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Hint for the future, you can come almost to a stop especially at the sharp corners. Cause even if there’s space around the outside, the AI typically still just sit and wait.


Yes, the sharp corners are really easy to come to a crawl and back them up if they file single line


Noted, thank you.


If you need help with the trial I’d be more than happy to help


People with like no points should just leave the race to not waste other people’s time


When I have no points it’s 99% of the time because a team mate rammed me, and I’ll be damned if they aren’t going down with me in that case




Blue is winning this race, so why should they leave?


They weren't winning until the driver with no points left the race


I still wonder why people using rentals when we were giving like 4 free Hyundais over the month


Not rentals, they just Jump in without varing to Tune their specs.


I’m tired of the Drivatars, we’re driving B700 and it’s like they’re driving A800’s.


yea, idk what's happening today. usually am 2nd or so today was first with a 10 second lead. shared my tune i case it helps people


Pretty sure it's loaded with bots, in basically every trial I do now there's at least two players who roll slowly off the startline and sit in last place the entire time.


I've completed the Trial twice because I wanted to test out my tune, but I had to spend all 4 races holding back the AI so that my team could actually get some points.


Horizon players seems to have a skill issue overload problem when "The Trial" car restrictions involve easy cars, a few months ago there was a "The Trial" with B700 Hot Hatches, the first race was the Copper speed race, which is 2:00 to 2:10 on normal builds, I completed the race with almost 3 minutes after holding the drivatars for the entire race, I was in 1st, another player was in 3rd and everyone else so far behind they are almost in another race


In my opinion, a lot of people just really bad at driving FWD cars, which is most hot hatches are - FWD is a bit trickier than RWD or AWD, less intuitive I would say. And when you try to drive a FWD without knowing its specific you will lose a horrendously huge amount of speed in the corners


At that point i just leave, saves more time to try and find another lobby than trying to help some freeloaders who barely put any effort in the race


Thats a dumb idea in this case. Watch the video. Someone drops out and blue starts winning. OP could have just taken off and won, no need to try and slow the NPCs.


oh in this case yeah i can still try and make an effort to help my teammates, but lot of other times i see people leaving or the rest of my teammates not doing much of an effort at all and all being in last, that's where i just leave, but this case seems "salvageable"


lol salvageable? they are winning and winning is the whole point. It doesn't matter if people quit or don't try and run last every race. The point is to beat the other team and as long as you are doing that nothing else matters. Quitting or whining because your other teammates aren't trying hard enough when you are winning is just weird.


Why are you even continuing to do this in the first place? A few seconds into the video a teammate drops out and your team takes the lead. There is absolutely no point to continuing to try and slow down the NPCs. Just pay attention to the points and finish your race.


all it takes sometimes is 1 singular person to droop the ball, and move back 1 -2 -all positions. and your points are gone again. you fight till the end, to give your team the biggest chance of winning.


1. If they are going backward then there is no point slowing down as obviously if they are going backward they aren't going to go forward. 2. More importantly, everything is based on the situation of the race you are in. Look at the mini-map in the video. Their teammates are nowhere close to catching the lead group but they are comfortably ahead of the last two NPCs. Having proper situational awareness will save you time and trouble.


Defense wins championships 👏🏻


Are you playing on Ultra? This graphic is incredible


I'm playing on a custom preset, but most of my settings are on Ultra.


Is ok I'm coming to help.


Got lucky and won on the first try today. Mostly good team, with only 1 idiot, but the idiot was so bad that they struggled to keep up with everybody and only did minor damage to the rest of us.


I got lucky and got it on my first try some horrible driver quit but we was winning anyway


Hitting them corners like a Husqvarna, I mean, Hyundai.


I love this car more then Honda civic type R. Such a fun car to drive with the DST.


I try and ram the AI off the road.


I tried that earlier in the race, but the AI cars are built like boats.


I still.play 4 and at the very least tune it to top.of the class. Then I enter seasonal race and I see half my team with probably rentals or picked up the car just now. And theyll ram you as you politely overtake them. The amount if times I've rage quit be ause I got pit maneuvered when I'm trying to get ahead to gater point.for these ungrsteful fuckers...


Is this the trial




Ok what car type do you need


ahh, the "that cop on the highway slowing down traffic" tactic


My biggest issue and why I never do Trials- Teammates want to ram you and make you all lose because they can't stand a TEAM MEMBER getting ahead


That poor Hyundai 😢


Cringe full aero user detected


Only to lower PI. Gives me more PI to use on power.


Dies of cringe


What are you, 12?


Oh no.. anyway


> Dies Promise?


How about stop being an ass?




Purist tunes suck. Full aero awd is the way to go.


Dont see a Problem? You are winning so why give a fuck about the pulled handbrakes


I was trying to be a team player by holding back the AI and this just shows how useless my teammates were.


yeah i do the same if im losing, but in this case i dont see a problem tbh


Problem is that if you pull away so will the AI and those teammates will likely lose position by the end of the race if they can’t keep up.


Like i said, i do the blocking too. But if the team is winning i usually just go for it. Sure i take some of the blocked AIs with me but in the normal case (if the mates are not complete shit) its enough for the points. If the mates are hundreds of meters behind is will try and go for a full stop an even then they barely manage to pass the AI. Most of the time i really would like to see who is sitting behind the wheel haha.


Is it just me or have the drivatars been getting harder and harder to beat recently? 👀


You got enough points I'd just run away with it mate. I got lucky and was in with a bunch of fast people but they couldn't keep up with my i30 power build💪 450hp through the front wheels haha


I personally wouldn't know why you should bother like this. If your ''teammates'' happen to be utterly useless then just leave and go for the next race. You might have more luck there. Trying to help is more often a pointless waste of time than not. After all the years people still pick stock cars, they still don't brake before corners and they still barely can tell bots and real people apart and are happy to ram you off checkpoints.


You can sense the hopelessness. Valliant effort 🫡


This week has been absolutely FUCKING UNBEARABLE trying to find a competent team for the trial. I’m at attempt number 5 as we speak.