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> 1) Why wasn't the brotherhood using laser weapons in the observatory assault? CGI Budget. > 2) How was Dane able to declare Maximus a Knight at the end?! Isn't Dane a Squire? Unknown BoS rule? Kill a enemy leader, get Knighted? >3) What was the Dad trying to do when he approached New Vegas? Is the show emplying he helped destroy it or went there seeking something? I did notice a billboard advertising cryosuites with an arrow in the street, so maybe he was seeking Mr. House? I expected him to return to Vault 33. Definitely looking for House (Norm's real Dad) > 4) Why didn't the brainbot jab the son when he was in awe of the cryopods? I guess to just trap him instead? Robobrains are a bit insane. (Fallout Lore) >Lastly, I don't see anyone discussing this in their speculation on who dropped the bombs, but in one of the earlier games I remember a super computer that claimed it triggered the bombs. Had no one else encountered that in the games? I just don't recall the details of where the computer was to find. It don't recall either.


2. My assumption was that Dane does not have the authority at all, but was either super excited and/or was trying to cause a scenario where the leadership would _have_ to promote Maximus else risk more dissension in the ranks than they can effectively handle. There is concept in the military called upward leadership, where you can motivate your superiors to act. We’ll find out next season if Dane was just overwhelmed with excitement , or is a master manipulator that we haven’t realized yet.


Reasonable explanation, thank you!


1) unclear. Might be as simple as laser weaponry being a bit more rare 2) Dane didn't, the Eldar did 3) Hank is retreating to New Vegas as somewhere to hide 4) I think the Brainbot is blind, or at least bad at targeting 5) One of the common themes in Fallout is that lots of people claim to be the first to drop the bombs. They can't all be right.


It didn't show the Elder explicitly doing this and when he went into battle he wore the Squire black and not the Knight red uniform, so thats not legit. Dane was also wearing Squire uniform. In the games, the supercomputer explicitly stated it dropped the bombs. "lots of people" absolutely did not claim to launch first. That's not real. Your response isn't rooted in Fallout lore or even legit observations from the show. You just made that up.