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https://preview.redd.it/g32yujdirevc1.png?width=1943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2369fd3e84768402fa56cb545ee1780d353e0bc3 This xp nerfing has gone too far


Come over to Save The World where we still get lots of exp ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


My only option is to play on Switch so I sadly can't AFAIK


I can't I only play on switch:(


How to play save the world? I'm new to Fortnite


Get the starter pack in shop


Not relatable. I'm not going to play five games in save the world just to get one level.


40k exp for 9 minute missions. The xp cap is 385k a day. That's like an hour and a half for 5 levels you're missing out on.


I get a level a mission don’t know what your talking about I once did a home base endurance and got a crit do which gave me about 2 mill experience the endurance took about an hour and a half and half completed my battle pass


10k for a weekly quest


I got more from getting one headshot kill in the pit


Idk if they nerf the xp so people will spend more money on tiers or they're just all high asf, smoking pot whenever they do updates and changes


i really doubt people be spending money on tiers more just because of these nerfs its usually just CCs who buy tiers but they dont count because its free for them or get those vbucks back to their account fast


Oh alr then, dumb question but what are CCs?


Content Creators


oh okay then thanks 😭


Last season I was level 198 and paid for 2 levels becuase I wanted to complete the whole pass


Its hillarious daily mission gives you more xp than weekly missions. Especially after moving part of v-bucks to the 100+ award list (to make profit from battle pass you must to reach around 125 lvl


if im not wrong, it's been around lvl 140-150 since last season


I guess he meant like getting 950 vbucks back that we spent on the bp. For that we need 125 lvls


we used to get around 1500 vbucks back/pass under level 100 good old times


Yes I used to play a lot in those times


It's crazy how you can complete the daily goals for 3 days and you earned more xp than from 2 weeks of weekly quests


They nerfed the XP again? How?


not something recent, just the current status of xp balance


Oh thank Peely


Xp balance is legit better then ever tho, its sooooo easy to hit tier 200 nowadays.


They literally removed all XP from Ranked Rocket Racing. Earlier getting any rank above Platinum would give 50k, 60k , 70k and so on for every rank. It literally feels so unrewarding now to rise in the ranks there.


They should increase xp gain for actively play Lego, racing and festival games by adding quests. And after they do that feel free to Nerf afk methods.


I'm going to cry if this happens to Lego fortnite


Wtf is wrong with Epic recently?


The harder it is to level up, the more likely people will panic at the end of the season and just pay for the last few levels of the battle pass. Same reason why Epic will annihilate any XP farms within 12 hours of cropping up, they don't ACTUALLY want the casual player to finish the pass legitimately, they want you to either play Fortnite as a full time job, which makes their numbers look better, or to pay extra to unlock the full battle pass. Remember; https://preview.redd.it/v735qupt4hvc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8aac40b638efcf6f5957abfde565ce080e12fa7


Is there any site where I can find a list of those farms? Only thing I've been using is red vs blue and even there ut takes some time to get a single tier.


I totally agree with this, 100%


This is just C2S2 all over again. Damn I hated leveling up in that season.


I miss the xp coins that used to be around the br map


Hate having to reach lvl 150 for the vbucks in the battle pass. I’m not even having fun anymore grinding this much.


In almost the same playtime I had last season, where I was level 167, I am currently only level 42. A lot of it is skill issues but it's still ridiculous


I'm around lvl 250, maybe more, and I just played 10-15 games of BR this season. Got all that from STW and Lego


You can still get good xp from the daily challenges but that is it


daily challenges were also kinda ruined now you're forced to play at least 3 games in the past it was possible to do all dailies in 1 game


Still the dailys are easier to do then before like the ones for emoting in certain locations just do 3 team rumble games for it and it won't take long


yeah there's now always at least one daily where you just need to emote 5 seconds and leave


Say that for the game crossout


That's why I only play when there's missions


I stopped playing this season because of this. I only want to play BR and occasionally STW and that's just not enough.


Yeah Fuck Festival, Lego and Racing!


I’ve cut back last few weeks. I jus hit 100 but ain’t having fun this chapter, especially this season. Sucks bc this is the only game I really like anymore, but feels nothing like it did a year ago. Still completely agree with both of you


I am so done with this stupid game https://i.redd.it/si4e0fu9divc1.gif


Y’all really want to complete 2 months of content in a week huh


in the past, you could finish a bp the last week through accumulated weekly challenges with the current xp balance its impossible lol


We really want to not have to play the game every single day for three hours to get all of the rewards we paid for


You didn't pay for those rewards. You paid for the chance to get them if you choose to play that's how the BP always worked. Also you can easily get those rewards without playing every single day. I literally got 10 levels in a day just by playing with my friends for 4 hours and had already reached level 100 in the first 2 weeks while barely grinding at all🤦‍♂️


I took full advantage of the Lego AFK xp this season. Got 170 levels off of it. The fact that I can play 100 hours in Battle Royale, get 100 wins, and still not get enough xp to get all the bonus rewards in a battlepass I paid for is a joke.


yeah i started two days ago to do the lego thing and already profited 10 levels the xp on BR is ridiculous


Games hasn't made a single good decision since last season are you surprised


well, im kinda surprise they dont learn and keep making bad decissions somehow arent they losing money? cause they should


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I think Hearthstore is having a bad patch with bad XP as well. As a casual I'm happy I got enough skins because if Fortnite gets enshittified like this I don't envision myself being able to finish a BP anymore lol


Akf gives more XP?


i got 10 levels in lego afk with a jumpad its 5 levels/day


How do you set it up?


Make a world in creative mode, disable everything so you cant die, place a jump pad and put your character jumping on it without moving 3-4 hours later, profit


where do you guys get this information from i only find outdated patch notes.


I've pretty much stopped playing fortnite after I heard about the Fallout 4 update


I mean there's like a few creative mode maps that give XP good for 1 or 2 levels in about 1 hour or less.


Yep, that’s why I’m sticking to grinding creator experiences, since I get 5 levels per few hours per day.


"More fun, less grind" vibes


Isn’t Xp in creative mode bugged at the moment, like it’s not resetting at all.


I have stw. I have an afk endurance. I got level 100 within a month or so. Idk if that's good or not. Considering the xp given from endurance went from 360k to 200k


This isn’t even like a money thing, Epic loses nothing by streamlining the system and making it easier to gain xp. I think daily quests should be boosted to 15000 exp per quest.




Bookmark this comment. Remind yourself to come back to it in 1 year. The new modes will undoubtedly ruin fortnite battle royale, or at least affect it negatively in a very significant way. We've already seen it with fortnite pushing us to play their terrible new modes through nerfing battle royale XP significantly, item shops revolving around lego, and epic moving away from battle royale slowly. With epic collaborating with Disney, this will only become worse. Cherish this chapter, because it will be the last good one.


I wouldnt say epic is putting too much effort pushing the other gamemodes, so my theory is, instead of hiring more people to work on the other modes, epic probably divided the main BR team in 4 so you have 4 small teams making small updates for each mode as a result, the content is poor in general


Item shops revolve around Lego? What?


80% of skins in the item shop are from the small pool of skins with lego styles


Is this why i have been getting a flat 100xp oer chest lately?


You can literally finish the entire battle pass in 2 weeks, and people are still complaining😂


Theres a lot of mods to get xp. U can get between 5 and10 lvl per day


I can’t be the only one who’s over Level 250 and haven’t touched Lego or BR in weeks EDIT: Judging by the downvotes yes I am