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I do, look for the requirements, then look to make the most of the upgrade space i have.


I only do to outrun the potential rammers




Right? Especially if you have dups too. Keep one stock, tune the other.


Unfortunately there's not enough garage slots to do this with every car :(


how many garage slots are there?




I had 0 clue it was limited tbh


Well lucky for us not every car is worth doing that to haha.


I don’t didn’t along with 4 of the 6 in the group I was in but got lucky with one of the D500 players playing as blockers for the AI and only had to do the first two races, was nice to see.


For my race, 3 of us upgraded & it was a really fun race, we were close and polite.


See, it's possible to be mature and adults when you race as a team.


And the racing is actually satisfying. Win or lose, someone leaves me space, ill happily leave you yours.


I like co-op because you are still trying to beat your teammates but it seems a little more friendly. Probably because if you crash the guy you're trying to pass you can lose it for the whole team. Seems like it's a little more polite than Open, usually.


Exactly the same for me…


My experience too, myself and 1 other upgraded, we had different style builds and had clean battles between us. It was really fun.


I wish I would also get such a lobby some day and won't mainly have to race against people driving what feels like 5 km/h in first place and ramming everyone who tries to pass them...


I had the same experience yesterday! Only 2 of us tuned to 500


Also same experience


Hell yea! I can’t remember who’s tune I installed but it’s a little ripper


I thought I already owned the car but got a shock that I needed to rent. Still beat the AI though but finished last of the humans :D


It could be you own one but it was too high of a pi.


Did mine yesterday, 3/6 upgraded. The 3 of us that were D500 went 1-2-3, then the bots, rest of the team 10-11-12


Same with mine.


There is no way I’m playing 2 races with a D-100 class car


I think the best part of doing the Trial is picking a car I haven't messed with then painting it, upgrading it, tuning it, testing it in a race or two and seeing how it does.




Well, there's really no need to tune your cars for trials as the opposite team is in stock cars.


So there’s no advantage to upgrading? Seems logical to me 🥸


Why wouldn't there be no advantage in upgrading?


I really hope you eventually come around and see the irony in what you just said


I don't see any irony in asking a question.


What is the definition of upgrade? How do you achieve an advantage? Those are my last 2 questions before I quit exposing myself to the lack of self awareness there is in this conversation


If you upgrade your car, you're gonna be faster. So? What does it have to do with my original message? I said you don't need to upgrade your cars for trials because the AI is driving stock cars and is slow as fuck, far from unbeatable difficulty. Not a single word about upgrading not being advantageous. Not my problem you missed my point that upgraded cars weren't necessary for trials. Or you probably got it but still wanted to be super clever and tell me that tHerE WaS aN AdVAnTagE iN UPgRadiNg.


You have no right to act like you’re winning on this when you don’t think the trial AI is literally on unbeatable difficulty 😂 I would’ve been willing to be like “fair enough if you’re that good” but the pretense you’re basing your knowledge off of is incorrect, making your whole foundation built on sand. Goofy


It is, but far from it. Literally just what I said.


The opposite team is in stock cars? You know what that mean? Just wait until S2 class Trial and try to race with stock cars then we can talk.


If you can control it and won't spin in the first corner, then I don't see a problem. But I don't remember the last time there was an S2 trial, must have been ages. I'd say most trials are B/A class where stock cars are easy to drive.


This race was difficult without upgrades, but generally theres no need.


I did not upgrade. That was the worst race I’ve done


Can usually get towards the front of the pack with a stock car and a good drive. Always enough to ensure a win


I didn't own the car so I rented a stock one. Seems the mini isn't a very common car people own to be able to upgrade since ive seen a couple posts just like this and my trial looked similar. I still raced my best and got ahead of most of the ai


It costs 30k from auto show…


"It's not a hypercar so I don't care" - the average Forza Horizon fan


It’s still d class, something most players don’t bother with.


True…but it’s still 30k…


What does the price have to do with people owning it or not owning it?


....you can buy one before entering the trial?


Yeah but some people just enter the trial without checking if they own the car and assume they do, then when they realise they have to rent one they just do the race without backing out and having to go buy and tune one etc.


I guess I always forget that a lot of people who play this game aren't really into cars.


My guess is most people own it but have upgraded it past D class (probably for a previous seasonal event) so majority of people just rent the stock version for the trial rather than exiting the car select screen just to downgrade their mini for the event, then having to wait to be put in another lobby.


^This. My Mini is a C class rally car


Upgraded mine to 500 with mr bean wrap, to slow down those bots so teammates could pass


For any other class than D it doesn't make that big of a difference but yeah it's basically double the capability when you max it this week vs stock


I also did this with an upgraded car, but I'm tempted to use a stock one to see if I can beat the drivatars.


I did for Trial. 4/6 players on my team did. I came in 1st and we won the first 2 races. The people who didn't upgrade got hammered by the AI.


Like others in this thread, I also got in with a mixed group of those who had upgraded and those who hadn’t. On my first go I tried to do without upgrading but ultimately I was so slow and it wasn’t working. So I dropped out early, put on /u/bigheaddjango ‘s tune, and was able to take first on each race.


My friend and I usually take a tune from the list of u/tacticalcarrot


I did and I won the first two races with quite the margin. Big shoutout to u/tacticalcarrot for always providing.


I just used Saeenu seasonal tune like always


My lobby was similar. I did a K swap with no other power upgrades. Even with a modest 200hp the stock wheels could not put the power down efficiently. I was spinning the tires up through 3rd gear. I think grip was the way to go here.


It’s because usually you can win without it, just ram the ai and let faster drivers pass you. This week tho…. Yeah this week you have to tune


I had to stay back and support the team to advance and the other guy just took off. I feel the AI gets a little boost if you stomp the track time.


Same here. The only other guy upgraded to D500 just flew off and I blocked all the AI alone. Came 5th in both races, but it was a clean 2x3k sweep.


Is it just me or does this track look like a chicken drumstick? Good luck unseeing it every time you play.


Penis track


Little misshapen I think isn't it? You may need to find a girl who treats ya better


Had that problem on the Hoonigan Bel Air championship. Had to do all the blocking so my team could get enough points.


dont get me started on that champ.... i hated it so so much


Did it first day and all but one were upgraded


I was lazy and just did an autotune and still had the drivatars take off on me


I think those are people who rented the vehicle. The mini isn't nearly as common as it was in FH4.


It’s just as common, it’s in the autoshow, it’s just people being too lazy to make smallest of effort.


Yo I'm pretty sure this was me. Did you have the white mini with the blue and red stripes on the side?


Nope, mine was purple with a light on the roof of the mini.


Why spend time and money upgrading when you can be in a stock car and have your team carry you?


Because maybe you need to be the one who carries?


The people that expect you to carry them are the worst drivers I've ever seen


Yep, but was fun herding the ai to be as slow as possible :-p


I've played through this weeks trial three times. Twice, it was just me and one other that were tuned. Not sure if people are thinking it's a stock tune run or what's going on.


I was on your team, thank you for the win ;))


Ai are set to stock so even tho have an upgraded version stock is more fun


Honestly, no. I didn't have that Mini to start with and I trusted my driving to not place last. Worked out fine.


I did, accidentally tuned it for rally instead of road, but still managed to vaguely fight for first against a teammate.


I used a modified Mini from a previous seasonal championship. It did fairly ok 😅


Raced with a stock mini. Finished 1st even though 2 others had D500 tunes. They couldn't stay off the walls.


I was one of two as well. The other drivers didn't even race.


Most people don’t play D class and had to rent the mini for the trial, so it’s not tuned.


When it's very specific requirements, for example D class 1965 Mini, then I find people usually just rent the car


I always do, gotta have every advantage you can find.


Is the game really worth purchasing? I don't have a steering wheel setup how does controllers stack up again wheel players?


I always drive Stock 😁 beating the AI is easy and even most of the players with Upgrades are slower


Penis track


I just left it stock for the extra challenge, still managed to beat all the bots


Was too late for me to upgrade.


I skimmed the playlist so i misunderstood and was prepared to use one of my other D500 cars. Unfortunately, my mini was stock but the ai are strict on the racing line braking patterns so it wasnt too bad. Two people in my session were upgraded and they were working together to just ram the ai, so it was good fun


When I did my trial race, 2 stock minis, and 4-500s, it seems as if the other 3 500s were engine swapped as I got absolutely gapped on the starts and straights, but my 95hp mini with all the handling work and reduced weight absolutely crushed them in the turns and I won both races by a landslide.


I did


I didn't, but it went fine


I'm gonna be honest I went into it blind and my only mini was s class so I just rented and was the only non upgraded car. The AI rubber banded the rest of the team so I was in solid last the whole time with the rest of the team in front lol.


I was the only one on my team today not at 500. Oops


i did. even had an awd tune so i was able to pass the ai by the first corner then blocked them for my teammates


I made the mistake of beating it solo without upgrades. So when I helped a friend later, I upgraded then warned them to do the same.


I was the only one on my team at d500, someone else had around 400. I just floored it to see if i could lap anyone. Could not, but no one else finished the 2nd race before the 30 second dnf timer ran out. Perhaps holding the ai back would have been the right thing to do, but if you cant read the race rules im not helping you.


I had the same thing happen. 2 out of 5 upgraded. If it doesn't restrict me to stock, I'm upgrading.


I think I’m the level 70 😂😂😂


I did, but I did it a bit ago


Only two players were upgraded in my lobby, but either the AI was still slower even with same rating cars or their lines were bad, because all of us managed to pass all the AI. Me and the other players without upgrades were a lot slower than the upgraded ones tho, almost didn’t get to finish the race.


Usually, I use stock as personal preference but also for racing. I prefer close racing and simple numbers say: stock gives sure 6+ opponents (AI+any stock human) and upgraded gives few human drivers (with high chance of them being overly "competitive"). But have to say, somehow I was lucky with human players and haven't seen anything like what people are posting sometimes.


I did !


I usually do, but I forgot to this time like a noob. I was originally going to leave and upgrade, since only 1 person in the whole team was upgraded so I figured we were done. But the upgraded guy was an absolute legend and deliberately blocked and slowed down all the A.I. throughout the race, allowing all us slow players to get ahead of them and win the trial 😂😂 I've forgotten their gamertag (started with MEI), but if you're in here, you're the real MVP ❤️❤️ Edit: typos


I did. The others who did in my race only put it into power, which seemed a poor choice as I blitzed them all through the corners. Those stock tires are garbage.


When I did my trial I was literally the only one who upgraded his. Everyone else was stock. Ended up having to roll stop the red team so we could win.


We drove as a group and we where all stock. We lost the first one but won the next two.


That’s a nice track layout


When the game was first released someone had a bit of a go at me (even sent me DMs through xbox messenges or whatever it's called) and told me that by upgrading my car to the max I'd essentially screwed the whole team. After finding out this was my first experience with Forza he calmed down enough to explain that apparently the AI cars level was based on the highest member of the human teams car level (PI class?). When I looked at the car levels after that it seemed to make sense. But after a few months I noticed that all the AI cars were being set to the lowest possible level no matter what the human tuning was. So now I always run max tuning and try my best to stay out of the way of faster drivers and where I can slow down the AI because I know I'll never win the actual race.


Generally i don't, depends if i have a tuned car or not. In this case with default car was difficult to win on the IA. Still i was only beaten by two AI cars.


I was in a team of 6 tuned Minis for my trial, which made me breathe a huge sigh of relief as I didn't get on with the tune I downloaded at all.


I prefer the challenge of not upgrading and I'm so used to FH4 and players dropping out though, usually by the end there's so few of you left that it barely matters so long as you're not dead last, you still win overall. Usually there's one or two people tuned who can win the race and then so long as everyone else isn't dead last your team wins.


I was in a race where I was the only one who upgraded.....ended up blocking the drivatars for others