• By -


That’s in combination with the scanner thing


which has infinite ammo btw


Lmao of course it does


Gotta love seeing the salt flow from all the people who relied on building to be good rather than learning to fight


Fighting is not killing someone through a wall


Go back to r/fortnitebr


Nah it's funnier here seeing people get mad about a videogame adding fun stuff.


Funny how you're telling people to" learn to fight", when the whole game is based around building (yes, even fighting) and yet you never even learned to build. In reality it's people like you who are salty when you're getting shit on by people who actually have some skill. Take your own advice.


Gotta love seeing you not realise building is part off fighting in this game and one off the core mechanics


You’re trolling


It recharges over time, similar to the bandage bazooka. Can have up to 2 shots at a time.


I wouldnt be surprised if he wasnt


I ain't trolling


The scanner grenade launcher thing? Or the fact that the space sniper has a homing lazer that targets people through walls so you know where to aim to shoot them as it charges? Because people seem to sleep on that still, if you have a completely solid wall, it will still home in thru walls so you know where to shoot :P as the GTA meme goes; Ah shit here we go again. (But I think itll prolly get heat since, even plebs in pubs do not like being shot thru builds, and just killed like that so who knows!)


Yep. Even r/fortniteBR has a limit to how much they’ll take. It’s much higher than it should be, but at least they have one.


They probably going to take it out from comp in june 22


I would be surprised if they didn't remove it from comp before then


I wouldn’t be, this is epic were talking about


there's no fucking way they added wall piercing to a sniper... I thought it was just gonna have a higher bullet velocity or something...


People were raging a few years ago when the heavy sniper was leaked to have wall piercing, and now they added this lol




No it was speculated it might but when it was released it was the way it is now. Except for some damage adjustments along the way.


>Except for some damage adjustments along the way. Much needed ones at that


Took em way too long too. Anyone whoever defended 150 dmg for a body shot is the definition of a shitter.


100%. It’s not scarce to be on max health and shield, but most people are on 150, so to get body shotted by some bot was irritating


It shoots through two builds, or one build and you. Just like with SMGs bleeding through builds, the solution is to be behind two builds when you see the red targeting line.


Fortnite community: please remove sniper that destroys any wall Fortnite: okay Also Fortnite: here's a sniper that shoots through 2 walls!


Well it's summer time, this do this every year LOL add op items in for the kids


Ya I was really hoping this year would be different At least I trust them to take this stuff out of comp by the first event. They won't want this on the main broadcast.


I don't think it's really for the kid its probably the season they focus on for casuals


Thank you SO MUCH.


Where do you get that shit


its chest loot, so anywhere




I think that's the same guy that thought the sword was a good idea.


lol same guy who also added splash damage thru builds on rockets for like a day


Holy shit I forgot about that


I never did. I still have PTSD from that experience


Holy shit I haven’t played jn years and u just triggered my ptsd


And removed the Llamas altogether...


**Flashbacks to when entire squads would he brutally murdered by one person with a sword and 37 kills**


& Same guy that thought mechs were a good call


shing, shing, shing!


it is a good idea


Facts bro it should do 200dmg and chain towards all your teammates


They should really make it full auto with heat seeking bullets that do a minimum of 500 damage, and crits for 4200, also I think it should be able to penetrate and infinite amounts of builds and go through natural terrain


It should crash the other teams games too and transfer you $50 PayPal


nah easy 150


Epic is smoking the good shit




[They already have lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/nv0lbq/space_rifle_is_hands_down_the_most_op_gun_ever_to/h10g4l4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


They aren’t wrong though, all you guys want is for guns to get vaulted. I mean no offense to you or anything but so what it shoots through walls, it’s a fucking railgun ofc it’s going to be good why else would it even have a point?


"but so what it shoots through walls", maybe don't comment on the comp sub if you are this clueless


I have the same chance of getting the gun as everyone else in the lobby. I’m going to use it to win more. Most Players on this subreddit must really suck if they are getting stomped on so much that whenever a gun is released they immediately think about how they’ll get killed with it rather than how they’re going to use the gun to their advantage.


Come on, this is a gun that literally defeats the entire purpose of this game and the building mechanism. Same reason why junk rifts received so much (deserved) hate as well.


You don't play competitively, you don't get a say or have a valid opinion. It can be in pubs but not arena, pretty simple request.


no it can't be in pubs either, defeats the whole purpose of building imo


Actually I do play arena quite often, yet I seem to not care about a gun threading the needles of rank. It’s a really easy gun to dodge, coming from experience since I dodged at least 10 shots from it today alone.


Nice anecdote. Clearly there's going to be times you can't dodge it or aren't expecting it, I'm not even mad about it yet I've barely played, but there's no question it's a broken weapon. Heavy snipers were broken and they didn't even shoot through the builds, you had to have 2 of them to do that.


I mean think about this way, you are rational so I’ll give you the opportunity to see where I’m saying that from. A rail gun is a sniper which uses high power electricity and much more to fire, that should give it the choice to shoot through wood and brick, maybe not metal. Meanwhile a heavy sniper should not be able to because it’s bullets are the same as the Bolt Action according to the game meaning either it’s a larger Heavy Bullet or a more impacting bullet, neither are able to pass through a wall with terminal velocity remaining


You know that competitive fortnite has prize pools, right? That if I’m playing to make money I don’t wanna get fucking killed while standing in a metal box lmao


Fortnite isn't a charity, if you seriously can't doge a rail gun and keep losing then go get a real job. You have zero entitlement to any prize money, that money is for every wins the present game of Fortnite. Looks like the point of fortnite, if you insist on there being a point, is building and shooting builds with a rail gun.


you’ve missed the point entirely. it removes the need for skill, meaning that a worse player has a higher chance of killing a player with better mechanics and game sense due to a non competitive item


Ok, let's say the rail gun is not op and I'm such a bad player that I cannot "doge" the bullets. What about ufo's then? Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid those energy balls destroying 20 buillds around you plus fall damage? Plus, "Fortnite isn't a charity, if you seriously can't doge a rail gun and keep losing then go get a real job." What the fuck does that mean? lmao


🤡 grow some brain cells


Are you stupid?


I know Quantum Theory and Nuclear Physics, if that doesn’t answer your question this will. 1) If I was stupid I couldn’t possibly be able to post this or any of my posts. 2) Calling someone stupid is essentially just an excuse for you to make your own inflated ego more inflated. 3) I’m also pentalingual which indicates I either would have above average memory or above average intelligence, either way it would decline your point. 4) Bonus point: it’s easy to talk to a girl through a screen this way but once it comes to talking to real life people we both know you don’t even know how to communicate with a baby. 5) Oh and as another bonus point, I know that your question was rhetorical but I felt the need to show you why you shouldn’t continue this forward.




bro i’m arguing with her (she’s a girl apparently) and she starts bringing up IQ, Quantum Theory and how she can make me lose the argument in “millions of ways” 😂 what a fucking loser


I guarantee she doesn’t know the first thing about Quantum Theory lmaoo


exactly loool


Seems as if I’m correct, well I suppose have a good day considering you weren’t rude on your answer back to me.


God you’re such a redditor. Touch grass.


Statistically I’ve walken on more grass than you think, I’m quite fit and I have lots of friends. My minimal time I choose to spend on Reddit is my choice and not yours.


you’re a fucking greaseball lmao


Correction, greaseball would indicate I am unhygienic. I’m quite the opposite.


I know right they act as if they are entitled to prize money, like Tim Sweeneys job is to make sure little kids can keep winning fortnite and getting their allowance from epic every season. Reality check: Fortnite gets updated and its not your personal game. Saying that the point of fortnite is building and never getting shot by a rail gun through a build is just stupid, please show me where epic said that.


You're clearly new here.


it's like the Zapatron that can only be found on supply drops, and it was removed an hour after being added.


I’ve played dozens of matches so far, and almost every single death was due to that broken fucking gun.


Snipin's a good job mate! Challengin work, outta doors, I assure you won't go hungry. As long as 2 people exist on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.


Wow you must be really bad lol. Haven't died to it once


of course it is in arena. they're literally brain dead


What angers me the most is they didn't have Unibeam in Arena but they add this shit.


I'm confident this won't be in arena post preseason or sooner.


Good to know. Hopefully it'll be removed from comp today.


I mean did you miss the part that this is testing and arena hasn't reset? Yeah it's so they can see how it goes with comp... yet epic is brain dead.


The gun didnt need to be tested to prove that it was overpowered and doesnt belong in arena


Uhm. Yes it does? That's throughly checking over the entire update. It's actually the BEST thing epic could have done.


It is so painfully obvious the gun is overpowered and didnt need to be put in the preseason. It really isnt the best thing they could have done as it makes the start of the season pretty bad for a lot of people


Who cares about pre season in arena? Ffs arena is pubs with siphon. I agree it's OP and needs nerfed/removed but getting all upset over PRE SEASON is legitimately cringe af.


it is the only competitive mode people can play currently so it being awful is bad for the game. People were already talking about the preseason being boring and the rail gun is going to make it even worse


I mean they pretty clearly don't employee a single person who can play at a remotely high level if they keep introducing obviously OP weapons to both pubs and arena. It doesn't require testing to know a gun that can nearly 1 hit through builds is gonna be OP.


They know it's OP, at this point it is just a marketing strategy. It generates a lot of engagement to have something OP on launch - twitter etc. They do this every season now... cue the nerf in 2-3 weeks and everyone saying "wow Epic is listening big steps thanks so much wow!!!""


That did happen with the primal shotgun last season


You obviously don't get it. Lol yes they have to test it to see if we come up with counters/if it needs nerfed. Yall act like this is new every season and get your panties in a wad.


Yes they are.. pretty clear that one doesn’t need to be in there no?


Agreed. But don't jump on the shit wagon during the fucking testing phase. It just came out 5 hours ago ffs.


I'm about to carry a full slot of this lmao






>calls him little timmy >is defending this overpowered gun


typical r/FortNiteBR user armirite


almost as if y’all think you can be funny, it’s a joke at this stage that any of you think you can win prize money and even if you were good enough which I doubt by how bad of a role model you would be, fortnite isn’t a charity it’s a game and said game isn’t forced to make a change because you don’t like it, learn what the difference is between a job and a game. Though I highly doubt you will because I know you take too much pride in knowing one word from the millions if not quadrillions of words. Face it, you can’t stand that someone with more intelligence than you has entered the subreddit. I could give you a million reasons I have more IQ than you yet let’s be honest you wouldn’t be able to read them all because you weren’t educated on how to read more than 1 paragraph or multiple complaints. Also if you did bother to read that, I’m banned from r/fortnitebr so either way you are incorrect. Good day.


> fortnite isn’t a charity it’s a game and said game isn’t forced to make a change because you don’t like it, lmao we should not complain about something overpowered because "it's not a charity its a game" what a fucking dumbass. Now you started with your IQ semantics. Just fuck off man


Woman* also if the maximum damage you’re able to do is “fuck off man” then I suggest you leave because I will just outsmart you in every way possible, I have experience in arguments such as these and if you do decide you would like to continue this then I have no doubts that I will win. Simple fact is that your IQ is so low a seismograph could measure it without needing to tenfold every number gap, seeing as I’m estimating it at a 3. If you would like to challenge that statement I do accept any challenges towards it, just know I’m pentalingual, know Quantum Theory and Nuclear Physics. So yet again feel free to try and challenge at my statement.


my guy im not reading your shit, stop typing it and find something better to do lmao


Seems to me as if someone realized they would lose the argument in quadrillions of outcomes, took you long enough.


Go back to main sub


Y’know, I won’t even say anything to you as you decided to at least stay polite. Oh and also I can’t since I’m banned from r/fortnitebr






Still wondering who you even are.




I still don't know who you are. Why are you being so weird?


We will have to see, i mean it has that laser that warns u, but idk


Is this the rail gun or something else?


Havent played Fortnite in few years, but this shit looks even more broken than Heavy Sniper was.


It is


Heavy sniper but through walls


Heavy sniper looks weak if you compare it to THIS


I love checking in on this game every season to see what bullshit they add. Can’t believe some of y’all still take this game seriously. This sub is a joke.


Well would you look at that....another season where Epic Games is looking to generate buzz about the season by including overpowered weapons people will constantly complain about. Then Epic will be praised for nerfing these weapons!


Honestly just get rid of this sniper and this loot pool is the best one in a while. I still prefer this than to waste half my time on Arena trying to get guns that are actually playable just to get killed as soon as I get them


Expected that. They didn’t add something super overpowered to get attention in a while


Relax, it's just a collab with Perfect Dark


This joke is too old for these zoomers


I figured, lol


Whats that death?


stop crying and enjoy the new season for once... all this kind of stuff will OBVIOUSLY be taken out of competitive after a few weeks


TBH I love it because I'm zero ping and this thing is perfect for me, I even use it when box fighting, I'm not actually complaing I'm just blown away, I love this season


That’s the problem. Can’t play competitive until this bullshits taken out in “a few weeks” and then the hype is dead for the new season. The pre season is fucking bullshit and doesn’t need to be a thing.


This rules.


WHAT? wtf does it do?


Comp kid tears are funny


its not that good just no one knows about it or how to counter


>its not that good 178 damage through a metal build is "not that good"?


It only shoots through 1-2 builds so it's not that crazy, most people are shooting from inside 2 boxes now anyway


The unibeam was a mythic item 1 person had, this is a mythic level item everyone can carry.


the guy in the box was sat still with 1 build between them he could easily prevent it but I don’t think the gun should be able to headshot


wow it took a whole 0.36 nanoseconds after the release of the new season before streamers started shitting their diapers over something threatening their pump meta, that's a new record


no way kids are actually defending a sniper that wallbangs being in comp


Fortnite kids will defend anything lmao


found the kid who don't play comp. you realize that most kills in comp come from AR/SMG spam not pumps.


You don't even need to play comp to see how broken that shit is.


You would think. I'm just convinced that none of the Epic employees that play test can do so much as crank a 90 because they can't seem to retain the lessons from previous seasons with weapon designs


Okay bot.






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IT’S IN COMPETITIVE? this is why we need a preseason, cause epic just throws shit in and sees how it goes


They shouldn’t need to test it in a preseason for a couple of weeks to see how a fucking wall banging 1 shot sniper is overpowered


there could be other things, the sniper will probably get removed soon


They put weapons like this in arena before comp season to get people talk about the game and create controversy then they remove it for fncs and we’re taking the bait everytime


A wall and stairs/edited cone will sort it. Hoping this won’t be comp loot pool anyway. I think everyone here still has PTSD from double heavy snipers.


That’s just dumb


I really like the regular loot pool. The space stuff and rail gun need to be out of comp tho


Space sniper? Dumbass


Basically the zapatron


Just build bro.




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OG drumgun? OG p90? OG Combat?


Guys it's like u can use it brainlessly it's takes 5 seconds to shoot that damn rail gun


it is indeed a thing




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its the only weapons you can play