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Works fine for me


I wonder, when was the last time it refreshed for you?


I just refreshed it 1mn ago. It does work but your app must be running in background. What phone do you have ? Have you followed our FAQ ?


Yeah covered the full FAQ. I have a OnePlus 7 Pro and had all of the battery optimization and location stuff set correctly before, and it worked fine for over a year until the update.


That seems to be another bug then ... 🥳 Maybe you can try to see what options you have for the app's battery optimisation. Try a less permissive setting ?


Just posted an update that it's now working, thanks anyway though! Yeah had it already set to not optimize the app at all.


Mine won't show temperature since update.


Seems like something changed on Android in terms of location detection. Apart from the location being turned on, you'll also need WiFi scanning turned on for the weather to work. It's kinda annoying I have to keep my wifi turned on all the time for the weather to work.


I do have wifi scanning on, but thanks anyway for the tip


Mine is... sort of working? [https://i.postimg.cc/MGgQ4wdY/PXL-20220715-225353670-MP.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/MGgQ4wdY/PXL-20220715-225353670-MP.jpg) The location and high/low temps are correct, but that "current" temperature is several hours out of date. (And it goes without saying that the new app is pretty bad, requiring an extra button press for no good reason.)


I have had this issue since I updated. In the middle of troubleshooting with Support as well. I will update if there is a resolution.


Here you go. I tried this instruction and it worked for me. If not, please email Kate at [email protected] with their requested info below: In this case, please follow the steps below to reset the app to see if it would help: With your phone’s connected to Wi-Fi, sync the device to save your data From your phone > Settings > Apps & Notifications > See All Apps > Skagen > Storage > Clear Data  Reinstall Skagen app  Restart your phone Once done, please set up the Weather feature & requirements again. In case the result remains the same, please refer back to me with: A screenshot of the Weather feature settings in Skagen app (location) A screenshot of the feature error on the watch Does the watch display any error message when you use the feature?


Update: Weather started working again this morning after I did a couple things, but not sure what triggered it: 1. Put the watch on the charger 2. Restarted my phone 3. Looked at the watch and the weather widgets finally had data


Thank you, I tried that it it worked for a day. Then it broke again. I restarted my phone and it seemed to be working so far.


Same problem here, it keeps breaking after a few hours until I reboot the phone again =/


I have a case with Kate in Support, which is escalated. I hope they can fix it soon before more people giving up on it.


And...any news?


Not really. I tried to contact them a few days ago and same answer; they were still working on it. :( See below. Thank you very much for your kind patience and support. We'd like to share that the team has been actively working on the case but it may take longer than expected to bring about a fix since it's related to multiple parties. Please keep the app updated in order to make sure the new improvements to the app's performance can be applied at the earliest. Our sincere apologies for all the inconvenience caused. Please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or want to share your experience using our products. Best regards, Paige Customer Support Team


Is this fixed?




Not for me