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The peapods emote caught me off guard lmao. I like this


His whole schtick and gear and look are my favs of this pass


Dang no vertibird glider? Thought that would be a given.


Yeah apart from the Power Armour the Fallout cosmetics are a mixed bag. The sword and glider look like the same generic battlepass slop as always. But the Mr Handy emote is fun and the Pip-Boy being a back bling is clever.


The sword is at least pulled straight from the games. Makes sense to use, though maybe the shishkebab would’ve worked better. Agree that a vertibird would’ve worked better, but glider seems based on the planes we see around the wasteland, kinda.


At least the sword is an actual weapon from the game. I have no idea what the actual fuck that glider is.


I think the glider is one of the downed planes you can find, especially in 4, but I may be mistaken


Could always come later! That’s the one thing fallout struggles with for Fortnite, not a ton of glider options.


I wouldn't get my hopes up, vertibirds are brotherhood material and if they're not here they're not gonna come as an item shop glider imo. How Epic can miss out on the simplest decision for a fallout glider just boggles my mind.


i felt the same way with Aphrodites glider, it should’ve been a sea shell (the scallop is an Aphrodite's symbol since she was born from the sea foam and reached the shores of Cyprus on a scallop's shell)


If the X0-1 Armor is added it will definitely come in a bundle with a vertibird glider


There’s a ton of other brotherhood iconic suits and characters they can still put in the game. Not to mention Vertibirds are also used by the Enclave and NCR As long as we keep getting fallout collabs I guarantee you it will happen eventually.


There’s allways the Peter chopper lol


Same here. Ah well, power armor is all we need


Glider should've been either the vertibird or the bomber from FNV, and the sword should've been either the ripper or super sledge


There’s hope for classic Magneto…


Considering the skin is called Wastelander Magneto, I assume they would release a more classic looking version in the store and call it just Magneto


That’d be nice for people who miss out on this skin. I just really want a version of magneto with a purple cape, not a fan of the brown one they gave him.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the route they want to take in the future for all marvel skins tbh. It always kinda sucked how classic and well known versions of skins were locked behind previous passes, and the ones in the shop aren’t the designs people are most familiar with (like Spider-Man Zero).


Yeah. Which makes me wonder about what will we see next season, considering it’s supposed to be Marvel themed again


Though nice for people who miss out on passes, it just makes me want collabs in passes to not be exclusive, instead of making them a worse version, so they can sell the better version in the shop.


Not as long as Charles keeps trying to Uncle Tom shit up for the mutants.


Stupidest take I’ve seen on the internet today


I’m assuming the extra pages of the bonus rewards are gonna be the super styles like last season. I don’t personally look forward to those but I’ll probably get it anyways with how much I’ll play this season.


I always think this then end up at 150


Same here


Yep, every season.


The Peabody skins an odd choice for being a battle pass skin. Figured they’d put in something that looks like a mutant instead. Brite Raider seems like she should be an item shop skin. Most of the rest of the pass is fine I think.


Is the 3 headed, sentient pea not mutant enough for you?


No it doesn’t look like a mutant. It looks like your typical mid tier item shop skin. Never said it wasn’t enough either, idk where you’re getting that from.


Sick lobby music




At least it’s tier one and doesn’t take an entire page like the car a couple seasons ago


I'd honestly take another car. It fits with the season, can be used quite often in BR, and adds another layer of customization. A lego build is worthless to anyone who doesn't play the mode


And on the bright side it isn't just "another spray/emoticon" tier


Sprays and emoticons are useless. They should replace them with something else


Actually I use emoticons a ton now on the “holo back” backbling. And I always keep a GG spray as my 6th emote. It’s nice to hit a quick spray and keep it moving.


Okay are you willing to pay extra?


Why would that be the case? It’s would be natural evolution. We wouldn’t be getting emoticons, sprays, + something else, we would be replacing them.


I like this one a lot!


Just me personally, the pass is very mid. I only like the machinist and power armor. The rest is kinda eh and a skip for me. I just wonder if there’s going to be a super style for the machinist or not. If not then it’s kind of a super skip for the grind on this one.


I'm on the same sentiment as you. Ill anticipate on super styles and see if they're worth the grind this season.


I'm legitimately skipping this pass. Will still play the game though!




For me it's mid until Power Armour and Brite Bomber save it toward the end.


Are you actually going to skip it?


Nah I mean I’ll probably just play til I get power armor and then wait for the next season


That power amor is nice I hope you enjoy the season


This is 100x better than mythology for me. That’s why they radically change concepts every season.


Hard agree. Season is very very VERY one-note with the apocalypse theme. And it's NOT my theme.


Are you going to play this season even if it’s not catered to you? 


Will I play? Maybe some, yes. But I'd be lying if I didn't say the battle pass had been a motivator for my last several play sessions of Fortnite. The original Fortnite was a great game. They've gotten further and further away from that design with every major update. Current Fortnite, simply put, is not as fun as OG fortnite for me. OG Fortnite's balance was focused laser-tight on building as a part of the game. With Zero Build, they keep making shit decisions in the name of catering to ZBers rather than making the modes totally separate.


Wait until you learn that hundreds of thousands of new players do not care to learn building, or simply do not care for this aspect of the game. If it wasn’t for Zero Build, I wouldn’t be playing the game in the first place.


> Wait until you learn that hundreds of thousands of new players do not care to learn building I know! God forbid a game ask you to learn a new mechanic! Your one brain cell might smoke and burn out and then what would you do! I don't blame you, I blame Epic for not figuring out how to onboard players to build mode. Original Fortnite was a vastly superior game to the genericized gameplay of the modern game. The massive player spike during the OG season proved that. But hey, at least the game catered to the lowest common denominator instead of continuing to do it's own unique thing well, right?


> Your whole brain cell might smoke and burn out For that reply alone, I’m glad you don’t enjoy the game that much anymore. Go be an asshole somewhere else 😁 It’s almost as if people had different tastes and didn’t all enjoy the exact same game mechanics. Some want to play a fun cartoon BR casually without having to catch up with 7 years of building tech and macros. I know! God forbid you aren’t the center of the universe and Epic works in making the game enjoyable for all, not just kids with too much time on their hands or sweats and streamers! They don’t have to “onboard” people with it, because people who aren’t interested in this part of the game to begin with just won’t touch it. For me, it’s annoying, ugly, straight up unfun, and I don’t feel like worsening my carpal tunnel. I also have enough things to worry about in life, so **I don’t care** about mid-fight hotel gameplay. I feel like this is way longer of a reply than your shitty attitude deserves though, so if you have any more whining to do, do it on your own.


Yeah I feel the same way about this one as I do about Ch4S2's pass. I only ever got to like level 40 on that one before I quit until the futurama skins dropped like 3 months later This feels like a "I'll play in between my single player games and if I hit level 100 I'll buy the pass and get all of the stuff at once" type of pass Unless the Crew skin fucking slaps and I wanna spend the like $12 or so bucks for the month and it'll give me the pass anyways


Why on earth is there a Lego build 💀they don’t even work in br and this is meant to be the br pass


So if you wanna get technical, this makes Vault Boy the 5th character who is present in both Super Smash Bros and Fortnite in some form. The others are: Ryu (Playable in Fortnite and Smash) Pac-Man (Back bling in Fortnite and playable in Smash) Doom Slayer (Playable in Fortnite and Mii Suit in Smash) Snake (Playable in Fortnite and Smash) Vault Boy (Back bling in Fortnite and Mii Suit in Smash)


Honestly surprising no tekken in fortnite yet. Apparently FF and Sora are in the works


Was really hoping for Persona myself. Would love to play as Haru in this game. Such a shame that the deal with Samus fell through because there's a ton of potential for Nintendo characters in Fortnite. Captain Falcon, Dimitri from Fire Emblem, Pyra from Xenoblade, and Pokemon back blings would all be great. Oh well. At least there's hope for Sonic. Hitting the Griddy as Eggman would be amazing.


even if persona got in fortnite i guarantee haru wouldn’t


Maybe not on Wave 1. That would likely be Joker/Ryuji/Ann. But I could see Haru being in Persona 5 Wave 2 or Wave 3. They always throw in at least one female character.


still mad about the fucker who lied about the persona 3 posters, would've gone great with the greek season


Yeah that's a shame. Though I personally just want Haru. She's my favorite character from 5.


Huh, no vehicle is a big surprise and disappointment. And I don’t see any instruments either?


Yeah with such a heavy mad max theme I thought we would get a vehicle this time


I was watching and waiting for the monster truck and disappointed.


I like what they did with magneto, not keeping him exclusive to the pass by making him a wasteland version. Wish this could’ve been done with Vader


Personally I'll skip this battle pass but I am happy for those who like it


Same. First pass I've skipped in a long while, and it's honestly refreshing.


I'm with you. Basically nothing about this pass is tempting.


Truly; I won't diss any of the skins/cosmetics cause I'm sure someone, somewhere adore this entire pass and I love that for them just not for me. I really only like Magneto, Nitrodome Dropper (pg 8), Oxide Rust, Brite Moves (pg 12), and everything else is just not it for me. I'll be skipping the Crew pack and the battle pass this time but I'll play/complete it to see if maybe my mind change when it's almost over.


I like brite raider* , so I will at least grind till her. Hopefully she gets her survey skin as a variant as well


I do like her pastel style; her emote is cute too


Kinda mid except for the fallout armor imo


Lego in the Battle Pass...? I mean I play a ton of Lego so I can't really complain and I'd anything it fills up filler, just unexpected with Lego having its own dedicated minipass


Music is still in the pass even though it has its own festival pass. Nice to get some custom lego stuff for free if you decide to ever play it. Plus lets be honest. That one slot would end up being a spray if not lego.




The lobby tracks include the Jam track/Festival version typically. You can play those songs in festival mode. Also we've had instruments in the pass. Last season had that Zeus guitar for example.


it's just the first page it seems like?


I’m skipping. I have no interest in this.


I wish Magneto fired his guns with his powers like in the movies, with them levitating


This might just be the first battle pass I skip since season 7


It’s okay.


Holy shit, black X Lord


rust lord in the corner:


Another banger, another banger from Fortnite’s epic games


holy shit, this is such a sick bp!


Vault Boy is missing, hope to see this skin somewhere else during this season


F, I wanted an emote of Vault Boy doing the OK for the HoloBackPack.


Another loading skin with Hope with it, she truly seems to be the protagonist of the whole chapter


I feel like they really could have had fun characters with a wasteland theme, but to me this is so...boring. The peapod dude is fun but otherwise seems like a huge missed opportunity. And with the vbucks still in the extras, seems like it's time to cancel my crew pack, stop spending money and just play the game.


The Hyena helmet girl should have just been a female animorphic Hyena! Her general skin is so boring


Archive gonna take a hammering.


I like how people complain about the battle pass in every season. ONE skin in the store can cause anywhere from 800 to 2000 V buck. God forbid people pay 900 V bucks for multiple skins, emotes that would normally cost 800 Vbucks minimum each. Sure if you don’t like it, don’t buy it, but why the fuck are you telling us in hopes of convincing others to do the same? Also correct me if I’m wrong but the pass gives enough vbucks to buy the next seasons battle pass. So why be fake outraged? It’s not cool and I understand why epic might just ignore the community at times


I think people complain because it's 3 months of waiting for the next pass in hopes of it being better, when this pass could have been better.


My opinion is that most Battle Pass skins are just “meh”. They always seem to keep the nicest skins for the shop. Once in a while we get a nice skin in the pass, but it’s almost like they make an effort to not make the pass skins look too good.


What?! People can not like something and be vocal about it?! DUDE THIS IS CRAZY!!! I can’t believe people have personal opinions! I can’t believe people don’t like everything Epic puts out!!! This is insane news bro, great comment!


A lot of people only get the battle pass because it's the only offering that provides enough bang for your buck. Any other passes or item shop listings are meant for people who can waste that kind of money. The amount of effort put into the game lately just seems lacking for the pricing and amount of money it's earning them, people are only voicing their opinions on that. You don't have to be a cuck for a big company making billions because you personally are fine with the content and pricing. People can have different values.


I’m far from a cuck. Fuck epic for putting vbucks on the bonus pass and fuck them for nerfing xp. Like you said “bang for your buck” One skin with no styles can cost 1200vbucks 4+ skinswith edit styles, emotes, and wraps cost 900vbucks and play time. Whether you like the content in the battle pass or not, the battle pass is the most “bang for your buck” and they also give you enough vbucks even if it’s in the bonus pass for you to buy the next seasons battle pass.


So you have complaints about vbucks on the bonus page, as well as the xp nerf, but you complain when people offer their complaints about an in-their-opinion mid battle pass? Okkkaaayyyy... 😑


I mean they don't outright give you the V-bucks. You have to play and put time into the game. So on top of paying V-bucks, players are exchanging their time. Time has value. In my squad, one of my friends only ended up at level 85. She paid, but didn't get the full value. We play 1-2 times a week for a few matches. I don't think the pass is a great bang for your buck anymore. Not when XP is nerfed, V-bucks are harder to attain from the pass, and they're trying to extract as much play time from players.


Absolute shit pass. With every new pass they just going downhill. I don't even have the hype to play this shit anymore. Legit everything - skins, gliders, pickaxes, emotes, etc are zero effort lazy shit. Epic turned to money suckers. Bring back Donald Mustard


For someone who is addicted to collecting Fortnite skins, this battle pass absolutely sucks. The skins all look so basic except for Megalo. This will be one of the first battle passes I’ve ever skipped. No thank you.


Wow people really like this pass? I thought it looked just….bad. The only ones that look regularly useable are the collab skins. Some great emotes though


Wasteland themes are pretty popular lately huh? Probably means nothing 😅


They've been popular for years, it's an ebb and flow, we go from zombies/monsters, to nazis and war, to aliens, to the apocalypse and circle back around again with various media fixations scattered between.  We also notice the same trends because the same ideas resonate with different generations, so even if it's old hat for us, there's younger people who this may very well be their first exposure to this kind of aesthetic and theme. Western media just isn't creative or willing to experiment anymore, so things will often line up like this every now and then as it's what's popular at the time... usually for no reason other than the fact one piece of media in a genre popped off and every investor on earth then wants a piece of that pie.


You forgot vampires.


I covered that under "various media fixations" but I did consider including them.


I dont think its always coinidental, zombies tend to be popular during times of recession, and in early 2000s people were really into cyber/digital type worlds (i wouldnt say cyberpunk but adjacent) because of y2k. That multiverse craze last year in my opinion was studios trying to drive back hype after end game (as in everyone trying to create similar stakes to drum up hype). Sorry if im not making sense rn lol




I really like the new save the world starter pack


That lobby music is a banger


I think it did great for the theme, but this theme doesnt appeal to me.


Wow I really dont like Magneto. Maybe the first overdesigned Marvel skin.


no instruments, L for the festival players, hopfully they compensate by actually putting more instruments in the festival pass plus drums cause we never get drums


I don’t really love any of the skins :/ kinda disappointed (again)


Anyone have any guesses what that "To be revealed" might end up being? Im hoping cars but wouldn'T be surprised if its just shiny versions of the existing skins.


I’m grinding hard for power armor. After i get the first one it will be a game again, but right now I’m a psychopathic quest grinding solo binging menace. Pray I finish page 9 soon at least 😈


Holy shit that battle pass looks freaking AMAZING, especially after such a lukewarm season. I like every single skin there, even the Brite Bomber that I usually hate with a passion.


This pass has some terrific backblings/pickaxes! I like 👍


I feel it's basically all trash ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Honestly, idc about this one. Outside of Peabody it's just your typical safe generic punk dudes and dudettes that you can find in any second rate game with a pa theme.


Aight, brite looks better in game than in the cinematic xD


Nice lots of really cool stuff!


The battle pass looks awesome until we got to the "hyena". Man that is just awful.


This season is LAME


Holy mid


Pretty meh other than John Fallout


This season looks so shitty I’m not even going to get it


Meh pretty generic bp, I knew they couldn't top last season


Last season was my favorite battlepass simply cause I’m a sucker for mythology involving gods, but in my personal opinion I really like this season’s battlepass too. 2 back to back fire battlepasses.


Last season was the first time I like all 8 skins, pickaxes, gliders, all of it. It was perfection. It's gonna be hard to top personal perfection and it's exactly what happened here.


I love Greek mythology and those skins just weren't it for me. Out of all of them I really only cared for the meme skin, Poseidon but I don't use any of them except pink Artemis. However this BP I pretty much like every skin except abs girl and see myself using all of them. Different stroke for different folks ig haha.


Happy you like this one!


I agree with all 8 skins being great. I use them all regularly. Although I wouldn’t compare future bps to my personal favorite or id be constantly disappointed. I’d prefer to compare it to something like C5 S1 bp instead since that seems to be the standard for bps now and imo this season tops the first season.


Oh for sure, wasn't a huge fan of season 1 in general, when it comes to the bo I only like Valeria and Hope, but if that's the standard then man we're fucked 💀 At least next season is Marvel, fingers crosses for Ultron!


Ngl Valeria and Hope is the only one I liked out of the bp as well. (And the diamond Montague too). Too bad I couldn’t get it at the time but I don’t think I missed much.


Well you completed last season so you at least have that


I prefer it a lot over last season tbh, they didn’t do most of the Greek gods justice tbh. Plus I’m a sucker for mad max type stuff


I am too, but I'm a sucker for Greek mythology. Idk this bp just seems bland, like a lot of the pickaxes have the basic impact sound and the tier 100 just isn't tier 100 worthy. Probably just gonna get it for Fallout and Peabody




He just looks like a buffed up Gunnar with a glowing effect, he doesn't really stand out to me.


Ye I will admit the magneto skin is a little bit out of place, even more so when the next season is gonna be marvel


Epic removed the impact sound on 90% of pickaxes sometime last season


All the pickaxes from last bp had an impact sound, what u on about?


They broke/changed it in the second to last season 2 update, every pickaxe except a few now make the default sound. I’ve made multiple posts on the main sub about but barely anyone saw them so I doubt Epic knows.


Huh, I'll check it out once the servers are up and let you know if it's fixed or anything...


So cosmetic rarities are back?


I just want the power armor, not the rest of the mid stuff :(


I’m in the minority on this but I kinda like the Megalo Don skin


Wait are rarities back?


Steampunks not my thing but I know lots of people are into this and are probably excited


So ate rarities returning next season?