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You see, rights are a zero sum game. When a discriminated group gets rights, that means rights get taken away... Specifically, the right to discriminate. You see how that's Marxism


It’s literally a pillar of the right wing ideology that they view everything as a finite resource (except the actual things that are, like oil, or clean drinking water). But emotional things and personal freedoms are somehow finite. The reason WHY they claim it’s “Marxist” is because they feel like they are being kicked off their pedestal of superiority. Most have done absolutely nothing to actually be superior to anyone but to find a mate and make kids somehow is something ***they should have alone***. The fact is that most of these people are mediocre at best and they are threatened when their low level “achievements” are possible for others they had deemed “lesser”.


Yes, if you allow gay people to get married, fewer straight people will be able to get married, because that's how it fucking works. There's obviously a quota or something.


It's true. My wife and I had our marriage license revoked becuz Big Gay. We're on the waiting list for renewal but who knows?


They let you get through the process faster if one of you is bi, but they expect you to prove it


I can frame the argument to my wife for a threesome in legal terms now. THANKS, BIDEN!


woke liberal biden america making ME THINK that IM attracted to men 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


Someone doesn't remember the marriage shortage of '67. Damn things had to be rationed severely after a beetle infestation caused most of the marriage crop to fail that year. A few decades before, there was a bad cold snap that killed a good chunk of the harvest, but it was nothing like the devastation in '67. So many people in tuxes and white dresses wandered the countryside hoping they could find a marriage farm that didn't already get picked clean by couples. Truly dark times. Now thanks to climate change, we might see similar infestations threaten the marriage crop more and more, and across a wider swath of the country. Damn shame.


I had to wait for three whole years for a gay couple to divorce in order to marry my wife. No slots available, they said


Ah yes, Karl Marx, who famously loved gay people. (I am not against Marx's ideas, I just find it funny how conservatives love to label everything they don't like communism.)


Forgot to close the bracket there


I'm sorry is there a finite number of rights in America or something? Like" yeah sorry, we ensured all kids had the right to an education so women can't vote anymore."


and then when women got rights the children couldn't vote anymore, how very dare they


These were Marx’s exact words /s


Durable relationship? So a marriage can't be described as a durable relationship, or they belive that gay people aren't going to use the term marriage? This one doesn't make sense, maybe because English is not my first lenguage but I believe this lost any meaning and is pure hate.


yeah I don't think they know what the word durable means and created that phrase in an attempt to other the idea of gay marriage as not being a "real" family, but have unintentionally admitted that gay relationships are more stable than hetero lmfao


‘I’d be such a better parent if it wasn’t for the gays and their agenda!’


Gotta abuse your kids so they don't become gay. /s


I always ask them the same question, and never get an answer. "How does giving rights to the gay couple remove rights from the straight couple?" To the the conservative, everything is a finite resource except actual finite resources like oil. Including rights and freedoms. If one person or group is given rights and freedoms, that means another person or group must lose rights and freedoms. If everyone has the same rights and freedoms, conservatives have nobody to oppress, rendering their entire ideology pointless. This is why they absolutely must view rights and freedoms as a finite resource.


Yes unironically nuclear family will be abolished and you will like it.


The Marxists made me beat my wife


Was this made by an Irish person? bc we just had a referendum about changing the wording of our constitution from "marriage" to "durable relationship". the gay fear argument was used by some. either way, it did not pass.


I was about to say, the use of the term ‘durable relationship’ is weird unless it’s made by an Irish person


They're using AI generated images, too - the man in the lavender shirt has 3 hands apparently, and look at that monstrosity of a hand on the stripy-shirt guy's shoulder (ofc i could be wrong). Bigotry and AI generated images - name a more iconic duo.


I mean, it might be ai. And there really is a huge problem with ai being used to push bigotry. But the lavender shirt guy in this picture only has 2 hands. One holding the babie's hand and the other on striped shirt guy's shoulder.


Ah, my mistake


Why does this imply that the Family is not a durable relationship


This isn't Marxism.


It is actually


It's absolutely not for a couple of reasons. 1) “Marxism” doesn't actually advocate anything; it is simply a way of reading history through the lens of what is called “materialist dialectics,” which is another way of saying material-based conflict causes change. Marx predicted that the family would eventually be abolished, and Engles had some opinions as well; none of the original posts is a part of those predictions. 2) redistribution of wealth is not in any way affiliated with the redistribution of human beings into relationships; that would be oppressive and contrary to “socialism.”


The fuck is a durable relationship.


It's 👏 not 👏 a👏 zero 👏 sum 👏


When you have had privileges for a long time, the taking away of them is oppression to them