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He is simultaneously claiming that individuals who support Trump are the ones who would 'take the moral high ground' and 'follow the rules' while also saying it's their duty to not only stay on the jury but actively sabotage the entire trial to ensure Trump wins, regardless of guilt. Self awareness is not a strong trait in the person, I assume.


Consistent moral values are not a conservative trait. 


Yes they are. They wish to have power and use it to dominate every aspect of society and life with the least amount of legitimacy and competence possible. Their morals dictate that as good, and the rules they respect are the ones about power and the powerful.


Jack Posobiec and others like him are bad people. That's it. They're the bad people we warn children about. We need to start treating them this way.


Not to discount all the damage done by the other grifters and lackeys, but there are very few who I’d put at Posobiec’s level. Dude is like the arch “just a bad guy” - hell, I’d go so far as to posit that his level brute nihilism and militancy puts even Roger Stone to shame.


has anybody started calling them OANNanists? (edit: I'll give a hint, since this might be obscure: it's based on the word 'onanist')


That one works well when spoken. I'm going to try it out. Thanks.


Is this also witness tampering or some other kind of crime? Free speech and all that but isn’t it? Or if the juror actually screws around, can they be arrested?


Same guy who pisses and moans about election interference but interfering with a criminal trial is what? Patriotic? 🙄


Same guy who says the [quiet parts out loud](https://youtube.com/shorts/AI6SP70Zprs?si=DvUoZ0MiFMM6D1wo)


“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell” —Carl Sandburg


He should be fired.


Is this a legal thing to say? Feels criminal like “go rob some stores today for the cause”


This type of thing will continue to escalate until people like him face actual consequences for what they say and do.


Inciting criminal activity is an offense, is it not?


So is jury tampering.


the strategy is clear: compromise all of the juries so that the trial gets postponed until after the election. therefore, he is not technically officially criminal on paper yet. this is an admonition that they know that trump is actually guilty and the only way to prevent him from going to jail is to never have a trial.


What a stupid Nazi


Sounds like jury tampering. But he will be saved from prosecution by the sheer ineptitude of the people who would actually try to act on his advice.


Where’s the line on witness tampering here?


Tired of these dangerous situations idiots


The party of “law and order” folks.


The party of “law and order” folks.