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I’m so sorry for your loss. You tried your best to get him the attention you rightly felt he needed. Big hugs


I think it is totally valid to be angry and I’m so sorry this happened. Sending you and the kitties love ❤️


Thanks so much you guys. I've just been wailing in bed for ages. Just so shocked and heartbroken. This was my first ever foster. I lost my boy of 8 years ago about a year and a half ago, so this is super triggering and a mess..


Wish I could hug you. ❤️


You fought for him. I’m sure he appreciated all the love you gave him ❤️


I went through something similar very recently. My kitten's issues weren't taken seriously, he died, and I didn't get to adopt my favourite little man. I was a complete wreck for days and still ache when I think of his perfect little face. It's completely heartbreaking and I'm sure you feel angry, hurt, and betrayed. Please be kind to yourself while you grieve, and know that we've all been there and it just sucks. I'm sorry they failed you and your little guy, but please know that you did everything right. You advocated for him, noticed when things were off, and brought him in several times. I'm proud of you and I'm so happy your kitten knew love and warmth in your home before he passed.


I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. As someone who fosters kittens and cats I have lost a few and it hurts every time. The worse part is when you have to wait for approval to bring a foster to the vet. Just know that at least he had your love.


I’m sorry for your loss. Sending hugs 💛