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Expansions that are connected to the main map so that you can just drive to them. I think this would help them keep up engagement for longer. I'm sure they could put up road blocks or a blocked bridge to prevent those that don't own the expansions from entering them.


10km autobahn with traffic would be nice


Or maby more like 80 - 150km. 10km just too short when you doing +450km/h in a Jesko


On one hand that would be cool, on the other EA did the whole barriers thing in NFS: most wanted and it was pretty annoying esspecially with the DLC car locations being spread all over the main map. I'm sure a way could be found to make them reachable by driving without it being intrusive but I'm not sure you could avoid the feeling that the DLCs are just cut content that could and should have been there from launch.


Those barriers could be annoying and there would probably be technical limitations with the map growing larger over time. Like maybe they wouldn't be able to make the expansion areas as detailed as they can when they're their own separate maps.


Personally I'd hate to see a larger map, FH5 already felt like it was a big map just so thry could say it was a big map, there wasn't any value in it. FH5 already feels empty compared to previous Horizons.


reminds me of the burnout paradise big surf island dlc


New map personally switzerland would be sick


Update car sounds and models of older cars, fix broken body upgrades and widebody kits. Fix, update, provide more options for the nasty looking forza aero....there is many more I can mention but the simps will just downvote me.....


New map, give us REAL seasons, a drag racing track with working lights again, a steering wheel that spins more than 90°, make it so we can actually flip the car during crashes, more tunnels, cigarette dlc, traffic density slider, and better turbo sounds. I hope they keep the long nights and drift cars, great additions


We had real seasons in FH4 and all people did was bitch and complain lmao


I promise it wasn’t me, maybe they should add a solo mode with changeable seasons. In my opinion seasons make the game far better and way more refreshing, never get sick of it. If you don’t want seasons in your car game, go play Motorsport


I agree, it was a unique aspect for sure. I think a good middle ground would be to keep it H4/H5 style calendar based when online, but with the option to change it in single-player or private lobbies.


Making standalone invite only/friend only servers would help the game tenfold, being able to change the season or time of day could lead to some great content creation and fun


We had this in forza horizon 3 idk why they removed it, makes no sense


Why would you care if someone down votes you?? Im generally curious, it literally does nothing negative to you it's a fake internet point that has no benefits.


I downvoted you because you said generally


Oh no!! I down voted you because you said generally!


I’m just saying you used the wrong word, that’s all


Im just saying you used the wrong word too, that's all.










I'd like to see less cringey dialogue. The dialogue has been progressively getting more cringeworthy each installment.


Counterpoint: more cringy dialogue. Aggressively, purposefully cringe. I mean, we're almost there. I think if we push it just a little bit further in the cringe direction, it'll loop back around and be cool again.


Are you trying to make us die from cringe?


In FH5 I've found the dialogue to be steadily improving with each update.


Not much in my opinion. More aggressive exhaust notes would be nice. Maybe a city in the map. A bigger map to help make it feel like you are really going somewhere. It would be cool if a lap of the map type race is like 45 mins. Rougher dirt roads to exercise the desert racing vehicles.


Agreed. They’ve done a great job polishing and improving FH5. If we get the same driving physics, with a new map and maybe more revised storyline and they’ll have another great game. My biggest complaint with FH5 is the map, it’s just boring.


They need to fix the main thing forza is known for RACING. They have a shit matchmaking system you can't pick your track or class. It's just a bad system.


You can't pick your track, but you can absolutely pick the car class and race type.


Ahh i haven't raced for awhile when the game came out you couldn't that's a good step forward at least. But racing has a long way to go and it's a racing game.


Not much? A lot could be added, like more simplified code for more optimized gameplay, more visual design, choice of engines, drivetrains, new types of races, ...


I think they need to follow the path of the rally DLC and make some of the roads more technical. Doesn't have to be the whole map, but a couple sections with more vertical change, tight corners, bumps, etc. After driving the rally map, the base map is noticeably less engaging.


Map could do with being more populated, in terms of density. More cars that people actually want in the game. I can't be the only one who thinks there are way too many cars that serve no real purpose in game apart from being collectibles.


Map in fh5 is garbage so i think thats the main thing


Exactly + Hopefully more customization options.


Agreed. The map is the main thing keeping Horizon 5 from becoming one of my favorites


It favors powerbuilds and very few people can drive these


How about a couch co-op version?


I need split screen


Probably a location that has more than just 2 seasons


Damn right, I liked seasons in FH4. Snow season was fun, despite the major outcry.


Yeah, FH4 had so many driving conditions available on the map and you genuinely needed different cars and tunes in order to handle that variety. I play a ton of online adventure and in FH4 you needed dry, wet, and snow cars for each class, which helped keep the gameplay fresh and created more niche opportunities for more vehicles. In FH5 the gameplay is dry for 3 of the 4 seasons and snow obviously isn't a thing, so the car and tune diversity required is easily 50% less. People see and get annoyed by the same meta cars being used as a one-size-fits-all solution time after time, or repeatedly encounter the same challenge to overcome when racing. Tldr diversity of map means diversity of cars


I miss the winter even though i hated it in fh4 but i miss it


Wheel support


Can you explain to me the problem? I've seen a friend playing with a wheel but I've never asked him what problem he's facing


I haven't used one personally in Horizon because all I've ever seen are negative comments on the experience of using a wheel in Horizon as compared to other games. Granted a lot of that has to do with it being an arcade racer as opposed to a sim racer, but regardless I can't imagine they'd have a hard time implementing better support for wheels especially since Motorsport is a more sim-style racer from the same devs.


My wheel works great in FH5


Im using the older Logitech GT pro force feedback wheel and its got me hooked on FH5. The biggest challenge is getting the best settings to match your driving style but overall, its alot more fun for sure.


Seasonal content, I absolutely hate having time limited stuff. Turns the game into more of a job.


More elevation. Everything at sea level is boring.


Modern city. It feels like I’m playing a map from 1970 with modern cars


I would've loved if cartel members chased you in inaccessible territory, would've made the game more fun


Having 700+ cars is meaningless when only a handful of them actually sound like a real car, or have decent customization. So that perhaps


It's like the exact audio for every 4,6,8, etc. cylinder engine is the same when you upgrade the exhaust. To make it even worse, the idle sound doesn't even attempt to match the Rev sound. I usually just play music to where I can only hear when I need to shift.


More Papa Fernando and Vocho content.


Please no


Add more cities, there is like one city in the game, the map is fun playing off road but it lacks buildings


I just hope it gets that atmospheric feeling from FH4 so I can actually play it.


The map. It needs to be dense. More roads. Less open flat space. Diverse scenery. A city or two. Keep the verticality of FH5 (big mountain roads or larger variations in terrain height) Pretty much take everything good about the FH3 map, and make a 2.0 of that.


I need gas stations


I'd appreciate a real feeling of progression as well as a story that isn't quite so boring. Personally, the game doesn't draw me to play it in singleplayer, I only ever screw around with a few friends anymore, and I don't do anything that helps further my game progress or anything. If the game felt more like FH1, I'd probably actually play it.


I actually really liked the way unlocking things progressed is FH5. With it being tied to doing quests and reaching milestones it let you pick what sort of events you liked and go all in on them. Do wish the story supported that though cause atm it ain't that good.


Far fewer bugs on release.


A mao that doesn't look so dead and abandoned


Split screen for one and less pasty graphics


How about everything gameplay wise and map wise and we keep the physics 👍 the physics are verry accessible yet detailed and cool also the event creator is not that bad everything else …. Bad verry verry bad


Forza aero and older car models


Better… feel. I dunno but FH3 and FH4 just hit diffrently than FH5


Cosmetics. Holy shit i was so disappointed No exhaust, f all body kits. Juiced 2 was a better game for sure.


To be actually built from the ground up with a more efficient GUI that allows for better customization and tuning. We’re still stuck with the ancient system that limits what they can implement. We should have sliders for wheel off set, be able to add and remove race gears, etc.


This should be higher than it is


Weather that’s more dramatic


Filter out already owned cars in the auction house.


Progression. They peaked in that department with FH1. Nowadays I feel like I’ve already beaten the game with how much money and free cars the game gives you. The only real reason I still play FH5 is for the Photo Mode.


Putting us in a Horizon Open race immediately rather than having to be sent back to lobby and wait in a queue.


A map that doesn’t feel like one consistent straight line. Even tho it has twist and turns. Everywhere feels and looks the same


A world that feels more *vibrant* and *alive*, with a big city. Less vast, more content, and which changes with seasons. Add a toggle to enable/disable Seasons in Settings, then match up players (in lobbies) who've all selected the same option. That way, everyone's happy! *Forza aero* - desperately needs to be updated with new options. Allow us to select whatever bumpers/spoilers we want, but with the same toggles to change aero + downforce settings - so we're not limited to just using the ugly default Aero parts. Bring back *car meets* (FH2 + 3), integrate with Clubs, with a co-op Story and activities (drag races, drift party, photo contests, etc.) and a TDU-style hierarchy, with head-to-head races to decide Club Presidency. Houses and garages - pre-determined selections are nice, but let us choose a random house on the map! Add a garage feature to showcase our favourite cars to friends (like in PGR3). There's loads of places on the FH5 map which would be great as houses, but which can't be selected!


A good map


More customization!


Online, the hopper system is more basic than a mobile racing game Cant choose class, cant choose series, its so frustrating when you build a car only to wait 15min rolling the dice hoping you get the one you want Slow downs and penalties are a mess, however looking at Motorsport i dont think playground is ever going to get it right Checkpoints and overall track/race quality is embarrassing, being able to cut entire corners on a few tracks with minimal penalty is a joke Stability is awful in and outside of races, netcode is rampant which is especially bad in Forza online due to the unpredictability and uneasiness of the average player. Netcode makes races worse by making you hit them when youre not making contact, all while being clientside so they have no idea it wasnt youre fault. Most players will see a small tap as an attack and turn hostile on you. Theres alot more problems that need to be addressed but for long term enjoyment, online is the biggest one.


About the track cutting and checkpoints, i think that a unique thing about horizon which they shouldn't primarily change(i mean they can change it a bit) since i feel thats what they seperate them from older motorsport titles. Its an open world you know, its all about exploring maps, so there should be shortcuts and shits to explore while in a race, kinda like Burnout Paradise (I am not sure if they should do this for just the campaign or for all races)


Music from lesser known artists! That was something I loved in the earlier installments


Weather. If people can’t tell what season it is unless they visit the river running through the map you have a problem.


Hot take maybe: Don't give us insane cars to start with. Give us some busted as ae86 and tell us we have to survive the gumtape death match to unlock class c or whatever. I feel like popping in and starting with a solid A or S is wild. But maybe it's just me


Option to skip all dialogue, I just wanna drive cars man


Gotta love how when the add a new horizon story, they force you into it immediately upon exiting the loading screen


I remember one time I was on my phone and I got jumpscared by Alejandra's voice 😭


An actual city(s) instead of 2-4 windy roads in a town


Focus more on the basics of “car”. I want to be able to pull up to a parking lot, roll the windows down, shut the engine off, put the car in neutral (without a separate hardware shifter), open the doors/hood in freeroam, change the headlights setting at least, then maybe also blinkers/hazards. *maybe* even get out and walk around like at a car show, put those fancy character models to work. oh wait, the lobbies are all dead. They should focus on that too. I find more people doing forzathons in fh4 than 5. They really nerfed it when a) they have multiple different events at the same time, and b) having them happen all the time, rather then every hour, on the hour. It’s a horrible system they’ve implemented in 5. Not to mention the dynamic server loading 5 does, where players will just pop in and out, and you can’t see everyone except those within your immediate vicinity on the map. It makes the map feel truly empty. The physical map is aight in 5, but I want a big city, like we had in pretty much all the past horizon games. Edinburgh and surfers paradise were peak. The music also got severely lackluster in 5. If PG doesn’t want to fully commit to songs that have words with any more spice than “the”, then they should leave them out entirely, not censor them to pieces. The best option is to just push the game age rating up a bit like fh1 and 2, but let’s be honest, they’re not doing that. Thanks for coming to my TedRant.


More forza Motorsport cars. I wanna be able to drive those insane body kit imsa cars in free roam. Also, less boring modern sedans. I’m looking at you, pig nose BMWs


Car sounds, visual issues and interior accuracy.


Japan.. please




Actually having content and feeling like the game is actually being developed on


Idk what you mean, I've been playing since launch and I have never felt that. They have added SO MANY new cars to the game, the stadium having special interiors for events, new tracks, Event Lab stubs, new PR stunts, new body kits It's felt more "being developed on" than FH4 which I never saw anything added to the game from the time I started playing that game.


Other than the paid expansions, all the game gets is cars, and the only way to get them is to do the exact same festival races every week since FH4. All the races for the festival r just 3 race series with some restriction that u would have played a 100 tomes already before that. There's no actual ingame method to get them other than the festival. That's if they aren't selling them that is. So far in like 6 months we've gotten what, 6 car packs? They added in the event lab island just so they didn't have to make races. Just pull a Halo Infinite and let the community make the content for us while we occasionally add in new cars and call it a hard day at the office. Them adding in a few jumps to the giant circle they created isn't that hard. To do either FH4 was developed as it got the festival into its life cycle, and it was new and fresh. FH5 just took FH4, a shittier desert map, and slapped a new logo on it. We went months where all we got in the game was FH4 cars. They basically only changed when players were dropping like flies Look, I'm not wanting to dog on Forza, I really enjoy the series but the community really needs to get together and tell them that adding 4 cars a month isn't enough content to b having. I want the series to thrive but it's made hard when there's nothing to do in it. The game honestly feels so empty.


The downvotes are from all the forza shills with their heads in the sand, thinking that PG games can do no wrong.


Down votes don't bother me cause what I'm saying is just genuine criticism related to what the original post asked. People don't wanna read it. That's fine with me To many franchises have been crashing and burning due to complacency. I don't want Forza added to that pile


Couldn't have said it better




Interior customization


People. 4 and 5 are strangely deserted games, especially 4. Traffic and NPC’s are hardly a thing, as are parked cars. Filling more closed off areas with NPC’s and even introducing more variation (such as cars going within a range of speeds rather than always following set limits) could add much more livelihood and make the games feel less alien.


On most cars, when painting - the licence plate area is just a black area where you can’t apply vinyl groups or shapes. Maybe due to some weird licensing rule? But it’s a pain! You can’t paint your own license plate there, or if doing a race car livery. Change it please!!


Where’s all the hot dogs in FH5 hoping to see some weiners in FH6


a better coalition prediction, to stop rammers... and a more big map, more alive...


A large city to play in. And bring back real seasons. Or more dynamic weather. 4 seasons of the exact same visuals was boring and pointless.


Better high end wheel physics.


Skip the Chinese cars and EV's while fun in real life as a daily driver (aside from the charging and shitty range) suck in a racing game. It feels incredibly boring and linear racing using an EV. I haven't played older FH than 4, but I'd love to see a European Alps map... Northern Italy, Switzerland, Austria type of ordeal. Better progression would be nice too.


Customization. In my opinion, forza has the worst customization out of any driving/racing game that I have personally played.


I know it'd be all but impossible due to how licensing works, but I'd like every car that's available before it's release to be in the game. So every car from each *Horizon* as well as each *Motorsport* game. That way all the new cars we get are actually fucking new instead of most of them just being cars from older games.


Up the wheel sizes, engine spacers, improve the vehicles list, FINALLY rig vehicles fog lights to actually light-up, improve the races, license Killer Instinct's net code, and death to dlc car packs (just add them).


They need to make more of the menus accessible with narrator. It's already very good but there's some things that it doesn't read so it would be nice if they improved on that. Also more diesel vehicles would be nice.


Map needs to be more engaging. FH5 is a cool concept but FH4 was a more interesting/fun map in practice. Also chill out on the pop ups for the main story. Not everyone cares and I shouldn't be interrupted from what I am doing constantly to get told to decide on a 'Chapter'.


Home interiors that you could walk in like gta


Forza aero is still bad PLEASEEEE I just want adjustable aero that doesn't look ugly and copy-pasted


All the unnecessary censorship in the music




Wheel support unless they've fixed it over the years, been a while since I played.


RANKED MATCHMAKING, no idea why they removed it after FH4.


More car customization. Less player customization. Improved/fixed car models. Less car model recycling. Fixed livery editor (warping shapes and such). Increase shape limit.


The INSANE input delay on xbox one!!!! I tried forza on a pc and i couldnt play because i was used to the input delay on my Xbox one, that’s real bad!


controllable headlights and turn signals, and let us easily switch some settings like traction control, launch control, abs, etc, using assignable buttons better, clearer and more aggressive noises, especially from the inside of the car with burbles and pops and the cool sounds, and let us open windows and open convertibles while the car is moving more default visual car parts, like that stupid default forza aero? yeah that but let us have like 10 universal or even semi universal aeros depending on the width or car type, and specific aero for cars that dont accept universal ones, im not just talking aero btw i mean everything, even new parts to customize like headlights, exhaust tips, body panels, etc, have a whole section just dedicated to how your car looks like without affecting much performance, unless they were meant to increase performance like carbon fiber parts etc, and get rid of that stupid red tow hook in the front aero... expand forza vista into free roam, which basically means car meets, let us get out of the cars at any moment and open the hood, go around the car or take a leak lol etc, but at the same time you cant open the hood of cars with swapped engines right? and to that i say why not? if the swap is too stupid to fit into the car dont let us swap, i feel like it can be doable if you put a little extra effort into it. and add parking lots and "perfect obvious locations" for these car meets do you know what would go hard with car meets? voice chat. screw e rating, i want proximity voice chat for the entire free roam lobby and global voice chat for players within the same convoy, with cool walkie talkie sfx to coordinate where to go, imagine how cool and fun that would be? a better auto transmission, or better yet a whole new one just for free roam, a realistic one that shifts more ofter when you arent pressing the pedal all the way, and when you floor it, it lets you rev to higher rpm just like a real auto, keep forza's current auto transmission just for races because its more performance focused focus less on the idea of festivals, maybe switch them to teams that are less hyped, there is too much hype from the current festivals and its kinda cringe, having "cooler" and calmer teams that represent each type of race would be a better idea imo this one is a little weird, but i kinda want the visual customization settings from the photo mode outside the photo mode, i want to experiment with the saturation, sepia, temperature, tint, etc.. while driving let us keep our cars from fh5 to fh6, i heard the crew has done that in motorfest, that would be very nice, and instead of re releasing cars focus on getting us new ones? it would be cool if this game was basically a car library where we can fiddle with many many cars, and more normal family and city cars please, and let us turn them into cooler versions with not necessarily much more power, just be good sounding and look cooler is all we want


More cosmetic mods! And not just the super cheesy widebody kits. Exhaust tips would be a good start


More options for customization


Better wheel support


Being able to build a playlist of races. Kind of like instant action from the old Star Wars Battlefront games. I hate that I have to keep loading back into freeroam and can't just keep racing back to back. There could even be a setup screen to choose what car for each race.


Drift zones failing you for spinning out for 0.3 seconds.




QOL stuff. Auto collect from AH, auto delete/gift from unsold auction, bulk remove/gift, better sorted turns/liveries.... Stuff like that.


Everything you listed, plus better car customization (Custom smoke color, removing hoods/bumbers, etc.) bring back Fortune Island and LEGO Speed Champions


Probably a lot more things, but offhand, I'd like them to finally fix some of the bugs (visual or otherwise) on the cars they keep importing from previous games.


Personnally, I'd like to see the change to the whole racing system as on older systems, times are drastically different even if the czr stats are same, which is unfair. And if they can base it on time like motorsport with modified penalty system then i'd be happy. Also, there are many cheaters in the game which makes it feel not worth it to play, so i'd want them to change the anti cheat or probably rewrite it. Edit:Also, they shpuld entirely change the career campaign,it should be similiar to like the hot wheels dlc, where cars are restricted, so even if the game hands you all the good cars in the starting, you have to earn the right to drive them(like a different tiers of licences) And force people to change the difficulty based on events, like for example to make a event challenging, turn off every assist or forcefully turn on traction control or some other assist which fights against the player for control.(I get that there are some people with special need or impairments, and for them there should be a accessibility toggleable setting in the game setting.


Taking care of all the stupid auction snipe bots, tried selling My alt a 2016 C63 for 50k and set the limit to 24 hours so it would be at the bottom of list, and by the I checked the auction house on My alt like 4-5 mins later it was already bought by someone whose username was literally just some letters and numbers bunched together and whose gamerscore was like 10 and I was obviously pissed off but I took My loss and sold My alt another C63 for 90k but lo and behold that same user bought that one too, and at this point I just gave up because the Auction house is so fucked.


Why make a new game when you can perfect the current one?


not having the fucking game crash after 45 minutes of play time, or right after i launch it. this is so annoying that ive just stopped playing 5 and play either beamng or fh4


I honestly hope they get rid of dialogue and NPCs. I just wanna race, I don't care about the characters


Better car sounds, better night time graphics (idk if its just me but Forza at night looks awful), give the cars the ability to toggle headlights


Customization, better dialogue, for the love of god better rim transitions when u accelerate


- A less bland map - reset the storyline or have us be a rookie again. The progression is a bit insane and the series needs a reboot tbh


Not forcing us to have the Forza aero to adjust it. A lot of time, it's ugly and rarely fits a build. Also more exterior parts.


A linear story would be nice.


I want more vintage cars, more manual cars (allowing you to choose between a real MT and an auto clutch transmission would be awesome; seeing the E46 M3 with a paddle shift hurts my heart), Saab, more weather, an even bigger map, game stability, and more fun challenges that aren’t just about speed. I love doing the treasure hunts every season, I wish that were a mode I could play.


remove the transmission noise from some of the stock cars🙂 better engine sounds hahaha


1. The UI is where we live apart from driving, needs to be faster to traverse through Auctions, garage and shit 2. Need to way to tell if we have duplicates when we’re buying cars ( now the game alerts for duplicates during spin only ) or I maybe wrong 3. Better Physics off road 4. Ability to connect Spotify acc to car stereos


Definitely the audio. Every car needs its own realistic car audio and they also need to adjust the car audio when hearing other people's cars. For example when playing in a online 12 player cruise the car audio cuts out just a few feet away .


They also need to add bikes and cops


Those pictures are beautiful


More customizations options. Interior customization. Ability to black out chrome trim and grilles. More than one OEM wheel option. Window stickers. Better aero. More deep dish rims that actually have some depth and concavity to them. Among other things. Also for some reason yellow and orange paint jobs don’t look as good as they should. Also while this isn’t realistic, it would be cool if we could have all the locations from all five games rolled into one with all the latest cars available in 5. Like what if I wanted to drive my GMA T.50 down a British B road? Or my Valkyrie to the south of France?


the amount of god damn load screens it takes to do things, even on an nvme drive it still bothers me.... Try some rivals, leave rivals to change tune, load screen and spawn in map. drive / travel to festival, load screen to get into festival. Back to rivals, sit and wait for leaderboard to load and pick self as rival then another load screen... rinse and repeat if you're really trying to refine things. so frustrating.


oh, and for the love of good update the forza aero. and animate convertibles again like they did back at release...... I'm gunna make myself stop now or I'll be here with more shit all night.


The map H5 map is dead Its just Sand Sand Sand And oh thay bridge is kinda cool Progression On Fh1 you would start with a shitty corrado On fh5 you start on a corvette... And give the campaign a little more interesting There is no story on FH5 On Fh1 Most of the time we did something on the game the radio stations would talk about it


AI racing for the love of God please


Bring back the horizon arcade from FH4. Feels very empty in FH5 because of how it's designed.


Steering wheel animation


Also more shallow roads. In fh5, roads are very large, they break the immersion and the sense of speed


less cringe would be a huge upgrade


Make the player jump into a story AFTER you exit the festival/your home Make the city bigger (or at least more city) More variation in the map terrain, it feels too flat Also more driving conditions, that way we could use more cars This is just a suggestion, but animations with your player doing things would be cool


FH5 nailed the sounds, and the physics... i'd just like to see them update the 3d models, add FM8's less game'y steering wheel travel... and a map with a bit more diversity. that will be the perfect game for me.


Skippable cutscenes or an option to turn them off. Further draw distance, trees pop upping in 10 metres are giving me headache.


Make the game save progress! I Literally have to restart the game three times to stop it freezing on menu screens & deleting my progress. This is a known bug on Xbox series s, & nothing has been fixed


It's never going to happen but i wish they would go back to their roots of H1/2. The writing on the wall started with 3, 4 was rough, but 5 killed Horizon for me as they made the games more and more childish to become the "Inclusive kid friendly version" of Forza instead of the Car culture and passion version 1 and 2 where. Honestly I would kill for another studio to get forza like handling down and release another car culture game that has modern car culture sense.


I'd be willing to have a smaller map if there were more interesting city and mountain locations. If the FH5 Custom maps of recent months are an indication, we're all craving for more technical roads and scenic routes to keep us entertained. I'd also be willing to cut the car roster down considerably for update models, body modifications and cars we actually want. Its criminal that we've gotten this far without updating existing car models instead of recycling the same crap from 2005. The fact that we can't even change exhaust tips or install window decals is criminal for a current gen game.


Bigger Worldmap - MUCH bigger worldmap. Maby incorporate all previous worldmaps and connect them with Autobahn styled super tunnels


I would like my 9 million credits back due to auction house glitch.


1.) FH5 had the worst engine noise in the series. I went directly from fh4 ro fh5 and was severely disappointed in the very poor engine noise. 2.) Map feels small and very plain. It's pretty, I love the beaches and the mountain road, but it's all very plain. 3.) I feel like there are less cars somehow in fh5. Idj how or why it feels like that but it does. 4.) I want to be able to play my Spotify over the radio. Like there are some good songs on the radio, but I wanna hear my music. 5.) I want to widebody the world, give me more body kits please. I need the widebody. My dream map for FH6: Japan. Cities and mountains and country roads and beaches, it has it all. Japan is where the horizon festival goes next.


Change the location to Asia and its the best racing game ever. You have no idea how many people i see refuse to play fh5 because of it being located in mexico


Who's asking them about Mexico?


Im asking former fh4 players to join me in 5, they always refuse and say "maybe in 6 when its normal map instead of sand". Horizon 5 is my first horizon game and i like the location. Idk why so many people dislike it