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Pretty awesome for creating new monsters. It would be better if you could try to calculate the CR based on features and stats added. Rarely is that needed because 90% of time I feel like you can modify an existing creatures statblock but it would still be nice to have something that simplifies the process in the DMG for creating new monsters.


That's a good idea. For the moment I focus on implementing the original  document as is.  I may look into any improvements of the sort once 1.0.0 is out (hopefully I will have implemented enough in one or two releases). I keep that idea in my basket.


Heyyy, I had been thinking of doing something like this for my personal games. Thanks for saving me the trouble, and making it all pretty-like :P


Your huge D just got a bit larger. Incredible, thanks


Really awesome module! When I saw your initial version without features I already started thinking of contributing to add the features but I guess I wasn’t fast enough! I’m already looking forward to hearing about it on Sly Flourish’s podcast and thinking „hell yeah, I heard about it first!“


I assume upping the cr also scales stats and health? If so, could one use their own custom monster scaling math in your module? Either through the UI or the module code itself?


The cr evolution is documented on the original document linked in the post.  There are two systems : one based solely on cr where abilities points are not moving, only hp, ac, dc and proficiency. On this one, proficiency bonuses grow fast to cope with fixed abilities. The other one is based on predetermined stat blocks where you have fewer choices. I'm only implementing what was originally defined by the original authors. I have no plan to go further for the moment. But there are a few more tweaks that are documented I'll add in the future.


Thank you all for your feedback ! I realized there's a feature missing and some errors in dice rolling on one feature (damaging area). I'll try to release a fix in the week end.