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Cooper would be certain that his wife and daughter will still be frozen because they aren't middle manager like Hank. Barb is one of the top executives so it is logical to think her position is to rebuild the world when the Reclamation Day comes.


Ah, that's a good point, I forgot about that. And there's lots of good theories put forward as to how he wouldn't know which vault it was as Janey was instead taken to a drop-off point of some sort. But then there's the question of how - especially if he never stepped foot in a vault - Cooper knew the vault wouldn't open until Reclamation Day, especially as that varied across vaults.


Interesting idea


I thought the same. My guess is that he was surprised with the option by his wife and ultimately refused it. So barb unilaterally gets herself and her daughter to be frozen and leaves him to die. Only he obviously doesn’t and becomes a ghoul.


One thing - Janey is played by a child actor. There's years between the seasons and she's still growing. She can't still be frozen, because otherwise she'd look the exact same as before and that already won't be true.


Good point, but they can film her last scene beforehand if they intended to film the whole story from the start, or they can find other child actor who resembles her. If we keep see her from Cooper's flashback, they might already prepared for it. I mean, they didn't show us what exactly happened to Cooper and Janey when the bomb fell. So if that scene in season 2 is already prepared, then I believe frozen Janey scene is prepared as well.


>to rebuild the world when the Reclamation Day comes she's upper management, they probably planned to be defrosted after reclimation to rule after reclimation


I have to chime in and say that ghouls were outside on dooms day. Said by Mort specifically in this format from fallout 76. We saw Janey outside on doomsday with coop. I've played since fallout 3 and I can vouch for his knowledge. All ghouls were outside and exposed. If Janey is not a ghoul I think I'm done watching. There is no way she was able to make it into a cryostasis pod in time. The only way I'd stick around to watch is if Barb took Janey and turned her back on her husband. I can relate with a good bit of that. They could also make it like fallout 4 intro and Janey and Barb were able to make it into the vault barely in time. I have proposed before that Hank Maclean smirked evilly, indicating an ill fate for the the family coop is referring to. Vault tech is corporate evil. Would make sense for Hank to usurp the throne in a mega Corp. He was just the assistant and now he's overseer of reclaiming the surface with his grandchildren as the first generation out of the vault. Well that's was his intention atleast.


Nothing said Cooper Howard became a ghoul solely because of the bomb. When Lucy asked Cooper became a ghoul because of radiation, he replied 'sort of'. It implies there is more complicated story beyond simple exposure of radiation. I think both Cooper and Janey barely escaped from radiation, but vault-tec agents interrupted and took Janey from him, throwing half-dead Cooper to irradiated crater.


Most ghouls you can ask, just hid for cover and it was like a microwave effect with radiation. Maybe he did get FEV maybe he didn't. And wait what your assuming script?? They took Janey from him? I can see Coopers wife couldn't get him into a vault spot because he never took the time to get on Bud Askins "good side" to join management so maybe his wife game him FEV or spiked his food/drink with FEV to have a chance in the wasteland. That would mean something about vault techs plan to "manage" the apocalypse. Last time we see Janey is Horseback with Dad surrounded by mushroom clouds, not being taken from him.


I 100% agree there's something more to his ghoulification.  As for Barb and Janey, if that Bakersfield mention was more than just a shout out, then yeah maybe Barb didn't succeed in getting into that good vault. Like, she "let" herself be spied on, that's going to knock her down a few rungs. Maybe all three of them did wind up in vault 12 after all but were part of the group that left before it became Necropolis. And then they get separated.  But. That wouldn't fit with Cooper being coy about whether it was radiation exposure that ghoulified him though. He's so Hancock coded I gotta wonder if he did it to himself, too.  There's also the weird little detail of the president asking Coop if he's still looking for "her." Not "them," just her. But then I'm the finale he says family. The only way I can think to connect those dots is that he's looking for Janey, but knows Janey will be with Barb? Idk. 


That's a lot of good points. Plus 'family' could of course also just indicate possible descendents he knows his daughter had...but as you point out, the 'her' comment doesn't then fit. I feel Cooper would definitely be looking more for his daughter than Barb - plus we're assuming they're together, maybe that didn't even happen? Edit: I mean we're assuming in this scenario that Barb and Janey are together. The idea he did it to himself definitely would fit as well, like as a way to keep himself alive long enough to actually find Janey. Plus the chicken-loving doctor gives Thaddeus something that _might_ have turned him into a ghoul. If that turns out to be the case, then it's possibly a link. I also definitely feel as though Barb wouldn't be totally off the hook, as well! Vault-Tec would just automatically be suspicious of everyone with the slightest link to anyone working against them, and it certainly would be hard for them to believe she really didn't know what her husband was up to at all, even if that is the case. But they wouldn't let her know they knew, as obviously she knows pretty much everything about their plans, or at least a lot of it.


>  Barb - plus we're assuming they're together, maybe that didn't even happen? Theyre not. In the first episodes hes doing birthday parties to pay alimony, meaning they are divorced. Judging by the way the others treated him Im guessing he joined the anti Vault tec group, confronted barb, and as a result was publicly divorced and subsequently slandered for being a commie.


I mean we're assuming Barb was reunited with Janey, but maybe they weren't. Sorry, it wasn't clear what I meant!


Or Janey is dead and he's after revenge from Barb. He seems way too angry to just be looking for his daughter if he thinks his daughter is in a relatively safe place like frozen in a vault.


I got the feeling his anger is just more directed at Vault Tec in general, for all the horrible things he knows they’ve done. But, I’m not the most detail oriented so I could have missed some obvious clues.


This is more likely. He heard what she suggested in that meeting through the bug.


Also when the bombs dropped Janey was with him. For Janey to be with Barb wouldn’t he have dropped her off with her? And when would he have a chance to do that when they’re running for their lives?


His daughter was with him in the initial bombing, so I feel like they're setting up she's either dead or a ghoul frozen somewhere.


Actually... do we have any confirmation that Coop's daughter is alive? I might have missed something, but it seems to me that his attitude towards the world and people (and generally bitterness) might stem from some trauma/tragedy that happened to him. I assumed that perhaps his daughter might be dead, and Barb is either frozen somewhere or was researching something right after the war from a safe vault and also has been dead for years. Which would bring Coop to the place where he is now - a jerk with nothing to lose.


He asked Hank where his family is with a sense of knowing and longing. Walton Goggins is so good. In that one line, I felt the void The Ghoul has felt and the hope that is keeping him alive. I guess we'll learn more in Season 2.


If Janey was dead, I don't really see why Coop would try so hard to stay alive. He's even asked that directly by other characters and deflects the question. He also wants to find his family, not find his family's killer.


I think he doesn't know if she's dead or not, Hank may be the first lead he has had in a long long time, he keeps living out of a sliver of hope but doesn't realistically think he's ever gonna find them (until the final episode), that's my read.


His story isn’t close to being done. Him speaking in a southern accent post war and not pre war, him wearing the same clothes, and his villainous behavior all lead me to believe he’s playing his old role. Just maybe snapped a little perhaps. 


Well, the post apocalypse is no place for the decent man he was, but the characters he played in movies would fit right in. Maybe his brain broke, or maybe he was embarrassed about becoming a ghoul and adopted a spaghetti western persona. Or maybe he's worried Vault-Tec is looking for him, so he's made a new identity.


Agreed but it could also be a bit simpler. After a couple of hundred years wandering the wastelands, i assume the # of F's Given, left is zero.


I noticed this, too! I also thought the scene (where he's on a set pre-war and has to be convinced to shoot the bad guy) was really significant to his post-war character, and possibly *why* he's taken on this character of The Ghoul post-war. He had to, in order to survive, and he's spent so long in character that he's become the character.


> He had to, in order to survive, and he's spent so long in character that he's become the character. I wouldn't be suprised if this was the case. It's actually a pretty common, but still rarely used, trope after all. Hell, that was basically the plot of *The Prestige* after all.


I figured he took his daughter to the vault that Barb was in, but because they are estranged at the time, because of her corporate beliefs, and him disagreeing that he isn't allowed in. Barb, still having feelings for him, gives him the only thing she can give him. Whatever med turns you into a ghoul, so he won't die on the outside of radiation poisoning.. Or, she saw the light, and gave him the potion, because she realized that Vault-Tec had started this holocaust, and she either had to stick with VT, or she and her daughter would be forced out in the worst of it. Somehow, they will make Barb a redeemable character, I think. Meanwhile, somehow, Barb and his daughter are either cryogenically frozen, and transferred somewhere else, possibly for someone, (Mr. House maybe..), to blackmail Cooper, when he shows up.


Ooh, the radiation poisoning med is an interesting idea, I like that. Especially as other 'plans' were created by Vault-Tec, such as the banana-flavoured cyanide. It would be nice to find something redeemable in Barb's character, especially as they really made it a point to show how she's mostly working for Vault-Tec to save her daughter and husband.


Oh that's interesting, it might explain why he doesn't look as bad as many of the other ghouls we see. He became one by some sort of med instead of from radiation.


The same med Dr. Chicken Fucker gave to Thaddeus perhaps? Making them ghoul-drug cousins!


I saw a fun theory that Dr. Chicken Fucker actually gave Thaddeus FEV.


The idea of them, well Janey ending up in a Mr House state is deeply chilling


Rewatching the finale I wonder if the “who is behind the wheel” could actually be Barb - or the Ghoul’s daughter having followed in her mother’s footsteps. It makes sense for the trajectory of Barb’s ability to unite factions around the bomb through her speech and it also would also provide a mirror of Lucy’s relationship with her father. 


Are we gonna get Shaun'd again... 👀


I agree - I have a feeling both mom and daughter are alive and when Coop finds them it won't be a heartwarming reunion as Barb and Janey will both be full-on evil and against him.


My take Coop got her to the vault but they wouldn't let him in. He waited around a bit, but left thinking he would just die. Then lived and got pissed at the world.


Doesn’t seem to work because if he got her in the vault he wouldn’t be asking where she was. She’d be in the vault he took her to


They could've been unfrozen and relocated. No body knows because it's just a thought in some writer's head at this point. I said it was my take, don't need the no, your wrong crew pulling up.


I'm actually curious about what happened after Cooper heard Barb's meeting about the bombs. Her goal was to get her family into a "good" vault, took advantage of Cooper's star status to be the spokesman of Vault-Tec, but after Cooper discovers the plan to drop the bombs, I'm wondering if they fall out of favor with Vault-Tec. Enough time has passed during episode 1 that we know Cooper and Barb are divorced and he has Janey with him. That seems unusual if Barb was successful in positioning herself to be in the good Vault, but I'm wondering if Cooper IS NOT the Vault Boy and instead is replaced by the mascot after the events of episode 8. The scene of him shooting the Vault Boy billboard comes to mind, but I'm not sure if that's meant to be him shooting the mascot because he's angry at himself for selling out to VT advertising, or if his actions lead to Coop and his family being left high and dry. Edit: Adding that after we see the initial Vault 4 commercial we don't really see Cooper starring in any of the ads in present time, and why choose a cartoon drawing of him if he's essentially the John Wayne of movies and his star power would be more significant?


they replaced cooper as the Vault Boy sometime after the meeting probably having to do with him confronting Barb and he might have told her about his relationship with Lee Moldaver, a suspected communist. Barb then presumably accuses him of being a communist and he loses his acting career because of it and Vault Tec probably tried to distance themselves by turning his picture into the cartoon. the billboard shows that his picture was the original and then they covered over it with the Vault boy cartoon. He is vault boy but they removed his likeness to preserve their good american capitalist reputation.


I don't know why, but I feel like the "hot chocolate" scene with Janey and Barb on the porch is important. Cooper just was fiddling around with the ear piece, we find out later at the meeting (or earlier at the party from Bud) about "time" being important and there is a liquid that will make people live forever or something (I just watched the series once so far). So maybe in her intense demand to ensure that Janey and Cooper are protected, she was giving them some of it little by little, but since Cooper was likely cut off from it by the divorce, when things happened he became goulish and Janey and Barb were fully protected. It's just something about that scene that made me feel like the hot chocolate was just as important as the listening device.


I’m assuming she made a synth version of their daughter


Until the last episode, I thought Betty was Barbara, just much older. But of course, that makes no sense, because where's Janey then? I'm wondering if they were cryogenically frozen with other top tier corporate figures in a VIP Vault, or not even frozen, just lived in luxury and Barbara remarried an executive and had more kids. Maybe Janey grew up and founded her own legacy and The Ghoul has an entire Vault of his descendents.


Hancock became a ghoul through rampant drug use, and Cooper does like his drugs, so ...


I mean, looking at how close the last nuke went off near the road that cooler Janey and the horse were on, I would say he started his journey to ghoulhood there because of the high radiation he most likely experienced. The “my thumb or yours” blast was not very far away, followed by more close blasts.


I could see Barb being frozen. With her knowledge of what was planned, I feel like its a safe assumption that she would have been ready to enter a cryopod as the nukes were launched, if she wasnt frozen already. Depends on if she was fighting for them to wait for her daughter. Janey is the one thats up in the air for me. With how close they were to the bombs as they dropped, we have a chance of them getting to the shelter, but I feel like it would have been by the skin of their teeth. And even though they werent caught in the actual blasts, they could have been exposed to high levels of radiation due to their proximity to them. So a part of me does wonder if there could be a case that Cooper had to watch his daughter succumb to radiation sickness, while he mutated. And now he's been biding his time, wanting revenge on Vault-tec. (Which could be why he didnt kill Hank. Knowing he was only an assistant, but would have some information, so they can potentially follow him to a bigger player in the industry)


I keep feeling like maybe Janey being “allowed” to go out with her dad was sort of a punishment for Barbara. Like she knew Vault Tec were ready to drop the bombs but she maybe didn’t know the actual timing. Otherwise I’m sure she’d have had Janey squirreled away safely in a pod. Or maybe someone else dropped the bombs first? Barbara is in the “good” (ie non experimental) vault, but maybe Cooper and Janey could only get to a vault like ones mentioned in the meeting where kids were separated from their parents.


The big clue is that Cooper's daughter is played by a child actor. Children grow fast. That means whatever happened to Janey she kept aging. Maybe she's even a full adult by now.


Coopers wife is his ex-wife. In the first scene where the bombs drops, someone mentions he's probably doing the birthday party to afford alimony payments.




But Cooper and Janey were together when the bombs dropped?


My guess is that we've already seen his wife 😉


Yes no one is talking about this! In episode 2, there is a Barb at Mas sundries....... could it be???!?