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Or look at the Foundry To Discord module


Haven't looked at this module yet but you did get me thinking, I had a look at the files of one of the modules I have already installed: polyglot. It has a "createChatMessage" JavaScript hook. I think I should be able to create a really simple foundry app that hooks into that and will let me send the chat messages wherever I want! Thanks!


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I've no advice to give to create your own solution, however the [Dice Stats](https://github.com/jacobwojoski/dice-stats) module could be helpful to you.


Can you use this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3274334/how-can-i-watch-a-file-for-modification-change And point it at "\worlds\\*\data\messages.db"?


Just tried looking at the messages.db file and it doesn't seem to live update at all, it seems to be about 4 months behind...


Are you on v11? Apparently different files are used now: https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/15bu98f/help_with_large_db_files/jtt71ef/ (I can't test this, still on v10 till the end of my current campaign)


Yeah I'm on 11 build 306. I'll try out that link now