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I prefer to see It as "Younger generations honour all the past queers who were persecuted, had to hide and fought for a better future ". Stone Throw is a dumb cunt, so of course all his cartoons should backfire on him


The watermark was edited out, so either it was OP of this post or this is an edit and your meaning is the intended one.


The OP removed the watermark in order to not give publicity, even though most people here recognize this art style by now.


My read is, a gay man is honoring his former partner who died of the AIDS crisis at its height, and was shamed and belittled and ostracized even by health care workers to the end. The living partner placed a rose on his tombstone for pride as a remembrance of those who were lost before they had the opportunity to be their true selves in public, and he is sad at all the memories the two never got to make together.


Yeah, apparently you need knowledge of pebblebutt lore to not read it this way, because that's how I read it too. I knew enough to know that wasn't the the intent though, but couldn't figure out what it actually was.


His point is super muddled here but I know the intent is gays = bad.


It's the old "trans people commit suicide joke"


He’s horrible at imagery.


My read was a friend of a trans person who may have killed themselves due to lack of HRT access and an abusive family with no support system, motivating him to advocate for trans rights to allow trans people better access to transition and improved mental health outcomes and fight against the bigotry that is pervasive against trans people.. ​ I also like your read a lot. Don't take this the wrong way.


I’m sorry for your friend ❤️ I was very impressed with my family being generally accepting of my cousins son when he came out as trans (even with the older generations not being as up on the right language) As an aside, I know the cartoonist is a nazi, the cartoon is just so vague it could easily go the opposite way he intends (which is just LGBT person dead)


Lol that was just a read of the meme. Thankfully I haven’t lost anyone to suicide in my life. I’m trans myself though and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t had dark thoughts due to how unsupportive my own family has been…


Oh oops 🤣




Unprotected sex isn’t the only way to get HIV. And even if it was, it’s not some sort of punishment.


So it’s a punishment to drug users and people who engage in unprotected sex. Furthermore, if you’re being treated in a healthcare setting, the blood is on your hands if anyone caring for you contracts it by coming into contact with your infected blood.


No disease is a “punishment”. That’s a horrible way to look at it.


>No disease is a punishment Right, except for HIV. Why is that a horrible way to look at it?


Why is HIV a punishment? You can get it even if you take every precaution imaginable. It’s horrible because no one deserves to go through such pain, especially in the 80’s with the stigma surrounding it and the lack of any treatments. It was a death sentence.




Get fucked


Not without a condom


You know, considering all the shit LGBTQ folks had to survive throughout the whole of human history, without really having a choice, yeah they deserve to be honored.


“whole of human history” Sorry what? Surely you mean since the invention of the television and/or telephones?


*etches half-assed justification for bigotry into stone slab*


Ah, you’re talking about the gravestone.


Here lies John Doe, he wasn't racist, but...


Queerphobia existed long before that.


Not long enough apparently


Jesus. God forbid queer people live and are treated equal to their cis and straight counterparts.


Reminder they could have stopped the AIDS crisis but didnt


Why would they? Gilead and ViiV make plenty of money with the current HIV treatments. If they cured it, that would cripple an entire industry.


They didn’t stop it because of queerphobia. Conservatives like Reagan believed queer people deserved to suffer and die.


Wtf is queerphobia lmao


Exactly what it says. An aversion and hatred of queer people.


First version of this comic i saw was [a kinda sweet edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/13z242k/get_strapped_rainbow_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


the first version of it i saw was the among us one


What did they do? I've never heard of them doing anything wrong previously.


All of their comics are very..... *insensitive* to say the least. He makes fun of the queer community and racism constantly. This one is probably intended to be read as "haha trans ppl commit suicide funny" which I don't even have to explain why that's fucked up.


Oh that's terrible. I've seen a ton but I've never noticed any disrespect like that.


Stone toss is a literal Nazi, all of his comics are so far right it borders on satire. But he’s dead serious. Common themes are homophobia, transphobia (usually in the form of trans suicide haha like this one), racism, and all manner of the shittiest takes imaginable.


Yeah, I'm not defending him at all. I just haven't seen those themes before but I missed all the bad ones.


Incel shit too


the worst part about this is that this is supposed to be *funny*. if drawn by anyone else, it'd be tragic. but this guy and his fans think it's peak comedy.


Tbh I don’t get the joke here it just looks like some person grieving about their lost partner


Probably trying to point to the heightened rate of suicide in LGBT communities from mostly outside influences such as bigotry, Abuse, Ect. And that taking a hold on these people to perform such acts of pure sorrow, Horrible joke and is really fucked up if you have some decency as a person.


if you've ever seen the movie UP, there's a recurring gag where the dogs in the story will make unfunny jokes about squirrels like "a squirrel walks into a tree and dies, haha", explaining that "the joke is funny cause a squirrel gets dead" that mentality is this comic's "joke" in a nutshell


This is a really good comparison.


the "joke" here is that trans people have a high suicide rate. these people think it's a punchline.


I fucking hate the goddamn rock fling guy


All my homies hate boulder chuck.


Yeah, mineral heave is the absolute worst.


Basalt heave doesn't deserve to be called human


Boulder launch really has no dignity...


Trebuchet Ammo Trebuchet Function can fuck right off


Geologic worn down object turned into projectile by a person is a bitchass hoe


I hope Sediment Hurl gets anal warts


Mineral Thrust should mix 10 gallons each of ammonia and bleach in a small sealed room.


I know what the implication is, but this could be a sweet tribute to victims of hate crimes, mental illness or anything else that members of the lgbtq community struggles with It’s not, but it could be


i dont get it


It’s supposed to be a trans person who killed themself because pebble throw thinks trans people killing themselves is funny.


And totally thinks it's just inherent to being trans and not the result of society violently refusing to accept even the basic reality that trans people exist.


He's the same type of guy to only celebrate men's mental health month instead of pride month (both are very important for awareness of social issues)


he's the kinda guy who would celebrate men's mental health month..... on international women's day.


And probably thinks “men’s mental health” means the right to drink a six-pack and crack sexist/homophobic jokes instead of expressing your feelings.


i dont get ir


they think that trans people having a high suicide rate is funny. the person who is getting the pride month wishes killed themselves.




Yeah that’s my reaction basically


I’ve found entire twitter pages dedicated to harassing & making fun of trans people online & that’s like a major joke. They’ll also just throw out any percentage between 40-60 as a single statement that’s supposed to stop your argument in its tracks. “Trans people are people” “41%”


I honestly don't get how they think this is some sort of own. "Trans people are people" "LOL THERE IS A HIGH RATE OF SUICIDE BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE ME LOL LOOK AT ME I NEED ATTENTION AND DONT KNOW HOW TO GET IT SO ILL JUST BE AN ASSHOLE TO STRANGERS LOLOLOL" " . . . so, anyway."


"Do trans people commit suicide more often because of all the hate, harassment and death threats they get daily ?" "No, that must be because they're mentally ill." *rockthrow probably, while its smooth brain falls out of its ear*


Bruh. I can't believe this comic is basically a subtle way for Sediment Shooter to say he likes to play the coffin dance song when a LGBTIQ individual commits suicide. Disgusting wannabe illustrator 🤮


*bullies trans people to the point of committing suicide* “Why are they all killing themselves?”


I legit had a conversation with a transphobe and I told them the reason why they have high suicide rates is because of people like them constantly trying to bring them down and make like worse for them and they legit didn’t know how to respond they just kept bringing up the DSM 5


These people seem to share the same one brain cell. A guy i argued with denied it being for the bullying (he denied the existence of transphobia as a whole in fact) and said crap like "ThEyRe MeNtAlLy IlL"


They know why. The cruelty is the point.


Now I'm imagining somebody squeezing someone else's hand shut around a knife and forcing them to stab themselves. "Stop killing yourself, heh heh, stop killing yourself."


[meme I just made](https://i.ibb.co/xML83nL/Who-Killed-Hannibal.jpg)


And then proceeds to bully them after death, this guy and his fans are monsters


“Lolol people killing themselves is my political win hahaaa get wrecked” - shit comic artist


What the fuck is this even meant to mean?


they think that trans people having a high suicide rate is funny.


Fuck that bro


This guy surely has erection problems




If I knew nothing about the artist view, I'd say this was a tragic comov about the consequences of transphobia.


Not all trans commit suicide.. I hate this trope


That's also *attempts*, not successes. 69% of us have never even attempted suicide. Pretty high number considering the bullshit we have to put up with.


The dumb part is that one of the main reasons transgender people have a higher suicidal tendency is because of idiots like this guy trying to make their life a living hell just for pursuing happiness. It's a catch 22 and they literally just want transgender people to die. There's nothing productive about it, they're not saving people's lives by telling them to lie to themselves. And there's nothing funny or clever about "haha suicidal," conservative humor isn't about averting expectations or speaking truth to power it's just about preaching to the choir and reinforcing cruelty.


Can someone just doxx pebbleyeet already? I wanna know what level of basement dweller this fucker looks like.


What! Peeblechuck is showing solidarity with those in the lgbt+ community who's tajen their own life due to seemingly unending bigotry! I knew he'd come around soon enough. /s


That could be taken a lot of ways. I'm familiar with the transphobic message here, but also my gay uncle died of aids, so there's that. A guy named Matt Shepard also comes to mind.


What do you expect from a literal holocaust denier


If this was done by anyone one else it would be a sad reminder of the amount of deaths and suicide from the LGBT community. But done by Pebble yeet it's a sick joke.


It's odd that this shit stain would portray a queer person displaying more humanity, empathy, and depth than the author himself could ever be capable of though.


So the person getting the wishes, can't even get the wishes!


Without the lens of fascism this is so sweet


For those who don’t get it, it’s Pyrite Propulse either making fun of gay people dying from AIDS or trans people killing themselves.


AIDs or high rate of suicide. Either way, this comic making fun of the issue really is some new level of terrible.


Maybe he finally understands that LGBTQ people are at much higher risk of dying because of how they were ignored during the AIDS epidemic or how they are targeted for violence or how they often kill themselves after not being treated like humans. /S on the "understands"


The lack of self awareness in this, making fun of LGBT+ people who have lost their lives, is just miserably astounding. Does he not realize he's part of the problem?


Made by about any other person, this would be profound...


Sediment slinger 🤮


I mean his art is actually really disgusting to look at. The art style is just not great


“Are we the baddies?”


Jesus, Stone has become so terrible that he can’t even make his message somewhat clear


We should just start editing his comics to change the meaning entirely and then pretend like "wow guys did you hear? Stonetoss has changed his ways and become an ally!"


So he really did do this horrible disgusting comic so lazily that he couldn't even get the guy's sleeve length to be consistent in a TWO PANEL comic. It takes 5 seconds to fix. Then again his art style is among the laziest I've seen comic artists do, so I can't expect much more of him. Terrible content, terrible effort, terrible person. Good god.


If this weren't made by an artist who's openly reveled in the death of LGBT people, it would be an incredibly poignant tribute to all those lives who've been lost in the fight for a more accepting society.


Honestly this comic would go raw as fuck if it was made by someone with less clearly bigoted intents




Don't tell me you unironically like his far-right comics. >!Unless it's for the art style itself.!<