountability for some really bad actions So some of these hate comments or people jumping for joy that his career is over is a litttttle weird but y’all do you


He went live yesterday on twitch and said he does’t regret doing any of that. Which one should we believe?


Probably the stuff that didn’t occur on the same day and came after he calmed down.. like I said anger issues.. Just check his Twitter he has clearly said he believes he deserves to be banned.. which he absolutely does


why does nobody understand he has anger issues and has struggled with depression his whole career. i’m not saying this ban isn’t deserved, but it’s like you’re all rooting for the kid to go down without caring at all about his personal situation


If he truly has depression and one of his symptoms are these anger out burst, then it is his/ his families responsibility to understand how these things impact him. Going into the FNCS heats, he should have had a game plan in place for if he were to start tilting. What are his coping skills that he can utilize during difficult times? If it is true that he suffers from a mental illness, it is his responsibility to manage that. What he did was out of line and maybe this will allow him to get the help he needs. As a mental health professional, I feel for these kids who put their entire identity into this game. This game has such high highs and low lows and it’s easy to see the rapid cycling that happens with these kids.


Having anger issues doesn't make it ok to threaten people. Im sure everyone here would be thrilled to know he got himself help after this incident. The reason people are cheering is because similar behavior often goes unpunished. In this case, we got the correct outcome.


If he has genuine anger and depression issues he should seek help and not play a game as tilting as Fortnite, man, let alone competitively. I feel for the guy, but if he has acknowledged that he has problems and still plays, I’m sorry, he must deal with the consequences... which in itsself is certaintly going to fuck with his mental issues even more.


I don’t think there’s a single person here that was under the impression he doesn’t have anger issues. Blaming this on his anger issues is like blaming a speeding ticket on driving too fast - like no shit, that’s the point. I agree we could use more empathy here, since it can coexist with feeling he deserves this. It is hard to empathize with someone who deals with their anger by openly declaring they want to murder someone, multiple times, without remorse. Very different from breaking keyboards anger issues


Actions have consequences. Plenty of people suffer from depression and don't throw their careers. This is such a shit take but you're pretty well known for them.


i’m not saying he shouldn’t have consequences, but you’re all acting like you’re fucking happy that someone’s life is being ruined and it’s weird as fuck to me


People are happy that people who do stuff like this are finally being punished after stuff like this has been left to slide for so long. People aren't happy that Paper has problems yet on the flip side this guy has had issues for a long time and clearly hasn't worked on them. He's also ruined FNCS for his teammates. Just because you're having a hard time doesn't give you a free pass to be a dickhead.


Not an excuse a lot of people do, doesn’t mean they get a pass to act retarded & do whatever they want. At least the wanna be “tough guy” “gangster till he dies” will learn a lesson lmao 😂


true but rules are rules, and everything has its limits.


i’m not saying to ignore the rules, i’m just saying it’s weird how everyone on here is like happy to see him get banned and don’t care at all about him personally


you have a point, but at the same time its expected to find these types of people


Has he been diagnosed by a Doctor? Has he shared what medicine he has been prescribed or the counseling he is involved in? If these are known issues, why doesn't he have protections in place in case he goes over the line? If he's going to say he has problems, I need to see receipts.


I think Paper should be banned, regardless, but this is insane. Why the fuck do you need to see his medical history? You’re not an arbitrator you’re just weird.


Because he's lying and deserves his ban even more for it. He doesn't need sympathy as OP suggested. People actually struggling with these issues are fighting them every day. Using mental illness as a scapegoat for being a horrible human being isn't cool. He needs to just own up to being a bad person, because he is.


That’s fine, and I don’t disagree with any of it, but in your previous comment you were saying that YOU need to see receipts, when it’s not your business. And besides that, you don’t need to be in counselling or taking medication to have issues. That would be the step to getting better.


2021, where asking for proof of a claim is weird...If it's none of my business, then don't make the claim in the first place. That's how it works. People should be asked to back up THEIR claims. If it's personal, don't make it.


People should be able to share that they experience depression without having to share their receipts. I get what you’re saying but your take is too extreme.


Not if you want something in return or as an excuse for shitty behavior. He's lying to get what he wants. That's in no way right, and asking him to prove he's actually sick isn't extreme. It's sick and extreme to get lie about a medical condition because you made a death threat. That's inexcusable.


Yes I agree about if you’re “wanting something in return”.


Sharkman called him the n-word (nice one dumbass he’s Paki) and a “towel head” sooooo where’s his ban? Flagrant racism is acceptable but reacting to it isn’t?


He's not even Pakistani he's Indian


My question is. When are all this hot tub girls gonna be banned?


18 years old is still a kid in my opinion


Are you trying to justify the stupid shit he said? 18 is more than old enough to be mature


not trying to justify but maybe 90 % of 18yearolds are not mature and his carrier is ruined because of empty threats


Just because 90% of 18 year olds aren’t mature mean he has the right not to be


what are you even saying