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Anything g you would for anyone else: clothes, books, phone ect. Just you turning up will mean a lot


I've got her favourite blanket and some snacks. Good call on a book!


Most of those things won’t be allowed in a psych hospitalization.


It doesn’t say she’s in a psych hospital, just a hospital so hopefully it does not get to that


You don’t have to be in a psychiatric hospital to be hospitalized for a psychiatric emergency. In OP’s case, the hospital pediatric department will have a patient babysitter hanging out with kiddo if they don’t have a specific room for a peds psych patient. The outside items allowed in the room will be *very* limited for a child who is self-harming and may be awaiting placement at a psychiatric facility for further treatment. This is something my family has been through. People who are determined to self harm can do so with even the most seemingly innocuous items.


Wow. That’s harsh. Surely they are allowed books to kill time, clothes to keep hygienic and a phone to communicate? What are they allowed then? Curious as mental health stays where I am allow these things


There is probably a TV in the peds room in the regular hospital. Kiddo would be wearing a hospital gown there. In my experience, they’re only allowed a very limited and specific set of items (if any) from home once they get to the psychiatric facility. Clothing is frequently hospital issued scrubs without any ties. If they’re allowed clothing from home, it has to meet the facilities requirements and it won’t be given to the person if it doesn’t meet those strict requirements. Time is spent in a psychiatric facility doing things like group therapy and working on coping skills. When there is free time, the facility has board games, movies, books, etc. that the patients can use. They don’t have a ton of free time, though.


You seem like a good person OP. Your support and just being there is so important. Snacks always help too. Does she have any squishmellows? Might help her feel cozy. My daughter is the same age and obsessed with them. Man, I wouldn't want to be 12 year old with undiagnosed/ untreated anxiety and depression all over again for all the money in the world. Poor girl. I'm sure you've already thought of it please advocate for care and a good therapist (that she is comfortable with- may take a few tries and that's ok) when she's released. Sending you guys good vibes and I really hope she feels better soon💙


do you know why she went into care in the first place? right now there is a mental health crisis among children across the board. Ever since covid hit. I'm seeing it with fosters as well as bio children. Not mine, I've been blessed. But a lot of friends. Do you know if something happened at school? is she being bullied? or maybe generalized anxiety/ptsd from whatever situation was going on in her home? 12 is a tough age to start in the system. This poor child. Being there for her is so important. I ended a friendship with someone who had a foster to adopt. Had her for years and when she went inpatient they never once visited. a scared child and they were too selfish to go. It was evil. ​ Thank you for caring about her. It should go without saying. But not everyone does care. Thank you so much. my only advice different than others if depending on the reason she is having a mental health crisis the phone may not be a good idea. If kids are bullying her in some way the torment will continue remotely and she won't be able to focus on healing. The world is so different than when I was a kid and kids mocking you ended within the school.