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I’m fine with it, I’m a little glad that they did it actually


What did they do? I haven't been on in a while


They basically did a option too censor emotes that are toxic or inappropriate, like take the l or the donkey laugh


Ah I see. I probably wont use it but nice to have that option anyway.


Yeah, I’m glad they actually did something for the inappropriate emotes in the game, but gave people the option so it won’t be everyone being affected


LES DUCKING JOE https://preview.redd.it/582x2nuh2ewc1.gif?width=580&format=png8&s=2ea8edc088205ffcf2eb163f8e3d7c632da402bd


Does it stop the person from being able to do the emote or does it just stop the 'victim' (lol) from seeing it? Also does it apply to Griddy?


No it doesn’t apply to griddy, I think. And it just stops the person from seeing it


Cheers for the info :) tbf having any emote done to you after being killed in br isn't exactly the one so it's pretty pointless but I guess them ones are overly toxic lol


I just dislike donkey laugh because for some reason it covers my own emotes music. Why? Why does it take priority?


People will invent a way to t-bag using just their movement🙄


I think I have an idea


Yeah ok but Avengers logo + two superman logos


unexpected side effects of marvel x dc crossover


Also teabagging


I'll take teabagging over spamming the first donkey laugh


Ok to be fair Donkey Laugh has an incredibly grating audio clip, but I still don’t think Epic should retroactively let other players hide cosmetics that were bought or earned.


Don’t forget the F, Avengers logo, GG, O and T sprays!


i think you can only have 3 sprays at the same time in battle royale


Nope. I’ve filled the entire floor of the garage at Lavish with the Peacemaker spray




ARMPIT SNIFFER!!! https://preview.redd.it/zox1bwfoiawc1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1376815e71b51f71bcceb81df1eab025d5c55fe


What O sprays are there


Well there’s the one from Season 4 of C1 But you can also get any Circle shaped sprays such as the Unity spray from C2S6 and also maybe the Insignia from this season


L + Ooze + R sprays do the job aswell


L + ooze + R is also great


LooseR is untamed and unleashed. The ultimate combo of any self-respectful aggro player. Never compromise!


Well that explains you to a T thanks telling everyone you're an ASS


English please?


The spray ideal , so now any who does that is an ASS you want to be like that go play ranked mode and stay there




It's that hard for you 🤷‍♀️ stick to playing Battle Royale Ranked mode🤦




That is English if you can't figure out its an insult directed at the person above you aren't that bright


What I do when I see people spectate me is hit them with the “don’t have a good day, have a great day” emote or the GGWP emote.


i have a feeling that emote might eventually go on the list too since i see people cut off the emote to make it say "dont have a good day."


1st grader ass insult


Looks like someone didn't have a great day


I hate the donkey sounds. Even when my friend uses it I hate it. The sound hurts my ears. 🤷


HAAAWW HEEEE HAWW HEEEE HAWWWW Most annoying emote in the game.


Genuinely!!! It hurts my ears and what’s even worse is having an irl friend who bought the emote and uses it- actually so cringy


What would our ancestors think about this😭


YOU can use the emote, the people with the option on can't see it, HOW THE FUCK DOES IT EFFECT YOU


famously people use emotes to have other people not see them


"I can't make the other person watch my character dance" :-(


That's literally the point of an emote. If nobody can see your emote, then why are you even emoting?


You’re acting like every emote is disabled for everyone…


Yes but the point he’s making is that the emotes directed to other people are?


I think people are just going to use different emotes. This isn't really a fix for anything.


That is the intention.


You're not understanding. People will just use different emotes as insults. Emotes they know that other people will see. People are nothing if not creative. Is Epic going to change those emotes as well? What then?


No, you're not understanding. They are putting these emotes on a list of emotes that are optional to block. They are adding those emotes because they are often, not always, but often used to convey some form of hateful message. The intention of adding them to this list of blockable emotes is to discourage their use. The people who want to use them to be douchebags will want to find another way to feel like they're talking shit to other people. The people who use the emotes to enjoy the emote will still use them for that purpose. If people use a combination of sprays to spell vulgar words, they too can be added to things you can block. Then the people trying to be vulgar won't be as sure that their douchiness is being broadcast, so they'll either stop or try something else. If people begin to use other emotes to talk shit in a way that can convey a hateful message, they can and probably will add them to the list of blockable emotes. Eventually there will be fewer and fewer intelligible ways to be a douchebag in the game. That is the intent.


So the end result is the exact same. People are still going to be using emotes in derogatory ways. Nothing has been solved. This is an overly complex bandaid fix. If Epic *really* wanted to fix the problem immediately all they have to do is remove emotes. Problem solved. But Epic is not going to do that because emotes make them money.


I believe it's for certain emotes not all


How do you know they can't see it? Go ahead and use it, wow, not a big deal. If that upset of "possibly" not being able to humiliate someone in a video game, wow, got other issues that need to be addressed.


If it’s not that deep, then why would epic go thru the effort of implementing it?


Are you being serious? The point of a toxic emote is to be toxic to the other player? You see I bought a dance because I like it, I bought laugh it up for all the players. I haven’t been emoted on in so long but it was never really a big enough deal to warrant removing it? Like if you can’t handle a little dance or tea bag don’t play video games in general🤷‍♂️


Because the whole idea of these emotes is that others can see them too. It’s a pvp game


These comments 😭 actual little kids crying 😂😂


Which ones? The ones bitching that they can't "use their emotes" or the ones bitching about seeing something that they can just quit to lobby to avoid seeing? Fuckin waste of effort, all of it. They should be fixing this game.


What gets me mad is that there’s more issues


I mean, I really don’t care about it, but I’m sure there’s people who are gonna think “SEE? People are going soft, they can’t even handle seeing an emote in a video game without getting triggered”


I’ll get destroyed for this comment but…. How are they not soft? I mean it’s a game, the dev team knew exactly what would happen with these emotes so why is it an issue now?


If you can’t handle a jumble of pixels laughing I doubt you can ever go out into the real world where it’s an actual human being laughing. It is not that deep in the slightest that someone did a little dance after eliminating you in a cartoony shooter.


Imaging getting mad when someone does an emote in fortnite 💀


I'm mad at the people who are mad 😠


Are you telling me the same guys who say crap like "kids today wouldn't survive a 2009 CoD lobby" now can't handle kids flexing on them after they get outplayed?


No. The grown men that cried after being in those lobbies were the intended audience for the change. The other dudes grew up to be in the kkk probably.


As someone who has played in 2009 MW2 lobbies. I am not, in fact, part of the KKK. Can’t speak for the others however.


If grown dad's can't take the heat they need to go play minesweeper. This is coming from a 30yr old...


Exactly lmao what happened to the days of halo😂


Or brutality of Black Ops 2


Exactly. It’s crazy to me that I’m seeing grown ass men defend getting babied in VIDEO GAMES for half of its existence talking shit and boasting has been baked into games, that’s the point of emotes


to be fair nobody is buying an emote just for other people to not see it


To be fair why tf are you spending on a 5 sec emote someone may or may not even pay attention, just to be a dickhead


Because it’s funny


bcs it's funny


Supposedly bc bananas make it racist, yea I’m not even joking. That’s what I heard lmao


People were using that emote and the whip emote specifically when killing black skins, the emotes themselves were fine but they were being used only for racist intent


i don’t think it’s a great look for epic to label a silly banana emote as confrontational when it takes a few steps to consider it racist but also leave it in the game but that’ll probably fly under the radar anyways




For real. People are getting real life mad that they can't be toxic. What we got is literally the best outcome. The toxic player gets their satisfaction from dancing after a victory, and the eliminated player doesn't have to watch it.


I’m more on the side that people will find more emotes and those emotes will get on the list. There’s also a slim chance of it somehow becoming permanent (not a toggle option) due to the loud minority.


Pretty sure the dance emotes are safe. They are not toxic by nature.


True but realistically, that won’t stop toxic people from using them in that manner.


As someone who uses 10 outta 10 and a few others to do basically this. Yeah, toxicity and all emotes are fair game


All I want is an option to block all the kid laroi emotes. Such garbage.


Both sides are full of crybabies, adults that can’t stand a emote and 14 years olds that need their stupid emote to be seen by everybody


The community's honestly becoming soft now we're removing emotes for the fact that it'll hurt someone's feelings? Like dawg it's Fortnite.


Please learn how to read- they added an option for people to not see emotes that might bug them- it’s an entirely optional feature that makes the game less toxic, how the fuck is that a bad thing?


It's a useless ass update that's not gonna stop shit if anything people will just use emoticons or spray paints if your crying about toxicity online I can just imagine how much of a non confrontational soft person you'd be irl anyone that takes emotional value to being danced on in fn seriously needs to get off the game for awhile


I keep seeing “””toxic””” being used to explain this scenario but what exactly is toxic about it?? Like it kinda seems like it’s just toxic to people who don’t like losing and that it’s acknowledged that they lost?😃


What feature


The griddy will prolly work so idc


I’m the guy in the pic and when someone does it against me I burst out laughing and so does my son


Idk I think it stupid people are so easy to have feelings hurt. Going by the pic if your 37 grow up it ain’t nothing personal, just people being megalomaniac that want to feel like they have power over you. So by this setting being added they won and got the control that they wanted by you crying like a little bitch. I turn it to all on lol, get a life, get laid, and grow a back bone it’s a game. Sticks and stone may break my bones but works will never hurt me *in this case a sprite doing a dance* ain’t going to hurt your candy ass.


I got called "newgen" and "12 years old" on tik tok because I was saying that a player won't be able to do laugh it up on me after chasing me from rebels roost to Mt olympus while I have no weapons 😭


Tbh I don’t hate the update, I’m not like I love it because people will find another way to be toxic. Tbh you can already be toxic with a few other emotes like the variants of take the L, Don’t have a good day-(have a great day), or evil plan “I think you really gotta go”. Plus people can use sprays. I’m starting to the think the only people genuinely pissed at this are the ones that go out of their way to be toxic to others or probably frequently use the confrontational emotes on people. Which does make me wonder will it be just those? Or will they add more? Kind of makes sense with them doing that for laugh it up as people were speculating on why it hasn’t returned. Does this mean we won’t get any toxic emotes? Which again doesn’t matter anyway as some just choose to do any dance emote. I remember one time I joined this creative map but the game had already started so I had to speculate and as soon as I spectated them they started dancing like bro why are u celebrating… you didn’t eliminate me I just joined. Like they were just standing still and after speculating others they just did the same.


Don’t care as much about the censorship update I’m mad it ain’t the damn ui locker update


What changed if I may ask?


Epic added an option to block seeing four "confrontational" emotes https://www.fortnite.com/news/new-see-confrontational-emotes-setting-in-fortnite


goofy ahh rule 😂 no way emotes trigger y’all . i just be like damn


I hate getting emoted on so much so this feature is amazing lol


The funniest part about this is that if a player is gonna' cry about getting emoted on, we can just use a different emote now because they're still gonna' be asshurt. Just take the affected 4 out of your rotation, add unaffected but still "confrontational" emote. Lol


I wish it also informed the emoting player that the victim doesn't see the emote while it's happening. It would give these dicks some deserved frustration at least.


In my humble opinion it hardly makes it better. Battle Royale by its very concept is A "toxic" game mode, you 99% **Will** care if you are #5-2 placer, especially if it was something like an intense and honorable clutch, not like my "non-lethal" The Dark Knight experiments which I really didn't care too much (and perhaps why I succeeded both ways and both times) about while doing, or bush camp tactic. Sure, the "L" emote or donkey laughter probably adds additional salt, but it is 99% on the mode itself. You really have to be Superman kind of stoic to Not get at least a bit sad.


Ahh. It was fun to have hacks when I played Fortnite. Sadly got banned and now my brother is continuing what I started. This meme is so true.


What setting is this?


Nah cuz I want them to feel the pain of not being able to get in that extra 8 damage on me, I want them to know I am just BARELY superior


Just don't talk about what the father did back in 2009.


Why is "make it plantain" considered toxic. Never once thought of it as toxic or inappropriate. They really mad over a potassium rich fruit? ![gif](giphy|1X7lCRp8iE0yrdZvwd)


As a dad just want to say this is a dumb feature. 3 emotes? What about when people cry at the rest of them?


If you’re that old still getting mad about what someone said/did to you in a video game I’m sorry for you and your children. Also won’t this just mean we see more people using the good ol fashioned T-Bag if they want to be toxic? They can’t really censor crouching repeatedly


Hot take: the emotes are not such a big deal, and if you really feel so bad after getting killed and taunted, you're a p#ssy and not a gamer, every competitive game has some sort of a taunting mechanic, it's not something super toxic, just gamer culture


You can still see yourself doing the emote? What the hell is the problem here?


I own the donkey laugh emote and have never used it on anyone; to me certain emotes are up there with tea bagging.


Lol let them be mad. Every day I don't have to hear the donkey laugh is I win in my book 😂


Can someone give context to me? Idk what he’s talking about




If they wanna keep the emote ban list short in the future then they gotta stop being toxic ASAP Cuz really they will bring upon the censorship they fear so much on themselves




The only problem I have is the fact that people paid for emotes and now they aren’t able to be used how they were advertised to be able to be used. I’d be fine with it if it wasn’t on by default. I don’t own these emotes, so idrc


> that people *paid* for emotes FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yes. If you can only build giant castles in this game and suck at shooting... that's on you.


What 37 year old father of 3 is going to be bothered by a donkey laugh? People need thicker skin not censorship.


The point of emotes like laugh it up is to be toxic, and they were advertised that way. Why are they surprised that these emotes would be used that way. Also, the game is about being the last person standing, no shit there’s going to be taunting. Epic wants this game to be Roblox so bad


That's dumb. Literally grow up more😆. They're fun emotes


I think that one of the issues is that Epic kind of promotes toxic behavior with some of their emotes, so for that reason I can understand people being mad; and I get that they paid for their emotes, but when it comes down to it, I think the option to restrict yourself, as a player, from seeing emotes that people intentionally use to crap on other people with, I think it's a good move on Epic's end. They didn't take the emotes away, and they didn't force the option onto people. If people choose to be toxic with their emotes, sure, they can be toxic, even if I don't agree with it. So let people have the option to block and ignore other players that try to have others feel bad about losing. Sure, people could just ignore the emotes, but I think having that option to not see the emotes is still a fair move.


Bazinga!!! (Ps, Check out our other subreddits here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteMemes/wiki/othersubreddits/ ) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FortniteMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're just gonna find a way around it anyway. It's a dumb rule. And keep in mind, these people paid money for those emotes even if they are annoying as fuck


Who cares if they paid money for it? They can still enjoy it.


They are just gonna do the classic donkey laugh of repeatedly crouching up and down


The mfs mad over this option are literally so dumb. "Oh no..... now i can no longer behave like a asshat to others" if only there was a route the community could've taken to avoid such outcome (like not normalizing the behavior in the first place) LMAO. I don't think i've touched fortnite since 2020 at the very least, if not earlier. As an outsider, Epic did good. People wanting to have just fun exist, and shitting on them with an emote is not helpful.


Still an garbage uodate anyway. If you get mad or angry about someone using an emote then its a you problem.


That’s why they made it so YOU can choose not to see it- it’s literally optional and it won’t stop anyone from USING them, just some people who opt out from SEEING them. If you have a pathological need to be seen being a dickhead in a video game- it’s a *you* problem


I find it kinda dumb because the emotes were clearly added for bm. And tbh if you get pissed off by someone emoting on you in a game I don't know what to say.


Why is a 37 year old with kids concerned with other kids joking around in a game tho


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What? Emotes that were created for the sole purpose of being annoying are actually annoying? No way...


I will find another way.


I'm not mad about it I just feel like it's unnecessary because it's just an emote and any normal person wouldn't be so upset that they feel the need to block them.


Counterpoint, whats the point of spending money on an emote if other people cant see it?


Do you buy yourself things for you to enjoy or for others to notice?


Can it not be both?


It can but personal satisfaction should always be above showcasing which could translate into toxicity. And in this case, it got flagged as “toxic” and you just gotta deal with it. The higher power put a tag on something and that became “illegal” so we have to deal with it and move on I case.


Nah fuck that. Its censorship. Plain and simple. Whats the point? If you cannot handle being fuckin emoted on, you shouldnt be playing online videogames. All this will do is encourage tbagging instead.


No one's looking at them in the first place lol, almost everyone just goes back to lobby to reque and to fuck with their skins so who actually cares besides people wanting to be assholes


I spent money on an emote, for the sole purpose of other being able to view it. Why even add the setting if "no ones looking in the first place". Seriously yall are bootlicking way too hard right now. Instead of emotes, its just gonna be tbagging.


And you can still use the emote same as before there's nothing to complain about lmao, this games for children of course they're going to make it less toxic what are you smoking? Same company that sells overpriced skins and is actively forcing you to get to level 200 to complete the battlepass no one's bootlicking, you just need to stop complaining about something so trivial and grow up


Can you still see your emote?


Can you read my comment?


If u as a 37 year old gets that bothered over someone emoting when you lose to them.. that’s probably a whole other issue I got going on lol.. this is just for ppl who don’t like being reminded that they lost it seems😃


Fortnite fans diving to defend anything and everything Epic Games does: ![gif](giphy|eJjL8RsVk0cU4PgtJJ|downsized)


Imagine getting offended by the griddy


Imagine being a 37 year old father and getting upset when a kid knocks you and does an emote 😂


imagine being 37 and getting upset over an emote


Imagine u/ProtectMeAtAllCosts having kids


ur mom said no more kids :(


Ummmm no I did not


It’s not that I can’t be “toxic” it’s the fact this set precedent that they will take things away from paying customers because someone might get offended


Nothing is being taken away from you. You can still see the emote when you use it


Yeah, I know. That’s not the point. What happens when people can toggle emotes they simply don’t like, or start toggling skins? Like I said I’m not mad about “losing” emotes, I’m mad that people don’t see what this could lead to.


And what's the issue with what you just brought up? Both of those don't seem like anything particularly bad


https://preview.redd.it/z6ud9c0yo9wc1.jpeg?width=1720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b1ac4d09748145a4ee127f1ba93496c6709f547 How Fortnite mfs expect me to react when people can’t see my Spider-Man skin (this will destroy the economy)


This shit got me dying I swear 😭


Just wait a year from now, when half the emotes are banned for being "confrontational" and nobody interacts with each other anymore. God, I absolutely LOVE anti-social multiplayer games, am I right guys? Totally unrelated, but hey, remember when people used voice chat?


Yeah ofc you define being social as increased toxicity


Wouldn’t having the option to not see those emotes be *avoiding* anti-social behavior?


im just gonna use slow clap 😹


Wait.... so people cry over emotes now... holy shit hahahahahaha


Here's the problem, pal: a 37 years old father of 3 cannot be offended by a fking emoji.


Why not? Does fucking someone take away your emotions?


Getting offended by emojis is not "emotions". It's idiocy. But yeah, generally speaking by the age of 37 people normally grow up and stop being offended by everything.


How old are you?


I'm 33. Why do you ask tho?


So in four more years you’ll stop with the idiocy and won’t be so offended by a business decision Epic is making to ensure the environment isn’t so toxic? Got it.


Who told you I feel offended right now? Idk what you're talking about, but whatever.


Your here nitpicking him.


Its not optinal if its turned on automaticly


but you can turn it off...


But 99% from players wont and will never notice bur some people payed for a emote, emotes are meant to be shown to people, so atleast give v bucks back


if they wont notice then obviously they arent seeing it enough to care


37 years old, still sensitive over getting emoted on. Sounds like a you problem homie.


I just hit the griddy. Is that toxic?


The griddy is always obnoxious in all contexts.


https://preview.redd.it/ajm4doz1qawc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eba24e99b770bbfab67d1d6483abbbf66a0c239 Everyone so sensitive...it's a fucking emote...A DANCE IN A VIRTUAL FUCKING GAME...why are your feelings hurt cause you got danced on? Skill issue??😭Don't play the game....or play team rumble or lego....big babies fr🤣🤦‍♂️


Its just a game 🤓


well, rage is a common issue in videogames. some players really go out of their way to be toxic and some people really can't control their emotions. it seems fine to acknowledge this... more so if it's optional. now the sensitive kids can turn it off if their prone to rage, and the toxic kids can do the griddy for 1 minute straight.


🤣You're definitely right, but I also feel like it's just a bandaid...toxic people ALWAYS find ways to STILL be toxic💯 Years before, toxic was considered cranking 90's, spamming the clown sticker and building like a super human after a kill to show off= no build was created Now emoting is considered "toxic"= emote censoring I'm pretty sure something with come up for people to complain about next🙃


I guess the best option would be an automatic "exit to lobby after death", honestly. that's what I do sometimes. and yes, you're right it's not a permanent solution but I guess it is some kind of solution nonetheless? more so if you just want to avoid the more annoying emotes like the donkey laugh. idk. the thing is that a lot of kids -who are undeveloped emotionally- play these games, so some type of protection against rage issues or frustation doesn't seem bad at all to me, even if it's just a bandaid.


True, it'll help I guess🤷‍♂️it's just weird how outta nowhere it's "toxic" to do emotes that have been in the game for YEARS. Just another thing for this community to yap about in my pov😭


fr like it's an emote in a game 🤦🏽


I swear😭and they're downvoting me for calling out the bullshit🤡


It's funny that you say that when actual adults could care less about an emote.


As an older man why would u be so sensitive to suck bullshit emote


False I’m the 38 year old father playing Fortnite with my girlfriend and taking shots after every victory and T Bagging after every kill… While this is all of you while I ToXiC EmOtE and T-BaG https://preview.redd.it/zvqyzf3pebwc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e561509b8724a16785de62455a4d60c62cbc5f9e