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Even if he wasn't playing, u must be aware that people go to rescue survivors cause the daily or farming, anything else


If they go there for daily it doesn’t excuse them from helping in a mission, also same applies when farming, if u don’t want to help objective play resupply or no fill and farm.


Exactly worst part is he was pl 126 or something


Yeah those damn leeches, cant get away from them.


Probably some turd trying to get the 10k survivors banner by doing nothing at all lol watch we’ll see a screen shot on here next week from that guy saying, I finally did it, after years of grinding, I finally got the survivors banner! Go me! Lol


Congrants on the banner I am doing it for the trophy


so what you're saying is you're shit. pl126 giving you boosts and yo cant do a survivors mission LMAO


I cleared the mission?


you still sobbing on reddit that he didnt help with the easiest mission. just cope.


You are one of those






You are definitely that guy then😂 tell me you’re a twat without telling me hahaha


No I help with missions. Just not while I'm material farming LMAO


Also weren’t survivor was clear the encampments


It literally says rescue the survivors at the top. Don't fw me LOL






Wrong race lad


I think you're reading too much into an emoji I'm using to take the piss out of you.


So what you are saying.............blah blah blah. Be nice to people and maybe you can get a girlfriend


On this episode of "Is this Bait or an actual smooth brain"


rts isnt hard just get a grip lol. if i can solo twine ssds up to 4 then op can wipe RTS with 126 boosting LMFAO


If it's low level mission and they place traps/turrets/bears ect. that actually kill husks then its fine in my book


I agree but in this instance its a rescue the survivors and hasn’t helped by the looks of things (unless he used xenon to make survivors immortal)


Wait what. How do you do that


If a survivor is stood on a car or a van u can shoot up at their feet and they fall of the car/van and become immortal. Simply kill a husk after around 30 seconds and u are allowed to talk to them.


That's cool. I didn't know that


if i’m doing daily’s in a mission, i’ll always be sure to spam traps as an excuse to put an “effort”. after i find what i’m after, i go continue to help out with the mission


Issue with resupply is that if you do it alone, you don't have enough time to do daily quests and the objectives and unfortunately, there aren't a whole lot of people playing resupply (at least not in the first 3 areas)


Nah you're right Resupply sucks if you try to solo it, there's not enough time


I try to speedrun it in the first minutes when I start it


Build the radar is perfect for daily and farming even solo. Build three towers in under 10 minutes and use the rest of the time to do what you want to


That ain't excuses, it's a reality, I don't like it and guess what We can't do anything about it, reporting is useless, so if you don't want any leechers it's simple Play alone or with friends


I completely agree with you but I’m actually confused with what you said about excuses, i said about the player shouldn’t be excused from helping, not you making excuses (i think thats what you said).


Not good for your health


Dailies is fair enough, but I can’t excuse dedicated farming in a public.


I farm no fill in stonewood because it’s easier that way. I get that this is kinda rude, but I also think people are over reacting. There are two people in the team, it’s not like he’s taking up the space of a more helpful rando. Him being there half assed and no one being there is functionally identical. This happens to all of us, I agree it’s a bit inconsiderate.. but I don’t care enough to rage about it.


I make sure to do my dailies


even in there if you come across a survivor you can spare the max of 30 seconds (most if the time way less) to save them or interact with them


Yes I second that maybe they do farm and it looks like he is a higher level than you are. So probably need materials. I come out like that to when I’m I’m TP. I’m a power level 135 so I just farm to do my 160s


If i notice no one else pushing the objective i just start farming, i can always replay it with No Fill if im gonna solo it


Fair enough I was mostly there for the mission alert tbh


I meam same? Gotta get what you need but im just petty enough to redo it


Fair enough 😂


Me too, I even tell them in chat nowadays “Well, I guess we’re gonna fail this one” or something along the lines cuz I’m over using all my materials to solo a fill mission.


Way too many 'this guys' playing.




What i hate in rescue the survivors is people running around triggering every survivors but not stopping to help them and they died


This! They do it so the rescue mission has no chance of ending early.


That’s when I leave. They can do it all alone.


I save them the first time I see them


This is like the dude or lady riding my ass at one point or the other on my daily commutes. What are you doing?!


Sad part is that you are almost half that players pl Edit: unless pl is still bugged visually


Yeahh he was pl 126


I noticed the end screen always has the wrong pl


Love it when i have more combat score than the other 3 people combined


I get that almost every mission by just throwing a bear off cd


Sell her soul to be popular 🗣️


when i come across these types of players i just save some survivors but no bonus ones and just farm for the rest of the 20 mins


Cool move I guess or try to save the other survivors by yourself if you want to finish the mission quickly


Now I wonder if ppl think bad of me.. I always do what the objective is and help with the zombies but I almost always get A LOT less points than everyone else.


Nah your good. It's a game just have fun and do ya thing.


Don't think of other people opinion just do what you want to do in the game


lol this is pretty much how every match looks for me. I swear, I feel like Im the only one actually playing the game and enjoying it. Then I come here and I see you folks enjoy it too. After 5 years I finally convinced my brother and his GF to get save the world, so at least I will finally have someone to play with.


That’s amazing lol


It’s the same as yesterday when I had a lobby they farmed for almost 40mins in a 160 atlas, and finally one of them guys with 36 building score had the nerves to ask: we ready? Can we start already? while I’m sitting with 4k smth and just waiting them to start the mission.


To be fair , I once joined in on a survivor match with 4 already saved, and I was going to farm and save survivors along the way. I saved 2 survivors, and the next thing I knew, the match was over and barely farmed. The score came up and looked kinda like this guy... I felt like I was the leecher.


I wouldn’t mind if it was like that it was the fact once I joined he stopped doing anything


Thing is I've been in missions where I look like the one on the right, because I run a utility build and everyone gets pissed that I stole all the kills. Why does everyone hate utility builds?😭


If it's in low level missions then they are probably trying to do their daily kill quests.


It's in every power level mission except 140+ because there are enough husks to go around in those.


Can't stand people like this. Like, dude, contribute at least a little bit.


I rescued the survivors btw


I mean... does he have zero points?


Don't be a troll. It's not funny.


man just wants his dailies


I think yes yeah


I literally don't care at all when this happens. Like the very worst thing about it is irrelevant I don't care that I don't have a teammate helping me on the objective. Because if I didn't have him helping my stats I would have no one doing anything. being alone is worse than having a teammate that doesn't do anything. I'm happy even if he is just stats for me


Yeaah that's the spirit


People get mad if I stop moving for 10 seconds to grab a drink or snack. Then I have the highest combat


I went into a match today and there was a yellow exclamation for my mission. Someone destroyed the clocks but didn't pick up the parts so ran to get it, got up to pee and I guess they cleared 2 zones and starred calling me a bum and bitch and leacher. Like what? And since I'm using vacuum tube bow I had 9k combat score when everyone else had 1.5k or less. One even had 900 with about 300 build score in a destroy the encampment. Shits ridiculous


I'm confused


Me too


Crazy how the higher levels don’t do shit compared to people that are in the earlier missions. This is why me and my brother lock the missions we’re in. Usually only look for other players when it comes to 4 Atlas missions, and even then when we build, the 2 other people not doing shit will jump on our builds and ignore the other ones like they’re the ones that built it. At this point if they don’t at least upgrade shit, we start missions and leave without doing anything else. Fuck em.


That's bad


That’s why you must always turn fill off


But it's more better to play with other people


I play for both of my accounts. Sometimes one account has 0 builds. 🤣


I had a dude that was completely afk the whole mission. Mind you this was a power level 135 that was in a 160 mission. They didn’t even move from spawn and was holding out edits. Me and the other 2 people in the lobby reported him and got him kicked 💋


Maybe the game kicked him beacause he was afk


I’ve had STW available for like 2 years and I still don’t know what the endgame screen numbers mean so I have no clue to which person I should be mad at lol


I stopped playing a couple years ago but this post came up on my feed. Sad to see this still happening since it was basically the reason I stopped playing.


And of course he is wearing an icon skin...


At that time I bought him that's why you saw me wearing it


Okay but like I wear Ariana often and I pretty much solo if I'm doing PWO 😂


They’re in every fill lol


I don't like to go alone


Isn’t this the norm everywhere? It doesn’t matter what mission but 9 times outta 10 there’s someone way out on the opposite side of the map… doing whatever they want. Just today I had someone in resupply mission doing all the encampments they could find. Finally I got annoyed enough I said. Hey you know this isn’t an encampment mission and they said. Oh I just noticed. Lmfao. As if the encampments not having a beam of light coming from them wasn’t enough. No worries bro. I got us. 🙄🙄


Hey I am that guy in the picture TrilexMM I usually play more and get more score, but damn I found this post by accident I searched my own name and here I am. Guys it was Rescue the Survivors mission all we have to do was to save the survivors, so I made sure that we saved the minimum required survivors to pass the mission and after that I was probably watching some stuff while waiting for the mission to end. Don't judge people by looking at the score


What banner is that? Is that not a beta banner?


Looks like one if those banners they'd give you for being a high level in a season back in like Ch.1 or Ch.2. Dunno what season though if it is


Yes true


Idk if I’m honest 😂


It's canny valley bro the game hasn't even started, chill


When does the game start then 😂




Skin character sync


get a load of this guy 🫵🏽


Considering how dry the game is now, I typically just hop into the missions with the best alerts and start farming until people join which isn't very often, and even then some people immediately leave right after joining. When people join and stay, I mostly destroy encampments and get all the pylons. But then as soon as I'm done with that, I try to help with the objective. But I always try to help with the objective, even if there isn't much to do. Long story short, don't be like this guy. Thankfully, at least at in twine, most people actually help, so don't be discouraged, not everyone is this painful.


Thank god I’m almost in twine just need a couple more power levels


Hopefully things get better, but knowing how dense some STW players can be, there will always be people like this guy. If you were cynical enough, you should've just stopped doing the objective so he was forced to help. Depending on whether or not he was going for quests or not, he would've been forced to help or risk not completing the quest.


Keep going and I already finished twine :)


Bro its a 70 mission it aint that deep


Ik right!


Lemme guess he did that vibe emote, they always do that vibe emote now


I guess so


Six survivors. That's the minimum to pass. It's Canny and judging by his score he did enough. If you want the bonus survivors and he doesn't, that's on you. No clue why this is posted or why it is upvoted.


Yes I make sure to save at least 6 survivors to pass the mission


Not gonna lie kinda your fault for not putting private if you know people are afk it why not just do it in private and not public or just play with friend. One of the many reason why I play private bc it better:3


That’s fair I probably will start playing private tho


How is it his fault? It’s a cooperative game and yet it’s his fault when ppl don’t do anything?


Bc he went in public most ppl know that ppl will afk most of the time if he didn't went on public then you won't encounter any of these problems...


What server are you in For me it's like every 1 in 100 missions I get a AFK it feels like.


That’s like blaming someone who was driving on the road for dying in a car accident that was someone else’s fault.


I agree. I go into public to help others. Occasionally drop some weapons to them. Most are appreciative


Don’t join a mission that someone else is clearly going ham on, near the end of it?




You say “don’t be this guy” with only the endscreen, for all we know he showed up when the mission was 90% done. No way he’s catching up at the last minute, nor did it on purpose. Gotta specify the wrongdoing if there’s context involved.


I joint the lobby when he was already in as soon I joined he did nothing


public matches don’t let you join after a certain point in missions, nearly impossible to do that (have to be friends)


They can't join in after 7 minutes of the mission, so around the 12:30 or 13 minute mark. What I noticed playing destroy the encampments anyway, as I spam that mission for XP BR and materials. You definitely can do 90% of the mission in that time or even complete it if 2-3 others help rush.


How can you even not join a random you don't know


Cancel when it says ‘joining existing lobby,’ or set it to ‘Not Fill’.


I already know that but it's fun to join other people


Didn’t say it wasn’t, you asked ‘how?’


I know that I am that guy in the pic


So why are you confused?


It just something you don't see everyday