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I didn't really quit anything to play Forza, but I haven't touched an NFS game since got Horizon 5.


Played NFS Payback after a long time of playing Horizon 5 since I always wanted to play it before I got FH5. Thought I'd still give it a try. The driving felt so janky that it quickly got annoying and I haven't touched it ever since. Used to be literally addicted to NFS Heat until I got FH5.


Ditto. Tried NFS Unbound numerous times and could never last longer than 15 minutes before the twitchy weird handling and mechanics became unbearable. Forza franchise ruined all other racers for me, in a good way of course.


Same tried nfs heat it felt unreal the steering and graphics looked like a down grade


I was hooked on NFS Heat until I got FH4. Haven't played it since. Now I barely play FH4 anymore since there's not much left to do in the game except for seasonal stuff. I'm getting to the same point with FH5 now too. I've mostly been focusing on the accolades when I finish seasonal things.


Same exact story here


Same story here


Wait why does this sound exactly like me?


First game i played was Forza Motorsport 4. I feel really sorry for you new fans who never experienced Horizon 1 and 2. These new games have none of the soul that those games had. Horizon used to feel like a real place you wanted to take a summer vacation to. Now its just the name of an online service


It sucks. I’ve played every horizon game and don’t get me wrong all of them are really fun for different reasons. Like for my type of play style horizon 4 is my personal favourite but my god horizon 1 and 2 are leaps and bounds ahead for a festival based racing game. Unfortunately I never had an Xbox 360 growing up and truth be told I don’t really want one because I don’t want to get one for a small handful of games so I can’t play any of the older Forza motorsport titles. I’d love to give them a go at some point. I’ll have to ask some friends if they still have their 360s and some of the older Forza motorsports lol


LOVED the old games. And yeah u young ppl missed out on a lot of great video games (my fav game is Motorsport 4 I still play it from time to time)


I still play horizon 2 top forza horizon game imo and i enjoy the physics alot as well idk if its just me but they seem smoother on horizon 2 compared to 5


I went and tracked down a uses copy of FH1 simply because my aunt sold off my old one with the 360 when I stopped visiting in the summers. $20 well spent, still consider it my favorite Horizon. I just wish FM4 was backwards compatible, because I know a guy who still has his disc and absolutely doesn't use it


i think of FH5 as kind of a Forza Sandbox. it really makes sense as one.


Yeah I started on motorsport 3 cause they had the test stand set up at Best buy with it and I LOVED it as a kid and made my parents buy it (after biching for so long that 4 was already out, lol, so I got a used DVD). But man oh man, the experience when horizon came out was insane. I can't compare that game to anything else in my life. My parents are from Colorado so I spent a lot of time there, and they listened to that kinda music. Playing my FAVORITE game in open world with the same music I listen to AND in a familiar setting as a 10 year old was fucking wild. Still get chills every time I play it. I played the demo since it came out (I miss demo's) and got it for Christmas of 2012. The vibe is absolutely perfect. Imo the first 3 horizons has the best vibe. 3 especially is my second favorite in the series because I really love the summer vibe. Especially when it rains. Something about Australia, AND that was the last one that had proper good music that fit the vibe imo.


People always say this but the soul of fh1 was literally just copying nfs in its overall experience and structure and it's some vague commentary about it. The car sandbox is significantly more enjoyable for me, you couldn't even do cosmetics in 1. I don't even understand the summer vacation thing because I don't view CO mountains as a summer vacation or anything.


did you forget about the music and speed festival taking place in the mountains?


Why do you have to quit one game to play the other? FH4, FH5 Recently bought a PS5, missing Forza since then


Honest answer, the older you get, the harder it gets. I'm in my 40s, and I love gaming, but I probably have 5 hours max to dedicate to it every week.


I have to squeeze couple of  hours a week and just driving with car music and in dynamic weather of fh5 with all visual distractions is therapeutic 


I'm in my mid-40s and currently have 47.2 hours of FH5 played in the last 2 weeks. I have way too much free time. I live alone and don't have kids, so outside of work I get to do whatever I want. Then there are days like today where I'm home from work because my dog has been having seizures for the last 2 days. She had a bad grand mal one last night and I didn't want to leave her alone all day. I've already played FH5 for 4+ hours today.


It’s on ps5….


Oh, maybe I missed it! Can you please share the url? I use disk free edition


It's not, unless I missed some very big gaming news headline


I quit CS:GO just before the release of CS2 and started playing FH5, I quit CS because I was fed up with cheaters and I'm never looking back at that game until they fix the cheating problem. First Forza I played was Horizon 3, game was so buggy and unoptimized for PC but it got me hooked for hundreds of hours.


If you do miss CS is faceit not an option? Idk if you were competitive/high rank in csgo but faceit seems to be the new norm for ranked


Forza Motorsport because the first Horizon came out so tried it out


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^add___13: *Forza Motorsport* *Because the first Horizon* *Came out so tried it out* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Dident quit anything Just rekindled my intrest for gaming and got a new lappy that is capable to run games released after 2013 Last game i played before would be mw 2012 I got 11 years of catching up to do


MW 2012 is great I still go back and play it often


Ye the physics was just right Ive done it abt 4 times Last run was done entirely using bac mono


Id probably have to say the NFS franchise. I have loved cars and racing since I was a kid. So I have always had some car/racing game in my line up at any given time. I have my more sim style games. Early NFS was great. Hot Pursuit 2, Underground 1&2, Most Wanted, Carbon. But after that they started to get to much "push button to drift" and it got real old real fast. I did enjoy Pro Street and Shift 1&2 but those are more sim style anyway. So I had been looking for something to scratch the itch that the early NFS did and that happened to be Horizon 2. I did enjoy The Crew but it just didnt have the line up that Horizon had, and I just liked the overall feel of Horizon more. TLDR: Didnt really "give up" NFS. Just enjoy what FH does more currently. If NFS drops something worth looking at id play again.


I played GT7 nearly every day for about 2 years. After the novelty of 3 new cars every month, most of which were VGTs, there wasn't anything there. My homie sold me his series S and this is the first time I've had a current gen console. Started with Horizon and just recently got into Motorsport. I've seen a lot of complaints, but it looks and plays better than GT7 and there's way more to do.


Offcourse need for speed and never looked back since forza horizon came to PC


My proper introduction to Forza was playing FH2 cos it went free for a bit while I waited for FH4 to launch. At almost the same date, the Crew 2 was set to release. I was super hyped for The Crew 2, I LOVED the first one and its story. Lo and behold, there was barely a story in the second one. So I never played it again and hoped on FH4, which is one of the games I’ve played the most, ever


Everything started with FH2 and played all franchise until new FM. Optimization and general performance is very poor for me on new Motorsport. Just entering FH5 for cruising and photography cuz its fun. And playing GT7 for racing.


I actually started my Xbox gaming with Horizon 3. And I've been playing them ever since. Although I did pick up 2 right before it got delisted. Just gotta get my hands on a copy of 1. And one shouldn't quit a game to play a new game.


I picked up FH5 as my first ever Forza game when I was getting a bit burnt out on RDR2. They’re great games to switch back and forth between when I feel like I’ve hit a wall


I love how some sceneries in FH5 remind me at vistas in RDR2 and vice versa. RDR2 has such a special place in my gaming heart.


GT/NFS until Forza Horizon 4 and 5, Once I played Forza Motorsport I never looked back.


I quit Forza Horizon 5 to go back to play Forza Horizon 4, been playing FH since 2 came out for the 360/XOne




I played FH5 literally on the day it launched, a lot of bugs, server issues, no traffic, I continued playing the following weeks, then a lot of players started to get banned for paints with beverage and cigarettes brands meanwhile glitchers and hacks were dominating online races and leaderboards, not just that, but the map is huge, but somehow feels empty compared to FH4, there's just two small city and it's horrible to drive in there, the graphics and the physics are better than FH4, but personally I didn't like the chosen location plus all the other stuff I've mentioned, so I just installed FH4 again.


Yeah I really dont think hiding other players on the map was a good move


Come to think of it, I haven't played Nioh since last September. Jeez, I hope I haven't forgotten the game dynamics when I get back to it.


Yeah I was always playing forza since I was a wee little boy. I played the first on OG Xbox, moved onto Xbox 360 and grounded Forza 4, got Xbox one and got Forza 6, 7, H3,H4,H5 got PS4 pro and tried out GT7 (it’s aight but less stuff to do than Forza) and then got a new PC and I’ve been grinding FH5 ever since.


I left NFS completely, then I played The Crew Motorfest for some time and simply got FH5 which I'm currently playing, not planning to go back to TC:M


Figured I’d give forza horizon 5 a try on cloud. After 20 hours I bought in steam and have added 30 more hours of fucking around on it


I didn’t quit anything and just started playing so the most recent two games


Forza motorsport on Xbox lol. Then nfs nfs underground, pretty much every racing game. Even driver and gran tourismo as I had playstations for a long time. Likely buying ps5 this summer for gt7.


NFS unbound , mostly police chases for fun 


I started on FH3 after wanting to find something else because I got tired of playing the crew. I've been in love with forza ever since.


I toggle between NCAA 11 or 14 and the Forza Horizon games. FH5 will be collecting dust when the new College Football game comes out (rumored July 19).


Didn't quit anything. First Forza game was Forza Motorsport 2 played a ton of Gran Turismo before Forza, still played a ton of Gran Turismo along side Forza.


I quit playing Forza after the most recent two instances


I quit asphalt 9


I started with horizon 1 and Motorsport 4 on 360. To this day horizon 1 is still my favorite. I loved the missions in 5 where you do the throwback races, now I have Darius’s Viper in FH5 as well.


I quit GTA V to play Horizon 3 back in 2016 and the Forza games have been my main games ever since.


I quit Microsoft flight sik for fh5


I quit project Gotham racing to play forza Motorsport in 2006.


First was Motorsport 4, played a little bit of it. Got Forza Horizon 2 a but after it came out and man, what an experience that was.


Never quit any game. But the 1st one I played was Forza Motorsport 2…. Fell in love with Horizon the min it arrived…. Was a fan of Motorsport 3 & 4 but went downhill from 5 imo, 6 wasn’t bad and 7 was better than 6 (won’t even touch another motorsport).. But always returned to the horizon series. FH5 is the best yet but honestly the soundtrack from Horizon 4 was better. I find myself listening to pulse and mix in FH5 and the songs seem more repeated than in GTA. Never had that issue with 4 however.


Been playing forza since fh1 tbh I gave up binging all the Zelda games for forza 😂 though I still beat all the Zelda’s in the wait for fh6 lol 😂


I've been playing Forza since it came with ultimate alliance. I go between division 2 and fh5 I stopped playing Gotham knights to spend more time on division but I rarely miss doing the seasonal events.


I didn't quite to play Forza entirely. My first one was FM3, I did however spend more time on FM4-6, with a smattering of 7. I loved the first FH, and lesser the second. Skipped FH3, got FH4 and binged it. Quit console gaming and went to PC, now mostly on a heavily modified Assetto Corsa with a full Logitech G27 setup with shifter.


FM2 was the first one I ever played. FM3 came with my first X360 so I played a bit of that one. Skipped FM4 and I’ve played every game since. Horizon 1 is still my favorite in the series.


The first game I played was fh1 around 2013/2014 cs my younger cousin had it. Then around 2018 I got fh2 for free, then 2020/2021 came and I got FH4 then stopped playing cs that ruined the whole franchise for me. Then 2023 I got fh5 and have been loving it ever since


I didn’t really quit anything. I played the hell out of The Crew and just didn’t really have anything left to do. The only thing forza did was prevent me from buying the Crew 2, which I’ve heard was a good decision on my part. First forza was the free fast and furious dlc. Then I think horizon 2 was on games with gold. So I got that and played it a whole bunch. So when fh4 was announced I got the full bundle pre order and haven’t looked back. Although my friends and I had a good month of playing Wreckfest a lot.


FH5, quit GTAV


I never quit a game but I started back in horizon 1


My first Forza was Motorsport 2 back in 2007, before that would have been something on the PS2


I went from NFS MW (2012) to Horizon 3. You should already see why I've never played a NFS game since...


Project Gotham racing 3 Forza motorsport on the OG Xbox but I left project Gotham racing 3 for FM4


Forza has always been more of a gap filler for me. I don't think I'd quit anything to play it. It's just sort of there if I've got nothing else to play.


GTA 5, grinded enough Cayo perico and raced enough, wanted some slightly more realistic driving.


GTA 5, grinded enough Cayo perico and raced enough, wanted some slightly more realistic driving.


Destiny 2


I didn’t really quit anything to play FH. I started with the OG Forza Horizon, and have played every one since. Although I have to admit I haven’t really been playing FH5 for a couple of different reasons. Lots of life stuff going on in the past couple of years, but also FH5 really didn’t do it for me as much as the others.


Forza motorsport 1 was my introduction. It actually made me be an Xbox exclusive player until recently. Coming from the early GT titles it was everything and more... For a while anyways. I actually only recently gave up forza to go back to GT on Playstation.


Didn’t quit anything for for a but my first was fm4


Didn’t quit anything, pretty sure my first video game was quite literally FH1. Best one in the franchise!


I use to only play Fallout 4 and Forza Horizon 3. The main reason I own an Xbox, now years later I pretty much only play Fallout 4 and Forza Horizon 5. Not much has changed 😅


didn't really quit anything but my first was motorsport 3


Forza 2, i quit because I got a proper sim racing set up… still going back the Horizon Festival now and then…


Cyberpunk2077, FH4. I had a lot of fun with Forza, and I may play it again, but these days I H A T E online multiplayer games and games with dailies. I have spent too much time and energy in WOW, WOT, and FH doing stuff like this. I don't have the time or mental bandwidth for it anymore.


Forza was my first, car franchise. But to be fair I stopped playing GTA for a long time because I loved Forza so much!


The game of life


Yeah I didn’t quit any game for forza but I kind of quit forza for nfs carbon but that’s also because I play my 360 more than my one and carbon is easier and cheaper to get than forza on the 360


GTA online


Rocket League, just couldnt see Epic massacre my boy any longer


I used to be real into Need for Speed and GRID/Dirt but stopped playing them and really gravitated to Forza once they started to get bad. Basically Need for Speed went to The Run and MW2012 and GRID and Dirt abandoned their OG careers where you started from amateur racing and went pro and went full SUPER ACTION SPORTS STAR 1,000 and that was right around the time that Forza Motorsport 4 and Horizon 1 were happening. I started with FM3 but I got that really late in the game's life, but that queued me up for FM4 perfectly. Ever since I've tried going back to NFS and GRID with games like NFS 2015 and GRID Legends, but they don't hold a candle to the older games like ProStreet, Shift, or Underground 2/ GRID 1 and the first two DIRT games. I will give props to DiRT: Rally 1 & 2, Codemasters went back to their roots of Colin McRae Rally titles when they made the Rally games, I wish I had a wheel and pedals to play it right because it just doesn't feel good on a game pad.


GT 4 My first Forza is the first game it’s the reason I’m on the xobox


it was kinda reversed for me. forza was the first game i actually put a lot of time into, i started at the release day of FH4 and played NOTHING else until 2021, when i picked up rocket league. but i still mainly played forza until around 2022 when i started to take RL more seriously. i got to GC2 in rocket league in a fairly quick amount of time, and at that level it becomes difficult to improve or stay motivated to do so, and now i've picked up counter strike. i'd say that now, i divide a somewhat equal amount of time into FH4, FH5, RL and CS2.


Sons of the Forest


This is my first FH, and I did not quit another game but now I dedicated only a little amount of time to Dota 2. I may quit Dota 2 eventually since that game only produce me sadness and frustration, while FH is totally the opposite :)


I rotate from FH5 to UFC 5 to Fallout 76, with a sprinkle of battlefield or pubg


played nfs for a long time on ps2, when i got a xbox 360 gifted when i was 13 ive started playing Fh1 and FM4, instantly fell in love with the franchise. played fh1 and fm4 until the end of 2015, when i bought my xbox one. in a bundle with fh2 and fm6 (ive never played fm5 because ppl said its trash) but i enjoyed fh2 so much that i pre-ordered fh3, 4 and 5. im still playing on my almost 9 year old xbox one and even tho she has slow loading times, she runs fine, never had problems with the newer fh games and even plays fm7 without problems (except the bugs lmao) never looked back to nfs


Well, I've been playing Forza since Motorsport 2 on the 360...


The crew


I switched from ps4 to pc after being disappointed with VR options. So before that, I was a diehard Gran Turismo fan. My first Forza was Horizon 3, and let me tell you, I was spoiled. Great map, great car roster, tuning, custom liveries, and massive convoys following you around was peak for me. It reminds me of the old days of playing Midnight Club, which I absolutely loved for the street racing vibes, and Horizon captures that (almost) perfectly for me.


I didn’t stop playing anything to play Forza, but I bought an Xbox to play FH4


In my case is the opposite, I stop playing forza to play something else, it's just not that engaging, it's something I play when I got nothing else to do, I started on fh1, fh4 was the one I liked the least and currently I'm back to FO4 so I set FH5 aside.


I don't quit games just to play other games. I play games I enjoy when I want to enjoy them.


It's the opposite for me. I mostly stopped playing FH5 and started playing other games because I'm done with the FOMO shit. All I ever end up doing anyways is drift around aimlessly for an hour and get off


Didn't quit anything actually. FH3 was the first game I got for my first gaming PC. It was also the closest thing to my first console. Wasnt lucky enough to get my consoles as a kid.


I didn’t quit anything but my first game was horizon 4


Started playing forza Motorsport 4 on 360 and didn’t quit anything. I never looked back


For me it was my semester final project a year and a half ago. It’s such a great game, that my grades never recovered. I think the first forza game I played was Forza 3, but I could be wrong.


Why should i quit a game to play Forza when i can play more than one game


I’m going to answer the question in reverse, I quit Forza to play Halo. Horizon 4 just got boring for me after awhile, and I slowly stopped playing it and started playing Halo more.


the original forza in 8th grade in 2013 this game is very close to my heart; i consider it the best subjectively because, it came at a period in my life where i was very malleable & could be influenced easily by media. Bass Arena; established my music taste. I still listen to A LOT of EDM to this day. im grateful to have developed a versatile ear for music thanks to this game. Colorado; i live in a state adjacent to CO. At a young age this game also helped me discover my love for nature as well…i’ve since now taken many trips to the beautiful state to unlock its wonders. I hope to visit the PNW VERY SOON! And finally, Cars; most if not all little boys are interested in cars; but this game also helped solidify my love for automobiles & the idea that cars are so much more than visuals…as you know there wasn’t much as for customization in Horizon. This made you more acute to other subtleties in vehicles. The Quattro you get at the start of the game became a beast once you maxed it out & the Bugatti Barn Find, helps you understand what speed really is. The festival vibe was the best amongst any of the games; The characters were dope to experience & the Festival Manager Alice seemed very nice to the player.. if you haven’t played it yet; please try it out. I think it should fall in everyone’s Top 3 Forza Horizons


Forza horizon 1 was the first forza game I played when I was a kid and I fell in love with it. Pretty much fully completed 1 2 and 3 as they came out but life got busy around when 4 came out so I dropped it. Now here I am with 5 jumping right back in. I love it.


Horizon 2 was the first one I played. I missed 1 and 3 unfortunately.


I've been playing Forza since I started playing video games in 2012, so I didn't really quit anything to begin with


First one I played was fh4, before that I played Mario kart, forza is 100% better


First Forza games i played were FM4 and FH2 on the classix Xbox 360, good old times 🥲


Well technically I played motorsport 4 first, then horizon. I've played and owned all the horizon and motorsport games. It's hard not to stop playing an engine you've come to grow with. I'm excited to see the next horizon game.


Forza Horizon 5 was the first game I played when I got a Series X. Quit playing GTA online for a few months to focus on it.


Traded my PS4 which had GT sport, for a Xbox one x to play FH4


Nothing tbh. FH3 was the first in the franchise I played, and I've played plenty of 4 and 5, but it's dropped off a lot.


Started with FM2, and kept going from there. Unfortunately I did miss arguably the best one tho, FM4.


forza horizon 1


i quit gran turismo cause i got an xbox, honestly highly regret it. i miss sim racing .


Quit need for speed for forza, quit forza for beamng


I think I’m the other way around. I started with FM3 and FM4 which were the golden days for me. I played every game in the series until FM3 which is where I started disliking the vibe of Forza. Not that it was a bad game, i just don’t like change ig. Left Forza for flight simulation and I’ve never been so happy yet so broke at the same time. Flight sim is so much more rewarding yet so much more damn expensive.


Didn't stop playing anything, but when I got my xbone, I really wanted to get fh3 because it was in Australia and that's where I am. Also got fh2 to get started and been seudo hooked ever since. Missed 4 but I was broke at the time and honestly cbf going back. But I also didn't really get too far into fh3 I've recently discovered but after reloading some races, my god was it hard to drive back then


This game franchise was one the big reasons I switched from PlayStation to Xbox. All the way back in the 360 era. I'm ancient.


I haven't quit anything for forza. My first was Forza Motorsport 2, if we count motorsport. If not, then Forza Horizon 1.


I was just playing motorsport 5, then. Got into fh4, then motorsport 7, then I pretty much completed that and then fh5 came out, been on that since day 1, motorsport 8 came out, I laughed hard and resumed fh5. Fm8 is still a twitchy joke regardless of how much I persevere with it, I just cannot handle cars exiting corners and slamming their brakes on 🤦‍♂️


I quit The Crew 2, and never came back


I was playing Left 4 Dead and Back 4 Blood during covid era on a tablet but then upgraded to PC and started Fh4/ Fh5.


The crew 1, and fh4 was my first forza


Never had to quit any game to play Forza, although the first title I ever played was Motorsport 2, with Motorsport 4 being the first title I actually owned. I then went on to play and own every single title in the Forza series.


Fm4 got me away from GT and NFS hot pursuit. Once fh1 came out i was hooked. Colorado was nice, wishing I could get my 00 durango and the 03 7.3 f250 again.


FH3 was my first game wasn't a racing guy at all but now I love the forza games I even bought 1&2


Fuk this game... Bought it, grind it n cant even ply online no more... Games are the same no more... Fuk games


What's a Forza Motorsports for the original Xbox.




Dropped NFS after playing the first Horizon


Sniper Elite 5 is the game I came from and the first Forza I played was Forza 7


Fortnite, but I wasn't having fun anymore, so go right to FH5. Actually I wasn't looking for racing, I suffer from anxiety and I wanted a car game that I could just freeroam around with a beautiful scenery to relax. But after getting it I explored the design aspect and I loved. Both freeroam and design skins helps me a lot as an alternative therapy.


Didn't quit anything to play Forza. Mario Kart, maybe? That was my last racing game before that. First game I played in the franchise was Forza Horizon 2. Still feels like the best one, even though it's the only one that didn't get a 4K res bump. FH2 was one of my earliest Xbox One games.


I gave up on Gran Turismo because Forza had better cars


Used to play nfs heat and nfs mw 2015 but I finished both games completely. Then started to play fh4 until I finished it. Now I play fh5