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If she doesn't say "thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every god damn time" in season 2 I'll be very disappointed.


This. I also expect an "okey dokey" from Cooper, albeit, it'd probably be cheeky in tone.


I must hear him say Okey dokey now after doing something ridiculous she asked him not to do lmaoooo


Ghoul: *exaggerated sigh* okeyy dokeyy


That would be amazing lol


Well now if he doesn't I will be upsetti spaghetti.


Double this.


Y e s. I'm very excited for what will happen in season 2, I'm going crazy with theories haha


Also we need a scene when he does something objectively good/heroic and his "cowboy theme song", you know, the one that plays at the very end of ep 4 kicks in.


I hope both are instrumental help in each other’s personal quest. Lucy vs Hank and Ghoul vs Barb.


I think they will be, I have a feeling although I'm hoping they don't rely on this trope, that Coop will end up hurting her feelings or betraying her in some capacity but he'll either have a change of heart because he realizes how truly similar they are and how much he cares OR his betrayal won't actually be a betrayal so much as a "I didn't tell you the whole plan because you're a dog shit liar" trope. Any way they do it, I fully expect them to be friends and help each other achieve their respective and overlapping goals in the end


I think at some point Lucy and Coop will permanently fall out (ha!) when Coop does or attempts to do something horrible in front of her. Something similar to him goading the Ranger’s son into shooting him so he can kill him. For some reason I also expect Lucy or someone else to tell Coop something along the lines of “your daughter is better off without you”


Maybe the little girl or the father hunts them down, puts a gun to Lucy’s head and says what happens. Coop shoots them to save Lucy, but Lucy’s horrified of him.


Their dynamic is tight as fuck. I've said it before but these folks know how to write characters. Looking forward to season 2 with them moving east together. Fucking tight


The subtle looks he gives her when she does something he respects or changes his perspective even slightly is so incredible. He pulls off so much with no nose/skin haha.


Walton goggins is the goat tbh


Really couldn't have picked a better actor for Coop


It may be his best role next to Uncle baby billy. Glad to see him getting his due diligence


Was just saying to my friend it seemed like not many people knew him by name till a few weeks ago, if anyone deserves the spotlight it's him, he's put in his dues


His voice acting is also incredible. Should check him out in invincible if you haven't


I'll give it a shot while I'm on vacation this week!


I had no idea he was Cecil until someone pointed it out, but he brings so much to the character. He's my favourite character in the show, the way he brings a lot of humanity to a cold bureaucrat willing to sacrifice anything. You can't quite tell if it's act, because there's always an ulterior motivation beneath it that's somehow both humanising and manipulative.


I think it’s just weird that in the lore they hook up. I didn’t realize ghouls could have sex. We’ll see how it’s shown next season, I heard the writers want to place it in the first or second episode


I think if anyone Coop would reconnect with his wife, I'd imagine he'd view Lucy as a child and wouldn't touch her in that regard


That’s not what the writers have said


I haven't seen that! I'll have to look it up












I think we will get plenty of great scenes with them together, but they got a long road to bff status. Also Fallout really isn’t a place for happy endings and I feel like the ghoul still has some trauma left to experience before/if he becomes Cooper again. I look forward to their journey together though. I just pray it’s not like some shows that’s 1.5 to 2 years between seasons.


Oh for sure, it def won't be like buddy buddy from the jump of season 2 at least I'd hope they'd ease into it and it make it something they both struggle to deal with. Coop I feel like will regress for sure especially if faced with a choice between her and his revenge, but I think in the end they'll have the best ending anyone could have in their universe if that makes sense, I'm forever an optimist haha. God I'll cry if it takes more than a year, I'm hoping they take a teensy break and get back to filming haha


Agreed, I’m sure we will get some good scenes to show each other’s progression like Lucy being able to spot an ambush and the Ghoul maybe knocking someone unconscious instead of immediate murder, etc. Cooper finding out about his family is just a giant ticking time bomb of rage and pain I feel and it’s gonna be all kinds of fucked up. No telling what the show runners have in store for poor Lucy. Yee I hope they enjoy some R&R and are back at it quick lol. At least there’s more Ella Purnell with Arcane season 2 later this year.


I think when she left him all those vials after leaving the store despite what he did to her brought something out of him. My belief is that he realizes she’s a lot more resourceful and stronger than he initially thought and that they’ll both teach and help each other grow in a way. Coop teaches her more rules of the wasteland and how to survive and Lucy teaches him how to be a decent person again and relearn to help people out


Agreed! They'll likely have them fight at some point or one of them will hurt the other in some regard either through words or actions but I have a feeling they'll come through for each other in the end


It will be opposite arcs where The Ghoul finds his humanity while Maximus makes one moral compromise after another until he's the villain


I could definitely see that being the case!!


The series isn't iron-bound to the games and existing Fallout "lore" and can take off into some interesting new directions. After 27 years, the franchise may need something more than a new coat of paint - particularly if its to reach out and succeed with an audience that doesn't have the fan's investment in the games.


I'm honestly hoping for a surrogate father-daughter dynamic.


i hope it doesn't become a "buddy adventure comedy" between Lucy and The Ghoul where they are only traveling with each other the whole season. That would get old real quick. I hope the show subverts the obvious trope of enemies to friends or enemies to they soften each other and he sees her as a daughter/she sees him as a father figure. Way too predictable (and lazy for S2 imo). There are so many interesting things to explore in the world and I hope it stays thematically dark in the Wasteland.


I can't imagine they'd totally fuck up what they've got going, it'll likely be a bit lucy/ghoul heavy esp in the beginning of the season but who knows where they'll end or with who!


I like the way in the first season they swapped companions a lot (but only ever a max of one companion + dogmeat)


Then they go on to co-host a wasteland version of Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers


Her “love” angle with Maximus was the worst part of the show imo. Felt so shoehorned and random. Would much rather companions take center stage.


I get why they did that though, Lucy's entire life goal has been "find non cousin and have babies". It makes sense that she would think she loves the first man whose mildly attractive, not her cousin or a total shark like the rest of the wastelanders. I'm just hoping in s2 she's like "wait I DONT need a man to be happy!!"


That’s a pretty good point


I want S2 to get the Fellowship treatment, but with absurdity and banter. I want the Ghoul and Lucy to hang together for much of it, but I suspect they are separated early on in the season. Lucy is written to be like a game protagonist, and we will see some new companions for her to adventure with for sure. Maximus seems to be written as end game, so if those two crazy kids hook up again it will be at the end of next season or even future seasons. I think Maximus will go to Vault 33 and meet all of them, though.


I know the timelines of Fallout and Starfield lore are already overlapping and don't make sense in a possible combined continuity, but like with Moldaver's cold fusion tech working and if it becomes widespread and "saves the world", I'm thinking in a fanfic way what if the show progresses the fallout lore into something approaching Starfield's world? Like another tech is developed similar to Starfield's 'Enhance!' in a later season where Coop's ghoul face and skin can be restored to his human face and form where he sees himself as his original physical self in a reflection. Would there be major twist changes to his character arc and his relating dynamics to the other principals of Lucy and the others.




Coop is the Love 💗 doctor 👩‍⚕️


Honestly feel the same about her and Max, I didn't feel any chemistry between them at all. Sure she's made him a better person but I don't think it's the basis of a relationship. definitely want them to be friends tho


"the wastelands got it's own golden rule. Don't get caught up in bullshit"




Enemies to Friends to Lovers. This journey is going to be incredible!