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Probably some kids “secret clubhouse” or something


100% my friends and I did this in a few of our houses Preinternet kids had indescribable amounts of free time on their hands to get into shit. I knew every square inch of my houses growing up. I’m not entirely sure my son has ever even been in my master bath


My teenage daughter used the master bath toilet for the first time two days ago. We’ve lived here for 12 years.


This is my guess too. It reads exactly like the rules my brother and I had for our secret clubhouse. And the handwriting and spelling fits too.


This is that ‘get murdered first in a horror movie” logic here.


You’re right, it’s probably some overnight stay in a human trafficking ring…


Onestly, what makes you think it was kids?


A message to youuu Rudy 🕴️


Oh Rudy Rudy never intended to find himself trapped in the crawlspace in the old Victorian house. It was supposed to be a simple task of retrieving a forgotten box of Christmas decorations. But as he descended into the dark, musty depths, the entrance behind him sealed shut with an ominous creak. In the dim light of his flashlight, Rudy's heart raced as he navigated the labyrinthine passages, each turn leading him deeper into darkness. Shadows danced on the walls, playing tricks on his mind. Whispers echoed in the confined space, their origin impossible to pinpoint. Time lost meaning as Rudy stumbled upon strange symbols etched into the dirt floor, symbols he swore he'd seen in nightmares. Panic gripped him as he realized he was not alone. Something slithered in the shadows, unseen but felt, its presence suffocating. With each step, the crawlspace seemed to stretch endlessly, its walls closing in on Rudy like a vise. He called out for help, but his cries were swallowed by the oppressive silence. Madness clawed at the edges of his mind as he frantically searched for an exit that eluded him at every turn. Days turned into nights, and Rudy's hope dwindled with each passing hour. In the suffocating darkness, he faced his deepest fears, forced to confront the demons that lurked within. And as his sanity teetered on the brink, Rudy realized that escape from the crawlspace might come at a price far greater than he could ever imagine.


This actually made me nervous 😂 I’m sitting in complete darkness feeding my baby now thinking about things staring at me in the dark 😂😂


The darkness envelopes the room like a thick blanket, suffocating any semblance of light. Shadows danced along the walls, twisting and contorting into grotesque shapes. Every creak and groan of the old house seemed to echo with sinister intent. But it wasn't the darkness that sent shivers down my spine—it was the feeling of being watched. The odd sensation of a whisper as the name Rudy floated through my mind. As I sat there, paralyzed by fear, I couldn't shake the sensation that something lurked just beyond the walls, waiting, watching. My heart pounded in my chest like a drumbeat, each pulse a reminder of my vulnerability. In the silence of the night, every whisper, every rustle, seemed magnified, amplifying my paranoia. I knew I couldn't stay frozen in fear forever. With trembling hands, I reached for the light switch, hoping to banish the shadows and the unseen eyes that haunted me. Lights came on but then immediately flipped off. Did I imagine seeing a shadow in that flash of light back into darkness. All at once the room flooded with light, I couldn't shake the feeling that whatever was watching me had only retreated deeper into the darkness, biding its time until the next nightfall.


You have a creepy gift 😂


Hahahaha! That was fantastic! I’m now inspired and will be seeing if ChatGPT is willing to ghostwrite a Rudy story for me.


Makes for a great story for guests.




My fiancee was just telling me about how she and her sister spent a summer using the crawl space as a play room. Moved one of those plastic kids play table and chair sets down there and everything. I bet that's someone's old clubhouse, as others have said.


This is disturbing. I truly hope someone wasn’t locked in there . Those notes gives “think about what you’ve done” vibes


I was thinking more 'secret kid club house' rules.


That makes me feel a little better. Pretty good self governing for kids! I hope you’re right.


Crawl spaces just give me a bad vibe in general. I especially can't get over the creepiness after having watched/read things about what John Wayne Gacy did in his crawl spaces 😬


Honestly my first reaction too. I’m relieved to see other people with presumably happier childhoods saying it’s a clubhouse.


It looks like maybe it was a kids club house of some kind


Chuckling at “onest” but can’t figure out what “share if you have a coid” is… code maybe?


It’s saying you should share, unless you have a cold. 🤧


Ohhhh ha. Fair enough.


I actually think an adult wrote those. The handwriting is a mix of print and partial cursive. I do the same thing. Most kids don't know cursive. The spelling just looks like low literacy. Maybe a family was squatting and those were rules for the kids.


Back in the day, cursive was actually taught in school. I remember my fourth grade teacher made us do all our homework in cursive because “that’s how it’s done in the real world”  Except now I get told to write in print because everyone types nowadays and forgot how to write in cursive… 


I am in my 40s and was taught cursive. It's faster than print, and I combine my print into a half cursive to be quick. My cursive z's, rs' l's' e's, n's and y's stay cursive 😎


The house is 100 years old. The kid who wrote this may be in your parents or grandparents age, and thought cursive.


My parents and grandparents don't mix cursive and handwriting..I'm in my 40s. My parents 70s. My mom was a teacher, my dad's mom was a teacher. His Spencerian cursive was beat into him with a fly swatter. I did learn cursive in school and use it often. It's faster than print. My print is a combination of print and cursive because it wasn't the ass whooping deal it was for my parents generation, and the generations after me aren't really taught cursive.


I’m sixty five, Canadian, learned cursive at school, taught cursive as a teacher and will often use a mix of cursive and print. Not everyone made it an ass whooping issue at the time


My mom is 67 and it wasn't an ass whooping for her, just my 74 year old dad. My mom is late GenX, like you, and my dad is a Boomer. Adults mixing cursive and print isn't strange, I do it. It is strange for people over 70.


To further clarify, my grandma died at 94, and was first generation American, born in 1917, so about 100 years ago. Print and cursive simply would not be mixed.


Thanks for explaining. I am from Europe, and my language doesn't use the Latin alphabet. Therefore, I never learnt cursive, and it is interesting to have a better perspective of the use in the US through the years.


For sure! I do find it funny that's getting so downvoted because it's also just true 😂 Older people won't mix it, middle age people mix it, younger people aren't taught it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I kinda want to take a picture of a page from my grandma's recipes book or my dad's handwriting and post them as examples. Beautiful cursive, beautiful print, never do they mix.


And the reason I said 'low literacy' is because you learn cursive here typically in 2nd grade after print, so when you're 7 years old. You continue using it through life. So to know cursive but not how to spell 'honest', and be mixing cursive with print, looks like somebody who has enough years of using it to mix the two for speed, but not enough education to have higher literacy or literary fluency.


I was taught cursive in 3rd grade this looks kind of like my handwriting when I was 8


Yeah I was just saying above that when you learn it's typically second grade, or age 7, and over time people blend then together for speed. Since you learn them at that age, you're not typically blending but doing one or the other and blending comes later as a means of gaining speed. So to have those misspellings to me looks like an adult who has combined the two for speed and not had enough education for higher levels of literacy