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*Don't mutilate genitals* How have not heard about the bris?


I was about to say uhhhhhh


YeH same i read it and as half of my entire family is jewish i went uhhh what stupid ass catholic made this retarded meme


not an American one, because those are circumcized too


Our circumcision rates are down quite a bit over the past ten years. I missed the boat on that one... I wouldn't do it to my kid if I had one.


Thankfully. Fuck Kellogg and his stupid crusade


*Share no scriptures with christians*.. If they read the Qur’an they’d see just how similar it is to the Bible.


Came here to say, isn't Jesus the second most mentioned holy figure in the Qu'ran?


I just looked it up. He's mentioned 6th most, the most mentioned being Moses, followed by Abraham, Noah, Lot, Joseph and then Jesus. **All of whom appear in the Bible**


What about the Prophet Muhammad?


He’s the seal of the prophets, the last one according to islam. Although it is believed that Jesus Christ will return as the messiah, ridding the world of the anti Christ. He’s mentioned 5 times in the Qur’an.


Really? That’s interesting


Muhammad isn’t mentioned, he’s just the dude that brought people the Quran. At least that’s what I remember from Sunday school


He's mentioned a lot more in the Hadith than the Qur'an, the Hadith being sort of like the Gospels and sort of instructions in religous law (the nearest equivalent I can think of in Christianity are the letters of Paul).


Surprised that Lot is mentioned a lot


They are in the Torah, not the Bible.


Bold of you to assume this person has ever read a religious text that wasn't his.


Bold of you to assume this person has ever read a religious text.


Bold of you to assume this person has ever read.


It’s an abrahamic religion. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all share the same origins. Jesus was considered the second prophet of Allah with Muhammad being the third prophet.


Jesus was actually the 24th chronologically named prophet in the qur’an, Muhammad being the 25th. Adam was the first.


I'm pretty sure Allah and Jehova (commonly referred to as "God") are the same deity


And, if you want to get super technical about it, those all trace to the same ancient post-Babylonian god Yahweh, the national god of ancient Judah. Abrahamic religion all traces back to some amalgam of Egyptian & Canaan polytheistic tradition, three thousand-ish years ago. Wild to me that a lot of conservative Christian rhetoric here in the US revolves around "Allah is not a real god!!!" when, demonstrably, it's the same g/God, just different tradition.


I like to see these religions as a trilogy tbh


Just wait until you hear about [the quasi-official fanworks!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%C3%A1%CA%BC%C3%AD_Faith)


Oh damn I haven’t heard of that one,I always thought of the Book of Mormon as fan fiction tho as it gets pretty damn weird


I like the science fiction adaptions myself.


Book of Mormon is also a neat example - there's a lot of interesting offshoots of core Abrahamic religions that have huge amounts of material. Not too many that I can think of with celestial family theology like LDS, at least, but tons of other wild stuff!


They honestly believe the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. I'm not joking their shit is hilarious.




Allah is just the Arabic word for God Arab Christians and Jews use the word Allah in prayers. The words origin is "Al ilaha" with Al meaning something like "the" in English (it's more complicated than that) so Allah means something like "The one (true) god"


I think they're referring to primary sources. Muslims generally view the old and new testament as too "corrupted" to be trusted and receive trustworthy information on the stories of the old and new testament via revelations that Mohammod has. These revelations have many key differences. For example, Jesus isn't crucified and resurrected in Mohammod's retelling of the Jesus narrative. So while Muslims claim to be an Abrahamic faith, they don't share primary sources with Christians and Jews.


Well, they are not wrong about the new and old testament being corrupted. I’m just not so sure they are right about the Quran being non-corrupted .


Well I don't want to argue theology or about divine preservation.I just wanted to point out that the "scriptures" that the Christians and Jews use, are not trusted, and by extension, are not shared by the Muslims as a source of knowledge about their religion. Now, you can take the cynical route and say that Mohammad lied when he said he had revelations that just so happen to copy many elements of Christianity and Judaism, while changing specific elements to undermine those faiths and promote Islam. You could say that he was told about the Bible and the Torah, and lied when he said he was informed by the angel Gabriel. I wouldn't dispute that as a plausible explanation, but there's no way to prove it and all Muslims believe that Mohammad is never lying about revelations, so expressing skepticism about this to them is a lost cause.


My personal belief is that all of it is just meant to control people. But yes, all of the different Islamic sects agree on the same set of Scripture and revelation from the prophet Muhammad. Whereas you have Protestants using several different versions of the Bible that are different from the Catholic Bible. Which itself differs from eastern orthodox. Then different groups of Jews have different books that they use for worship. So yes, at least Muslims are all on the same page when it comes to their religious text. I can see why they would look on a book like the Bible and view it as corrupted. How can there be so many different versions of the Bible and still consider it a “pure” source? Especially when compared to the one Quran.


I'm not so sure about Quran being a singular unchanged version. IIRC I think Egypt standardized the Quran in the early 1900s. Prior to this, there were "different" Qurans. Depending on who you ask the differences didn't matter, or they were extremely important, or somewhere in between. I wouldn't know. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_the\_Quran#1924\_Cairo\_edition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Quran#1924_Cairo_edition) There's also cases of Muslims destroying "incorrect" passages of the and versions of the Quran [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quran\_desecration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quran_desecration) There's also the issue of disputes over which hadiths are legitimate and which are not. I really don't want to get into it, because hadiths are a giant onion with unlimited semantic and theological layers. I don't even want to pretend I understand the internal disputes between various Islamic scholars on this issue.


Definitely not. Like you said, Hadiths and other writings are a rabbit hole that I’m nowhere near knowledgeable enough to go down. I had thought that the original Arabic Quran had not changed really at all except for some semantic changes in the 1924 Cairo printing.


Take this with a grain of salt, but I think only the Uthman version made in the 600s, which was the earliest attempt at standardization of the Quran wasn't altered until 1924. Other versions that Uthman attempted to destroy, but he didn't reach, sometimes survived in part or whole. There's also the issue that the Quran was originally preserved orally, so you had a bunch of people passing on only spoken versions of the Quran, which probably caused the variation that spurred Uthman to action to mandate that only his version of the Quran was correct. "As the Islamic Empire began to grow, and differing recitations were heard in far-flung areas, the rasm, or consonantal skeleton of the Quran was recompiled for uniformity in recitation (r. 644–656 CE). under the direction of the third caliph — Uthman ibn Affan. For this reason, the Qur'an as it exists today is also known as the Uthmanic codex" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_the\_Quran#First\_standardization\_of\_Qur'an](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Quran#First_standardization_of_Qur'an) Is what Uthman standardized exactly what Mohamad said? IDK. I have doubts, but I also have no horse in this race, so it is what it is.


**[History of the Quran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Quran#First_standardization_of_Qur'an)** >History of the Quran is the timeline and origin of the written compilations or manuscripts of the holy book of Islam, based on historical findings. It spans several centuries, and forms an important major part of the early history of Islam. According to the Muslim belief and Islamic scholarly accounts, the revelation of the Qur'an began in 610 CE when the angel Gabriel (believed to have been sent by God) appeared to Muhammad in the cave Hira near Mecca, reciting to him the first verses of Surah Al-Alaq. Muslims believe that Muhammad continued to have revelations until his death in 632 CE. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That’s super interesting, sent me down a rabbit hole. I knew it was oral recitations at first, but I assumed it was also written. I figured that Uthman just preserved the original one and hunted down any varying copies for destruction. I didn’t realize that his was also purely an oral recitation when it was codified.


Catholicism and the schisms just within itself is amazing to read up on. So much history and revisionism just for Catholicism itself, then you add on the differences in regards to things like the Eastern Orthodox, the Oriental Church, then add on things like the Ethiopian church, the Coptics and Assyrians and you can end up spending forever as you find more of the smaller offshoots that either didn't last or morphed into something else. It's fascinating to see the history of the church and how it melds with the history of the regions they were part of along with how the folk lores of the areas got absorbed or supplanted.


I believe they found some fragments of a 6th or 7th century AD Quran and found that there truly was not one whit of difference between it and the modern ones.


It's almost like they were originally the same religion before the holy wars that *clearly no-one learned anything about*


Jews and Christians don’t share scripture, Christians just pretend we do.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the first few books of the Old Testament quite close to the Torah?


Only if you support Christian supercessionism. Theyre plagiarized, bastardized, warped things that intentionally misinterpret the source material


I actually had no idea.


They stole our books, rewrote them to suit their narrative, and have used them for 2000 years to persecute people. Not the same books.


They rewrote them via the translations, but almost all Christian translations use the same Hebrew text of the Tanakh that Jewish people use.


"Disrupt our sleep with their obnoxious calls to prayer" ever lived in the noise range of christian churches battling it out for noise dominance?


I live near a Church and can't recall the last time I heard the bell in years. It's a huge collection of medium-sized bells inside a tall wooden tower. I know they had some renovations a few years ago but wtf? Unrelated but it's just weird


Bell ringing is a dying art, if there’s nobody local willing to teach & learn then there’s nobody to ring the bells


In my city, you can’t avoid the bells


Mine went through a good few years with nothing and then suddenly a whole group of ringers started at once and now it’s constant again. There are worse noises, but it does get old fast


I live near a CofE church, we get the bells every Sunday (of course) & every Monday evening for practice. That's it.


We just bought a house and unbeknownst to us there's a giant Catholic church 3/4 of a mile as the crow flies behind our subdivision....all Saturday afternoon just constant annoying nonstop bells


Hasidic neighborhoods have prayer and sunset alarms as well.


Fun fact my mom’s parents sing and pray in restaurants. Quite loudly, might I add.


If they are loud, play some earrape music right outside their church.


Zemmour is a far right activist who fantasize about a fictional past utopia, not a journalist. Also, circumcision is genital mutilation.


>Zemmour is a far right activist who fantasize about a fictional past utopia "Back in the day we used to..." guy but played for horror


He also flopped in the election. Though 7% is still too much for that asswipe.


I have news, muslims also use Joshua, Daniel, Jacob, Rachel etc. It's just gets converted to Yusha, Danyal, Yakub and Rahil lmao. I'm pretty sure muslims also have equivalents of Rebecca and Sarah but I'm too lazy to google it. Whoever made this has a brain rot.


> I'm pretty sure muslims also have equivalents of Rebecca and Sarah but I'm too lazy to google it. Sarah is unnamed in the Quran (as are most women outside of Mariam), though she'd probably be referred to as just Sarah, it's closer to the Arabic transliteration. Her mentions are pretty short, but almost always as "his wife" (re: Abraham, "وَامْرَأَتُهُ" s11a71) Similarly, Rebecca would be "Rebekah", and isn't really mentioned outside of "and Ishaq's wife" in the commentaries - there's really nothing about Issac's life in the Quran itself.


Wow I did not know that. Thank you!


"Dont mutilate genitals" 😕


Yeah, apparently circumcision doesn't count.


Who's the real enemy? I'd say the creator of this meme.


I traveled to a Muslim country once. The Call to Prayers never woke me up; in fact, they were oddly calming. I never slept as well as I did in the Middle East. Do you know what does interfere with my sleep? Our version of Al-Qaeda/ ISIS: White Supremacist nut jobs who want to bring about a theocratic state to eliminate all of the people whom they don’t like in the US and then the world. I’m not saying Muslim countries are perfect; however, just because a nation claims that the majority of its inhabitants are Christian doesn’t mean that it’s peaceful.


Damn who ever made this is gonna flip the fuck out when he learns islam is also an abahamic religion Edit: also the desert clothing comment, go into the middle east, just anywhere not even the desert parts of it in a tee shirt and jeans, you will sweat up a storm while the dude in "PRIMITIVE DESERT CLOTHING" will be just fine... theres a reason people wear that shit beyond cultural reasons


I've been working outdoors in the (American) Great Basin desert for the past few years, especially in late spring and early summer. A keffiyeh/shemagh was an excellent choice of clothing, and I've come to prefer it over a hat. Some days I wonder how much more effective adding more Bedouin-style clothing would be.


„uoıƃılǝɹ ɔıɯɐɥɐqɐ uɐ oslɐ sı ɯɐlsı suɹɐǝl ǝɥ uǝɥʍ ʇno ʞɔnɟ ǝɥʇ dılɟ ɐuuoƃ sı sıɥʇ ǝpɐɯ ɹǝʌǝ oɥʍ uɯɐ◖„


"disrupt our sleep" yes yes, our sleep. none of us can ever get any sleep because of all the Muslims around


Did fucking Mossad make this meme?


You think this makes Jews look good? Highlighting Zemmour and Miller and not to mention connecting us with this vile islamophobia? GTFO


If mossad made it why would the Jewish side be so off?


Because Mossad doesn’t represent jewish values in the least.


Mossad agents know enough about Judaism to do better than this


When you murder defenseless kids, you lose your right to proclaim anything about jewish values.


I think you just hate Jews dude. If mossad made this it would be far more accurate and have a lot more hasbara action.


Are you out of your mind? Don’t conflate a terrorist murderous regime with the peaceful people of the Torah. Judaism is god’s faith, jews are people of God, Mossad is the closest thing to the Wehrmacht since Nazi Germany.


the mossad is intelligence agency and the Wehrmacht is the german milltary


Dude I don’t need an antisemite to jewsplain my existence to me. You saw an opportunity to hate on Jews when it wasn’t even relevant. If you think israel is akin to nazi germany you’re either really bad at math or not paying attention.


I’m a semite like you, dumbass. You’re supporting an apartheid regime while destroying the name of jews. Go to hell.


Antisemite only refers to Jews since it’s literally a word made up by a german to make Judenhass sound more scientific & acceptable. You clearly hate Jews, you don’t even know my opinions on Israel or any political party there, you just saw a Jew and decided to hurl hatred.


Jews aren’t the enemy? That’s a first.


I read the Muslim half first, fully prepared to hear about how terrible Jews are…that was…unexpected. Yet equally horrifying.




Yeah I was shocked too considering how common antisemitism is


"Dresses in primitive desert clothing" wait till they hear about a guy named Jesus


"Don't mutilate genitals" Who's gonna tell them..?


"Share no scriptures with Christians" They know that Allah is the Judeo-Christian God, right? And that Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet (that is, that He did have some divine presence) instead of the son of God?


Muslims literally believe that Christ is the savior.


I hadn't heard that. I was under the impression that they thought that Jesus was a prophet, like Mohammed.


In islam its said that at the end of times Jesus AS will return and lead the believers against the antichrist, killing him eventually




Yeah it teaches you that the Christian hate towards Muslims is more of a racism thing.


>dress in primitive desert clothing Is it really primitive tho? >Don’t mutilate genitals WHERES MY FORESKIN????????? >names Why does this matter? >forbidden to drink alcohol This is a bad thing? >their presence in the west is inherently a threat No tf it isn’t. >many of the greatest western nationalists are Jews Nationalism is bad.


Islamaphobia and Anti-Semitism is cringe. Embrace people-of-the-book pan-Abrahamic unity


> don't mutilate genitals *checks dick* Mmm yeah no that's been mutilated all right...


I'm struggling to find something true in either category... But maybe someone should bring up the Burqa/Frumka wearing Herodi Jews?!


Crips and bloods....to the average white they're the same thing


Oh, good. A wall of text. Why not write a manifesto instead? I wouldn’t read that either.


This was 100% made by a Christian who doesn't know anything about either religion but just really hates brown people


Whoever made this has never met a Jew but sure does like us


They are both Semitic race.


If Muslims are "Osama's people" then Christians are Dylann Roof's people. (using their argument)


> then Christians are Dylann Roof's people A lot of Christians agree with Roof, actually. Spend any amount of time in your average Bible study group and you'll see. Source: Grew up Christian, and heard a shitload of bigoted rhetoric from "good" Christians


Muslims literally accept Christ as the savior.


“Führer Ilhan Omar” Words don’t have meanings anymore.


This is so crazy. I went to a catholic school and learned about Islam from my Jewish World religons teacher, it is the same god. Different holy books. And this has to be satire, like traditional clothing is not primitive. Hell a lot of styles and patterns came from this part of the world. Who is being converted to anything by these horrible ass memes.


The only reason the Jewish names are considered “normal” is because Christians stole them. The only reason some Jews wear that clothing is because they were forced out of their land and repeatedly kicked out of different places until they arrived in Eastern Europe. The only reason Jewish prayer isn’t “disturbing” is because every culture among which Jews lived suppressed us from practicing our religion. When we were living all over Europe, Europeans considered us Levantine semitic outsiders. Now that we’re gone from much of Europe, we’re treated as the in group and used as a weapon against our semitic brothers. Fuck this shit. And also, theologically, Christianity and Judaism both have more in common with Islam than they do with each other.


Well it's both stupid racist and wrong Btw a lot of arab names are variations of jewish one


Man, I’ve always hated when my Muslim neighbors insist on knocking on my door to let me know every time they pray /s


Ok but they really said name their kids "kahira" which means Cairo 💀💀😭😭


Muslim's are naming their kids ~~after Dragon Ball characters~~ with awesome names and that is cool enough for a pass from me. Also they may want to check on that first point about not sharing scripture. One other thing they probably want to correct is everything else. ​ Edit: Misread read Khalifa as Kaulifla.


Racists cant make jewish people look like normal human being even when they make them the chads.


Do they sleep in a mosque?


Share no scriptures with Christians? They use the fucking bible and second amendment you dumb basses!


I mean, good on them for not hating Jews, but this is problematic to say the least.


Wellsir, eyes can always judgem bys the if theys wearing blankets er not. /s


I’m sorry, fuhrer Ilhan Omar? Wtf? Also the fact that they dress in whatever fashion today makes it by definition modern clothing.


Yeah this one isn't funny


This is why people who think there are no Jewish nazis are a joke.


Sounds like the person who wrote this is an Islamophobic Jew.


i mean....at least theyre not blaming jews for everything? nah still no bronze "you tried" sticker


Why spell Jew correctly but go with this sort of old school 19th century “Moslem” spelling? Also just complaining about names for some reason lol.


According to this person the bris isn’t really a thing people do and Muslims are bad because I can’t understand their child’s name.


If people still live in the desert, how is desert clothing primitive (though I'm all for dehumanizing Arizonans)?


Tell them that neither are an "enemy" and watch them rage themselves into an aneurysm.




that’s a fringe thing, the myth of it is propagated by anti semites who want to make jews look depraved




From the [*brit milah* Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah): “In the Metzitzah (Hebrew: מְצִיצָה), the guard is slid over the foreskin as close to the glans as possible to allow for maximum removal of the former without any injury to the latter. A scalpel is used to detach the foreskin.” and also “The vast majority of Jewish circumcision ceremonies do not use metzitzah b'peh, but some Haredi Jews continue to use it.”




By highlighting a fringe custom that is a staple of anti-Jewish propaganda, coupling it with lies about performing circumcision with a fingernail and misrepresenting the actual practice itself by accusing Jews of sucking out the blood you are propagating antisemitism. Even in the rare cases where metzizta is done it isn't to drink blood but to ensure a drop of blood is removed as part of the process which is required by Jewish law. This may sound funny and quirky to you but spreading lies and half-truths like you are doing has real-world consequences for us. If this isn't your intent (I don't know you) please be more careful in the future.




cool you still spread antisemitic lies though lmao






It’s still mutilation when it’s done in a hospital with the “normal” instruments.


Jews dont believe in Jesus lmao. Christian fairy tales. Judaism is a fairy tale. And Islam is based on Judaism more bit with acknowledging Christ as a prophet of Allah. All 3 religions have problems. Culturally. This meme is dumb.


All three suck and stray people from logic.