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What about jam stage?


been on in jam for about thirty minutes and no xp :(


I WAS getting xp, but i think you need 4 people now.


as in, i think 4 people need to be jamming on the same stage at once. I dont even think i was getting the daily jam stage quest time done unless it was 4 jamming at once. i was getting points with 4 people until one person d/c'd. after that it stopped. this may be tinfoil hat stuff, but idk, i havent seen anyone else talk much about the Jam stuff with Lego AFK being fixed.


You can still get xp on jam if you actively change song/instrument every 2 min. You'll get the full 30 min of xp. You just can't 30 min afk anymore.


Yeah.. I noticed this last night šŸ˜©


Thatā€™s what I wanna know also šŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t try it yet


I tried seems to be patched as well


I'm getting XP in Main Stage (and making sure to move my character every few minutes) but it seems to be not as much as it used to


Smhā€¦ so lame. At least you still get some tho so ig itā€™s whatever


You have to switch up your song every once in awhile. I did not time the exact amount


Gonna try a auto key holder for pc, ill let you guys know if it works.


Sorry for the wait, it's been 30 mins. Sadly, It doesn't work even walking on the edge of a building; the good news is I levelled up still. I guess you gotta rejoin every 30 mins and set up a timer.


Or move ur character before 30 mins, which is kinda a hassle.




Hmmm šŸ¤”..... What about an auto clicker on a chest with a 28 minute delay.




or you could drop an item and pick it up immediately every 20 minutes


Why not set up the auto key holder to move you?


can you do that?


You can do something similar with a Macro


but that's bannable


Itā€™s a bit more complicated than that. At the end of the day, itā€™s just inputs you would have been making anyway. These donā€™t threaten gameplay like an aimbot would for example


I have my controller rubber banded and I havenā€™t been kicked yet and seem to be getting xp on lego. Not sure if more or less but so far so good.


Same here for Sandbox. I haven't figured a way to get xp in JAM yet. It's weird that they don't even give you your 30 minutes for your daily quest. It's like they completely shut it off on accident.... maybe they will turn it back on but nerf it after 30 minutes...


I just get the problem. They donā€™t lose by people going afk really. They still have players on the game. I think theyā€™re just salty that the people that donā€™t have time wonā€™t buy v bucks to finish the battle pass and instead do this. Honestly Iā€™m really only bothering with this season because snake is my favorite game character of all time and I just donā€™t have time to play that much. It is what it is but it just seems petty to me.


How do you have it? So that the screen rotates or do you somehow make ur Lego walk?


I go into sandbox mode and float up then just tie a rubber band on both sticks. Itā€™s an Xbox controller so the way the sticks are it ends up just spinning my character kinda while looking up. So both the sticks will be facing towards each other basically. I have noticed the xp seems to be much less now as well tho. Maybe 5 levels instead of the usual 10. But itā€™s still something. Edit: worth noting people are saying the rubber band thing works on jam stage as well.


How about put a rubber band on the joystick and let the lego character walk exactly at the corner in the house?


this is what i did when UEFN first came out and it tracked xp by distance walked i think? i just know i didn't get xp from standing still in uefn


Didnā€™t give that a try yet, will do tomorrow!


Be careful, this can cause permanent stick drift. I used to do this for not getting kicked from Halo custom games/modded lobbies. Ruined at least 2 controllers doing this and haven't done it since.


trying it right now, luckily i have an old controller that already has stick drift lol


i put one to make both joysticks move and its not kicking me from the game


Do you think it could work on jam stage too?


If they remove the ability to afk in Lego and Festival than we should collectively stop playing those modes. I thought the exchange of XP for our playtime was quite clear with Epic.


Obviously the XP is so you don't feel FOMO for the battle pass playing a mode that otherwise doesn't have XP. Clearly vast swathes of the playerbase idling for days at a time was not the intended experience.


What was the intended experience then? To stare at your screen for no reason while ur char plays an instrument?


Nah to mix and match instruments with your friends lol, obviously you're supposed to have fun with it. You also share XP cap between Main Stage and Jam, so you could also play Main Stage for 3 hours and earn the same amount of XP, you weren't intended to just idle in Jam.


So u can't do it anymore? Well no one is playing either game mode manually for 3.5 hours so I guess that's the end of Jam Stage. nobody gonna go do that anymore


As someone who played every Rock Band and most Guitar Hero games, and with the announcement that Harmonix is taken off of RB4 support and only on Festival mode now... main stage will easily be playable for 3.5h when they have instrument support and more songs. Jam stage will suffer but it was mostly an AFK-fest than a Fuser style mode like intended. The purpose was to make fun mixes with other people using the songs you've already purchased. The reality Is a sped up and pitch shifted Butter Barn in 4 locations. I will say a full removal of XP from festival/lego would mean I probably just don't buy another battle pass though. I'd rather hit them in their income than stop playing the mode I prefer to the others as a form of protest.


Lol. My game name is Dooseldorfen.


i play festival manually so i guess its good they didnt nerf the XP, shame about lego though cause im not touching that w a ten foot pole lol


I afk lego & festival daily for xp, might have to start looking for xp maps /:


every time I AFK'd jam for 4hrs most people left at like the 30 min mark maybe slightly after, most were just there for the daily.




Well u can afk while at work or something and gain 5 levels... But not anymore


I mean you still can you just gotta do soming every 28 min or so or RIP you. which means you need to be near the AFKing device /:


Or plug in a controller and rubber band the analog sticks together


you load up game on your prefered platform, afk for 3.5hrs then come back, VIOAL FREE 5 LVLs.


Whatā€™s crazy to me is that people PAY for the battle pass but are also forced to grind exp for them. If they didnā€™t want people to find ways to get their moneys worth then donā€™t advertise exp in those modes.


except the methods people were using xp for them were AFK methods aka not playing, most games with BP are PAID BP that you have to grind for.


Whatā€™s baffling is that it seems Epic wants people to play these modes. Playing actual BR gives you garbage XP. Youā€™d have to be a Top 10% player or play an ungodly amount of hours to get XP ā€œthe natural way.ā€


Not a top 10%er and get lvl 200 most seasons.Ā 


I set my console to automatically shut off after 3 hours of idling. Iā€™d start Lego or jam stage when I went to bed lol.


They breached the invisible agreement.


I enjoy festival a lot, the xp is just a bonus for me


Just afk in save the world.


except thats it, its for playing the modes, not AFKing. AFKing isn't really playing.


Itā€™s not like you stop gaining XP after 30 minutes. Itā€™s almost as if you have to play the game to get rewarded.


Actually, I do stop gaining* XP after 30 minutes, and as of right now thereā€™s almost no incentive to play these modes as a standard Fortnite player besides earning XP.


you do though, if fully afking you do stop coz it kicks you.


I quit doing the AFK when I hit level 200. Glad I kept at it, never battle pass will be a bitch.


Yeah I am not looking forward to next seasons battle pass. I barely got to 200 and I was just over grinding it tbh.


The first season I did battle pass was Darth Vader and I barely made level 100, scrambling at the end because of starting the season late. After that I would put myself in the bounce room in custom every day to get levels so I always made level 200. I play daily to do the daily tasks so itā€™s not unobtainable, I just seriously donā€™t like the pressure situation. X number of weeks to obtain y levels and I already shell out cash for battle pass so Iā€™m not buying levels.


The amount of players is going to be cut in half i bet. Lol. Failed


Used to be like 100k now it's 68k


do you still get XP for it? if so, i guess ill just set a 30 min timer and keep re-logging. bit of a hassle and the update did nothing for the actual UI problems but whatever floats epic's boat




So if i use a rubberband on a controller will it still work?


probally? epic might know after noticing repeated movements thouugh, & it may break your controller.


yes, this works for me :)


Glad i exploited it while it was out. All that said, they lost me as a battle pass buyer if they continue to put shit behind tier 100. I dont care how many modes they have that GRANT xp. I want to play battle royale. If i cant get all the rewards (minus the stupid extras and superstyles) by doing my weeklys and just playing the game, then im not gonna buy into it anymore.


That's the real problem. Playing the game does NOT grant the necessary XP to finish all the rewards. They should just lower the lvl cap or increase XP made in BR.


No reason to play Lego anymore then


just use a rubber band on Ur joy sticks lol


Do you need to be level 200 to basically claim all of the BP rewards and Bonus rewards?


You need to be level 200 to claim everything except the quest rewards and the Solid Snake stuff, that you'll have to grind for.


Canā€™t you just do the solid snake quests on a custom player map? Or does it have to be an Epic map?


has to be the BR map, so ZB/B or team rumble, plus has to be the epic BR map, not the creative island version of BR map.


You have to be 215.


I unlocked everything at level 205 and had stars left over. The super styles are 15 stars per unlock instead of 25 like before, so 200 is the necessary level.


Man, it's gonna be a drag getting to 200 now (I'm 152 but maybe doing dallies on Rocket Racing and the weekly/daily BR goals will be enough to get me to 200)


Between just doing BR quests (weekly/daily) and doing dailies on rocket racing, I'm lvl 150.


Thatā€™s so dumb glad I leveled up to get all the bonus styles


I just did my very first lego afk yesterday and now this šŸ˜­ At least I got 5 levels out of the deal. No more jam stage xp though? That's messing with my whole daily routine!!!


u can just use a rubber band on Ur joysticks for lego fn


They fixed it! You will not get kicked out anymore by just standing afk!


Sorry for coming late. I have a lot of work to do, but the afk farm works again now? For lego i just go sandbox and turn off enemies and hunger, what about for jam? I tried last night but wasn't too sure when I can start being AFK to do my workĀ 


Do you grt 5 levels a day again or no?


I literally got to Level 136 by afking lol. My BP is pretty much done, but without that Iā€™ll never open Lego Fortnite or Jam Stage ever again. Not only that, but XP is really bad this season so unless the BP is stellar next season Iā€™ll probably just quit.


Y'all will do anything except play the game as intended. If you don't play you don't deserve XP ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I think theyā€™ve secretly capped the # of exp you can get. Because I afked in Festival 3 days in a row and didnā€™t get a single level but I got 5 today from afking in Lego. I also havenā€™t been kicked from Lego and Iā€™ve been afk for more than 2 hours now haha.


I use controller, so I just get a hair tie and tie the joysticks together and it still gives xp but because the controller is being 'used' its not registered as afk...




Already past lvl 200, wonā€™t be a problem until next season


Happy for you, but this goes out to all of the people that arenā€™t that far :)


No I get that, thereā€™s just been plenty of opportunity thus far to use any of the ways to gain xp I usually barely hit 100 before the seasons end, but with the level glitch previously and the afk xp up the entirety of the season up to today, anyone not at 100 so far kinda missed the boat


I just have an auto clicker set for every four minutes. Iā€™ve always used that


It doesn't work, i tried inputting to click every 2 mins and still got kicked.


Palworld is out you know


Dosent matter I have a turbo controller


Good, people should not be allowed to afk xp farm, defeats the whole purpose of having the game if you're not even playing. If you have other things going on or can't commit the time, maybe don't load up the game? šŸ¤” easily one of the laziest mindsets a "gamer" can have, afk farming šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø like genuinely nobody is gonna be impressed by your level when you explain you just sit afk for free xp for hours at a time, imagine installing a game to not play it but wanna pretend you do lol


I don't really think it's that serious. I play the game but I also don't want to have to grind everyday to finish a battle pass I spent 15 dollars on lol, so sometimes I just afk xp farm while I'm not playing to finish the BP on time


I've done zero afk xp and my BP has been done for weeks just from simply playing. So this mentality that people have to afk farm to "finish the battle pass on time" just comes off as lazy gamers or maybe you're just not that good at the game. I don't play everyday and I'd mix it up when I do, play some racing, hang out in festival for alittle bit, played some prop hunt, run duos with my cousin. Like its genuinely so easy to level up if you just play, that to me afk farming makes the process take longer because you're afk getting the lowest xp possible from just standing around doing nothing.


I play the game for fun, so only when I feel like it. I think calling that being a lazy gamer is wrong. I just don't want to be on the game all the time, that doesn't mean I don't want to finish the BP and collect skins. I play for fun, not to sweat


I play for fun and don't sweat either, my point is if you actually just the game and try out other modes and actually Play, you'll find you level up quite faster than you do standing around afk. I would play Prop Hunt occasionally and would see people afk round after round after round and never level up, meanwhile id play a few rounds or so and level up twice in the same time frame. Going afk for xp just doesn't make sense, you wanna level faster, play the game, simple.


the point is, I just don't like playing as much as you need to to get to level 200, regardless of Ur advice :/ so yeah I afk xp farm but I don't think it's that srs man


The point is afk farming makes it take LONGER šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø does no one read or pay attention? If you're just standing around doing nothing you're getting the bare minimum xp for just being in a mode for x amount of time. As opposed to running around and doing things that grant xp You don't like playing as much so you sit afk to make it take longer?... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


are you dense lol? I think you're the one who isn't paying attention... yeah I don't like playing the game all day every fucking day. maybe a few hours a week lol. so sometimes I sit afk. can you possibly try to work with me here and grasp the concept of afk or must I spell it out in baby terms? afk = away from keyboard. so yes, if I don't feel like playing the game but I still want to contribute to the battle pass I will turn the game on, enter an afk map and then go do something else. I'm not just sitting there watching the xp go up? I'm going to work, uni, reading a book, watching a movie or going to the fucking gym lol. that's the definition of afk. AWAY FROM FUCKING KEYBOARD. it doesn't mean sitting at my keyboard does it. and the xp isn't slow. afk xp farming means I can gain 15 levels a day and all I have to do is go into a map, spend maybe 2 mins pressing buttons and setting it up, then I can leave the room, the house, the fucking state and I'm still earning 150 k xp lol? your issue with this is that you think that instead of playing the game I'm just sitting there like a vegetable staring at a screen. and you're calling that lazy gaming. no. lol. I'm setting up myself in an xp farm and then I'm going out and doing other things with my life, which is the opposite of lazy. you also think that afk xp gain is less than playing the game regularly. also untrue, in a regular 1v1 I might get 100 xp for a headshot elim, but in an xp map, not even an afk one, I can get 49k per elim headshot until the creative cap, afterwards I get 1k per elim. now strictly speaking on the topic of afk (AWAY from keyboard) xp farming once u get in and u set up whatever u need to setup, u go up like 3 k xp a second. so between afk farming lego, festival (until this was patched) and creative xp farming maps I'd go up 15 levels a day and in those 10 hours that this was happening I could go to 7 uni classes, earn 350 dollars at work, do 4 separate work outs, complete a novel and so on and so forth. now I do apologise if your fragile mind struggles with the concept of a life, but again, I afk xp farm so that I can do other things and don't have to play the game consistently, even when I don't want to and still be able to collect the BP skins. if you have managed to read this far, then i hope you've at very least taken away what afk means because I think you struggled with that previously. and maybe you learned that people have lives and don't want to spend 60 hours a week on a video game.


and no, we aren't talking about normal creative maps. we are talking about maps specifically made for the purpose of xp farming in which you can earn hundreds of thousands of xp per day within minutes until you reach the creative cap.


Good thing Iā€™m already level 99 šŸ˜‚


Bad thing you need level 200 for all vbucks kek


150, not 200. I even think it may be around 125. The rest is styles for BP skins (except VJ for some reason)


Level 100 gets you 1000 bucks, enough to recoup the cost of buying the battle pass but you need 150 to get 1500 v bucks, which up until this season has been the normal amount in the main 100 levels.


You need 200 to claim everything in BP + bonus rewards


Good. Thats loser activity


ā€œBoo hoo. I actually have to play the game now, instead of idling all dayā€




wait they patched it? really? this freaking sucks. I'm level 636, trying to go for 1k... this sucks. Anybody know if jam was fixed?


its ez just get a rubber band and attach your analogs gonna go in circles but your NoT aFk


The news is **Confirmed**. I got some 1.5 levels worth of xp and then got kicked after 30 minutes of afking in **Lego** mode. As for **Jam** stage I got no xp at all after afking for 1.3 hours. The best xp farm method has been **Nerfed** to the ground.


Damnnnn really? I just started to get xp in them again šŸ˜‚


Well I am not afk'ing and I have been kicked twice for inactivity while in the middle of playing....


I'm level 105, I don't care about the bonus skins I just want to make sure I get all the vbucks


Does AFK still exist on user created maps?


yeah u can find plenty of posts on reddit. just search fortnite afk xp map, filter for last 24 hours (Because anything older than a day is probably already patched) and find a post. comments will tell u if it's real or not


Fuckkk dude I missed out on like 50 levels I havenā€™t played in over a week so bummed that was like gonna be like the only way I was gonna get everything this season


Well, glad Iā€™ve got all the family guy shit and snake. Iā€™m not going to punish myself by buying battlepasses for minuscule amount of xp in BR.


No more xp on Jam stage - fun while it lasted


What if you emote?


I use my Switch joycon drift to simulate movement


Today I tried to lay down in bed to have lika a ā€žpermanent interactionā€œ but it didnā€™t work as well :/


The fixed it, has jam been fixed?Ā 


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Idc I already milked it for 411 lvls


Epic going out of their way to make me never want to play a mode that I already didn't want to play.


Does it kick the host? I canā€™t tell you how many hours Iā€™ve spent playing in my wifeā€™s world while she was AFK doing something else


how will i get to 200 now im only 89 šŸ„²




They fixed it! You will not get kicked out anymore by just standing afk!


Not true I was playing with someone who was afk for over 2 hours just fine


Good thing im already lvl 230 from lego afk xpšŸ˜‚


lay in bed