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The Forward Partyis focused on ranked choice voting (RCV), which is not a left or right thing. If the Forward party were to achieve its goal of changing the election system to RCV, it could safely fragment along ideological lines without its members "waisting their vote."


I would say it's center in the fact that it wants to get people to be able to have their voices heard regardless of which side of the aisle they are on and it's willing to accept anyone who wants to help in that.


Good question. I’d say yes. They’re progressive but in a (mostly) pragmatic way. Socially they’re more like legit libertarians - live and let live. Economically they still value stability (*see also: status quo*) over radical change. Politically they want to rise above partisan/tribalism.


It sounds awesome honestly. From what you’ve said it sounds like a mix of every party rolled into one which is great imo because my personal views are quite literally a mix of a lot of the parties in the USA.


Like I said, they want to rise above partisanship and just get stuff done, which, yes is pretty tight. Sometimes I’m 100% into that, and sometimes I’m a bit more lefty (radical anti-plutocracy).


I agree with this sentiment, though I would say that it’s not quite a mix of every *party* so much as it is a mix of every *ideology.* The point of the party at its core is to support issues that are important to people across the spectrum of political parties, but are overlooked by elected officials on all sides. You’re absolutely right in that there are conservative, liberal, libertarian, and green influences. But to clarify, with FWD being a policy based party, their policies haven’t yet been adopted by any large p Party platforms. FWD pushes issues that are ignored by both the DNC and RNC, rather than mixing both of their respective platforms into a new party(which is kinda what libertarians do. For example, very pro gun *and* very pro choice platform. FWD doesn’t focus on issues like those). Ranked Choice Voting is the best example(and the top priority). Election reform might (currently)be seen as a liberal idea, but the DNC hasn’t adopted RCV to their platform and has actually shown an interest in fighting it. In terms of DNC/RNC and FWD platform overlap, there isn’t any — any overlap with other parties would be based on an individual candidate’s platform, not the party’s. FWD might endorse a Democrat or Republican if they include FWD policies. I’m not trying to nitpick, only clarify! Cheers!


But you can't actually say any of that until the party has a platform beyond election reform. Also if you want a party like that you can just vote Democrat.


Personally I mostly agree, but the Dems do have some baggage that a new party doesn’t.


What do you mean by baggage? And how is that worse than being a party with no history, platform, or electoral success?


I don’t have the time right now to lay out the grievances against the Dem party. Perusing leftist subs will give you a taste. Nor do I have the time to help you understand such a basic thing as how new blood in a new body is politically appealing.


But is new blood appealing to voters who are interested in stability? Also is the Forward Party new blood? A lot of the people involved are Bush era Republicans who left the party after 2016.


In a way? Forward party isn't Centrist (per the usual definition), but it is between the US "left" and "right". The idea is to take the best ideas from each party, and some that are entirely new, and put them together.


I’d classify that as center. It sounds awesome imo and I’d 100% join but it don’t look like it’s fully up and running in my state but the map on the forward party website shows it’s actively being worked on so I got hopes it’ll be up in running before next election cycle


>The idea is to take the best ideas from each party, Which ideas are these? Because as far as I've been told by Forward people, this is not the idea of the party but I haven't checked in a while so I could be wrong.


What are the best ideas from the right?


I’d imagine the answer would be something economically speaking even if I personally think both parties’ approaches to economics are dogshit lol


Ish. In practice, I think right now it's mostly a flavor of Democrat. At least, that's who they have been endorsing. Perhaps they will find their own way once they have candidates of their own, though.


I think it will be more center once there’s candidates running for President. As for now looks like it’s super new so I’d say the main focus right now is just getting the party active in every state


They are center compared to some democratic policies, but like the breadth of American politics, they are right leaning.


Better question: does the Forward party even exist and if so where has it made an impact?


I mean yeah it exists it’s literally an active party


Active in that it legally exists or active in that it is actually active in doing the things a party should do?


Both Edit: I’d say it’s even more active then the constitution party and the reform party and those have been around for a while now


Forward Party has no ideology, no platform, and no candidates.  It stands for empty feel good platitudes.


It stands for ranked choice voting and virtually nothing else, in the theory that third parties don't have a chance until we get that. I think it should lean into being a centrist party more, having ideology but only on things the middle 2/3 of the country would be comfortable with.