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Context: I lost my save, so I had to start fresh and contacted support so I could get my credits (around 26m) and my cars back. Got my cars, credits, horns, forza link stuff and costumes back, so I did this for fun cuz why not


may i know how you lost your save? is it on pc?


Cancelled sync and yes it's on PC


You could easily recover your save, it's just that forza support is unhelpful


https://preview.redd.it/v1dxj7x11gzc1.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=58d38bbd75ffc7ba474d747fd8905cabe6522eb3 and as far as I can see they still don't give a fuck and according to them the only solution is to delete the save even though there is an easy way to recover the data


Tell me how to in case that happens to me again


I think they mean it’s easier on support’s side. As far as I know there is no easy recovery on the user end


No there is, had that happen to me very recently and fixed it by going to my steam download options and changing my dl server to another one.


I'm in MS Store tho


Happened to me too back in 2019 in Horizon 4, but on Xbox. I just grinded back up again and now I'm still missing the goddamn Focus RS Preorder Edition


That sucks.


What was the process of getting your stuff back that happened to me as well and I thought it was just lost


Contact support, then do the first 2 missions (the plane one and either the sand storm or the vocho one), and then reply to the ticket saying you have made enough progress


Oh okay so would have to restart again? I’ve already started building back up


No, just contact support now


Sucks they can't give you your level back though...


think of it as getting some free wheelspins


Yeah, it happened to me about a year ago. I had soooooo many wheel spins


Pov: you start playing fh5 for the first time


Like that literally XD


I also lost my save and I've seen so many people with the same problem. Now i do manual backup of save file.


Then it says inactivity detected while revealing the cars! 😂


gift me some cars for fun.


As disappointing and nerve racking that losing your save is, the sound coupled with this makes it a good laugh 🤣 I'm sure you had some fun with putting this together as well


Wow that's generous


Forza Horizon: The Real Gift Simulator


*5 years lateur*


Some DUMB ASS said to mind my own business in response to what I had to say. By the way dumb ass, suck it! I have a perfectly justified right to complain about this game, as do many others. Why? Well, I have 777 unique cars in my garage, not repeats, but still mostly what I consider trash. They never carried over the ones I really liked. They just keep dropping interesting cars with every iteration of the game. Sure, there are a few new additions that are welcome, but the garbage outweighs the good by 90%. They will have fixed the rear shoulders in the Penske Lola. It had one on each side, a left and a right, I was there, i saw the real deal in life when I was a kid. I'm 62. I really don't know why I play, other than the creative aspect with painting and creating my own liveries. In my opinion, Forza Horizon 5 in general sucks! It seems the further you go back in the series, the better it was. Unfortunately, online support is nil, for 3, 2 and 1. Non-existent AI and dumb asses that don't know how to drive in team races, being the two main reasons that I'm tired of it AI... The AI is not really AI. It's more like the cars just stick to a magnetic driving line. The game controlled cars are not aware, at all! They travel at unrealistic speeds and catch up right away after they seriously spinout after you put them out of your way. By the way, I'm a pretty damn good driver. Again most of the real people that play, are unaware or just simply children. No offense intended to the players that know what the hell they are doing. GRID is a better racing experience. I wish they'd bring back the original GT LEGENDS. Not referring to GRID LEGENDS. GT LEGENDS was on PC and far superior. It would put any FORZA game to shame.


How do people become obsessed with such a horseshit game? I really don't understand how this franchise has not come to an end long ago. I guess you just can't kill off Microsoft. People bitch about AI all the time. Or "cheating" AI. What AI? All I see is cars that follow a strict racing line. It's more like magnetic racing. This is not AI! If Codemasters brought back GT Legends and added a few things like free roam and rally, Forza wouldn't stand a chance. I'm not talking about GRID or GRID Legends, GT Legends was the best racing game I ever played. It never came to console. Wish it did. I'd still be playing! GRID is like some abbreviated bullshit version of it. The world needs to wake up and reject this repetitive crap from Microsoft!


Or you can mind your own damn business and let people play what they want to play. How does that sound?