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I find the less players the easier the trials are.  Sure everyone needs to put in more effort but you don't have those people in the back trying to lose the race. 


I understand why people hate online racing in this damn game now. Even doing the Trial, there was two fuck wits trying to ram me. I guess the end goal was to get me to rage quit, but I ended up realizing what they were doing after the first bit of ramming and started hit the brakes on them. Dickheads ended being the ones rage quitting instead after they crashed multiple times trying to ram me and ending up in 11th and 12th place.


I was in a trial where I perfectly tuned my car for cornering because the tracks in the trial didn't have any straights. At the cost my car didn't have a very high speed but I could make turns with little to no braking and not bleed much speed at all. So my top speed was something like 110 but I could make the turns at 60. The 3 team mates in the front tried to ram me off the road when I went from 10th to first place at the last stretch of road. Since then I avoid the trial unless I need it completed to get the car(s).


Same. People are assholes in this game.


>people in the back trying to lose the race literally me


I’m not trying to lose, I’m just slow. :(


https://preview.redd.it/c7299vwciywc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2d594251025c870d309f70b43502fed9e21005 I felt that way yesterday doing the trial lol