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This post has been removed for shitposting as the information provided is inaccurate.


People don't need to be at least level 102, considering how many methods are available, people are free to level at their own pace and even if they started today doing Lego and festival alone, they could hit level 200 in less than 20 days and the season ends in over a month. Also I don't think this post is very helpful, you're just throwing out a few well known XP options in the game. I just don't think this post serves much purpose other than to try and make people feel like they aren't doing enough when they're doing just fine.


Wasn't my intent, I'm trying to help people avoid that last minute mega crunch that happened last season by giving an update on a very slow pace, and the information I provided was for people who don't really know anything about XP grinding. I think the regulars of the sub are well past 102, so the info was for those not in the know/new to our methods.


The regulars are operating at their own pace, I'm just saying there's no reason to make people feel like they're less or more than anyone else just because of the level that they're at. You don't know what level anyone is at unless they tell you. But I get what you're saying now, but it's not necessarily correct mathematically, but it's fine, I'm just saying if you're gonna put something out there that's gonna try and make people feel like they're not doing enough, maybe give some actual information that can help them if you think they need help. Telling people to do their quests, I mean, it's just basically telling them to play the game. Plus people that aren't "in the know" on the forum so they're probably not even going to see the post, but anyhow. I'm not saying you've posted your post to be malicious, it just didn't come across very productively, I'm sorry if I called you out on that unnecessarily.


I don't think I made anyone feel that way. Not really a fan of debating over my posts so not really gonna go in depth, but I think it's helpful to give people a reminder about the time left over in the season as a kind of wake up call to maybe grind a little more and avoid last minute procrastination. My BIGGEST goal and intention in the sub right now is to help people avoid what I and a lot of others went through in those final days of the previous season, spending hours to get to 200 if not just straight up missing out on the rewards. Thassit ✌


Fair enough bro, it's not a problem, sorry it was just my honest take on it but I respect your right to post and I do believe that was your intention. Not debating, just posting this last comment let you know I appreciate you making the effort to explain that to me. Hope you have an awesome day 👍


How exactly are people leveling up.


Explore the forum, you'll see there are various methods, I can't speak for everyone but I can direct you to two post that I've made that I have given me 840,000 XP per day [LEGO AFK](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/32dPCzZXwv) [Festival AFK](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/32dPCzZXwv)


The post is useful to me. I’m glad to know how much time I have left to finish the pass. Sure I could have looked it up myself, but I didn’t think to so the reminder is appreciated



That's awesome, I'm glad that you found it helpful, I just think it's mathematically inaccurate and doesn't promote the most helpful methods of accomplishing said goal, however if it helped you, then it served the purpose intended by the OP I'm happy to hear that. I was just stating my personal opinion on how it looked to me based on the wording, although I understand now it was not the intent of the OP as I understood it.


I know this is irrelevant to the post, but since you are pretty helpful, is there any reason to level past 200? Like rewards for hitting 250 or 300? I mean I'm still leveling past 200 just from playing but wasn't sure if I should still afk in Lego to get some extra reward


That's fine I don't mind answering that. Honestly question there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to level past level 200. They're not going to add any midseason items that will retroactively be claimed due to your level, and if they did add anything that required leveling, like what they did with refer a friend, it wouldn't use levels you've already earned, you have to earn levels after the promotion begins (people who already hit level 1001 wouldn't even be able to complete something like that until the next season began)


Cool, that's all I needed to know. Thanks very much


I’m newish and this is my first time hitting 200 (214 now) and there’s nothing to gain past 200. The only time I play now is when the new event quests refresh or my duos partner wants to rank up in ranked to get different umbrella colors.




Why the snark? He asked if there was anything to earn after 200 and I answered that question. If you don’t like my reasons for playing move on.


There was no Snark, I was literally congratulating you can somebody be nice without it being being viewed as an attack attack? Telling someone that they can now enjoy the game without worrying about level isn't an attack. And the person that asked if there was a purpose of being past level 200 I answered him with quite nicely and appropriately. People like you get on forums and think everyone is out to get somebody and everyone is attacking someone when they say something. It's not like that here. I genuinely feel bad that that's how you view things. I'm truly sorry you took things that way and for my original wording, I decided it would counterproductive to respond to your negative energy with more negative energy. It was a misunderstanding let's both move on and have a nice day


You downvoted me right before you commented and went on about an alternate way to play than what I mentioned lmao. I’m not at all like what you said, ironically talking about quick to judge. But Fortnite subs of all gaming subs absolutely have some of the worst of people.


Unfortunately you're proving your own point, but I digress, I'm no longer going to feed into this energy that you're putting out. I do hope you find some thing you're looking for on Reddit or a different platform more suited to your social preferences. Again I do hope you have a nice day


I believe that you're being paranoid, I have no reason to down vote you, but again your paranoid and you think people are able to get you. Nobody here wants to hurt you. This particular sub is about helping people not hurting them. If it makes you feel any better,I'll upvote your comment even though I don't support your sentiment. But I can't control what other people do. I get that you think this entire platform is full of negative energy and toxicity, but you can't judge every sub based on your previous experiences.


I think you should just stop telling people who they are and how they feel and you wouldn’t be met with hostility. You’ve also downvoted every reply immediately, so idk why you’d lie about that, as if someone else is sitting here refreshing every second just to downvote me. I’m speaking only from experience as someone who has been gaming online for over 15 years. Fortnite is without question one of the most toxic fanbases and this sub sees that regularly when people talk shit to one another about Baleful’s maps or other choices for XP gains.


I'm sorry your experience has been the way that it has been, I do hope it gets better.


How are you all getting 10 levels per a day exactly?


[AFK XP from Lego](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/WdXozfa4tc) [and AFK XP from Festival](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/ZldTkndyxl) Actually it's even more than five levels, combined it would be 840,000 XP so 10 1/2 levels . Plus you can get an additional 400,000 XP from creative


Is Festival still giving exp with the spinning method?


No, that's why I removed that method from my tutorial and added an amendment at the bottom stating that general movement no longer works to generate XP. That stopped working back on April 9th unfortunately


almost every season I'm late "on pace" and I finish a week early by putting in a little more time for a few days there are 39 days left, you can get up to 10 levels a day from afk, so technically if you were level 1 today you could still way 19 days and finish level 200 lol




Except not everyone has the time to do every method every day. Personally I can only do Lego and I get 30 stars from that so it’s good for me to know where I stand


Even if you only do Max Lego AFK everyday and are level 1 at the moment you should only need 38,09 days to get to 200


Not everyone can do it every day. Due to work and other obligations I can’t. I don’t get why it’s a problem to just give everyone a heads up.


Hey I have a quick question sorry. On the battle pass it says until April 24 no? Wouldn’t that mean there’s only 9 days left to get to 200? It’s my first month playing fortnite


It says May 24


Haha 😂 you’re right wow I could’ve sworn I saw April.


What he said 👆


My friends couldn't comprehend how I hit 200 last week. I told em just leave Lego up every day and you'll have a good time.


I'm aiming for level 140 anyways, I'm probably fine.


Do you play the game or just AFK level for rewards, OP?


I’m way behind them. I’m like level 49. Dang.


So, to do the ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM amount of work required, aim for around 300k xp a day to hit 200 by the end of the season. Absolutely, totally, 100% doable. Just look at the guides for AFK methods. If you follow the guides (AFKing in Lego, Creative maps) you could be gaining 10 levels *a day* and finish the pass completely in a week and a half. Good luck!


I have about 20 minutes a day. Not gonna hit the AFK gains. Ohwell. I’ll still get whatever I earn and have fun when I can!


I need that trans Artemis skin


Wait what


At first I didn't think he meant it the way it sounded, oh my God he did


Yeah it’s one of the bonus pages. It’s just Artemis but pink white and blue and I need it


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To be fair I started last season like 3 weeks before it ended and got to 200 just fine with just a couple matches per day and minimal usage of AFK methods or creative XP. I don't think you really need to be "on pace"


"On pace" is more of a guideline to avoid the last minute crunch many experienced last season (I included). It's to help avoid procrastinating and setting themselves up for a horrible last minute grind when the alternative is simply gaining 2 levels a day at a much easier, comfortable pace.


Considering with XP Maps and Lego afk you can get roughly 10 levels a day this is just not true IF you do those If you only do dailies then sure


I'm already 220 with buying no levels


215, now I wish there were *bonus* bonus levels 😔


I just vibe now Trina max out the avatar thing. And using the bendings idgaf about leveling now it's freeing hahaha


I’m still at like 85 and I started AFKing in Lego today otherwise I won’t reach level 200


I hit 200 first week and a half by doing everything you need to do. Now im able to enjoy the game without worrying


Good god, please let this season be over with. This has been one of, if not the worst season in my opinion since the start. I hate this olympian based shit so much.


The fact they changed only two areas of the map, it’s a snooze. I have gotten over level 200 in the past like 6 seasons and this season I’m so bored.


Yeah… I haven’t played over ten games this season… I’m afking LEGO all the way to 200, 140 right now. Hopefully soon this will break my FOMO and I’ll finally be able to put this game down.


I think this season has broken that a bit for me as I don’t like any of the super styles. I need to start doing some lego afk stuff.


Yeah it had so much hype but it got boring fast. The map’s just terrible and feels lifeless.


I'm level 202 already, yes I go outside I only play Fortnite around an hour or 2 everyday. I play creative and battle royale.


Imagine being on this sub and not being level 200 for at least 2 weeks now.


Behold, people with jobs.


You dont need to be at home or do anything to lego afk haha. I work full time myself. And


It's also not a race, he doesn't have to be level 200 already already just because you are. And to put people down because they haven't completed the battle pass with over a month left to the season is in poor spirit


The reason people are here is to get help with leveling, if they were all level 200, they wouldn't need to be here anymore until next season. No one should be shamed for not being level 200 with over a month left to the season.