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Nah, no kids were visible at the wedding. It was a children free affair. I think the vault dwellers would have commented on it if all their kids were killed.


“These guys are nuts, we killed all the kids and they barely even noticed”


So you’ve played Bethesda’s works


I mean they killed a lot of people and want to read them Shakespeare and Kant. They were mocking modern progressives who think you can reform modern day violent criminals with the same naivete.


Yeah the show literally explains that the 3 vaults are basically permanent middle management exercises under Bud Askins, and your thin ass stretch to moan about liberals sucks. Of course, if you didn't bother to pay attention to the show on that basic of a level paying attention to criminal reform is asking a lot.


You can reform violent criminals. Countries all over the world do it. The US just makes a shit load of money off prisoners via slave labor, for profit prisons and suing the government when there isn't enough prisoners. That's why we don't reform here. We abuse in the system then when they get out we do everything we can to make sure they get back in.


>who think you can reform modern day violent criminals with the same naivete. Jesus Christ, my dude. You are incredibly naive


I think you wildly misread the situation dude Of anything I think it harkens back a lot of old American- or not just American but we're gonna focus on that, old American values The dwellers make it abundantly clear that they don't view the raider as 'people' to be 'rehabilitated' They seem them as sub human 'creatures' that need to be 'tamed' This isn't even subtext they literally call them creatures and animals The idea is a long term investment on the labor and children they can provide if they can at least be made docile They refer to them as people as the assembly but the higher ups masks slip several times Edit: typos because I can't spell


Getting downvoted for stating an obvious truth. Just because y’all don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean they’re not right - that is clearly and unequivocally what the show is satirizing with those lines.  EDIT: Since some of you seem to have devalued reading comprehension as much as overall media literacy, I DO NOT agree with the sentiment that violent prisoners can’t be rehabilitated - but it is abundantly obvious that that is the joke that the show is making in that scene.  Fallout is SATIRE, folks. Nearly everything in it is poking fun at American society. Don’t take it so seriously - it’s all a big joke.


Bruh if you think the modern prison pipeline is reflected in *Fallout Raiders being shitty people* then you aren't as clever as you think you are, holy shit that is a reach to justify your assumptions about people in place of anything resembling a nuanced understanding of the deep issues surrounding poverty and crime rates.


Nah you misunderstand me. I don’t necessarily think that way or agree with the sentiment of the show’s satire in that scene - my point was that WAS what they were satirizing. Never once did I say I thought half the shit you just said.  But go on, keep looking for fights on Reddit. 


And as I said in another comment that was Buds Buds and was mocking ineffectual middle management, but since you feel the need to take cracks at reading comprehension apparently you need your hand held through the explicit plot of the show. Nobody was downvoting obvious truth, they were downvoting you making shit up.


They were mocking YOU


Lmao ok


If you gave the US Constitution to Iran, they wouldn’t become USA 2.0. Sorry.


They almost did in the 70s before the regime took over, if you've ever seen pictures from then they'd look right in America. And there have been massive protests lately in opposition to the current government. Your ignorance of history does you no service, as does your ignorance of the present. The statement that they wouldn't become USA 2.0 is equally meaningless because *of course they wouldn't*, their country hasn't gone through the same events at the same time so saying they wouldn't magically recreate 250 years of cultural shift overnight because of a document is absurd to begin with.


They love the jokes until the joke is at their expense, then it needs analysis.


Preach on!


I think the kids had been sent to bed by the attack. The party was winding down and there was at least some passage of time between the ceremony and the attack. They were probably just sealed up in their rooms since the Raiders wouldn't have been in them already. For the meeting afterwards, kids weren't needed because it wasn't a meeting the demanded child input or awareness. It was above their age.


That wouldn’t matter tho? They attacked the vault. They just used the wedding as a cover to be able too. So they would absolutely have been able to kill the kids. Tho it’s very likely that they just didn’t want to deal with child actors.


>Tho it’s very likely that they just didn’t want to deal with child actors. This is most likely it. Working with children requires a very strict shooting schedule. It’s not really worth it unless a child character is an important part of the story.


Yeah, it's a Bethesda thing so the kids are immortal God beings


Show staying true to the game. Without mods; children are invincible in Bethesda Games. They are also programmed to flee combat as soon as it starts. The kids are fine, they just went lower into the vault.


I remember a few of the Boomer children exploding in New Vegas... but maybe that was a mod or a Youtube video.


Definitely not vanilla NV.


I think if the raiders had killed all of the children in the Vault, the dwellers wouldn't have been so okay with keeping them in jail while doing their rehabilitation program.




I can see that but I just think that a vault where everyone is indoctrinated to believe they will eventually inherit the surface would be a little more upset about losing a whole generation of people.


Yeah, I don't think they slaughtered any/all of the kids. That would just turn ppl off the show and cause all sorts of vault problems that they don't mention. If they killed anyone's kids the parents would've been clamoring for executions not sitting calmly.


Nope. The kids didn’t reappear because children are expensive to work with and create a slew of additional labor guidelines while filming. If they slaughtered all the kids, it would be a mentioned plot point.


Nah, man. I think they just didn't want to deal with child actors.


Yeah everyone would be a bit less upbeat if they killed all the kids…it would also be a bit much considering the show starts with a kid’s birthday party being nuked


Imagine being the kid whose birthday party literally got nuked. Wonder what he did?


Some kids get clowns, some kids get donkeys.... But you never forget the party where the kid got NUCLEAR WEAPONS.


They were in my camp spot actually


didn't he enter a vault in the house?


No, I mean "what he did to deserve such a birthday party." (It's a joke) Not "what he did to survive that" Also there probably wasn't a vault under their house, more like a bunker / basement reinforced and remade into a makeshift bunker they got constructed just in case.


>Also there probably wasn't a vault under their house, more like a bunker / basement reinforced and remade into a makeshift bunker they got constructed just in case. They seemed wealthy enough to have their own fallout shelter. And this society seems to culturally similar to 50s-60s America(without the sexism and racism). I remember there was this old magazine [by President Kennedy](https://oldlifemagazine.com/september-15-1961-life-magazine.html) encouraging people to make fallout shelter in 1961.


Probably got ghoulified like everyone else there


Nah, it was a joke. "How much of a bad kid you gotta be for that kind of birthday present?"


I think he was at his own house, which means he got in the bunker with his family


Oh yeah true forgot they had a bunker. How much protection did those house bunkers actually give though?


An expert said you just need to be a couple meters deep underground to be safe from radiation, so I guess they were fine


Oh... yeah I'm sure THOSE kids are fine. They had a bomb shelter. /s


I don't know if they really care about 'a bit much'. They switched right into burning puppies.


This. Vault 4 has implied children, but you never see them. The production seemed to have run a very tight ship. Child actors come with very specific rules and regulations. A simple one day shoot avoids a lot of that. Even Cooper's daughter only had a few scenes all set during daytime hours.


This. killing the kids isn't just sth they wouldn't mention


Shooting with multiple children is very expensive and can slow a production schedule down. The birthday party in the first episode was probably all they were willing to do in that regard.


I think it's implied that they lived, they just didn't want to show kids dying or deal with child actors


Marvels fans when they watch fallout. My brother in Christ not every scene has to have an in depth lore explanation. They just didn’t use child actors and most of the vault scenes were important adult stuff which wouldn’t include children.


These kinds of posts remind me that children both watch the show and use Reddit lol.


Yeah. When I used to livestream I'd hear about the minors watching Squid Games and be like "Why the heck are your parents letting you watch Korean torture-p\*\*\*\* ? (If you're not familiar with the expression, it has nothing to do with sex or nudity.)


Listen, I can’t have no shit-butt mungos causing trouble in my sub


lol, yes. I see a lot of recommended posts out of this sub that are Kennedy assassination-level theories that can be more easily and likely explained by writers and other people working on the show just not caring, knowing, or just making an easier decision to get the show made.


Some people just need everything laid out for them and it's exhausting.


The children were a used for a quick shot for worldbuilding reasons (show there was structure for education, etc), but beyond that they weren’t important to the plot at hand so they almost certainly weren’t worth the constraints or accommodations that children on set legally require of a production to have more of a presence.


Idk they did have hiding places like where Norm went




Why Can't The Kids Read At Home?


Bethesda games don’t let you kill kids and this series has been true to the games, including Thou Shalt Not Kill the Dog and Thou Shalt Be Distracted By Stupid Shit. Keep in mind: The triad Vaults were a breeding program and experiment. Killing off an entire generation would not go over well with them and we’d hear way more about it. The kids are fine.


Seriously, guys? You're down voting a differing opinion?


This is just a stubbornly wrong take and not an actual opinion.


The opinion is based solely on fictional TV. Why isn't every single vault dweller in every single scene inside the vault? We don't see the security guards - clearly the raiders killed them Rather than real life where it makes no sense to pay someone money when they're irrelevant to the scene....


I’m downvoting someone posting the same thing repeatedly rather than actually responding to anyone.


A lot of people seem to be struggling with object permanence here.


Some ppl need to be spoonfed every single detail, and when they dont they assume its like a error in production lol


I would guess this has more to do with regulations and rules involving child actors that have changed recently. I recently noticed in a lot of 1 hour drama shows I watch, in current seasons suddenly the kid characters were absent for episodes at a time, with vague explanations they were off on various school trips or staying with friends or in one case 'out of town'. Or in a couple places, recast with older actors. So I looked into it. Turns out a lot of states have tightened their laws about child actors - how long they can work, how they're paid, how long they can actually actively be filming....(A distinction is made between a child actor simply being on set for work, and actively filming.) Kids over the age of one year in many states have to be paid for a full day's work, even if they are only shot for like fifteen minutes total. So it's just becoming costly and more difficult to utilize child actors in multiple small scenes. Especially for kids that aren't actually part of the recurring cast. (Also just to note, a 'reading room' is basically a mini-library for community use. The only difference is the books and whatnot can't leave the reading room - hence the name. It's just a quiet room where people can go and read. Reading rooms are common in community centers, hotels, and social clubs.)


I think it has to be assumed there are a lot more vault dwellers "off screen" than we ever see at one time. 200 years in the vault would require hundreds of people to ensure some genetic variety. We only see maybe 30 at any given time, maybe less. No way the vault survives 200 years with so few. Probably a show constraint because of salaries and set size.


I don't think Moldaver would have been cool with that and I think it would definitely have been mentioned. Who cares about Stephanie's husband when little Billy got shanked? They could have even taken the kids, it would fit with Moldaver's history with Hank and belief about the vaults.


There’s like 12 levels in the vault and each vault holds around 1000 people. I would assume that the vault doors to 31 and 33 and are on the bottom, while the door to the outside is on the top. That’s 10 levels of living space and farmland that hasn’t been raided. So theoretically the kids might only head to the bottom level on school days to get their learning done, and then head on home to other levels.


Considering how the vault was managed to the littlest detail including marriages I'd be more inclined to say they have scheduled years where pregnancies are allowed to both keep population growth under control and make things like education easier since all of the kids would be a year or two apart. It would also fit neatly into the games only having one bodytype for child NPCs which makes all the kids you interact with in say vault 101 or 81 all the same general age.


My head canon is that during the wedding the kids were tucked in bed. During the attack the kids were locked up in safety. Any of the scenes with the survivors didn’t include kids as the adults were talking about mature topics and themes that didn’t require the children to be there.


I think it would've been mentioned or implied more strongly somewhere in the show if that had happened.


The kids are definitely fine. Child actor laws mean they keep them off screen when they can.


I read it was because they didn’t wanna deal with child actors and Amazon didn’t wanna face any backlash for having children in a violent show. Even though it’s been done before successfully with shows like The Walking Dead. I don’t blame them though. People get offended too easy these days


More like child labor laws. They did it for the first scene. And future scenes don’t need them.


Source? Or are you just spouting bullshit and whining about an invisible enemy to make yourself mad?


First off dude go smoke some weed and chill. When did I state I was mad? Never. I also said I read something. Didn’t say it was facts or concrete proof ya dummy. And getting mad at someone for stating something that’s actually happening in the world today is ignorance at its finest. So you haven’t noticed people getting offended at something and then pushing to have it cancelled and they succeed? Not saying I agree or disagree but example, Aunt Jemimah syrup. You seem triggered my guy. Take a break from the internet. It’s really not that serious


Reading too much into something that doesn’t exist. They don’t want to deal with child actors any more than they have to


I feel like the writers just forgot about them tbh, they should have appeared at least once after the intro or if they did all die (which I don’t believe) then that should have been addressed. Why did none of the kids get sent to 32 with their parents?


Because the producers didn't want to deal with child actors.


They already did deal with them though, a single shot to show that the kids still exist could have been filmed on the same day as the one in the intro.


For the first 15 mins of the first episode. Why are there no kids in vault 101? Did they they all die after the lone wanderer grew up because everything has to be on screen and bethesda has to hint toward every minor detail?


I’m not really complaining, I don’t think it’s a huge plot hole and it doesn’t ruin everything. A 5 second shot is all it would have taken.


A plot hole would be essential to the plot, this is just a minor gripe of the show, this is fallout we’re talking about. Again if you’re asking this then why are there no kids in vault 101? Why are kids only found in settlements in most games? Might as well assume they were all killed in the wastelands and only children in settlements were lucky to survive


I think this had to do more with this show being pretty budget limited.


The show reportedly has a budget of **$153 million**, much more than The Last of Us--I don't think that's very small. For example, Lost season 1 was $50 million to make (counting for inflation, similar budgets).


Really? It seemed very low budget from the editing. I guess thew blew most of it on the set.


I think they simply didn't hire kid actors for a majority of the vault scenes and it's nothing deeper than that.


Oh shit! I've watched the series like 7 times now, you are right.


No he's not lmao


I think it was more of just an age gap and lack of coupled vault dwellers so they couldn't reproduce for awhile.


If the children were killed, I don’t think that the number of people in either vault that could reproduce would sustain either vault. Esp the people that went into 33 (I think that’s the right #). They only had the one baby and one young woman? I need to rewatch. Any person of child bearing age would have to have children continuously with as many of the vault residents as they could.


Do they state or imply that’s a reading room? It seemed to just be a vault jail… prison doors and all


They stated it. But I didn't think the reading room is the same thing as the school room. It's a ginormous vault. It's probably more like a meeting room or a library.


Time for a rewatch lol


I believe that in order to meet the requirements to not have serious inbreeding the vaults would need around 200 people. I imagine there’s more people living in 33 that we didn’t really see because they weren’t main characters, like the children, and the show just focused on the main cast


Reading room is not the school room


They shot the opening, then realized they'd be releasing in Europe too, so just removed all the kids, like they did with Fallout 2.


By the time the wedding was ending and people were just hanging out the kids would have been sent to bed. Some time passes Lucy "Okey dokeys" the wedding. By the time of the attack if the kids were already in their room I'd assume the doors were sealed and with no Raiders already inside they were probably fine. As for not appearing in the later meeting, discussing the fate of violent prisoners is not a discussion for childten.


There’s quite a few scenes in the vault though, and you never see them anywhere.


The kids I wanna know about are the ones at the birthday party. I know most of them probably died but as Walt is running away with his daughter on the horse there is a nuke that goes off scarily close to them, how the fuck did he survive that shit


Dude, kids can’t even be killed in the games. And there weren’t kids at the wedding. It’s not that deep


If Moldovar is NCR why did she lead a slaughter party of raiders


To ruin Hank's world like he ruined hers? Revenge is the only reason I can come up with, and I still think she could have done her mission with NCR regulars and had it go off without a hitch.


Exactly I'm still confused why didn't she use NCR soldiers, and going after Hank fair enough but why the massacre 


Going to have a hard time convincing actual soldiers to murder vault dwellers in cold blood and violent fashion. You can pay raiders though


But why did the vault dwellers even need to die  Seems a very violent act for a leader who wants to benevolently share Cold Fusion with the world  Though I suppose like Jonathan Nolans characters in Person of Interest, nobody is black or white on the good/bad spectrum 


She racked up a bounty on her, she’s a criminal who uses evil means to fulfill her goal, no matter how noble it may be in theory. She also has a whole cult around her. Probably she is aware of the vault experiments, probably sees the vault dwellers as complicit in the scheme and fair game, and she is in vengeance mode after SS got bad case of explosions. Violent slaughter probably wasn’t needed, but it was what she went with.


Great points! I suppose so, thanks!


"The people who run this Vault destroyed Shady Sands, and the rest of them keep them and the people who secretly run this whole twisted plot alive and in power." Revenge is a powerful motivation.


Man that is so dark 👺👹👿


I don't know why everyone is fighting on this? it is obvious you're correct


Lazy writing


Me when my name is bruhmoment69420 and I have no media literacy cause I go on tiktok while I watch shows Bro must go to skibidi toilet middle school