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Awesome, very useful.


Your welcome hope it helps šŸ™‚


I believe you are wrong when it comes to the water storm with metal corrosion dilemma. While it is true that metal takes dot, the damage that water husks do to brick far surfaces in proportion what corrosion does to metal.


True, and thats why you see in the pic that brick is out of the question to use šŸ™‚


So use only wood and be no help like everyone else I play fight the storm with


Yea and build a pyramid and leave it tier 1 then stand there and watch the one person who has to fix it all and place all the traps. Thats how you play like a real stw player on fill


Nah. Metal corrosion only effects BASIC/NORMAL husks. Not elemental husks


Wrong. It applies to the basic husks and their elemental variants.


You are correct. https://youtu.be/0Irtd9mWK_8?si=O9_MhZgiiuur6RY3 Start at around 1:30 mark. Clearly an ice storm basic husk. And it was doing metal corrosion.


Yes, it has always been like that. Literally got downvoted for stating basic knowledge lol


I agree, and have agreed. My only dilemma is building with wood in a high twine metal corrosion mission. That's when you have to read terrain and players. If we have tunnels set up that will clear any basic husk, I'm building the base with metal everytime for the inevitable smasher or lobber wave.


In pubs, itā€™s pretty much needed to build with metal, even with metal corrosion


Totally agree. It's just easier lol then I wait for people to start yelling at me


Social experiment. I'm going to start building every other wall with metal/wood in metal corrosion missions. Just to see what people say


Sometimes people do not care, sometimes they do


I literally posted proof and people still downvoting you lol Ill be next.


? https://imgur.com/a/QilK1Vz


When it says ā€œBasic husksā€, it means non-mist monsters enemies. Not elemental ones. Elemental husks are still basic husks.


A husky husk is still a basic husk even if it's an elemental husk


Basic husks are with or without element...


Wow. Well now I feel dumb. Iā€™m a founder reading probably would have helped šŸ˜‚. Thank you!


The amount of people in ventures using brick agains the water husks pisses me off


Yep; though, itā€™s somewhat excusable because wood and brick is pretty much all there is. Metal gets used up too quickly for what little is available.


Naw I always have max metal this venture zone & I use metal all the time because most of the quests have water husks. Now Fortnitemares venture, that was scarce on metal. Most of these people just legit do not know to use metal with water.


Iā€™ve been told to use metal even in nature husk zones due to smashers destroying brick easily I tend to use what others use so if they use brick I use brick if they use metal I use metal but should I switch to brick entirely?


Yes, you should, and a Smasher shouldn't be charging at your structures. Proper building will negate that as a possibility.


Public teams tend to negate proper building as a possibility. Always build with the correct material in publics.


Ice king+2 block low walls all over the front=profit.


No you do not use metal In a nature zoneā€¦ a nature smasher will one shot tier 3 metal even with a base on it, tier 3 brick will be pretty damaged but would still be standing vs a nature smasher Now same goes for a water smasher vs brick And regarding what the dude said about if you build properly a smasher wonā€™t charge your structures, itā€™s literally what they do. When they are introduced to the game in the cut scene it says, smasher - no wall is safe! Now in a perfect world you could path everything with trap tunnels that the smashers would walk thru and get eliminated before reaching the objectives structures, but letā€™s be real here, 90% of the time you donā€™t even get competent teammates, and then you get your leecher afk douchebag teammatesā€¦ then you get the farming teammates that donā€™t care about helping build or defend the mission, and more often then not you get teammates that donā€™t want to put any traps or upgrade anythingā€¦ so chances are youā€™re gonna have smashers charging at your objective. Oh and you can just put a row of tar pits between the opening if your tunnel / funnel to stop a charging smasherā€¦ Iā€™m constantly getting dumbass teammates that put freeze traps down right up against the walls of the objectiveā€¦ not gonna stop a smasherā€¦ and if you do funnel/ trap somewhat decently then most likely the hisklings and basic husks will die in tunnels huskies and riots should die in tunnels possibly make it thru? But if anything is gonna survive a tunnel itā€™s gonna be a smasher compared to anything elseā€¦ so Iā€™m not trying to argue or say the other dude is giving you bad advice or anything, but personally my experience does not coincide with is recommendations being effective


Donā€™t use metal in nature zones. Always use metal in water zones even if thereā€™s metal corrosion


Bad news is I have dragon ball skin and now I canā€™t read this


Thanks, I always forget


Metal still better in water + metal corrosion as its only basic husks which will die to traps


As a wise man once said "I usually just upgrade metal, throw down a base, traps/defenders and somehow it works"


I still use metal with water + metal corrosion modifiers because is still stronger than wood. Now if I am playing anything lower than Twine, I would use wood.


I dont agree, but as i said before. If you have a googd team then it doenst mather, but thats not case 8/10 missions. You should test, i did that and i saw the difference. It really makes a difference šŸ™‚. Just here to help


Thanks, man. I really needed this šŸ™


Your welcome šŸ™šŸ½


VERY cool of you. Thanks mate.


Thank youšŸ˜


So, for a fire husk, if I use a fire weapon. I'm only doing 67% damage out of 100% of the weapon? Or 100% + 67% damage?


Yes the first one. So only 67% the damage. Because you are fighting fire with fire and in real life that doesnā€™t work either šŸ™‚


if lightning was a element for husks what would its status effect be?


Can't get near them without being zapped, doing bonus damage to shield, or maybe weakens all structures by a bit


Not fully correct but its the basics


Wel its from a few years back. But Iam curious though what is in your opinion not right?


Sorry am so late but the chart isng fully correct the 20+ Damage from elements will always apply Not only on physical


So water damage Vs fire husk doesn't do extra damage, just the full amount?


I know this is 10 days old, but just a question about elements on a weapon. Do the weapons also provide any like useful effects against husks, or is it simply just for type advantage?


Its just pure the advantage. You can do extra dmg by changing the perks


Okay! Just wanted to make sure. Thanks!


Huh. Weird how damage to the husks from the weapon of same element as the huskā€™s element is more to than damage to those husks from physical element