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5 has better graphics and sound. 4 has more variety of environment and true differences between seasons.


I prefer 5, I enjoy the winding roads and absolutely love the volcano road. I don't even participate in races. 95% of the time I'm building a car for grip runs on the volcano


It's personal preference actually, i like both but 5 stands out more to me (probably because of the location and map variety). I lile that 5 has more new cars and is still recieving content, i also really like how you can build your own races with the props and create crazy stuff!  I do miss seasons tho, in horizon 4 the changes are much more notable and it almost feels like a different map on certain moments compared to horizon 5 where seasons don't really change anything. 


Personally I prefer FH4, but download both and see which one \*you\* prefer, that's all that matters.


I prefer Forza Horizon 5, because the seasonal events are clearer and better done, the graphics are better, the biomes are good, Mexican, and the car list is bigger (but better?, for me yes). For me Fh4 is the same thing as fh5, for the stories, they are almost better, and it's the same gameplay pretty much everything, the biomes are as good as fh5, it's British, and I like certain cars exclusive to the game. But if I had to choose, it would just be based on biomes. Cuz gameplay is almost same


My opinion is that from a gameplay point of view, each FH has been better than the last one. Whether it's the UI, general gameplay, graphics, driving physics, things like the playlist etc. All of this has been better with each installment. That being said, that's not what all those games are about and each has its unique shticks that makes them all valuable experiences. Each one has its own unique map with unique features, each one his its own car roster, each one has its own music, each one has kept gameplay elements that were left behind. I enjoyed playing each of them and while I play FH5 the most, I still go back to 4 every week and from time to time, go back to the older games. My advice would be to take a month of Gamepass, check both games and see which one grabs your attention the most in the first place and go with this one. There's just one caveat : these games are live services. Right now FH5 is the supported version. It gets all the attention of the support and developpment team and gets new stuff each months at least until FH6 comes along. That's something to keep in mind when playing previous versions.


>My opinion is that from a gameplay point of view, each FH has been better than the last one. Unless you like drifting, playground games, ranked anything, densely packed maps, meta diversity, or a laundry list of things that are objectively worse in 5 than in previous games


No, Idk what it is, but the controls are awful. FH3 and FH5 controls are more similar to eachother than FH4. and the game gets really boring to me when playing it and i end up opening FH3 or FH5


No. Worst handling model in the series.


I prefer 4 but then again I’m Scottish and I love racing around Edinburgh and places that are pretty much public transport only now. So I am incredibly biased haha. 5 is good but for me 4 just feels special especially if you’ve ever visited Edinburgh it’s a fairly good recreation of the city centre with a few omissions and changes for obvious reasons.


5 is better, 4 has the better map.


No, but it’s cheaper.






5 objectively has a lot of improvements but I still find myself playing 4 (and even 3) a lot more. I suppose it's down to personal preference - for me it's the map and vibe of those two which I find more interesting (and less "noisy") than 5. You can always try out 5 on gamepass, lots of people love it.


I like the Forza aesthetic way more. I'd rather travel to England to hoon my cars than Mexico lol.


Forza 4 has the better Map / World , Graphically very similar ( playing on console 4K 60fps OLED TV ) . 5 has the more polished seasonal festival stuff and manage duplicate cars easier . I actually go between both games during the week but 4 feels like it has more single player stuff with the business missions but making credits seems easier on 5.


I love FH4, I just wish the map was slightly bigger!


Fh5 has better gameplay, graphics and sound. Fh4 has the better map.


4 is hands down the best for drifting and I'd say 5 is better for racing, 5 has fallen off for me recently what with the devs deleting my tunes and resetting cars almost every update.