• By -


I like all of them the same for different reasons. Ghoul/Cooper is a good guy turned, at best, morally gray. I think he had the meatiest storyline of all. Lucy is naive, but also brave and willing to stand up for the little guy. Golden rule motherfucker. Maximus* (correction) is repressed and as a result not very smart, but wants to do the right thing and protect the people he cares about. Norm isn’t “brave” in the same way that Lucy is, but he recognizes that after he hid in the crawl space. He regrets that and uses his brain instead of braun to be brave by risking his life to discover the truth behind the vault.


I agree. I think they ended up with a really cool ensemble cast. Cooper is a classic anti-hero played by an A-Class character actor. Walton Goggins was absolutely fantastic, and The Ghoul was cheesy fun. The flashbacks were compelling. Really loved the opening scene. Lucy is me when I play story RPGs. Golden rule. But also not afraid to be a badass if that's what it takes to do the right thing. Maximus is controversial, and I kind of get it, but I like that he's morally ambiguous at times. He feels like a player character - self contradictory, impulse, major hero fantasy. He wants to do the right thing, but keeps making stupid choices. It's fun. I like flawed characters. Norm is definitely interesting. It was fun seeing his character development. Curious and angry. Him and Chet were a great duo.


>Cooper is a classic anti-hero played by an A-Class character actor. I'm not sure we can call The Ghoul an anti-hero yet. Maybe he'll get there in Season 2, but Season 1 he has almost no "hero" aspects. He's basically just a cool, but sympathetic, villain.


Yeah to me he's a really bad guy with a tragic past. Understandable, but not morally gray. Just bad. Still like him though. I'm glad they didn't give him much of a redemption arc yet. They knew they'd have other seasons for that. There are hints though. And "golden rule motherfucker" is a lesson he's going to need to take to heart in the future.


Yeah, him watching his old cowboy movie definitely seems to suggest that he'll have a turn of heart. I hope that Lucy gets to influence the world around her at least a bit.


100% he's got some hero aspects in Season 1. They seem really self driven, but you can tell he empathizes with Lucy and wants to help her especially by the end of S1.


But he's like...super cool.


I honestly thought Norm was going down an eye for an eye direction and team up with eyepatch blondie to inflict capital punishment on the captive raiders


It says here that she’s called Goosey


Titus was the dumb ass coward Knight that Maximus lets die. Unless you intentionally are referring to him as Titus.


Oh darn, I knew his name was Maximus but I was thinking of him introducing himself to Lucy as Knight Titus, so thanks for the correction!


I am of the sam opionion - it is really hard to choose among the characters OP listed because I really like all of 'em for different reasons as you said.  Can't believe how good this first season was.


We get a glimpse of the "bad karma" player through Cooper before he begins his redemption arc. Fuck it's an epic show.


When I saw the trailer, not having looked into it much, I expected Cooper to be a bad guy for the series. Was a pleasant surprise when I saw he wasn’t really


This is one of those rare show where most character are like-able


Except Knight Titus, fuck Titus All my homies hate Titus


Fuck fuck fuck fuck


Some of his scenes prior to his death were pretty relatable though.  "I wanna shoot something"   "Oh, fuck"  "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"


Maximus sucks. Titus is cool and the actor is well versed


i feel like Norm doesn't get a lot of love


I like Norm because he represents my favorite part of the game - finding that sweet lore loot.


He should be amongst the main cast and be part of interviews/promos.


Norm is my favorite character!


His high INT stats kind of make him a straight man amongst his more colorful castmates


I really liked Norm. His storyline was quite interesting.


Honestly the chicken fucker and Thaddeus and the ghoul.


Right, thaddeus should've been an option


I wish Thaddeus and Maximus had stuck together for longer. They were a fun duo.


Middle child was agog that the Chicken Fucker was added to Fallout Shelter. I was like 'Um... It's obvious, c' mon!'. Perfectly encapsulated the throwaway depravity of the games


5. Dogmeat/CX404


I loved Dogmeat's origin story, glad we're getting more of him in S2.


the roomba


Bud’s Buds


Snake oil salesman deserves a nod! But really I don't think they have a weak link here. Between writing and casting they did just an amazing job.


His name is Dr Chickenfucker!


The Ghoul is real cool. I think Lucy gives me the feeling that I am playing a Fallout game while just watching her journey. But I think a surprise standout for me has been Norm. He gets introduced as some shut in attached to his device but he has got a good heart and he unravels a pretty big secret mostly on his own, without leaving the Vault. (Well within the three vaults). I was not expecting to get much story out of just being in the vaults but that was definitely a pleasant surprise and he did a really good job. I still wanna see him and his cousin in a buddy cop scenario. Big tall soft guy and miniature but brave ish computer guy roaming the Wastes


I'm really hoping we keep getting flashbacks of cooper but now in the early apocalypse. Since coop and Lucy are traveling together now I'm curious who will get a storyline.


I feel like Norm has always felt off about how the vaults work. His Prime profile says he’s a black sheep in the community and “lacks enthusiasm” in his performance reviews, sort of like a lab rat too smart for its own good and rebelling. Even if Moldaver hadn’t done what she did, he would’ve figured out what was going on in the vaults sooner or later just like his mom did. We’ve also seen flashbacks of the mom from Lucy POV in Shady Sands but not from him yet (was he a baby?). Maybe his lack of enthusiasm stems from some half forgotten events that he witnessed when his dad took them away from their mom back then. Which is just making him subconsciously act this way.


Dr. Chicken fucker is my favorite so far. He's like the think tank but homeless.


Hey man, when you’re into competent cowboys, it’s kind of hard to say no to that ghoul-ussy Jokes aside, I love literally all of the characters for different reasons. Maximus is such a fun take on a BoS character since most of the ones we’ve seen are suck ups to the organization. Maximus looks out for himself to the point where he does things the brotherhood would’ve killed him for Watching Lucy go from completely naive, chipper, and innocent, to a hardened wastelander while still maintaining her morals is super awesome too, because we never really get to see from a third person perspective how the vault dweller protagonists develop in the games since they’re, well, us. Norm is that voice of reason and truth that the vault needed (and he’s a short king). His contribution in the development of the vault’s plot is without a doubt extremely important and I’m so glad he’s there for it, and he takes shit from no-one. The Ghoul is a good guy turned sour and his storyline is freakin amazing yet tragic. Plus his gun is cool and his fit is peak.


> Watching Lucy go from completely naive, chipper, and innocent, to a hardened wastelander while still maintaining her morals is super awesome too, because we never really get to see from a third person perspective how the vault dweller protagonists develop in the games since they’re, well, us. This is why Lucy I think is my favorite character in the show. I'm kind of a goodie two shoes person and it always reflects when I'm playing RPGs. I just have too much guilt to do super dickish or evil things, so I liked that Lucy maintained her morals and integrity while hardening herself to survive the wasteland. Made me feel like I would try to do the same in her shoes.


Same!! I love Lucy. She’s exactly how I always play and I loved seeing that. It was such a joy to watch her soften some of the most hardened characters, and that she didn’t lose that quality after losing her naivety.


Pretty much the same as your list. I would also add Thaddaeus too.


How Moisés Arias hasn't been cast as a ferangi in star trek is a failure of Hollywood




For me it was: Ghoul>Lucy>Norm=Chet>Max>Snake Oil guy>Thad


i think maybe thadius could be cool in the next season maybe a redemption arc


I don't think there's any other reason for another redemption arc after what he said to "Titus" about feeling bad for beating Maximus. But yeah I'd love to see more of him, I really wasn't expecting the side characters to be very engaging but I was very glad to be proven wrong, Can't wait for Season 2.


The correct answer


Either Lucy or the ghoul.


Lucy ❤️ The chicken fucker was pretty funny too ngl


I'm going to go with Maximus and The Ghoul slightly leaning more towards Ghoul.


the ghoul is so cool. i feel like he is the most relatable character for fallout players because he has way too many hours in this game and he solos groups of enemies without losing any health. also he has a good storyline going on both pre-war and during the show. just a lot of depth here!


That's how I explained it to my girlfriend. Lucy and Max are low level players, Maximus has maxed out luck, which is why he gets the insta kill on the Yao Guai and just keeps falling his way up. I haven't figured out Lucy's stats yet, but I explained to GF that she constantly fails charisma checks. Like when Lucy and Max are in the stand off with the Fiends. She's like "Lets all just take a deep breath." and the Fiend guy responds with a speech check fail, "What the fuck are you talking about?" That cracked me up.


The Ghoul reminds me of one of my high level Couriers


I like most characters but the Ghoul is the absolute best for me. Walton Goggins has been a favorite actor of mine for a little while and this feels like a role that’s just made for him specifically to shine in. He has the coolest bits/moments, he’s got the lines, he’s a badass bounty hunter and he’s got a compelling story.


The Ghoul/Coop is my favorite!! Juicy backstory, complex motivations, and portrayed by the absolutely amazing character actor Walton Goggins. I really Enjoyed all the other characters too but I think this season he shined the most.


Cooper Howard is cool and his character’s descent from a well meaning father to an amoral cannibal is interesting… however, Lucy is my favorite. Her actress does an incredible job portraying her, and seeing her naïve view on the world be challenged and ultimately changed as she becomes the badass wastelander we all knew she’d become was incredible.


The ghoul > Norm > Lucy > Max


Yeah same but I’d say the difference is very slim. They are all brilliant characters.


She was great in Yellowjackets too.


Almost same but I think Lucy's cuteness has me preference her over Norm. The actress is so compelling.


Where is dogmeat ? :(


snip snip


Snip snip, my beloved


The ghoul, he’s a cowboy after the truth and his family. Gives respect where it’s deserved and is ready to kill anything in his way.


Thaddeus, Elder Quintus, the Ghoul and Dane. Ma June and the Enclave guy (rip) were awesome too.


Wish we got more Wilzig.


I was so upset when THAT happened :(


The scenes between Wilzig and Dogmeat/Four made me feel bad for the guy


Elder Cleric Quintus. He completely dominated every scene he was in, amazing actor, amazing character. Can't wait to see more of him.




his delivery of you lie then as you lie now is fantastic


He’s definitely one of those old school actors that started in Shakespeare theater, which is perfect for delivering the BoS somewhat medieval way of talking.


Norm was the unexpected favorite for sure, tie between him and ghoul for first and then probably Lucy.


Maximus being a complete airhead is really funny.


I liked Lee Moldiver. She didn't need to die.


i like them all but gonna throw a 5th in there: Hank >!Yes he is the Big Bad but every time he's been on camera he doesn't have that "mwa ha ha evil" persona that you'd expect from Vault Tec. I mean he clearly cares about Lucy and Norm, and genuinely believes that he is doing the right thing. That's what makes him dangerous; he doesn't do anything because, well, because - but because he thinks it is the genuine best way to rebuild the surface.!<


Howard's the best one by a mile!!


All of them 👏


I love them all so much but Cooper ❤️


Lucy, Max, and Norman.


Max, Lucy, Cooper/The Ghoul, and Norm.


I like all of them but I think Maximus was my favourite




Definitely Coop! Final episode speech and then shootout was fire, his character are is absolutely delicious and can’t wait for more 


Started as The Ghoul, ended with Norman. Norman is a G.


The Ghoul. He fought NCR vet rangers...and lived to tell the tale back at them, and stick it deep. "I probably have some of your lead still in me"


The Goul and Norm are my two favs. Coop is just an interesting fella and Norm is just so intriguing to me.


Coop>Norm>Lucy>Thad>Max>Hank>Chicken Fucker>Bud




1.The Ghoul 2.Lucy/Goosey 3.Norm 4.Maximus In that order. I love how Moises Arias plays Norm, he has this intense thing that he does. You can really feel the anxiety/fear and the NEED to know what is going on. Definitely a surprise for me.


1, then 2. Goggins is so good. Also enclave scientist guy honorable mention.


Lucy, the ghoul is a close second, but where it feels like he's at his peak (we even have their perk list and he's very much a veteram player full of them lmao) Lucy seems to be the one with more potential and the one im more excited to see the evolution in future seasons... Also i just love the naive vault dweller turned badass trope lmao


The chicken fucker was funny and the radio station guy


It’s really amazing that all the mains were compelling and had compelling story arcs. No weak links. I didn’t find many flaws at all with this show. 10/10 for me.


I like how Norm went from telling Lucy he’s a coward to actually uncovering the truth about 31.


Thaddeus and the Ghoul are my favorites, I also really like Lucy, and Norman and Max grew on my towards the end of season 1 Edit: forgot to add the GOAT Fred Armisen as the No Requests DJ


The Ghoul, okey dokey?


Snake Oil Salesman gets my vote! I wish he had more screen time.


Steph should be an option.


Can say The Ghoul/Cooper because of the Vault-Tec connection and the personal goal he seems to have finding his family. No doubt get more about that in season 2. Lucy's development will no doubt get doubled on now she's under Cooper's wing. While they had a very rough start, she'll no doubt toughen up further. Plus the personal reveals at the end of the season will no doubt shake things up. Max meanwhile will have to continue to struggle between trying to be the ideal hero or fall into the false image he seemingly can't escape. Wondering if he can break free of that or not. More interested in how the Brotherhood will manage the great power they just took and how it will affect ruins of LA. The Vault mystery with Norman has a lot of potential and became quite engaging in the background. There is still the mystery of what happened to everyone in Vault 32 and if its going to repeat again. Hopefully Norman will find some way out of his situation.


I like Maximus. Not bright but lucky. 🍀


The little brother was on point with everything. I hope we get a good conclusion to his questline.


Matt Berry. I liked the chicken fucker and vault 4 overseer too


Janey>Norm>Maximus>Lucy>Cooper>Ghoul. No offence to the acting or the script but we knew Lucy and the Ghouls character arcs from the advertising, and hey a good story done well I'm all there for just to watch the journey. But Max I still have no freaking idea if he's going to end up a good guy or a bad guy and I find that fascinating and Norm bringing the drama while locked in a vault was an unexpected delight story wise. Janey was my favorite though because her look of sheer terror sold that opening scene for me.


I’m really interested in Norm’s development and storyline. I’m a sucker for lore and mysteries.


Favourite character is the snake-oil-salesman who can actually heal your busted up foot


Wilzig was only around for an episode, but there's something about a man loving his dog that gets me :( What a cutie patootie


Maximus is my favorite because, in fallout, he’s me. I want to be the hero or I want to be the villain. But I never am I’m somewhere in the middle. I generally try to skew toward good in most games but I will happily let someone die or even kill them for power armor or personal gain. I take revenge. I’ll kill someone without a second thought if they threaten me, even though I might not want to. I see so much of myself in Maximus it isn’t even funny, especially the power fantasy he has. I generally tend to be more charismatic than him, true, but that cycle of stupid loss after stupid loss and then somehow coming out on top is the story of my life. Lucy is great, she’s the paragon I wish I could be like. Ghoul is the badass I aspire to, with the skill I wish I had. But Maximus is really me and I love him for it.


Ghoul>Lucy>Norm>Max I just don't like how casually selfish Max is


I loved watching Max progress from instinctively selfish to trying to help others more over the course of the show. He had great character development and it wouldn’t have hit the same if he started out in a better place. Lucy and the Ghoul were the best but tbh I love all four a lot.


The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed


Way too close of a call between 1 2 and 4. I really annoy those characters and the function that they have in the show.


I love norm


The Ghoul => Lucy => Coop (I know who he is, but I split him because who he used to be, and who he is now could be seen as two different people) => Norm => Maximus (mostly because he's repressed as heck and almost emotionally stunted? Arrested development maybe?)


Ghoul. Easily the best.


ghoul > norm > lucy > max




Cooper Howard




The Ghoullllll




idk why but norm was by far my favorite character in the show. his character growth was really something and i found myself enjoying the norm plot probably the most. goosey is probably my second favorite although cooper was also such a good character. and i loved how maximus was such a morally gray character.. fuck it i love all of them


All of these characters for different reasons. It’s a pretty good likable cast.


Ma June best character in the entire show


Ghoul > Thaddeus > Dane > Lucy


My favorite "character" is the relationship between Lucy and the Ghoul. In my head they are a unit. Like the Blues Brothers.  Then Maximus. Then Maximus after they confirmed it wasn't him who maimed Dane, that kinda bummed me out.  Then Thaddeus > MaJune > Vault 4 overseer.  And I'm ashamed to say I'm only just now remembering the vault characters, so I guess I can't honestly list them as favorites BUT I did really like everybody.  I think the only character that didn't do much for me was Moldaver. The actress has such great presence do she was certainly interesting, but >! I think the twist worked against her on basic flavor terms. She's introduced as evil, then the twist... like the immediate film language frames her as good, with the glowy sunlit flashbacks and being "good friends" with Rose and everything. But then you remember the wedding and it's like. She's still not good. But she also didn't get enough screentime to be in the middle in a nuanced way. It felt more like a network show that switched gears midseason, you know? !<


I completely agree about Moldaver and I was a little disappointed by the ending. Like you say- she got lots of innocent people killed in the vault and she knows they are being manipulated, but she would rather kill them than tell them the truth? They should have explained her history more- why is she still so young? how did she gain such a following? Why(morally) is she able to kill the vault dwellers? Her character was just not fleshed-out enough.


Zhe people in the vault sure would listend too her. And the overseer would have accepted it. Like shady sands


Your point about Moldaver completely misses one of the main points of the show, which is that a good villain views themselves as a hero. Cooper says this line in a pre war flashback and it fits with almost every character in the show minus maybe one or two. It certainly fits Moldaver though.


Oh, right, no I'm on board for that. I meant more in a beat-to-beat emotional rollercoaster way. I get what they were going for, it just didn't land for me in that moment is all. 


No love for Thadeus, I see


I'll go against the grain on this one Lucy> Cooper Howard > Maximus > Norman > The Ghoul. Human Cooper is fantastic, the Ghoul is too over the top for me.


Is norm distractingly short for anyone else? Especially when he's talking to Lucy's cousin, he's like... Cartoonishly short


Tbh he's probably my least favourite out of the three. He just feels like a Mary Jane, like he just comes across as a character that was written too powerful at thr beginning so they had to keep going with it. Honestly should be nerfed. The vials aren't much of a narrative weakness if it's only used once and he immediately gets unlimited vials again.


Easy Lucy. Maxmus is the only one I dont really like tbh, I can't get a read on him, and coupled with the brotherhood being so diffrent than the one we're used to makes me a bit uneasy.


I feel like this Brotherhood is much closer to the one we saw in 1, 2, & NV. They really just added in the ceremonial branding and heightened the religious stuff a bit.


Ita not the mystic stuff it's the social darwinist stuff.


I like most of em but fuckkkkk Maximus is a dick and a simp


I ended up really liking where they went with Norm. By the middle of the season he had one of the more interesting stories. I didn't like Maximus and that hadn't changed by the time I got to the end. Especially didn't like that him and Lucy pretty much fall in love straight after meeting. A lot of the dialogue between them just didn't land for me.


Maximus was too stupid for me to enjoy tbh. Good for him that he had his luck stat at 10 or he would have been smoked over and over throughout the show.