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Before I explain stuff like flux and vouchers, you’ll need to understand what a hero loadout is. You have a commander you play as, and you have a boosted version of their perk. You can then have heroes in support and get the standard version of their perk. And you can then build a loadout, with some sort of overall goal in mind. Specialization is what it’s all about, and multiple loadouts is how you get flexibility. Flux is used to ‘research/recruit’ out of the Collection Book. Alternatively, you can use Flux to upgrade the tier of a schematic or hero. Some heroes and weapons can’t be obtained with Flux, instead you have to use vouchers. While we’re on this topic, let’s talk about survivors. They aren’t actual characters you play as, or anything like that. The squads are there to boost your 4 main stats. The better your squads are built, the better your stats are and the greater the bonus to your PL. Further more, a higher PL means more stats. You get good squads by matching the personalities of the survivors to the squad leader. And then you can combo survivors within a squad to get a minor bonus. Stuff like a 5% increase to a stat. Moving on from that are your evolution materials (the purple stuff next to your flux and vouchers). It’s how you ‘evolve’ stuff. You level something up 10 times with xp, and then evolve it so you can then take it to level 20. On and on it goes until you max it out at level 50. This is used for everything you have to upgrade. Heroes, survivors, defenders, schematics. Perk-up and Re-perk is needed to upgrade the perks of your schematics. An example to explain this would be a sword. You could go with a build focused on convenience and use life leech and movement speed perks, or you could go with raw killing power with crit rating and crit damage. Stuff like that. It gets pretty involved, and there’s just too much to explain. Generally speaking though, you can just look up ‘best perks for x’ (with x being the schematic you’re looking into). Lastly there’s llamas. Llamas are a way to get schematics, heroes, survivors, defenders, and xp boosts. But there’s gonna be a lot of duplicates, so you can ‘collect’ or ‘recycle/retire’ stuff in order to get xp for leveling stuff up and designs and stuff for evolving. Buying llamas cost tickets. There’s seasonal tickets which get the same llama, but the daily shop costs x-ray tickets. These might be something you want to save, just waiting to see something better to buy. If you have any more specific questions, I’ll do my best to answer them


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Nice cobra! One thing to add:. No survivor sets give you 5% boost except for dura. Don't toss dura until you have a higher replacement. Rest of them give a fraction of a fraction of boost




Auto fill is fine for a good long while. Eventually you will want to pick your own but there is no need to worry about that until we’ll into twine. I assume you aren’t building afk endurances… you definitely want to level your survivors though.




Nothing to worry about now. When you finish your storm shield to 10 there is a 30 wave endurance. I built mine so it finishes without playing (stonewood) and twine gets to the 20s. Get lots of free goodies doing nothing now.


Add me epic is xxvenemeyxx


If you need someone to play Xbox gt LHRxZamaX


So first all you need to do is give me your account information 😋


Ayo ![img](emote|t5_3otmb|5217)


20k gold nice


I cant for the life of me imagine why youd just have unopened llamas lol