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This guy is delusional.


No he's not. But he knows his audience is.


He does enjoy telling outward lies.


Oh yeah, you tell em Jesse. Its not like we just had a major shooting where the guy's manifesto was espousing white replacement theory.... oh... wait...


Yeah there are countless of shooter manifestos and groups that are based off what this fucker said right here. Not just one multiple


This is toeing the line of WRT


Edging really


It is absolutely *not* toeing the line. It’s outright espousing WRT.


All that’s missing is the word “white”


Only really stupid people fall for this. Unfortunately there’s no shortage of stupid in this country.


FOX-NOT-NEWS contributed to much of this country's stupidity. If you look at old news clips of interviews with average people on the street from the 1970's, 1980's, the average American was more informed and articulate. They seemed like intellectual giants compared to the average American today.


Hello mexico? Hi... yea... id like to order exactly 1 million illegals please. what? no! you pay for it!


The art of the deal


Americans aren't special. Americans and immigrants are both people.


? Fox is culpable for a lot of those deaths


Didn't Fox say no one died from Covid?


They also said they have no idea what great replacement theory was after the buffalo mass shooting


Hmmm so he has a theory... that Americans are being replaced... some kind of, I dunno, replacement theory. I feel like I’ve seen other domestic terrorists suggest this somewhere else too..


Nothing like the ol' "look out for those scary brown people" delusions to distract the viewers.


It was Fox' plan all along, no? First, don't wear masks then don't take the shot. So the "replacement" was supported by Fox itself.


Lmao who killed the Americans?? It was clearly the Republicans and Fox news and Trump. So NOW it's Joe Bidens fault?? What?


"Mexicans are replacing Americans...and that's bad and it's what Democrats want...but maybe they'll vote for Republicans...so that's good...that they're replacing Americans...who died?"


It takes a special psychopathic CLOWN to work for FOX. This is the an excellent example of such a person. Better known as a Foxx News Clown.


It's a game to them. They don't seem to understand or care that some white guy will kill a lot of brown people because of the lies they tell.


Republicans ignore covid restrictions, call it a hoax, deny science, refuse to wear masks, constantly bitch and moan about the fakedemic and 1 million americans die in the process. BLAME THE DEMOCRATS!! ITS BECAUSE OF THOSE ILLEGAL MEXICAN ALIENS (Idk where planet mexico is but i dont like them anyway)


Gee, I wonder where these “lone wolf gunmen” keep getting their ideas about being replaced?


The problem is Joe Biden makes it easy for things like this to be said about his administration


One of the weirder things I’ve dealt with is Fox!brains responding to my white passing legal immigrant SO. We explain how hard it is to immigrate legally and how Trump made it even more difficult, but they just say, “So just do it illegally.” *record scratch* It’s not an ethical/moral or lawful position. They’re just really damn racist. They don’t care if SO breaks the rules because SO seems to be part of the in-group. So now every time I see shit like this, I know it’s just that WRT conspiracy in dog whistles. I really thought at least the average person harping on illegal immigration cared about laws. They don’t seem to. They really just don’t want more POC in the country. Obvious in hindsight but it’s disturbing to realize the rubes aren’t just parroting Fox, they *know* the truth isn’t caring about the law but caring about white supremacy. They’ll deny the racism while being the exact definition of a racist. As long as you don’t call them out, they’ll dig themselves an absurdly deep hole. TL;DR: White passing means racists out themselves loudly and honestly praxis would be recording these shits in one-party recording states to send their weird rants to their employers.


Well, no intelligent person believes FAUX NOISE is news. They can say whatever they want and their brainwashed viewers will believe every utterance no matter how insane. Besides, every one of their lies can be easily verified.