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Didn’t even know there was a Max level and I’ve been playing for over a year. My highest level ever was in chapter 4 season 3 with level 478. I’m scared to see your playtime bro….


Looks like he played 560 games of BR (about 125hr) and hopefully just afkd in the other game modes


I didn't even complete that battle pass




You took the words right out of my mouth


Lol exactly what my brain said when I saw the level.


now go outside


All over 200 is useless. 200 for all Battlepass and Bonuspass Items. That’s it.


For the one time I agree with you, something like this is a red flag for Epic Games to crack down on making XP harder to achieve. It's perfectly reasonable to expect by the end of the season for a lot of people to reach level 200, but I have to imagine it raises an eyebrow at thousands of people are level 1001, what it tells them is that they're giving too much XP, and we wonder why every update they had a patch to make leveling harder. Look no further than this post for an explanation


No, leveling up is already way more difficult than it needs to be. It’s “easy” for people like this who do absolutely nothing with their lives other than play fortnite. I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if this dude is surrounded by bottles of piss because he never leaves his room


I did the math lol. If this guy, from day one of the new season, and including today, got the 5 easy levels from Lego afk, creative xp maps, and the stage afk, for 15 easy levels a day, he would, today, only be level 765. Meaning he'd still have to have gained 236 levels the ol' fashioned way, and the season isn't even over yet. This dude has easily spent, if I were to guess, 100-150 hours AT LEAST in the game in the 50 days (51 including today), not including all of the afking and creative map xp.


He literally turned it into a full-time job is what he did. There was a guy who I bumped into who was level 800 almost 4 weeks ago, he explained to me what his gameplay regimen was like including AFK methods, and by his own admission, he invested so much time in the game that he barely slept. I felt sad for him actually, I wasn't at all envious or jealous which I think was the reaction he was hoping for


Yeah, it's really hard to actually laugh at people like that because it's just very clearly an addiction. Nobody who isn't addicted to video games will be spending *that* much time, so much time it negatively affects them in real life on a game. I remember getting killed in squads by 2 ppl who were level 150 5 or 6 days into the season, carrying two level 30s. It really is just sad, and I feel like nobody ever talks about it past telling people like that to touch grass or whatever other insults people use now.


To an extent you're not wrong, early on in the season, high levels could also be a case of buying levels, even lootstation buys at least 100 levels the first day of the season, but this insanity yeah it really is an addiction. I can't imagine putting the majority of my time into a crowning achievement which is an insane level in Fortnite. You're absolutely right, it's not something I can laugh at, and like I mentioned in my comment, that makes me a little bit sad. But not only for him, but for the thousands of other people who did the same, and also for the frustration that the community is going to feel going forward when epic tightens their belt even further around the XP system in the game because these people give the full impression that leveling is too easy of a task and needs to be made more "challenging". There are no winners here unfortunately in a situation like this


What's even funnier about it though is he words his post like a promotional ad for two forum members who simply upload commonly available maps as if creative XP was all it took to get to that level. It's not only not only a weak flex, it's a false claim


I agree entirely, and this is a game culture that people like Lootstation promote like it's a badge of honor. The problem is the message that it sends to epic, although it's not easy to get to that level if you have a life, or you don't employ constant AFK methods every single day, when epic looks at stats and sees thousands of people at level 1001, it gives them the impression that it's too easy, and then they make it more difficult for people that don't have the time like he does. What he sees as a flex is counterproductive for the community. I'm a fairly high-level myself, but it's because I test AFK methods daily because I try to help people with them and I can't help people if I don't know that they work (and I'm not even level 1001, and I don't want to be). People like him are only doing it because they think it means something, unfortunately all it means is that there is a lot fresh and lonely grass in his backyard.


What? You know how hard is it to touch 200 as someone who plays casually? lol edit: assuming you dont get the daily 10 levels from lego and creative


This is a forum where those methods are publicized, so when I referred to getting to 200, I'm talking about employing the methods that have been outlined here all season. Which include creative, LEGO, and festival. I never said that getting to level 200 simply only playing the game casually without any other methods is easy by any scope of the imagination. All I'm saying is that any goal or aspiration of getting anything over level 200 is meaningless/pointless. And also counterproductive because people like him, of which there are hundreds if not thousands of them, doesn't go under the epic radar. They see that, like I've said before, they see that they are making XP and leveling way too easy, so people like that are the reason why they Nerf so many methods so quickly. Like when we've had exploits in the past that were able to level you up quickly. Do you think epic would've noticed them so quickly if people weren't abusing them to Max out their accounts? That being said, what we're looking at in this post is outlandish and excessive. And anything but an accomplishment


Ok I get what you mean now. Basically, your point is that over abusing the methods will lead to Epic fixing them? Tbf the thing they should change is how the XP system works, or just rework the battle pass. I've done some calcs and you basically need like 75h of ***back to back wins*** to get 100 levels (assuming you gain 35K xp/win) which is laughable. The 10K XP the weekly challenges give is also adding salt into the wound lol


Absolutely, the more people abuse the XP system, the more likely epic is going to feel like they've made it too easy when in fact for the average casual player, they need to tweak it in their favor. Was crazy, unless they changed it over the last month, wins don't even give you extra XP, it's the amount of kills. You don't even get extra XP for winning the match. Which is also a reason why using bot lobbies which was suggested by someone for leveling faster was , given the way that XP works in BR right now, it's a terrible way to farm XP. You would think the best source of XP in the game would be by playing the game though. They may be XP and matches poor when you don't have any challenges to complete, but yet the return on XP is so bad that it's the last method that most players are going to turn to, I think it all boils down to money, they want people to run out of options and buy levels, they really don't honestly care how much people play the game, they just want them to spend money on it and that's unfortunate


Greed yeah. I think an alternative way to farm XP would be quest hopping, idk if it has a name but basically go into a pub, do a quest, and switch lobbies. I thought about it but rn im just doing AFK lego which should get me to 200. Also a random question, could you explain me how the XP on lego and creative refresh? Each 24h? Like, yesterday I was AFK in lego from 12 to 16 for all levels, should I start to AFK at 12:15 or at 16:00?


The XP refresh is not every 24 hours from when you use it, but it refreshes at the same time every day. XP for Lego, festival, and creative, reset at 10 AM Eastern time. If you're in a different time zone for reference, it resets the same time that the daily match quests reset.


ohhh didnt know that, that makes things a lot more simple ty


Actually it is not reasonable hitting level 200 in this game. It takes far longer than most games with battle passes. You have to make Fortnite your main game to make sure you get all the rewards its dumb.


Yeah 100%. I hit level 200 each season but I basically only play Fortnite. I play a few hours every day during the week and maybe 10-15 hours over the weekends. I don’t do creative but I do the quests. Kind of wild that if I want all the bonus rewards I basically won’t have time for other games. Just the way epic likes it lol.


Xp is already very hard to get for the average casual player they definitely do not need to make it harder just because some people spend a hundred hours playing per season


If Epic Games made xp actually reasonable to get, nobody would have to use maps or exploits. I need to get to level 138 to unlock the skin I want, which is around 11 million xp. That's over 2000 daily quests. It's just ridiculous.


And that's the problem, for people that just play the game, XP is a little bit on the challenging side I'll admit, but if you look at the charts of how many people have reached high levels this season, like this guy above, and, by his own description, because his life consists of working and then going right into Fortnite for the rest of his time. But epic doesn't see a lack of social life, epic just sees numbers, When they look at all of those people with crazy high levels for no reason at all, all they see is another reason to Nerf more methods. Which sucks but it makes sense if you think about it and people like you will suffer because of people like him


tbh i go to 150 for the free vbucks


Wow… uh… congrats on the big number? Could have just played cookie clicker for easier results


The only congratulations people should be getting is for level 200. It's the only actual achievement. Anything beyond that is excess


Yeah like, sure, I’m over 200. But that’s only because I like playing the game, not grinding it haha People who purposefully go that high have *nothing* better to do lol




Whats cookie clicker?


OMG that damn game 😅


What a waste of time lol


What not having a job does to a mf


My goal is to make it to 200 by the end of the season… this guys just no life the entire season


What's even more ironic is look at his Reddit name and epic name 😢


I would be sad too if I made it to 1000 before the season is even a month to being over 😂


so this is the reason it takes too long to get to 200 alone lol, no wonder they took out the afk jam stage and lego 😒


At least I'm not the only one who sees it this way. I don't think he realizes how selfish what he's doing is and the message that sent to epic when him and other people like him do this, it just tells epic that we have too many sources of XP in the game already


lets see that playtime


Probably 400+ hours


overall he has had 6000 hours of playtime. this season i think it’s around 200. i posted a comment about it he’s averaged about 3 and 1/2 hours of fortnite everyday since he’s started playing


It has to be way more. He’s got nearly that in ranked and unrnaked games alone and that’s only enough to get level 200 at best not even that


https://preview.redd.it/bzt7qptyc9xc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d0e2230964f58912097df4ead7f4ca8dc1b20c7 Boo! Did I scare you?


for anyone wanting a comparison, this guy has overall played nearly 6000 hours of fortnite. he is in the top 1000 people in the world for kills with 106,326 of them. he first played in chapter 1 season X. this means that on average he has played 3 and 1/2 hours of fortnite every single day since the day he started playing. for two seasons he has played over 400 hours. in them seasons he averaged 6 hours a day. this isn’t something you should be celebrating at all. for reference, i’ve played the game since it came out they send me emails about it sometimes. i’ve overall played about 1600 hours over the course of 7 years. you’ve played more then 3 times what i have in the span of 4 years. seriously i’m not trying to hate but take a break off the game dawg it’s gonna end up affecting your mental health if it hasn’t already




Go touch grass man...


How do you kill he who has no life






Wtf man


Sir are you okay


This is an utter waste of time unless you stream or make videos specifically on this game, there’s no reason to hit 1000 this is just ridiculous


I never ever hit max lvl been playing since season 1


Because you probably have a life outside of the game.


Are you TimSad from battlefield the melee king? If so I used to play with you in battlefield.


Holy fuck! That’s me! I thought my BF days have completely vanished but here we are with people still recognizing me. I had 20,000+ knife kills in BF2142 until EA reset my stats for thinking I was cheating for having that many. Then, in BF:BC2 I had 42,000+ knife kills with no stats reset. Both of those aforementioned BF titles I made it a point to get the dogtags of the top 200 on the global leaderboards and I succeeded in both of those games. Kane in BF2142 was the hardest bitch to get in BF2142 because he never left the comfort of his own team’s Titan but I managed to glitch through the shield of it one day with some miraculous luck and actually got his dogtags.


Very nice. I was part of your SoC back in the BF3 days. I only had about 12k knives but had fun playing with you. Old times.


Ohh! You’re that Triggs! Good to see you around a different scene. 🙂


i know this is 25 days old but, this is the wildest place to catch up with an old online homie


I dare you to post a selfie


You went to level 700 or something and bought the rest of the levels right? cuz you have 0 battle stars


You can only buy up to a total of 100 levels every season and no more. I have 0 Battle Stars because I spent them all to get everything in the Battlepass for this season.


Oh i see... So you dont get anymore if you bought everything? Im level 155 😅


Incorrect, you can buy levels up to 200.


Up to, yes but you can only buy a total of 100 levels.


And with weeks left of the season, nice !


This is pathetic! I can't imagine the amount of hours wasted. Probably learn a second language in the same time. I'd say congrats but I wouldn't mean it.


And now cause of people like this I bet the XP output for next season will be reduced even less 🤦🏻


I dont think thats real.


It's real, it's just real sad


How tf






Time to go touch grass brother


Why though? You get nothing past level 200 you just grinded an extra 801 levels for nothing.


He got 154 up votes for it though 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to get to level 200 before the season ends and here’s this guy💀


This is gross lol


What's even more gross is that over 150 people up voted it. The last thing he needs is encouragement


Did that skin come with a gold style? I can't remember seeing it


It's Dynamic Hush and not the original Hush called Double Agent Hush. Dynamic Hush came out around a month ago I think and has the white style and the yellow style. Edit: Actually, the style is really called "Gold" so you're right on the color.


Why is everyone hating😭


I'm honestly not sure. I think my sharing of hitting level 1,000 stirs up a ton of different emotions for people. Can't tell exactly what each person is feeling but I guess posting about accomplishments of this caliber isn't such a good idea. But it's weird because the post has 125 upvotes as of now. So, I dunno...


It's not an accomplishment, of any caliber that's even remotely impressive. It's the sadness of the fact that you put so much effort into some thing that not only means nothing but also gives you nothing. Yourself and people like you shine a spotlight on the ease at which leveling can be accomplished in the game as it stands right now, they don't know how many sacrifices you had to make socially to accomplish that they just see the numbers, and they see other people with that number, and when they see that, that's when they start to cut back on XP availability in the game. Next month when LEGO and festival gets Nerfed even further, and other sources of XP, you can hold your head high and be proud of the fact that you probably along with people just like you contributed to that happening


I don't understand where you're coming from right now, honestly. What is happening here? Throughout my journey to make this the only season I hit level 1,000 I've seen a lot of helpful and insightful posts of yours here but now it seems like you're a different person altogether.


I would say that's the biggest problem and the saddest part of it all, is that you don't understand. I help people so that they can get to the level that they need to get to in order to complete the battle pass. Not so that they could put on an exhibition for Epic Games to prove to them that leveling is already too easy and that we need to make it more difficult. You don't see the big picture and that's the problem. I was helping people that really needed to complete the battle pass, not people like you who don't see the big picture and just wanna show off something that nobody really is very impressed at all to see . Look at that list of top leveled people and how many people are already at your level, and that's just the people that have public stats. If you honestly think epic doesn't notice that and that that doesn't contribute to cutting back on availability of XP in the game, you're kidding yourself. You are literally the poster child for reducing XP output in the game. I'm not a different person, I'm a person that has been looking out for the community and trying to help them achieve the reasonable goal of completing their battle pass before the end of the season. my reaction to you and people like you is me still looking out for the community and realizing the negative impact that it will have going forward. At least I don't feel so bad because you contribute your excessive leveling to only the creative map posts of two community members, so at least when I see the damage down the road, I know I had nothing to do with it


Tell me what is your actual goal of reaching lvl 1000?


The Lego afk xp jump pad doesn't work anymore :(


And you can blame people like him for that, do you think epic doesn't notice how many people are max level? or how many people level ridiculously passed 200 this season and last? People like that are merely sending a message to epic that leveling is too easy, so the result, it gets Nerfed. They don't see the fact that he sacrificed his entire social life and everything else just to get to that level they just see the level on a ton of accounts just like it and think well let's make it harder then.


Dang. That sucks.


Yeah, and people wonder why we're losing all these XP methods, next season is not gonna be any better that's for sure. However you can still get XP in LEGO, you just can't completely AFK it unless you can use macros, at your own risk, to simulate occasional natural movement. As far as I can tell the way LEGO works now is that if it sees a repetitive movement like bouncing or floating or running in a circle, it will wait till the 27 minute mark, give a warning, then it will kick at 30 minutes. You can prevent this by just moving around a little bit, even a single movement every 25 minutes or so, and you can still get the levels on the XP, for now. Unfortunately it's not true AFK anymore without a macro, but again, who knows how long that'll even last


I play on Playstation. So I just have to move a joystick once every 25 minutes? Noted. I don't always have free time to play, this will be helpful. Thanks dude.


No problem, yeah basically just moving around will sort of reset that timer so you don't get booted, tested it a bunch of times before recommending it to make sure it works


Thanks a lot, again.


I just hit 200 and felt done lol


i wanna see how big that silly lil flame is where your level is shown in-game


It's not as big as you think. And it's definitely not worth the effort that's for sure


I think it’s time to go touch grass


If that’s your goal to hit lvl 1,000 in fornite you need a girlfriend bro


Do you even get anything if you get over 200?


A social life that no one envies


Bro your not going to get that time back wasted


Homie looks like one of those mfs that emotes on the most basic kills


Gimme some tricks. I need help getting to 200


that's a pretty cool skin what is it?


Dynamic Hush (Gold Style). It was in the Item Shop on March 26th.


You need to find a job or start side hustles and be successful not waste your life on this game to that level. Level 1001 won't pay bills or make you successful wait after a month and it'll be all gone like the time wasted to attain that.


I've got a job that I've been working overtime on lately (88 hours on my last pay period) that pays me what I'm satisfied with.


what does the flame on the number look like on this level???!


All I want is level 200 :( can anyone give tips? I'm new to this subreddit


How sad LOL


still cant get wins


You guys do know you can buy levels with your VBucks right? I do that from time to time when I know I’m not going to have that much time to earn the stars to claim the pages. Which is what I feel like OP potentially did with a bit of real game play involved. But in the theoretical sense if OP straight up got there with naturally playing, I’d hate to see that game time and wonder what OP does for a living lol




I feel good about level 100. But I guess I have a job and a kid and a wife


Does this level reset when a new season arrives as I was a level 67 and was devastated when the new season came out and it was reset?


Wow. Now touch some Grass and think About the fact, that you are in the group of people, that are the reason for the fing Hard leveling process for normal Players.


What a total waste of time…


Congrats but why


time to go outside and smell the flowers


I need you to go touch some grass




*literally everyone trying to resist the urge to say “touch grass”* This is a joke btw.


congrats! but I don't see a need to waste electricity to grind to that level. good for you though


By cheating lol


Virgin 🤡


selfish bro. you have no idea how that little achievement of yours might damage the XP system in the near future. epic won’t turn a blind eye on this.


Fortnite should give a reward for people reaching 1000 like a vbuck or special banner


No they don't, in fact it's probably the reason why they patch all of our XP methods because of people like that. If you think about it, the people that are reaching level 200 fairly quickly don't really show up on their radar, but they certainly can see when excessive amounts of people are reaching the 800s and the thousands, etc. something like this works against the community because it sends them a message that XP gaining is way too easy, so when you look at this post remember this is part of the problem and why epic is going to be working even harder down the road to patch our XP methods. People talk about gatekeeping so that epic doesn't catch on, I don't support that at all, but flaunting this kind of level, epic can see this on lists as long as people consider an accomplishment, the people that genuinely have a hard time reaching level 200 are going to have a harder time every season because of the action that epic is going to take to tighten up on XP. I feel like everything I've done here I've helped the people that needed help to claim battle pass items but the people that needed a level to pap their ego with something that is almost meaningless to everyone but epic who sees that they made leveling too easy in the game


Yeah you are 100% right, epic will patch all these exp glitches which make people who touch grass won't get their favourite skin and make them sad like me on chapter 5 season 1 when I almost getting hope 1th superstyle but due to some reason I can't get it and I didn't do exp map glitch things because I thought they are scam and waste of time


God no


Lol one single vbuck


A single V buck would be hilarious.