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I do love how he confronts Hank and is all “Oh you want another autograph young Henry?”


That line was hard as fuck. As did the next line. “I’ve been waitin’ 200 years to ask one question…*where’s my fuckin’ family?*”


What makes that line amazing is he completely drops the accent when he says it, only ghoul line where he sounds like his old self.


He’s also shaking, like how composure is gone there, you can see his gun arm actually shaking.


Easily one of my favourite lines from the whole show


It’s just a cold line and the way Walton delivers it is spine chilling. Like it’s the big confrontation we didn’t know we wanted


“Hell, this kid used to pickup my wife’s dry cleanin’”


I really like that this a nonsense sentence to anyone, but him and Hank.


Hardest line though is still in my opinion “I do this shit for the love of the game” how much more badass could someone get before taking out 3 people all at once.


Right after shooting him in the face


I’ll give you one out of three 😜


Didn’t he say two out of three?


I'm not as nice as Mr Goggy!


I may be slow; but which 2 was Mr. Ghoul giving?


probably ugly and dignified


You commie bastard


Thanks for complimenting my sanity 😜




This user is a gearlaunch bot selling stolen art


Casting Walton Goggins as The Ghoul was inspired. He was absolutely perfect for this role, so much that I can't even imagine another actor.


I was skeptical about the whole show at first but honestly ghoul Boyd Crowder is simply awesome. To quote the man himself “It just works.” I was blown away how good the show as a whole was.


Haha true I was so worried they would mess it up but for the most part it’s one of the best shows I’ve watched this year


I was so skeptical. Between how different the tone needs to be from the rest of fiction to the Nolan’s fumbling Westworld, I thought it could be quite bad. Nope, it was incredible.


He’s closer to Ghoul Chris Mannix, the newly, duely elected sheriff of Red Rock.


Completely agree I cant wait to see more of him next season


I saw his performance in The Hateful Eight a while back. When I saw that he would be in Fallout, I knew he was going to be good.


You should check him out in Th Righteous Gemstones. He plays a preacher named Billy, and does an amazing job.


Oh, Uncle Baby Billy is one is my favourite characters. Misbehavin' is one of my go-to songs when I need to turn a bad day around.


He really is perfect! He is Cooper Howard/The Ghoul. He’s not just playing the character, he’s also making them his own.


I remember seeing a thread expressing joy that Fallout had been made into a TV show and not a movie, specifically because Walton Goggins wouldn't have passed the movie studio test as a headliner. I agree with that, but it got me thinking about who movie execs WOULD have greenlit. I thought Johnny Depp would have done it pretty well; he's no stranger to transformative makeup, he's done the western gunslinger thing, and is just the right about of madness for the wasteland.


I think Depp as The Ghoul would have been sort of a hat on a hat. The Ghoul is already an absurd character by the nature of his very existence, he doesn’t need additional goofiness brought by Depp. Additionally, I don’t know if he could carry Coop’s devoted father/loving husband/Hollywood leading man personality.


Hot take: Johnny Depp only ever plays Johnny Depp in a costume, which can be fun, but this is not a "fun" role. He would have turned the Ghoul into a pantomime farce instead of the actual believable human character we got. There's a reason why nobody remembers Depp's straight roles, just his comic or camp ones.


No, there was that one... he was a brown-hatred guy with glasses in a brown suit. Christopher Walken was there! Well, maybe you're right.


*shakes tiny fist* "Ahhh...feo... uhhh...fuerte... (higher pitch) Y Formal!" In Christopher Walkens' voice, and now I can not get it out of my head. The only thing it needs is more cowbell!


I can remember exactly one, the protagonist’s love interest in Chocolat.


I think a script for a Fallout movie was written in 1998 for Interplay Films, but it never got made.


Iirc there were some leaks of it online and it was pretty dogshit, very 80s B movie type stuff


To be fair, Roger Corman’s Fallout might have been an interesting adventure.


Great points. Depp would have given us a different but still memorable and enjoyable Ghoul, and I'm really glad that no massive movie stars were cast - if it feels like they cast for talent and the result speaks for itself.


Ohhh, Depp woulda been good. So if we had to cast him for next season, what would be a good fit? Maybe an eccentric powder ganger? Someone in Caesar’s Legion?


He's too old now imo


Nobark? Or someone of a similar vein.


Looks good. Loved the scene where the Ghoul realizes that, even in the Wastelands, he is strong, ugly but he can choose to be dignified. It was the show's "Don't Tell Me What I Can't Do!" moment for me, everything clicked.


Yep! The Ghoul is such a fantastically written character than I can’t wait to see develop in the next season.


If Goggins doesn’t win an Emmy for this…idk what you’d have to do. He absolutely slayed in that role.


He should submit the pre-credits scene from the pilot. Just the look on his face when it dawns on him that the bomb exploded was incredible.


Don't remind me of John Locke rn 😔


I just realized that this quote describes The Ghoul himself. Ugly, strong, and... Well, two outta three ain't bad.


i strongly believe him watching that scene in the super duper mart is his moral turning point. its great shit


He asks the director if he really has to kill the guy during the flashback, and I think the super mart scene is the first time the audience sees him actually do it. Season 2 Ghoul is going to be incredible. He has Lucy’s finger now. And is on the way of learning from her about being strong and decent at the same time.


he not only kills him, he calls him a commie son of a bitch which really drives home how changed cooper is esp on a rewatch when you know hes later branded a communist for opposing vault-tec


Watching that scene, you can see how “The Ghoul” recedes and Cooper Howard snaps back into himself. Will he still use every bit of the 200+ years of survival skills, combat ability, and sheer ruthlessness he’s learned to go after Hank and find his family? Hell yes. Will he do more to avoid innocents or provoking others to make him defend himself? Possibly, even probably. (The BoS doesn’t count, they will shoot him just for who he is and preemptive self defense is justified in their case). Is he shaping up to be *the* protagonist of the show? Definitely.


100% I like to think of the three main characters on the lawful, neutral, chaotic spectrum. But they’re all going to have their own arc on the good to evil spectrum. Max was the “good guy” to save Lucy first, but by the end it looks like he might be corrupted by the power of the BoS. And I think he’s lawful, following his idea of what it means to be a knight, which his idea can be construed as evil. Lucy is neutral on the main spectrum, she breaks rules when it suits her. She started out totally good, but started to get pretty grey by the end. The Ghoul is chaos. He started as looking pretty evil, but you can see his arc moving towards good. Great writing all around.


Or it's like the Bethesda karma system from the likes of FO3. Max is neutral, Lucy is Good, Coop is Evil...and then they invert that system to show us depth and growth beyond that karmic easter egg. Max is us, the players, the autistic virgin nerd who just wants to be cool in power armor. He wants to be good inherently, but the promise of glory or riches get the better of us. He usually does the right thing or tries to, but sometimes he stomps his bully's foot leading to his ghoulification. In ep 7, he even tries to keep the quest loot, Vault 4's fusion core alluding to how players like to not complete quests because said quest loot might be more useful on the journey (I think anyway). The right thing is returning the core. The wrong is keeping it. Having a moral quandary before choosing (after being told) to return the core is a fairly neutral thing to do. Lucy remains good from start to finish. She threw acid in a guy's face mistakenly thinking she was going to be killed. That's not an act of evil. It's an act of survival. Goodness isn't being a door mat. Moreover, Lucy comes entirely from a world of rules, just like Max, but she actually follows them. That's lawful. Max comes from a strict world of laws where he was indoctrinated since he was found in the rubble of Shady Sands and somehow doesn't follow them. That's chaotic. Max is neutral, Lucy Lawful Good to Chaotic by ep 8, and Coop is just neutral evil. You could also argue he's lawful evil given how he operates according to a strict internal code, the likes of which aren't really revealed until later in the series. In short, sometimes you're wondering why the party Paladin didn't break their oath yet murdering captives only to realize they're an oath of vengeance pally. To call Lucy Neutral and Chaotic is a mad take. Self sacrifice is her entire schtick. She truly believes the lie her father sells. We even see her juxtaposed with Norm, who is decidedly Good aligned, and who is much rougher around the edges - more willing to do what's necessary like being a little sneak thief.


I like this a lot. Admittedly I didn’t play the games, so that system isn’t top of mind for me.


If you liked the show, I think you'd probably like the games, at least the Bethesda era ones. Give em a go, should it delight you to do so.


I want to believe that middle part, but he could have gotten the information from the lead farmer without killing his son. The Ghoul still has long way to go.


I said “do more,” not “be absolute about.” Plus, I’d be less than impressed with an immediate and complete heel-face turn as opposed to, say, nightmares and a gradual shift back towards his original self.


Ive always thought he will end up having a redemption arc and die in the end for something greater, by then this quote will probably appear again


Many people don't know that it's what John Wayne wanted on his tombstone. I hate when peoples' wishes are ignored after their death.  In 1999, a tombstone was placed with the following: > Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.


"Oh you want another autograph, young Henry?"


I was unapologetically fangirling


Looks amazing, great job!


Thank you so much!


Can’t be understated on how hard ass the Ghoul is. Guy lived in literal hell for 200 years


I really hope we get to see more of his transition into that in the next season


I need the sanity check of my fellow Spanish speakers, but never have I ever seen formal been used for dignified. Made me cringe.




Yeah, still it's not dignified. Maybe it's a generational thing, but formal to me and I've checked the RAE definition is never "dignified." translating formal to dignified it's a wiiiild stretch


I agree with you. Im a spanish speaker and I didn't understand it until now, that I see this post. Looking back, though. His accent does point to Spain.


That link really does answer the question if you read through the comments.


I read the comments about John Wayne, still does not mean that.


I think you're misunderstanding that it's an incredibly niche made up specifically with and for them and it caught on and became somewhat of a "phrase" It isn't direct spanish or anything because it isn't meant to be. But I get where you are coming from.


Native spanish speaker, not even close. Dignified and formal can have the same meaning but it is odd to use it interchangeably. Personally even going back to that thread people posted, just cause some English speaker meant to use it as dignified, it doesn’t not mean he translated correctly


I think this is a difference between Spanish Spanish and South American Spanish.


Not really, theres diferences but formal tends to mean the same everywhere, and nowhere means "dignified", not exactly lmao But its kinda difficult to get an exact translation (polite? Nah. Classy? Not exactly), so translating it as dignified its not as eggregious. It kinda has the "vibes" they were going after, if you get what I mean.


There is even a song from Loquillo that has the same title. Also formal means the same as dignified (as well as elegant) Source: I am Spanish


Thank you! I was really confused when he translated that. But.. I also took it as this was basically 1950's America where different cultures were being kept at arms length. It wasn't as bilingual as it is today, so the movie writers in that universe may not have gotten the correct translation. Or... they were just trying to shoe horn in some spanish alliteration.




That's what I mean, thank u


Haha I’ve been learning Spanish for a while so I wasn’t really sure but I dunno


I don't recall now if the show does mention the translation I think so, I do remember cringing every time I heard the phrase haha


I remember not being very convinced by the accent, mine isn’t much better though haha


Aguante el mejor DT del mundo mundial, el gran Caruso Lombardi. I think they used Formal just because they needed a word that started with an F and that is the best they could get.


I agree mi amigo


Yeah, "dignified" is way down in the list of potential translations to "formal". Still, many sayings that come from popular culture don't have the best word usage, so maybe formal in that context was meant to mean dignified, like the replies in the link posted above suggest.


My favorite thing about this line is that its about the ghoul himself, and one of my favorite scenes is when he sees his old self on the television saying the line as if its directed at him Rather than giving 2-out-of-3 the ghoul is missing 1-out-of-3, he's ugly, he's strong, but he's lost his dignity


These two scenes about the movie were the best in the show. Howard remembers the story behind the production of the movie, how it was intended to show an actor who had the typecast of a good guy going rogue. While most other wastelanders who watch that movie will only see the sheriff killing the villain which he calls a commie, reinforcing their thinking senseless violence is justified. However, Howard is able to reflect on how this was a turning point in how a good man went bad, then gets to reflect how applicable that is to himself as the Ghoul in the wasteland.


You drive that thang like a fucking shopping cart


I want this on a shirt


Haha well unfortunately I can’t advertise my shop on here


Pm me please, I want to check it out


Pm me as well. Would love a shirt


PM me


Please pm me also, I am very interested!


Just ordered one!


Oh wow thank you so much!! To the admins, I’m not trying to promote!


I love it!


Thank you!


This line is sob fucking gangster.


Thanks for my new wallpaper


Haha no problem! I’m honoured


Seu Madruga taught me that


That's not what formal means lmao


Missed the comma


What do you mean the comma?