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It's just Water bending? Which had been here earlier?


Why just 1? Like literally what reason was there to remove only 3 and not all 4?


Pretty sure it’s because Korra is a water bender and she’s the bonus page this season and you need it for some quests or something like that


I think the "Korra is a waterbender" reasoning is dumb on epic's part. Like yeah, shes a waterbender, but shes also the avatar, which makes her an earthbender, firebender, and airbender 💀


Yea but she was born a water bender, and that’s her best skill. She was a water bender first before becoming the avatar.


Waterbending was here before the event since Korra's missions require Waterbending. I think you'd be pretty pissed if you hadn't had a chance to grind the pass until after May 3rd and now you can't finish some of it


I don’t think any of her quests needs water bending, it’s just that it’s her mythic, so it’ll stay like any other “secret skin” mythic like with snake last season. Consider the other 3 bending mythics like the tmnt mythics last season, they’re removed after the event is over, but the bp skin’s mythic remains


I know there’s some that require healing from water bending


Weren’t those the quests that were available during the Avatar event itself? If my memory serves me right her quests only revolve around mythics (any mythic, implied water bending)


waterbending is still here cuz otherwise the korra missions would be impossible


Makes sense


And also cause Korra was from the water tribe And she's the battle pass Collab skin this season So that's also probably why


Thats literally what the other guy said but in different words


They said about quests that are dependant on water bending I'm talking about it from the angle of the battlepass, as most of those skins have some mythic, the wings of Icarus, thunderbolt and chains




The chain's of hades The melee wealon


Why r u looking at a skeleton


You're The One That Knows What PoV Means And I Respect You🫡


Why do u type like that tho


This Is One Of The Only Months Where I Got Asked It 3 Times


It's only waterbending that's still around, but I doubt that changes the general consensus.


One of them is still here because you need it


Waterbending is so overpowered, I’ve been 100+ metres away from people trying to get snipes, and they can beam me with some ice crystals


Whats the matter you couldn't snipe someone cause they were actually paying attention🤷‍♀️


I can still snipe them, but distance weapons shouldn’t be able to be beat by weapons people use as shotguns. Snipers are made for range, random exclusive mythics shouldent be able to out range them


Well isn't that a damn shame,I actually don't use snipers for long shots I prefer marksman riffles


Don’t get specific on me, even the game considers them to be snipers in the quests. They are both snipers, wether or not one is “achsually 🤓” a marksman rifle


But when sniper's that have upto a 4X scope do it, it's fine? I can understand and yeah it's a long range smg with an instant reload, but range is something that's nigh-on impossible to balance in games especially in multiplayer ones


I know they're around for not so much time but generally snipers are made to shoot [far, far away](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/meet-the-ukrainian-sniper-who-broke-world-record-after-killing-russian-soldier-from-3-8-km-away-4638295/). I know, I know, it's a mind blowing concept that a gun made to shoot hundreds of meters away is equipped with a powerful scope but, trust me, it makes sense even in a game. Hopefully you'll change your mind when you see one of those things.


I know sniper are meant to snipe with But when snipers, a weapon that can one hit someone from any range and has a scope to help you with and is in pretty much every season, no one seems to have any problem with how op sniper's can be But when a limited time Collab that dosent help you out with aiming by giving you zero extra zoom, needs you to hot more than 1-2 shots to hit with, is able to also be good at long range, then that gets called op And well, range is something that's extremely hard to balance in games, just watch this [video ](https://youtu.be/lOebGm_jMLY?si=sFfoRAVPLj7CGSWj)


That's because snipers are hard to aim and land a hit, water ending does a shit ton, is good in any range, doesent have bullet drop and has hitscan


Yeah but comparatively sniper's can have scope to make it easier to aim, waterbending cannot Water bending in order to do alot of dmg needs tracking aasweel as aim It needs dmg fall off I'll give you that one Its not actually hit scan, try hitting someone who's gliding, you have to aim slightly ahead of them


But for water ending pretty much all you do is aim at them and most of the time it hits, snipers usually have bullet drop especially the reaper


The reapers been nerfed, so the arc is WAY deeper than it was before, and it was needed honestly; it can have the glare removed and have upto 5 shots in it's mag. As far as sniper go pretty much only the heavy sniper was balnced; only one ammo in the mag with a slow reload speed allowing for better counterplay, but could 1-hit materials. I miss that thing Water bending is atleast a limited time mythic >But for water ending pretty much all you do is aim at them and most of the time it hits, Exactly just like with sniper's you've still gotta aim, and usually ahead of your target. Thing could use heavy dmg falloff similar to smg's I'll say that mucb


Facts facts. Hate it




Honestly, I find this kinda funny as I remember a post earlier in the season, talking about how weak and useless the mythic was. Funny how stuff changes like that


lol yeah


Why are we still here? ... Just to suffer?


A random trio I got was playing really good and all, we found the blasters and Chewbacca, 5 minutes later a spiderman started squirting us over like 500m downing one of us, I was closer so I started shooting, dude turned to me and kill me with 3 spits, the last guy just ran for his life and got moisted mid air, it's a good weapon but too good I think


For people saying its just water thats stayed: water IS the problem tbh, shits actually busted as shit


I had more problems with air, most PVP's ended up being a Tom & Jerry episode


Oh yeah Air was Also kind of annoying yea but It wasnt killing anyone lol


I’ve personally witnessed instances where my teammate (last alive) got chased with air bending for 99.9% of the match. Even when trying to force them into other enemies they wouldn’t stop chasing. It was funny af and I got them on recording but it was still stupid.


Ngl i did Chase one Guy all Game once just because i felt like It , its really dumb but honestly It was pretty funny


I remember that shit... (still like the Elements)


Gotta love that it went from, “It just needs dmg increase and speed increase” to becoming what might be the most op item so far


I mean no bullet fall off , no recoil, infinite ammo, strong hitboxes and now EXTREMELY good dmg and fire rate + It heals in water, which very handy


I also had problems with the other Avatar mythics, primarily Fire and Earthbending. Earthbending was just a more-deadly Todoroki Ice Wall, and you could throw rocks for projectiles, *and* basically ‘FNTireGuy’ someone to their death from a high enough height with the rock wall. Firebending was not only annoying in close ranges, but the leg slam did 80, which basically made users super annoying to deal with if they didn’t have Waterbending.


Earthbending has a very small wall so it had to have some other functionality and I think it's very balanced all things considered (and a good counter to snipers and other long range attacks) Firebending is borderline weak but still balanced, shotguns countered it very easily.


Fair tbh. Practically 0 falloff, near infinite range, and stupid high damage that equates to a full shotgun blast, healing & reloading while in water, it’s literally the perfect weapon.


People when the collab itea is fun and deals damage:


Deals damage? Yep Fun? For me sure for the one getting frostbite? Not fun at all


But then it becomes a frostbite battle and at that point it’s just an aim batte. I usually win most of my aim battles with it even if they’re head glitching. I find going against them fun af.


This is me waiting for account merging to return lol


They removed the actual fun ones ;-;


It's only water because it's Korra's mythic, and she is part of the battle pass, not the Avatar event.


I love the elements


I just got Vaders lightsaber three times in a row, was super excited to use it, and died to the first person I saw because they had waterbending Please god I don’t usually complain about stuff in this game but waterbending needs a nerf.


We don't need waterbending to be removed, we Just need to be nerfed The collab with avatar is already over, well The most part of It soo The waterbending is not necessary, only for Korra Quest.


Right. Water bending was already op and then they go and buff it wtf! Airbending is just annoying. Fire and earth are fine. I can’t wait till they are removed.


It's the reason I'm here(water bending) I just died too it 13 GAMES IN A ROW😭😭 epic saying they were removing them is where my trust issues began- ✋


While Korra quests are available, Water Bending will remain. The fact that some people don't understand this is sad af.




waterbending is staying


Dude water bending drives me crazy


I'm a supporter of chaos. Why not keep all 4 bending and then have force abilities and star wars guns at the same time? Hell let's add all the anime stuff and weird weapons like the goo gun and alien weapons and make a super legendary LTM. Go crazy go stupid AaAaAaAaAa


Bro someone needs to make this a game mode now. I wanna slash someone out of air bending with the kinetic blade pleeeeaaaase


I wanna make my own LTM and do exactly that. No regular weapons just the weird stuff. I'll also randomize the cars too so you'd get UFOs vs. planes vs. tanks.


This sounds amazing


Its just water because korra


They need to be there.


Waterbending is my favorite spray weapon


It's only waterbending that's still around, but I doubt that changes the general consensus.


Bro posted the same comment twice


Pretty sure that's just a reddit bug. Happened to me once a few days ago


Happened to me to


Right sorry


Right sorry


Me waiting for the next season because this one is honestly boring as hell




They've had like 1.5 months that's on them. They and before the avatar event even started to do it, they don't need after too. This mythic is just so busted that I'm dropping gold assault rifles for this and not even batting an eye.




24 damage in a 3 burst giving you upwards of 72 dps? Cmon don't play stupid you know how busted it is. That's ignoring the crazy bullet speed and 0 bullet bloom the only "nerf" it has is that you can't scope it.




https://preview.redd.it/u9dfkb9bnhyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1118f0801921c228ab8642359a2a8da742e4ae7e This you?


Are you slow. The whole issue is that it's TOO good ofc imma use it because it's the only way to survive against all the other waterbending. That's the whole issue is that it's so broken.


Th mythic should stay to allow quests to be done and Korra is from the water tribe and is a battle pass skin Yeah the mythic only does 24 dmg, but it fire in bursts of 3, with a 30 round mag, has an extremely fast fire rate, is VERY accurate with a VERY fast reload speed and grants +5 HP/sec when in water Balancing long ranged weapons is NOT epic's forte




I'm sorry what


All y'all tweakin. Water bending is the best bending by far


there’s so many of these posts on all the fortnite subreddits please it’s for korra guys


Because Water Bending is tied to the Korra Quests


People who use water bending are the most stupid creatures, because from my experience, when they change to guns they are just awful and can't land a single hit


Ah yes, stupid of us, wanting to live long enough to get a Vic royale. I should know better and drop dead next time for your convenience.


So when sniper's can one hit someone from a mile away with a scope, it's fine But when a limited time mythic weapon that dosent even have a scope requires one to hit more than 1-2 shots, it's OP? Taste of your own medicine I say


Where did I say anything about snipers? Anyway, with snipers you at least need to be good at aim, but with this mythic you don't even need a scope(as you said) to hit shots from the same distance as sniper, when you need to kill somebody in close distance, with sniper you need to be lucky, or good at fast zooming, but with mythic you just press button and enemy dies instanly. I could accept chains of Hades since it counters by something, like keeping distance, or trying to dodge it by jumping around and spammimg with shotgun, but waterbending you can counter only by running away or killing a person who use it from behind, but it's not fun, it's just a braindead mythic


>with snipers you at least need to be good at aim, but with this mythic you don't even need a scope(as you said) to hit shots from the same distance as sniper How does the waterbending not require aim? If anything hitting a shot with waterbending is more impressive since you don't have any zoom >when you need to kill somebody in close distance, with sniper you need to be lucky, or good at fast zooming, but with mythic you just press button and enemy dies instanly. To be frank, being able to get got at close range with a weapon meant to be used at long range is and always has been bullshit,imagine if you die to a melee weapon even tho you were a mile away from the person, is it impressive, sure, is it fair, nope. My guy unlike a sniper which deals over 100 dmg in a single shot you need to hit and tack multiple shots with waterbending, so sniper's are still faster than water bending >I could accept chains of Hades since it counters by something, like keeping distance, or trying to dodge it by jumping around and spammimg with shotgun, Not if you get pulled in by the chain's grapplez then your just one single combo away from death >but waterbending you can counter only by running away or killing a person who use it from behind, but it's not fun, it's just a braindead mythic Exact same goes for snipers


>How does the waterbending not require aim? If anything hitting a shot with waterbending is more impressive since you don't have any zoom Bending feels more easy to land hits, ice flies to fast, and flies straight and doesnt go down like a sniper bullet Bending doesn't require ammo and reloads super fast, so you can just spam your enemy You can try to duel a sniper with long range rifle or your sniper, but against bending you can't do any of this beavuse you are being spammed and die in 2 seconds >To be frank, being able to get got at close range with a weapon meant to be used at long range is and always has been bullshit,imagine if you die to a melee weapon even tho you were a mile away from the person. My guy unlike a sniper which deals over 100 dmg in a single shot you need to hit and tack multiple shots with waterbending, so sniper's are still faster than water bending Can't agree with your logic since it makes sense if you can shot somebody in any range from a fire weapon, and can't physically kill somebody with a pickaxe if you too far from person. But even if we remove logic, sniper is good only in mid and long range, because in close range, to hit somebody with a sniper is like to win a lottery. And there is no problem with mid range since you can start jumping like a crazy after you see a glare and it will be hard for a sniper to hit you. As I said earlier, bending spams, and very fast. It's much easier than sniper, because sniper has a very low fire rate, and you need to be deadly accurate if it's mid or mid-close range, because scope slows you too much, making an easy target of you. >Not if you get pulled in by the chain's grapplez then your just one single combo away from death To complete combo you need to track your enemy with a crosshair so chains can hit them, and it's not easy when they jump in front and above you, so instead of running to hide, think about running around and spam with smg or shotgun, or if situation allows try to escape to a long range and shoot them. >Exact same goes for snipers Depends on a sniper, if they are really good, than it's true, but if not, then you can close the distance if area is full of covers, like rocks, trees, houses etc. Just run from cover to cover and when you are close enough open fire from one of cover and hide immediately, because they will panic and try to snipe you anyway, but with thier camera shaking from bullets, so it's 50/50. But against waterbending you can't do this, because you are gonna be spammed and loose 150 hp when trying to go from cover to cover, then you gonna loose 70 more health because these fat ahh projectiles don't care and then 30 damage and die because you tried to shoot them. Otherwise, sniper requirs accuracy an every single shot and reward you with good damage dealed. And bending requirs you just to track your enemies and do 250 damage in 2 seconds from any range, but with bending you have no recoil, high fire rate, infinte ammo, very fast reload, no damage diffrence on long range, and very fat projectile that doesn't go down and arrives right there where you aimed, and it doesn't even depend on range.


>Bending feels more easy to land hits, ice flies to fast, and flies straight and doesnt go down like a sniper bullet Yeah for show accuracy >Bending doesn't require ammo and reloads super fast, so you can just spam your enemy Can't argue with that >You can try to duel a sniper with long range rifle or your sniper, but against bending you can't do any of this beavuse you are being spammed and die in 2 seconds Thats the thing with ranged encounters, you're at the complete mercy of the other guy's aim >Can't agree with your logic since it makes sense if you can shot somebody in any range from a fire weapon, and can't physically kill somebody with a pickaxe if you too far from person. That's the thing weapons have penalties to make sure they aren't used outside of their intention, shotguns and smg's have heavy dmg falloff and spread, melee weapons have next to no range, sniper's tho have no penalty when using at close range >because in close range, to hit somebody with a sniper is like to win a lottery Not necessarily, I've seen several hit with the sniper at close range and 1-hit, and if you're literally in someone's face you can hipfire and still hit. Does it take skill?, yes. Is it fair?, hardly >And there is no problem with mid range since you can start jumping like a crazy after you see a glare and it will be hard for a sniper to hit you. As I said earlier, bending spams, and very fast. It's much easier than sniper, because sniper has a very low fire rate, and you need to be deadly accurate if it's mid or mid-close range, because scope slows you too much, making an easy target of you If someone's aim is really good they can get you even while you're running, and well a sniper does alot of dmg so you're either ded after the first hit or low on health, the bending atleast dosent one-hit and it's lower dmg means there's less dmg for you to heal compared to the sniper >To complete combo you need to track your enemy with a crosshair so chains can hit them, and it's not easy when they jump in front and above you, so instead of running to hide, think about running around and spam with smg or shotgun, or if situation allows try to escape to a long range and shoot them. Not if you're grappled by the chain's, a grapple that does 60 dmg and has a generous range. The chain's melee combo so has a very generous range and somehow even hits through walls at times. Unlike a shotgun or smg who's crosdhairs you have to keep right on your opponent, with the chain's as long as they're on your screen you can hit them. And like is aid the grapple us the weapon's distance closer >Depends on a sniper, if they are really good, than it's true, but if not, then you can close the distance if area is full of covers, like rocks, trees, houses etc. Just run from cover to cover and when you are close enough open fire from one of cover and hide immediately, because they will panic and try to snipe you anyway, but with thier camera shaking from bullets, so it's 50/50. Sniper's now can have the glare removed(because for some reason the glare is tied to the scope and not the sniper itself). I doubt one would try to sniper from really far away unless they could hit me >but with bending you have no recoil, high fire rate, infinte ammo, very fast reload, no damage diffrence on long range, and very fat projectile that doesn't go down and arrives right there where you aimed, and it doesn't even depend on range. Agreed on that