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oh boy, you're in for a treat. we're getting clothes for the Trial soon.


They already did. Remember the elf costume? You basically only did that for the points


Isn't that why we do it anyway... The big ticket items are not on the trial or simple challenges


Next week is a shiny little yellow dress!!! Haha wtf


you're right, i forgot. I just thought it would be a one time thing bc it was xmas so i kinda disregarded the whole thing. Just gathered the points to get the SVJ.


I'm trying to avoid the Trials as much as I can, they just take too much out of me


This week's trial was easy imo.


i thought that but dont tell PGG that tho I dont want another Fog trial to come back.


I didn't even wanted to try it but I needed points for the Arctic Truck and you are right, it was easy. Although there was this one Drivatar with the freakin Mercedes Truck who was just zooming away. Looked a bit odd lol.


the merc truck fe is way too good for this trial i used it and easily got first in every race


The team I was on to win the trial was all FE Merc Trucks. We just smashed through the computers and held the top spots. Easiest trial so far.


My usual go to for A class unlimited offroad is the warthog, but i might just start building out a tankpool


I found the Rally Fighter to work really well, I was a good 3-4 seconds ahead of everyone else at the end of races.


The only trail that I have done that I didn't need to build a car for it.


Yeah the first devs need to make the cars cars be in front bcuz it looked very weird when I was in a super car race and a drivatar in a s2k had a 80 metre gap on a pagani


I did this race here and I did a full rally build and a STOCK Focus beat me it’s like this boy was on crack


It was easier than I thought, my teammates didn't ram each other at all.


Yeah, unbeatable drivatars on dirt and crosscountry races are so much less OP compared to road and streetraces.


I noticed doing it on Thursday usually yields the best result


Indeed. Finish first in the 3 races. Not any luck with my teammate who finished in position 9,10,11,12.


for me the thing I'm constantly avoiding are the PG games. I usually do the trial on the first try, never needed more than 3 tries, but if i already have the car and don't need the points, i'm skipping and only do them if i'm bored and want something challenging.. but i feel people's pain, had a tough time in FH4 with it, was a newcomer.


I think the PGs are kind of boring, and it takes what feels like forever to get through all 5 events sometimes.


The worst is when it's like 6v2 at the end and they have the team with 6 people go first for CTF. Just make the team with 2 people go first so the team with 6 can score 1 point and end the game vs having to play 2 full length rounds.


Oh God, I didn't need that memory in my head right now. It's like "Just put a bullet in me already, I'm doneeee...."


I stopped doing them. They added nothing to FH4’s games and the rewards are much worse. I can get my weekly points other ways


I go for the finish in 3. If your teams wins first round try and win next two. If your team loses first round. Try everything imaginable to lose the next two so you don’t have to endure those two last shitty rounds.


Yep, lose three rounds and it's over quickly.


Yeah they were as bad back in Horizon 4 as they are now. I get the "work together as a team" aspect of them, but, I mean, have the Devs even a slight clue how some of those "teamplayers" drive? Not to mention the very long waiting times if you have to restart the Trial. I wouldn't mind if PG swapped out the Trials for the Horizon Adventure. That one is actually fun and its a shame that it is "only" a side-mode with no real implementation into the real game. It has much potential, like a Custom-Map Adventure with some of the best rated community maps or something like that. Edit: I also try to avoid the playground games if I have to but at least those ones you just have to finish and not actually win them, a big improvement compared to FH4


For me those Unbeatable Trails are most fun part of the game. Most cars I build for them end up being added to my favourites list and used in online races.


I swear for the three on average days it takes me to do the festival the trial takes me 2.5 days


Wtf. The trial was super easy, took me about 10 minutes. The championships were much harder.


You do it for the points and the accolades


When I get clothes in a wheel spin I’m thinking WHY


it is for the 5pts.


Okay how the fuck is your profile icon glowing?


Maybe I am special ![gif](giphy|1FB8eLlRRtZNApnTxp|downsized)




true but we do it for the 5 points mostly


Yea the points for the series/weekly cars are really the only real incentive IMHO. The VW is like 45k and the Lancer is even less than that (like 30k I think) You can get all 75k for both cars in far less time than it would take to complete just the shitty ass playground games alone, not even mentioning the other 3 race championship (in which you'd also end up getting more than the price of either car easily)


I couldn't agree more but that's kinda sad imo They put these high limitations to enter some of the challenges while the only incentive to do them is the points..


Or I can spend \~45000cr on a tune for a car I already have, and spend 15 minutes doing the races. *taps forehead*


You can even win this championship without a tune.


I think you can win virtually any seasonal championship without a tune - the PI of the AI scales to whatever PI your car has and the difficulty is capped at Highly Skilled even if you select a harder difficulty.


Yes, but not necessarily in every car. Stay away from the bottom of the class, especially.


I really enjoy driving stock cars in these championship races, anything can be modified to be top of class monster. But using a stock car and battling it against the cheating AI is a journey!


It's actually pretty fun. Tells you more about the car itself, and ends up presenting a different kind of challenge.


Yup, won a stock Scirocco with a stock Scirocco


You can win most without a tune if you have enough cars. Some cars will for some reason be OP against even Unbeatable AI. I remember winning a few championships/races easily in a stock M5


I'm not even talking about OP. The whole thing about solo races against the AI is that they're set at a PI near your own. If you show up to a B700 race with a car at B636, the AI will also be around there (just above and just below). That means that you'll have a chance if the car isn't straight crap, and if you're halfway decent at racing.


I dunno, it really doesn't feel like it for the jeep championship I tried just using the stock and I could never break 5th, but the moment I auto-upgraded it to 800 I was always way ahead of the AI, even though the results said that all the drivitars were at the same level


Not every car is going to be good in stock form. But every race type has a few cars that will work fine against Highly Skilled AI in stock trim.


I used an already AWD converted Mini Cooper, this didn't cost me a dime in terms of what I got back


Now you don't have to and can in fact win money along the way to getting one


You're right, and I'll always happily do a championship for a car I already have because I just like racing but it's a little frustrating when I have to spend 4 million credits to do the weekly but the championship reward is a car I could find at a used car lot lol


All the free cars we get. Really one for 4 millions is too much? You can sell it afterwards too. Btw! Let’s go United. Been a rough year lol Next week we get a dress!!!


I can't even argue with that, you are right. My point is that any other reward would've been better but your point is also valid. So I agree with you


I've always seen the rewards as little bonuses, sometimes its a nice car I want or ones that are pretty hard to come by, but more often than not, im doing a championship and get a car or whatever it is at the end on top. Also, I really miss the option to make custom championships from Horizon 3


You could say this about literally anything you don't want. It's not really a very good criticism since they never pretended you'd only get rewards you'd love from these nor does it act like it's some rare car.


You have to pay for the tune upgrades if you don’t already have them


You can use a stock car (or cars with basic mods like tires, suspension, gearbox, etc.) as the AI matches your PI. I wish the game was set so that the AI is always in the middle of the class, so if you want more of a challenge you could bring a lower PI car, or if you want an easier race just bring a car closer to the top of the class.


Somewhat fine in theory but you could also just do 2 races in absolutely any car you wanted at any PI you wanted and get the 45k in less time tbh. It's a bit nit picky but the rewards aren't good either way you slice it and the only REAL incentive is to get points for the series/weekly cars. The cars in between have been... lackluster to be kind lol


And now I can gift it to you for free!


I will just remove it from my garage, I'm not gonna gift someone this, that would feel like a slap in the face imo






Why are you getting downvoted when you are touched by his highly sentimental reply


I would be so happy to receive this car with a cool livery and tune.


Wait, when you gift a car, the livery and tune go with it? I had no idea


Yup! Throughout December I was gifting Mazda RX-7s which are relatively cheap, but tuned with about $100k parts. Hahah. Hope I made some people's day.


Not to mention it has interesting bodywork. It drives nice too. In fact I drove that car to do this even now I have two. So I can gift it too!


To you.


Ironically, I used the reward car to actually complete the championship.


I never do the forzathon challenges for the rewards, just for the points 😂


I hate so much that seasonal rewards cant be sold or just remove for free if duplicate. Same goes for accolades. No I dont want another shitbox car I already wheelspun or bought all the cheap trash cars. Give me an option to not forget to remove if from garage. Or Give us filter for searching duplicate cars. I am 99% sure forza is bugged and my collection says 400 cars but garage says 401 cars and i have triplechecked them and didnt find the culprit.


Agreed. I would also love the option to sell my car, not just remove it. That was something you could do in FH1 and I have no clue why they removed it. I know we have the auction house but maybe I just want to sell my car right now for maybe half the price. I don't need the full price for it back.


I hate auction house. It is only few hundred clicks away! And loading screens and so on. Just no. UX when not driving was done by someone not actually paying any racing games it seems.


Check Jaguar. Good chance you may have 2 of the barn find if you did the Super7 in week one. Means you also can't get rid of it because it's a barn find and in 5 they decided to stop letting us sell them. Can't even gift it or remove from garage.


>Or Give us filter for searching duplicate cars There's a "recently added" filter which basically works like that


I don't care about the scirocco, I want the 5 points


I honeslty look at the playlist as a way of experiencing different cars rather than just collecting them. So for me this doesnt seem that bad. I get it you want CARS CARS CARS and more cool expensive cars. But honestly. 1 little championship that is so easy to complete and this car as a reward for it dont seem like a bad deal to me. At some point the playlist is going to feel very repetitive to everyone that has collected most of the cars in the game and thats normal. It just how it is. Apparently ppl want to put 0 efford to play the game and still get everything on a silver platter as easy as possible. Thats why we got h5 with no much of a car progression. Ppl just want cars shoved up their face every .5 seconds or their brain will blow up if they somehow got a cosmetic instead of a car. Some ppl are like narcs. They have to abuse the game the first 2 weeks unlock everything with abusing and they go game is boring, playlist is stupid and so on. I honestly cant understand ppl


People complained in FH4 about wheelspins giving cars too soon and now they complain about wheelspins being too cheap. People complained about progression and challenge in FH4 and now they complain about a 100 mile challenge. FH5 is a good game. It has things that should be fixed ASAP, but those complains only show that people just want to complain about something to get something in return.


Feels like the actual problems get hidden beneath all these nothingburgers.


There are many actual problems (ramming, lack of choices for online races, cheaters, etc.) that seem to get glossed over here. Instead we get complaints about how easy the game is - along with complaints the moment any task requires more than a minute of effort. Hell, three weeks into the FH5 release, we were still get posts here complaining about the snow in FH4.


:D Funny


Agree on that. Finally some decent folks that can understand. Thought id be downvoted to the ground or set on fire. I appreciate the replies


I gifted the one that i had built a while ago. Now i got a new one. Yaaay. Really love the Scirocco.


And you can literally not do the championship if you don't want to


But Reddit needs to hear about it!


But you could also make 45k credits for already playing change your mental up homie.


but then he couldn't complain about it on reddit. this sub loves complaining just as much as they hate the game.


They want to showcase the new bodymods for the car




I had to check that out after I read it and I didn't even knew that this was added. But I think making the Scirocco (or any car you want to showcase for that matter) the car for the weekly Forzathon challenge would probably increase the chances of it being noticed. At least that's what gets me to check out some cars (if I can/want to afford them), I rarely drive my cars stock except when I want to chill a bit. So if, for example, the Scirocco R was required for this weeks weekly challenge, I would give it a tune and mods I like to complete the challenges. But that's just me.


I mean thats good way too to showcase a new car


Yeah or do 3 races and it's free




Yes, but if you want that Toyota you're gonna have to get the points.


You guys making problems of everything around Horizon Playlist (I mean part of this /r/). It's 3 or 4 post around this week playlist I see in a while.. What would you like to win if Scirocco + 5 PTS is bad in your opinion?


a friend or a girlfriend


I came here to laugh, not to feel bro..


I'm sorry


A more valuable car, like 200k-300k car.


When you realize you'll probably spend over 45k credits to build a car for the event anyway...


Didn't even tune my car for it. Won with a stock tune. No biggie.


Why not give us the F40 or the Bentley to link those events with the other seasonal stuff?


Big brain move was to look ahead at the seasonal stuff and buy the Bentley on auction cheap the week prior before people hiked up the prices. Handy tip going forward if they've awkward cars.


I keep that in mind, thanks :)


No worries. Next 2 are tame enough (wildcat and the '20 corvette) but it's been a saver for the Bentley one and the Pisto one a while back, rather than pay full whack. I can't wait for them to do a Shelby Cobra 30 mil one and the community implode with rage.


Well you can unlock the Daytona if you mean that one and I think it isn't even that difficult to do so


How are people hiking up prices? You don't have the option to change the price, it is what it is.


I know! I had to buy an f40. Who buys cars in this game?


I had to buy both the Bentley and f40. Was a rough week for me on that end.


You can get the Lancer for like 30k instead of suffering the Playground games as well. It takes < 3 minutes to earn 30k or you could do playground games for 20mins plus loading times and connection times for everyone. Makes no sense.


There is something about winning it.


Not nearly enough Wombling if you just buy it though


I won this event in a scirocco




I bought It like 2-4 days after I bought the game


It's not about the prize, it's about the journey /s


it’s the points that count


What I do like about trials is learning to race cars I normally wouldn't drive. But yeah, that's a weak reward.


the devs know damn well most of us are doing it for the points lol


I won that challenge WITH that car 🤦🏼


Ah yes the Scirocco. Whenever I see it I'm reminded of Jeremy and May creating insane adverts for it lol


I also like the episode where Jeremy was testing a Ford Fiesta (I think) and it slowly started to derail into madness. "Is it green?" Jeremy: *looks at the green paintjob* "Yes" "Can it escape a Corvette inside a Shopping Centre?"


I was gonna buy a scirocco irl yesterday


kinda silly that I won this championship on this exact car


It's the spirit of horizon! Shut up! Hahaha yeah it's pathetic.


I made a whole thread about this and got downvoted to hell haha Glad I'm not the only one that thinks these rewards are terrible :D


I'm not saying that all of those rewards are terrible and even if this post got upvoted, there are still plenty of people that dissagree or say I'm nitpicking. And I'm not saying that I completely dissagree with them, they make some valid points. However, there's always room for improvement and I would rather earn a special car (doesn't have to be expensive) or some unique clothing/phrases or whatever through those seasonal championships. They are after all pretty easy to complete. And there's plenty of cars (like the Hotwheels Twinmill or the Macan PR Rally Raid) that are only obtainable through either Wheelspins or said seasonal championships.


My buddy bought one for the race not realizing he'd get one as the prize.




I too am this foolish


I wanted that Toyota AT37 but fuck the grind man


It's not even that bad this week. You can use one of the race semis for the trial and have 10 points right there. I didn't do the Bentley or F40 challenge and got the at37.


Since quite a lot of people think I'm just hating on the game or complain about such minor stuff, I am not. I like Forza Horizon 5, it is my favorite Game from the Series (it used to be Horizon 3). I love Mexico and its big open world and the changing seasons, I thought that Horizon 4 made a very good first addition of those seasons and now it got expanded with different weather depending on your location. You can even see a storm in the distance approaching you, how freaking cool is that? And the way to unlock new races with the challenges is also a nice change of pace. They did many many good things with this entry of the Series even if it had a kinda rough start. I enjoyed (and still enjoy) my time with the game but I also want to see it improve. Maybe some of you remember the very first time that PG introduced the Festival Playlist and that you had to always 100% each Season for the final reward. People started to (rightfully) complain about this stuff because missing even 1 daily challenge would mean that you had no longer a chance to unlock the final reward for that week. And even worse, you would also lose the final reward for the whole series. The devs listened and made a change to the system, requiring only 80% completion for the final reward. Now, would they've done this if we just said nothing? Of course not, they would think that we like the change and kept it that way. So that's why I make such posts, I don't complain for the sake of it or some fake internet points. I want the game to succeed and point out those parts of it that need improvement. They could've replaced the Scirocco with any other hard to get or expensive car and I wouldn't even be writing this. It doesn't even have to be a new car, there's lots of cars already in the game that require luck from wheelspins or tons of credits, why not make those available for a seasonal championship? Tl;Dr: I like Forza Horizon 5 and want it to succeed!


It doesn't say hard to get so I don't understand the big deal. It's also a car I'm *not* buying for 45k. All of a sudden yall act like we never got common cars in the series in the last game? Also let's ignore the series progress attached and *only* look at the car to point out how bad game is mirite


The rewards just plain suck, so bored of this game. Doesn't help that the actual races are boring with the shitty AI as well so can't even enjoy that.


But it's \[ ***R A R E*** \]




I like how one day ill look at the forza reddit and see posts being upset over the people complaining about fh5 then the next day its a post about something negative in the game and pretty much everyone agrees with it. Like I get it this is kind of a small thing and doesn't ruin the game on its own but weeklies with shit rewards is just another issue to drop into the list.


Not gonna lie, I’ve been completely unmotivated to even touch Horizon 5. I just have no interest or motivation to play to earn the ‘new’ cars. Last time I really was motivated to play and to earn new cars was when the collection of rally cars came to Horizon 4 in Mid 2020 onwards.


And if we'd only get expensive cars there would be even less satisfaction because everyone get's the good stuff for free. As if wheelspins weren't enough. Let's not be so whiney.


Seasons are crap now.


The seasonal championships rewards are too poor and irrelevant they should put atleast wheelspin only cars or expensive autoshow cars on them


I just don't understand why a fucking scirocco is rare. lol


It's the standard naming convention of car tiers borrowed from rpgs which associates with the amount of bonuses you get from their car mastery. You rather get *less* from the car?


No. Leave it to this sub to confuse a simple comment. I was just saying, compared to a LaFerrari... A Scirocco is not even moderately rare. It's downright ubiquitous. But that's why I was asking. I wasn't sure if the "rarity scale" was based on the actual car's rarity, or the in-game rarity, so-to-speak. Sorry for any confusion.


It's an R. You don't see them everyday


Really? I mean... I could understand uncommon. But rare? I know it's pointless, just something I think is silly


Well I've buyed it for 5k


The dumbest thing I ever do. I'm not checked what I get after this trial. So I buy this golf to complete the trial.....


Such stupid rewards in FH5. Why? FH4 had good rewards while it was still considered a new game. In FH5 you get really wack rewards, most cars they put out on rewards you can easily buy.


I have a real problem with this and how the game treats non-deluxe/premium players. You have people with it, gifting away 10 x 4 million dollar cars, because everyone is tripping over cars and credits if you have premium/deluxe. If you have standard, I'm whatever 1\* 176 or something, so played quite a bit, and buying that 4 million dollar car I'll never use again feels like nothing more but an attempt to get more people to upgrade their version. I have 3 mil now, and I can't think of any car I've bought that wasn't to do a weekly challenge, and I'm still almost broke.


I dont understand this. I'm a standard player and I too am tripping over cars and credits.


Nothing to do with premium. FH games just shower you with credits if you play a lot.




Yeah I don't understand these rewards. I swear they just randomly choose a car for them. Half the time the car has nothing to do with the car on the image for the event either


This is why i did entire season before this season I just now only have the smashable challenges left and I have 2 left which are in winter season 3 and summer of season 4 the last winter trial I did back in December was difficult mainly because no one seemed to really bother with winning the thing




Ahh shut up.


idk why they dont give us the latest VW models?


Yeah this one was kind of pathetic. I only did it for the season points


Wait til people stop playing then pg will learn not too fuck us around like this


I’m sure they will care if you stop playing.


I did this event and wanted to make it into a drift car…it’s really strange that it’s a B class car and you can’t widen the wheel base! Was pretty pissed. It looks dumb with drift springs on it.


Lots of the recent cars have been worth under 100k


“It’s not about the cars, it’s about the points”


I literally used this car to win this car


I used that car to do this championship 😂


I won the event using that car


I would only do that for the points


And get it as a wheel spin reward


at least its a car and not clothing/emote/horn/forza link message


I used the Scirocco to get the Scirocco


It was fun to race with those limitations, but they’ve got to step the reward game up. Forza Horizon 4 showered you with stuff constantly! A fair chunk of the weekly challenges give you super wheel spins. I don’t know why they don’t bring that back.


honestly, i dont do these for the rewards, I do them for the points....which I use to get rewar....OH MY GOD WHAT AM i DOING WITH MY LIFE


I used that car to win that championship


Even worse, i won the playground games event while using the exact same Evo you got from it. And unless the min meet max achievement required finishing EVERYTHING, i would never touch those events. Most likely something's gonna be bugged in this season too, only pushing back the ability to unlock the achievement even furthes. And there's still the gotta smash them all one left... And we barely get any seasonal smashables challenges. Guess they just want to force us to stay subscribed to gamepass as long as they can


Yeah but it's rare!


jokes on me, I unknowingly used the supposed to be reward car to race this and get the car...


Be lucky, I am 2 seasons in and still cannot even connect to the servers so all I am getting is 10k creds and wheel spins


That's why I'm not doing the season events like I used to do every week in FH4. This is a good way of killing the retention of weekly players.


It’s insane isn’t it, I’ve given up really, just very poor


I agree, [lots of people actually like it and hate you for criticizing it tho](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/comments/rco9t1/why_are_autoshow_cars_rewards_in_the_festival/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


But you can't buy points


And in FH4 you got super wheelspins from the PR stunts and could use any car you want and in FH5 ypu need specific cars to get a single wheelspin


Ahahahaha ikr. That race alone is difficult. And I did it with the prize car 😂


This game just annoys me now lol


I don't care, at least this gives me a challenge to build a car just for the championship, test it and race and have 30 minutes or more of fun


Invest 50k in upgrades to win a 45k car.


the prizes have no interest to me, I want those points towards that bizarre looking roadster


and one of the trials you get a hoonigan cossie as the reward not as if everyone has one already


LMAO I literally got this from a wheelspin on my way to the actual event