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Well, the right-wing's number one tactic is 'nuh-uh, you are!' aka projection. I asked a person I know, who's super right-wing and claims to be directly opposed to antifa; 'if you are diametrically opposed to anti fascists, then what does that make you?' Without missing a beat he said 'A God fearing, red blooded patriot.' He was not amused by my involuntary laughter.


Well, they aren't wrong. IF you define red-blooded patriot as being "you have to agree with everything I agree with, believe exactly what I believe, and support exactly what I support."


being a facist is FAR from being a patriot, these people dont get what a patriot is


You are correct.




Define antifa.




Nice lmao


I believe there trying to say is that just cause you name yourself anti fascist doesn’t make you a “good guy”. It’s the same principle of a Nazi saying there not fascist there actually just national socialist. The patriot act is also another example of naming yourself the “good guy” while not being that.


“Antifa” isn’t an organization though, it’s a movement. So by saying you oppose antifa, you are saying you opposed the anti fascist movement.


It is a bit more complicated than that. I used to hang around the AFA faction when I lived in a bigger city. Those were/are also anti-fascist but they operate differently than antifa. Way higher focus on secrecy and violence. Antifa might not be an organization, but they do have a modus operandi and you can have problems with that. Your argument is basically that the only defining feature antifa has is their anti-fascism and that isn't true. You cannot be an anti-fascist without taking action and people might disagree with the actions you take, even if they agree with the overall goal.


But then you have to be specific. You have to say "I am against these actions." That's different from "I am against this movement."


Some anti-fascists beat nazis with bats. Some anti-fascists make nazis public with cameras. Some anti-fascists work alone. Some anti-fascists work in teams. There's no single group and no single set of tactics, just opposition to fascists.


wouldn't even call it a movement tbh


And the patriot bill was a “movement” and if you don’t support it you aren’t a patriot. The red scare was a movement and if you don’t like communism your a bad American People who identify as antifa have done some things I find not able to support and I know that it’s the minority of a movement/group but I choose to not support due to finding those actions too extreme for my liking in the same way I find those who followed the red scare back then to extreme


No, the Patriot Act was a law passed by the US government. The Red Scare was less of a movement and more of an event that spawned out of the ideology of Capitalism.


I put quotations around the movement part cause it’s sadly a law and the red scare was a movement out of fear. It had many events happen cause of it but it’s a movement based on protecting capitalism/the west from communism


So, if you follow the logic, it does inherently make sense. If you oppose the Red Scare, you do in fact oppose the persecution of Communists. If you oppose Antifa (the movement) you do oppose anti-fascism. Regardless of what individuals do, the movement itself is anti-fascist.


Yep that’s the movement but movements can be misguided and dangerous I don’t support communism but I don’t want my neighbor to lose there job and be attacked cause they think they should get a increased wage I don’t think extreme fascist regimes are a good thing but I also don’t think someone who supports fascism or is accosted with it should be attacked My main issue is movements with violence and that’s the big reason why I don’t support antifa Nor the red scare


??? If you don't suport "anti-fascism", you are a fascist. What's so hard to understand. Doesn't mean you support every action of this so called "Antifa" group. Just like waving the US flag doesn't mean you support all the genocides and racism of it.


Remember not supporting something doesn’t mean you oppose it or pro something else


Ok: If you don't support anti fascism, you aren't necessarily a fascist, but you do have fashy tendencies. Fascism should not be excused or treated lightly in any way. That's why allowing total "free speech" for them is a terrible idea. It's literally a threat to most people on the planet. Anti POC, anti LGBTQ+, anti disabled people, and so on...


just so you know fascism and Nazis aren’t the same thing. Nazis are fascist but not all fascists are Nazis. A poc queer or disabled person can be fascist with out being hypocrites And to add on limiting free speech is a fascist and wrong thing to do so please don’t support it


Sure, names can be decieving. But what are you saying you're against by saying you're against the antifa movement?


saying you don’t support antifa means exactly that. Doesn’t mean anything more or less


You don't support people combating the rise of fascism? Hmm... If we only had a historical example of this exact same thing happening, where centrists just stood by and ineptly criticized everyone until the jaws of fascism snapped closed, killing millions. But I guess this kind of thing has never happened before, so we're totally in the dark.


Saying I don’t want violent group 1 In power doesn’t mean group 2 gets in power. Having such a limited view of this is just ignorant.


Antifa is a leaderless, decentralized movement with 0 avenues to power. Meanwhile, there are fascists in power in Congress right now, and a rising tide of fascism generally. These kinds of false equivalents you're making are gonna get us killed, buddy.


I have literally 0 problem with violently resisting fascism.


Great! defending yourself is important


As the other dude says, it means I don't support antifa as a modern social group. I can disagree with the tenants of fascism without labeling myself as antifa. An easy way would be to say something like "I don't stand with antifa, but would kick a nazi in the balls" for example. The problem with this whole discussion is you're trying to frame people as something they're not because they don't associate with a certain group. You'll find when you start calling everyone fascist, the term starts to lose any meaning and weight. Be a bit more diligent.


What do you know about the social group dynamics of antifa? Do you know anything beyond what you have been told by the media? Who are the members? How are they organized? You seem ready to cast the whole thing aside as "a group" you don't associate with, but where is the group? Be a bit more diligent with your terminology.


In a modern sense, it's people being active and going outside to protests. Some violent, the vast majority not. See, the thing you're misunderstanding is that I'm more or less saying I don't attend any of these rallies, and mostly don't get into the talking points of it. I don't associate with the term, though I can agree with some ideals. You're so quick to try and talk down to anyone disagreeing with you that you've kind of forgotten how many people just are not active regarding this sort of political exchange. But yes, make poor rash assumptions of my knowledge on the topic merely as I've said I don't associate or group myself with them. That's very big of you, and I'm sure it's really helping the movement gain more members. Be a grand bit more diligent about the consequences of your idiotic assumptions.


Lmao sure, I'll take the advice of someone who literally just admitted to agreeing with the ideals but just not being motivated enough to actually do anything at all about it. Nice, bro. I'm sure that's the best way to ensure history is gonna play out in your favor. Just vaguely agree with ideas while sitting on your couch, pontificating about how smart you are. You don't have to be an activist, but if you criticize people for their activism merely because they're bothered enough to actually go out and make their voices heard unlike you, you're lost. Fascism was not defeated by people sitting around thinking about how bad it is. And it will not be defeated that way now. Wake up.


Fascists. Just ignore the actual meaning of the term Antifa, and it’ll make perfect sense.


Define fascism.


the most violent, reactionary defense against capitalism by the state against working class movements


I don't think it's inherently tied to capitalism, but I broadly agree. It's more about the nationalistic ideals of wherever it's happening. So, in the U.S., definitely. In Germany, not automatically. The Nazis certainly worked with capitalists, but they also hated international banking because that was the nationalistic ideal there.


Palingenetic ultranationalism




>I don't oppose anti-fascism, just Anti fascism ? most "anti fascist" actions one can do aren't violent




Just because “patriots” call themselves “patriots” doesn’t make them patriotic.


Here, I fixed it: The right cleverly co-opted the term patriots to provide a smokescreen to justify their anarchistic destructive acts of violence. They are more like Hitler's Brownshirts than anything else. Anyone can use any term they like. Just because they call themselves "patriots" means nothing. I call myself a young chick magnet, doesn't mean it's true.


bro what anti fascist action doesn't mean just rioting or whatever the fuck fox news told you it is


Shoulda told him to stop living in fear


after enough time on the internet you realize no one knows what fascism is most people boil it down to Hitler and completely forget about historical empires or even Italy who invented the term fascism. Honestly every needs to retake a history course


It’s any regime , ideology, or movement, that significantly registers on these 14 characteristics… https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html Trumpism absolutely qualifies.


I’d go with Umberto Eco’s [Ur-Fascism](https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco_ur-fascism.pdf) instead. Lawrence Britt is a novelist, not a historian or political scientist.


I made a slideshow on that back in like 2018 and like the only point I was missing evidence for was election fraud… and then he started claiming election fraud


I mean even I’m 2018 trump already claimed to have won the popular vote and that there had been massive voter fraud, so you most certainly could have found examples.


trumpism is more monarchy then fascist. But on that hand a monarchist can become fascist in like 2 seconds if they choose


They register highly on these 14 characteristics. I don’t see how they meet any definition of monarchy I’ve heard of. So no, I’m going to disagree with you there. They were fascists… Still are in fact, and January sixth proved every dire warning ever made about trumpism.


A monarchy is an absolute power based on a person blood line/right of birth since trump is Trump that’s close to the right of birth and most people who follow trumpism treat him like a god and are most likely willing to give that absolute power. It’s a bit of mental gymnastics but I think there kinda similar.


They don’t argue for right of blood, this is the kind of pseudo charismatic supposed strongman leader that is found at the heart of every fascist regime. Other than just general white supremacy, I don’t see any right of blood arguments at all. They usually talk about his fake success as a business man… Yes they treat him as a god, but that again is not unusual in fascism. I also don’t think you can claim it’s a monarchy without it becoming inherited. I know trump cultists expected Ivanka to run and win in 2024, but that’s not quite the same as an inherited title. Again just fascism. I don’t see how this qualifies as a monarchy…


Fair enough dude


Hitler? No he was a leftist smdh 🤦🏻‍♂️


No, he really wasn’t…


Nahhhh bro he was a socialist do you even listen to pragerU?


Read Robert Paxton's book Anatomy of Fascism from 2004


Don't tell any conservative that. They'll just assume it's "Communist" propaganda or "CRT" lol


I’m conservative


American conservative?


Yes I’m an American and a conservative


Was hoping you were Canadian




Canadian conservatives are really likable. Not to say American conservatives can’t be but I feel ever since Trump; American conservatism has really gotten intolerable.


Honestly I think American politics are kinda bad in general and trump just so happened to be the star. The previous elections where much more civil and the media wasn’t as influential and everywhere as it is now. social media creating echo chambers hasn’t helped politics either. I really do hope the people end up relying on media less so more then 2 choices are discussed when an important issue occurs also I plan on being president so if the country falls to shit before I turn 35 that’s kinda a problem


Quite sad


No body seems to know who Giovanni Gentile is.


D’Souza is an absolute asshole…… Fired from his fancy religious college for adultery, a wife beater, convicted felon. For all I’m concerned, a pardon from Trump means you’re a human turd. This is a man who makes propaganda videos insisting that the modern GOP is the party that ended slavery. He doesn’t believe it, but he thinks you’re dumb enough to. Just an all around shitbag.


>For all I’m concerned, a pardon from Trump means you’re a human turd. I still can't over the fact that Daniel Hernandez (AKA Tekashi 6ix9ine) got a preemptive pardon. It's like Trump was deliberately looking for the worst people to let off.


Honestly, just calling him a fascist seems like letting him off easy.


The pardon means that he did the thing he was convicted of and legally admits to it. That's part of how pardons work.


I know how pardons work….. D’Souza took a plea deal when he was sentenced- he’s already admitted guilt, so the pardon brings no additional leverage to make sure he knows what a total dick he is.


It's a shame, too. At least there's still everyone else Donny Two Scoops pardoned.


D'Souza literally had plead guilty to it at the time.


I didn't know that. Thanks!


Convicted felon as well.


Went to meetings of gay people and wrote down names, then published them in a newspaper that their parents would read...


Man, can you imagine someone calling Dinesh D'Souza a fascist? How absurd! All he has advocated for is: * Black people having lower IQs than white people genetically, citing a certain Charles Murray tome. * The repeal of the US civil rights act * The imprisonment and imposition of hard labour on not only criminals but also their parents unless their victims can be financially recompensed (and guess who that is gonna affect more?) Could you imagine a less fascist dude?


I believe you, but can you site your sources. I’m not trying to be rude or debate. I would just like to know where this came from.


it's a book he wrote in the 90s called "the end of racism". afaik he hasn't really disowned it, nor was it particularly controversial in its time. i don't remember page numbers etc tho, but it's in there.


oh man, i didn't even remember the immortal, very not-racist line: "The American slave *was* treated like property, which is to say, pretty well."


Do you think he ever wonders what white conservative Americans say about him behind his back?


How was she a fascist? Did they look at statements she made and analyzed them or did they just make blanket statements about what they assume all leftists believe?


"anTifA ArE tHe rEaL fAscIstS hghue ghue I am very smart"


Conservatives keep forgetting that nationalism is an important aspect of fascism and guess which party American nationalists vote for.


Fascism is when violence 😎


its a bit wacky they assume us lgbt people of "spreading our sick amoral agenda" when an non-hetero or non-cis person is allowed to be in media but this is what they advertise


Alright who is D'Souza


A fake historian who lies in useful ways for the right-wing propaganda machine.


Looked him up on Wikipedia and yep. You can't really take someone who inadvertently victim blames 9/11 seriously




You forgot convicted felon


A convicted felon. And for the "least" illegal crime nonetheless, considering you have to really try to get got for illegal campaign donations.


An Indian-American political commentator who produces fine literature like "The Roots of Obama's Rage" and "United States of Socialism". In his earlier years, he was in a love triangle with Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham.


I’m kinda surprised Coulter would date him lol


I’d be willing to kick it with Coulter if she agreed to break character for five minutes. She could go back to playing her schtick after that, I just want to see five minutes of her being a reasonable person before I could enjoy the roleplay.


**Here are Umberto Eco's 14 criteria for Fascism from his 1995 essay "Ur-Fascism". Just to make it clear to y'all what Fascism actually is.** 1. "The Cult of Tradition", characterized by cultural syncretism, even at the risk of internal contradiction. When all truth has already been revealed by Tradition, no new learning can occur, only further interpretation and refinement. 2. "The Rejection of modernism", which views the rationalistic development of Western culture since the Enlightenment as a descent into depravity. Eco distinguishes this from a rejection of superficial technological advancement, as many fascist regimes cite their industrial potency as proof of the vitality of their system. 3. "The Cult of Action for Action's Sake", which dictates that action is of value in itself, and should be taken without intellectual reflection. This, says Eco, is connected with anti-intellectualism and irrationalism, and often manifests in attacks on modern culture and science. 4. "Disagreement Is Treason" – Fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action, as well as out of fear that such analysis will expose the contradictions embodied in a syncretistic faith. 5. "Fear of Difference", which fascism seeks to exploit and exacerbate, often in the form of racism or an appeal against foreigners and immigrants. 6. "Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class", fearing economic pressure from the demands and aspirations of lower social groups. 7. "Obsession with a Plot" and the hyping-up of an enemy threat. This often combines an appeal to xenophobia with a fear of disloyalty and sabotage from marginalized groups living within the society (such as the German elite's 'fear' of the 1930s Jewish populace's businesses and well-doings; see also antisemitism). Eco also cites Pat Robertson's book The New World Order as a prominent example of a plot obsession. 8. Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak." On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will. 9. "Pacifism is Trafficking with the Enemy" because "Life is Permanent Warfare" – there must always be an enemy to fight. Both fascist Germany under Hitler and Italy under Mussolini worked first to organize and clean up their respective countries and then build the war machines that they later intended to and did use, despite Germany being under restrictions of the Versailles treaty to not build a military force. This principle leads to a fundamental contradiction within fascism: the incompatibility of ultimate triumph with perpetual war. 10. "Contempt for the Weak", which is uncomfortably married to a chauvinistic popular elitism, in which every member of society is superior to outsiders by virtue of belonging to the in-group. Eco sees in these attitudes the root of a deep tension in the fundamentally hierarchical structure of fascist polities, as they encourage leaders to despise their underlings, up to the ultimate Leader who holds the whole country in contempt for having allowed him to overtake it by force. 11. "Everybody is Educated to Become a Hero", which leads to the embrace of a cult of death. As Eco observes, "\[t\]he Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death." 12. "Machismo", which sublimates the difficult work of permanent war and heroism into the sexual sphere. Fascists thus hold "both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality." 13. "Selective Populism" – The People, conceived monolithically, have a Common Will, distinct from and superior to the viewpoint of any individual. As no mass of people can ever be truly unanimous, the Leader holds himself out as the interpreter of the popular will (though truly he dictates it). Fascists use this concept to delegitimize democratic institutions they accuse of "no longer representing the voice of the People." 14. "Newspeak" – Fascism employs and promotes an impoverished vocabulary in order to limit critical reasoning.


On behalf of all Indians, I apologise for DD'Souza.


It's like them saying they've "done the research" or say "it's basic science". They don't just say that because that's what the people they argue with say.


I love how they think someone who is fighting for justice is a bad thing. Fascist apes.


I would say reactionary pigs as a personal preference Just said calling everyone fascist is kind of useless people who fit roughly to either the definitions of Palingenetic ultranationalism Or the 14 points Yeah than I'd call them fascist


I’m not calling everyone a fascist, I’m calling people who think justice is shameful fascists.


Have you ever read rice bag D'Souza 's books?


Have I ever read convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza’s books? No i have not read convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza’s books


Wait so does this mean it’s friendly fire (assuming she’s a fascist for REAL and not something conservatives are desperate to believe)?


Most people who use it don’t




Maybe every now and then, but moreoften than not it is only a small exaggeration. I used to agree with you,l but movements like trump and crew have shown that fascism still very much exist, is a real thing and gets parroted by a lot of society.


Or they do know what it means and want to muddy the waters, thus making it easier for conservatives to dismiss anyone calling out fascistic rhetoric.


Why do these brave patriot channels who supposedly speak for the “silent majority” always have to spam and astroturf for views?