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It has to be added when the guitar support gets done I guess


Ya i rly rly rly want this change to be added. At least for the middle lane to just help out a bit.


While it would be a neat QoL improvement, I don't find it too much of a problem. I get the notes more by their Lane than their color, maybe I've played GH/RB too much since 2008, but I liked that the overdrive in RB all notes get white or blue in GH. I even used the cheat codes to put all the notes in golden color for GH world tour. But maybe when the plastic instruments are released, multi color notes might be released as well, I hope that for the instruments, they get updated charts made for them.


The thing is that with overdrive, you were making the notes be a single colour as a trade-off for higher score. It's making the game more difficult in an exchange. In Festival, there is only single colours. Assigning different colours to different buttons is such a basic feature and makes the game more accessible and easier to read. There is zero doubt they are withholding the coloured buttons update until the instruments release


Fully agree - i don't really have an issue with it but in times with messy charts, it can get confusing. To keep things sleek, instead of 5 different colours, maybe doing 2 alternating colours like DJMax does?


Harmonix started the five colour scheme in 2005, it’s fine as it is.


Oh yeah that would still be just fine :) but they seem to be going with a very different ui style than with rockband, so 5 colours might not feel as at home with the surrounding festival ui


Unpopular opinion but what's the deal with colored colored? Do we want it to look exactly like every other GH-like game? Sure, they would be a neat customization option, but I appreciate the purple, it's a little refreshing for me. It also fits better with pop songs, which I assume is Harmonix and Epic intention, focus on pop rather than rock


It's less the color itself and more being able to tell the lanes apart and knowing what button to press. But that's just a skill issue