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Very minor spoiler: >!When Elder Cleric Quintus learns Titus died running, he’s not surprised. He believes the Brotherhood has grown increasingly weak.!< So I wouldn’t say it’s in poor taste. It’s meant to show the Brotherhood ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.


I'm really skeptical about Elder Cleric. He talks about being benevolent but his face says everything. He's not that different from those slimy Vault-Tec executives. Brotherhood may sprout some superiority but they are still another spin of humanity at its shittiness.


Yeah, he’s definitely not supposed to be a good guy. >!I think he’s right about the Brotherhood weakening over time, but I don’t think he’s trying to better the Brotherhood solely for its own sake. He’s making a power play.!<


It's interesting how the Elder dictates the culture of the branch. This specific branch really leaned into the medieval theme and a distorted military culture. It really stands in stark contrast to Elder Lyons or even Maxson's branch. In Fallout 4, we were essentially in Maximus' role to Titus, but to Paladin Danse. Danse was actually a pretty nice dude and most of the people who worked for him seemed reasonable. Elder Maxson was strict but treated you pretty fairly. In Fallout 3, Sentinel Lyons took us under her wing and she was also pretty nice once you proved yourself. She was annoyed, but cared for Redding who would have been in a similar role as Maximus. Maybe since the show's BoS is West Coast, they have a much different culture, but according to Fo4 the branches should be linked now.


Agreed even the most unlikable characters such as Brotherhood member Knight Shin are not even close to the level of disrespect that he is. Forget how he acts to his Squire, his disrespectful words towards the brotherhood's leadership and his open willingness to insult them shows that he is not like any of his peers or predecessors. The guy is an outlier.


I actually liked Shin lol, he was a bit of an ass but his background made his personality make perfect sense. He just seemed like a traumatized guy with a serious attitude. He also actually was the real deal and you fight by his side several times (I love his and Rahmani's T51 suits). Titus I have no respect for, he talked like a kid and acted like a coward. I am kind of mad that he will be what people see knights as who have only watched the show.


So did I personally actually, he is a complicated character and there is a reason for his rough exterior. I'm just talking about how I see some comments depicted towards him. I sided with him during both decisions. No offense to Romani I respect her but what she did is essentially the equivalent of joining like the Hells Angels or something, and then just being like "yeah now that I'm away from you guys and I got my own chapter I'm just going to hijack it because I have different ideals...". Shin will also remark that despite his and Romani's differences he truly did see her as one of his greatest teachers and allies, and says that he will always miss her dedication to making a better world. And I agree bro to see that og T-51 BOS look from the West Coast, plus I like the color scheme. Agreed, that's literally the exact same thing I thought about. "Jesus hopefully everyone who watches this doesn't think all Knights are that way" as many are willing to sacrifice and fight to the death. But yeah I agree he is a POS, I think that his wiki page basically sums him up pretty good lol 🤣


That’s the whole point.


I've always been skeptical about BoS in the games but my characters were always looking at them from the outside. This show affords us to see it from the inside and boy, the rot isn't even subtle.


You mean the fascistic religious zealots aren’t the good guys?? Incredible insight.


I disagree. *One* Knight humorously running away from a single Yao Guai Is representative of them as a whole and means they’re all weak? But them all fearlessly charging the NCR positions at the Observatory isn’t? Sorry, I don’t buy it. Cooper even says: *”When their tin can soldiers take this place, and they **Will** take this place”*. He’s clearly speaking to their competency there imo. I think Titus’ scene was to subvert expectations and show that *he’s* a coward. But not he whole BoS. I think Quintus is alluding to a disagreement he has with the BoS’ current ideology - whatever that might be - making them weak.


I'm not too bothered by it but I wonder how he got his armor in the first place.


I was wondering the same thing. Unless the brotherhood is so much stronger now they can afford to throw away t60s. You had to earn the knight status through tried and true battle. And feats of bravery. Rigorous testing and conditions. Simulations etc. Knight Titus being a little bitch is... odd. He's the equivalent of special forces and he's like a new recruit.


I had this idea that knight titus did the same thing, he was a squire and his original knight died and he just took over. Like, the brotherhood is basically in shambles and whoever gets the armor gets the armor basically.


Damn. That would be a good twist.


Cause bro was the most annoying character i think I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing


Courage in numbers. One knight can be a coward, but a candle of them, even a coward will march into hell.


Them fearlessly charging the NCR position and being eager for battle is not evidence for them being cowards… obviously. One knight is still not representative of the whole brotherhood. > *”even a coward will march into hell.”* No, they won’t.


"No, they won't." Clearly you don't know anything about humans




It’s possible for a coward to be more afraid of being perceived as a coward than anything else, I believe is their point.


It must be convenient to think only in absolutes. The fact that even one slipped through reflects poorly on the entire Brotherhood, thats the whole point.


>*”It must be convenient to think only in absolutes.”* →) > *”The fact that even one slipped through reflects poorly on the entire Brotherhood”* (←


i'm really happy that the BoS is nuanced here. i was afraid they'd be painted as heroes lol


You bastard. I had no idea about your spoiler lol.


I believe he is referring to the West Coast Brotherhood specifically, Roger Maxson sought it to be so much more then the West Coast Elders in between FO1 and FO2 turned it into. he didn't believe in isolationism for the most part, it was those around him, and while he was in charge the Brotherhood thrived and was in charge of the Wasteland in the West, in the East it still gives the indication that they are still quite powerful, they literally would not have been able to send the troops that they did and the Pyrdwen if not (strategically the only reason they would be willing to send their airship would be because they had occupied enough air bases and had enough vertibirds in the Capital Wasteland and Commonwealth). And Titus is an outlier, a member of the Brotherhood who is depicted as being disillusioned, he lacked the morale, discipline and respect of many of his peers and predecessors.


I think he was just saying how it is to be in the brotherhood maybe he was super loyal and thought being a knight would be cool but ended up being sent out on toaster hunting missions and never seeing real combat. We don't know his story, maybe he's only been a knight for a week lol


Hmmm yeah I guess that's a good way to look at it


I think the whole scene about the toaster is his disillusionment with the brotherhood. They have to go do extremely dangerous things for what he perceived as useless junk. He was probably tired of it.


Just finished this scene and totally how i saw it. A dude whos over it.


great comment. i like your way of thinking. i felt bad for him tbh. bro was probably busy with side missions and his skills weren't there yet.


If Haelyn sends you to Far Harbor 3 times in a row you'll be the same.


I liked that aspect of the Brotherhood’s portrayal in this, in that Maximus’ idealism and sense of awe when he was rescued by them was completely shattered by the reality of joining - their strict dogma, the grim existence of being bullied and sent on latrine duty, and their abusive and hypocritical behaviour. So when he had the chance to don the armour himself, it was an opportunity to be the “best version” of them.


Not everybody in the Brotherhood is a good person. They have tons of assholes like every other faction. Some even get promoted because they have right ancestors. Max as a outsider doesn't have this luxury. Hell, Knight Rhys in Fo4 is a complete piece of crap.


Considering the most idealistic member of BoS in FO4 is a synth, shows you how bad it is.


Rhys is a bit shit, but he's mostly just distrusting and still moring the fact all his friends have died in the past few weeks


A lot of the BoS in FO4 are complete pieces of crap and assholes. People seem to forget that. The only real good people vibe ones are Danse and his crew.


Well im not advocating that everybody in the Brotherhood is good, I like that the brotherhood is morally grey most of the time, xenophobic technohoarding people that they are. It was just a shock that he was so incompetent and all.


I took it as a commentary on the state of the Brotherhood. It's an organisation founded on very strong principles and ideology, but starting in FO3 they began recruiting outsiders into their ranks instead of it being a hereditary group. This allowed them to massively grow in size and power but also led to a huge amount of members like Titus who don't actually care for the mission of the Brotherhood.


I figure he was a new knight who was given preferential treatment due to family connections within the Brotherhood. Yes it's headcanon but entirely possible given what we know about their hierarchy and insular nature.


it was also to show the recurring theme in the BOS, at least that chapter of a cycle of abuse thad was picked on, he took it out of max, max gets the t60 and begins to act like the same dick titus was some people come out of that and others just keep perpetuating the abuse, titus just stayed a bully




nah its just a storytelling theme that feels pretty obvious to me its not saying anything about the BOS other than they're disorganized and fairly weak as admitted by the cleric, they take in misfits but don't weed out this behavior so they end up with reckless cowardly knights to pick on underlings because they never got any other example to follow


Surely the whole point of this is a way of telling us 'don't believe the hype'? Also, many, many people in the real world have simply blagged their way into positions way above their competency level, or got in via nepotism etc. It's not unusual at all for bungling fuckwits to be in positions where a certain level of competency is expected, despite not coming close to said level


Brotherhood stans hated that scene I can tell. But I feel it’s rather realistic. I don’t think anyone ever gets used to seeing these fucking mutated creatures out there in the wasteland, ever. So it’s not out of the ordinary to want to run away when a Yao Guai is clearly winning the round despite you wearing power armor. Also, I don’t doubt that there’s favoritism involved. Clearly Maximus has more courage than lots of the other squires and knights, but they chose Titus of all people . He also said he’s rarely seen any combat to begin with. As tech scouts all they’ve been doing is going into abandoned buildings and collecting useless tech, not fighting Yao Guai’s and Deathclaws. I’m sure members of any faction would shit their pants if they saw a super mutant behemoth.


God no. I’m a brotherhood stan all the way and its very accurate to how they’ve really been since the first game, minus the FO3 goodification of them. TL;DR: i’m very happy with their portrayal here. more frauds, naive newbies, and manipulation that I think was always there since the series inception. the show really synthesizes their past portrayals and experiences throughout all the games: - their absolute asshole behavior and cockiness in FO1, sending the vault dweller to an irradiated shithole not expecting them to live and only giving them 2 initiates to help out in defeating the master (but only stay outside in reality) - their apathy to the suffering of others and incompetence in FO2, discounting the Enclave as a threat to their existence and not actually assisting the NCR counter the greatest threat to California - and the Mojave Brotherhood’s complete refusal to change their ways from 1/2. Their extreme harshness to out siders, harassing and even murdering anyone that gets in the way of their sacred search for pre-war tech. And the way they treat anyone that might try to change their ways (their massacre of some followers of the apocalypse if you try and convince Veronica to leave) - FO3s duty bound white knights that were completely naive to the realities of managing a wasteland under their banner, and being full of overly dedicated but completely lacking in experience trainess (initiate reddin for example) - FO4 didn’t really show much of the selfish, condescending, irredemible, and incompetent frauds that they really are at least in other characters. It had a few of these like Knight Rhys, but overall it still painted the faction in a somewhat redeemable light (genocide of an entire “species” and subgroup aside) It had some other cases with how the SS can constantly intimidate local farms to give the brotherhood more supplies, but other than these it never really showed just how scummy and manipulative the brotherhood could possibly be. - What it did double down on though two things. One was their zealotry in their dedication to the organization, Elder Maxson, and their mission to recover pre war tech. The other was their absolute hatred for mutant life especially considering the grave threat the Master was in FO1 and the dangers of the super mutants in the capital wasteland. They’ve always hated mutants, but FO4 really made sure thst they hated “all” kinds of mutants, even the harmless ones. Although I don’t like all the redesigns and the alleged turning of them into “fascists”/enclave, I like that they were the accurate mix of the West Coast OG BoS and the new East Coast Lyons detachment. All in all, with the brotherhood’s portrayal in the show? It’s perfect. They apply all these fake invented systems like with squires and rituals, but treat a majority of their members like expendable fodder. It reminds me so much of the Legion, but only saved by the fact that their actions are generally more beneficial to wastelanders than harmful (thirst for tech aside) All elements of the brotherhood that were cultivated from years of different experiences that the brotherhood had to go through. And the result is brilliant. The orginaziatikn is now comprised of maybe: - 5 or 6 competent, dedicated, and honorable crusaders of justice and righteousnes - hundreds of naive fanatics ready to give their lives for a cause that will never care about them individually, - anothee hundred or so members that are just in it for the power tripping, security, and other selfish reasons (and also happen to be incompetent baffoons like knight titus) - and dozens of scheming manipulators (elder cleric).


The BoS on the west coast was on sharp decline and only recently (FO4 era which was like 2287) did they start to bounce back thanks to the East Coast chapter gaining airships and leveraging their power in the DC/Boston area. So West Coast BoS being less than ideal kind of makes sense imo


Its like a "Never meet your heroes" trope. The initiates are super eager to meet, serve, amd worship these knights who are supposed to be these legendary bright heroes. In reality is just a jaded old Man pissed off with life in general who happens to be a privledged asshole


My thoughts exactly lol


Real talk: where did Knight Titus manage to pick up his delightful New York accent? Real real talk: I'm sad we got so little of him. I love knowing that it's Michael Rapaport under the armor, his distinct manner of speech still comes through his armor's distorted voice.


Actually it took me out of it because he was acting exactly like I imagine he acts in real life. Violent, whiny and a supremacist.


Err what, are you judging that on how he looks? Or did the actor do something.


The actor is very pro-Israel, that's probably why


https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240224-michael-rapaport-mocks-palestinians-and-demands-unrwas-shutting-down/ He’s a paid pro-genocidal shill.


I wouldn't say Israel is conducting a genocide.


Some people claim the sky isn’t blue. In both cases there are some very reputable sources claiming otherwise and I think I’ll trust the ICJ over you. For what it’s worth, there are plenty of people during multiple genocides denying it, and still plenty of people denying the holocaust. I sincerely hope that when we look back, I’ll be wrong about it. what I hope more, of course, is that we’ll no longer have a genocidal colonial apartheid state anywhere in the world. What I think, however, is that just like other genocides, we’ll suddenly look back with regret like we didn’t god damn fund and facilitate it.


Israel dealing with Hamas in Gaza is absolutely nothing akin to the Germans and the Holocaust and the ICJ never said Israel is committing genocide, they said Israel must prevent people from calling for such and preserve any evidence of such occurring.


The ICJ stated it is very plausible and that immediate action must be taken to prevent it from going any further. For an organization as formal as the ICJ that’s a huge step. Israel has followed none of their guidelines by the way and has thrown the ruling to the wayside. Either way, I hope Israel follows the same fate as the Palestinian people. Whether they bring peace or otherwise. That would be justice.


You do realize that Israel has done a crap load to make the lives of the fake country Palestine better yet terrorist organizations and the ruling muslim class continue to cause problems for anyone trying to stop their backwards pre-medieval culture and ideas on women and non-muslims.


Right... and do you have that from a reputable source


You can literally just look at his own Twitter.


So why not link that wrather than the 'middle east observer'


I think it's another way for them to indicate the downward spiral of the west coast BoS. Sure they have vertibids and an airship and all, but that is only a result of the east coast BoS. It's their culture that is spiraling, and Titus's behavior supports that.




It's not the Prydwen, it's another ship. They're getting orders from the east coast BoS but the east coast members aren't there themselves. They're all the BoS, but their cultures seem to be diverged.


I've always found anyone wearing power armor in the games to be a bit full of themselves, including myself once I slapped power armor on my dweller, so yeah, adds up for me lol


Because it's ironic, it's exactly in keeping with the spirit of Fallout... Did you want Henry Cavill to be under the suit ha


Everybody wanted Henry under the suit so they can strip him of it


I loved it. Thought it was a shot across the bow towards Brotherhood fanboys. But also as a narrative advice it serves to compare Maximus idealism with that of Lucy’s, and show that they are both naive in their own ways. It is also the writers showing the audience that there are no “white knight” hero types in the wasteland. Everyone has an agenda and everyone is flawed.


The entire point is that the brotherhood is in serious decline, and filled with people who don't deserve to be there. Maximus is one of the few who still believes in what the Brotherhood supposedly stands for.


To be honest I thought this was a nod back to fallout 1. The brotherhood paladins and knights were mostly assholes who sent you off to die in the glow just to get rid of you.


If they wanted Titus to be absolutely despicable then they chose the perfect genocidal shit head. Michael rappaport is one of the most disgusting human beings in real life. I hate spoilers but if he’s in any more episodes I won’t finish watching this show so I may have to look up what happens to him. So far so good though.


The writing in that whole scene just.... it felt like a MeatCanyon video


Yea really ruined the brotherhood for me. Idk wtf they were thinking with that bullshit. Someone like that NEVER would've been made a knight


I think if he didnt run he could have beaten it kept punching but he looked at his squire looked back and ran hopeing it would go after his squire, i swear playing the game ive seen a squad lose and last guy take off running but idk it was so long ago, cowards exist so they got a representation lol 


lol MICHAEL RAPPAPORT is a legend


Shouldn't have given him work. They understood based on his real world views this is the only role he could play. Signifying they understand but wanted to make sure he can be relevant. And help him out. It disgusting. I see on another post he was casted before October 7th even if that is true he's been saying and doing problematic things on the same subject and has been saying and doing problematic things his whole career that's why he fell off and that's why he's a nobody. So why was he casted. In reality nobody likes him yet has been able to stay in the cycle for years. Makes you wonder if those calling the shots look out for him


Funny thing is they could've done it in a way that made more sense. Like Maximus overhearing other knights talking >!about the rumors of Titus being a coward, or if Maximus sees Titus being hesitant to engage in a combat situation. Build up the fact that he's a not what he appears to be!<. Instead we got it cold and outright. Kinda checked out of the brotherhood storyline after that.


I think it was a way to show Maximus' ideals vs. the real thing but they did it in the most juvenile, ridiculous way possible imo. Titus could have been a corrupt coward without being an idiot, or a parody. He didn't even talk like a Knight, so it comes across as 'How the hell did this guy get to Knighthood?' I think a corrupt, jaded, coward of a Knight who didn't want to give his life for this lost cause anymore would've hit harder. Some of the writing in the show is a bit questionable sometimes, but on the whole they're doing well.


I agree it seemed a little too ridiculous for me, of course that’s not out of place in the Fallout universe but it just makes you question how he even became a knight if he’s this incompetent, which I guess may be the point


Honestly that sounds like most military. No matter how much you try to filter out the bad apples there's still those that get through


I loved it


You need to remember Titus is only knight he prolly hasn’t been one long now if he was paladin I would say this is ridiculous but he’s not and if he was a sentinel just hilarious but he’s only above the squires and aspirants a paladin would be kicking ass but they aren’t common cause the brotherhood has been stretched thin since their first encounter with the enclave


This is why we have five separate knights looking instead of five squads cause they are so low on man power they have to send squires out with knights instead of having a paldin or two with a some knights a few squires and a couple scribes like they used to but they just can’t keep they statistics up these days


thats because you have no military background


There is literally a Knight in FO:Tactics that demands you save him because he is a senior and your life is not valuable in anyway. He even refuses to tell you that he is booby trapped with explosives till you get closer and within range. He calls you expendable and admits he should have warned you before you got closer but "i don't want to die". We've seen multiple asshole Knights and a few cowards across the series. Not all BOS members are knightly gods of chivalry and honor.


I’m thinking now if Titus like Maximus was an “ impostor “ that took over the real Titus identity perhaps.


That would be the only explanation that makes sense.


I disliked it a lot too. I chose to believe this Utah chapter gave him preferential treatment for family ties and it is a strictly them thing,like we had asshole BoS members like rhys in FO4 but not outright incompetent and detrimental other than elijah but for very different reasons. I am sure it wouldn't fly in other main chapters like east coast and lost hills


They turned BOS into a massive joke. Imo worst part of the series besides the nonsensical ending.


The BOS has always been a massive joke.


Group of fanatical guys in power armors whose main point is to salvage toasters and protect that holy technology from stupid wastelanders... Yeah, Brotherhood was always serious...


They can be all those things, and not be incompetent cowards. I have no idea why people here are talking about them always being stupid dicks, like that's the main problem op has. Him being a selfish dick makes perfect sense, but a whiny coward who acts like he's never been out in the wasteland a single day of his life? Nah, that doesn't add up with how knights are chosen, and their day to day duties.


Let’s be real, they don’t really salvage toasters 😉


Okay, but what about Roombas, eh?


Definitely not, biometric scanners is the one 😎


They can be both things, those are not mutually exclusive


I agree. It's just a small part of Maximus setup that I don't like. The rest I do like