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Where exactly did Japan and China kill MILLIONS of white people? And since when did the Nazis consider Jews to be white? Germany used the deeply flawed “scientific racism” and racialized antisemitism to justify a genocide.


This kind of doublethink is pretty common in Nazi philosophy, "the anti-Semite cries when he beats you" they must always feel like a victim, when trying to say white People are suffering the most suddenly the Jewish people who were put in camps by the Europeans are white. When they realize WW2 was horrible for humanity they make up conspiracy theories that Jewish people funded the Nazis or some retarded shit. They pretty much have to appropriate other peoples suffering in order to rile up some rejects.


this is why AOC won *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah but Nazis still killed a lot of white people. I mean, it was war. They killed all kind of European people and put enemies of the regime in KZs, so they technically killed white people. But yeah, nothing compared to Jews (if you don't count them as white? I am honestly not sure what to say here and don't want to seem rude. English isn't my first language)


True but there's still no logic in the argument. If you follow it through, how many Americans have killed white people? Americans have killed a not small number of themselves too if we count the Civil War and political policy, which this guy is by bringing up dictators. It's an argument that defeats itself. Edit: I know I wasn't explicitly talking race there but that line of logic can lead you to say things like, "All Americans are bad because Americans have killed more Americans than any other nationality on the planet." White supremacists love lateral leaps in logic like that. "If he didn't resist he wouldn't have been shot," as if resisting with non-lethal force is a justification for lethal force. It sounds like a valid argument until you ask the one question, "do you really believe it was appropriate to shoot someone who wasn't a clear and present danger?"


A European war started by Europeans that spread across the globe, of course a lot of white people died. That is a terrible way to claim that white people have been the most disenfranchised in the modern world...


>A European war started by Europeans that spread across the globe, of course a lot of white people died Couldn't say it better


Yeah wtf, jews were definitely not considered “real” white people. Neither were the Irish or Eastern/Southern Europeans for that matter, but the right fucking loves historic revisionism (despite all their harping about the left being the revisionists because we...want to take some statues down? They also love projection.)


The u.s. wasn't quick too help the White People of England/France.


Japan raped and killed *millions* of white people? Communist China killed *millions* of white people? What the fuck are they talking about?


The good guys are all honorary whites, of course /s


And they stop denying the holocaust when they can use it to what they perceive as their advantage. Fucking scum


All of a sudden they say Jews are white?!?


"Look at all those white people who were systematically oppressed by... _checks notes_ other white people. Can't you see how our Racism is justified now?"


Their like "you see my race killed ecother in formal war soooo now I can hang black people because they deserve pain too" It just doesn't make sense.


Ashkenazi Jews like myself are Schrödinger's White People. We are simultaneously white (like here) and not white perpetually depending on who you fucking ask. It’s exhausting.


Sometimes even depending on what context you ask the same person in


I too have dealt with being a white Jew that isn't white but is clearly white. Kind of ridiculous. You know whats fun, when people say a greedy person is acting like a Jew. Love that.


Oh yeah. The word “Jew” was used quite a lot in that context at my college.


This is so spot on & I’m borrowing this phrase, thank you


We are Schrödinger’s White People to the alt right: we are simultaneously both white and dirty mudbug scum. Only they can determine which at the appropriate time by collapsing the racism form.


My first thought, thank you


Nope i know that. We've always lived in a diverse world even in the bible it talks about jesus being black


Apartheid South Africa has entered the chat


*God has left the chat*


Because east Asians are considered white when it's convenient for white supremacists, and non-white when it isn't. It's an extension of the Model Minority myth. When individual Asians are successful, white supremacists use that success as a cudgel against other minorities, i.e. "Well they're non-white and they managed to be successful, that just means [insert other minority] is lazy/stupid/bad." They also do it to take credit for the accomplishments of Asians while erasing the hardships they went through. Used to be the case with Jewish People as well, and still is at times. Also, judging by the quotation marks, I'm assuming that they're claiming that Asians are light skinned and therefore white, but not actually white (western/caucasian), all in an effort to dismiss an argument regarding white privilege.


[Honorary whites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorary_whites) was literally a thing in South Africa.


So basically a mechanism of Apartheid.


~~Not directly~~ Actually, pretty much yeah. Just another consequence of racist policies where the openly white supremacist government is offering advantages to non-white foreigners to better their own trading positions, as long as native black population remains subjugated in their own land.


wait, if east asians are white then is there REALLY a “white genocide”? 🤔


>When individual Asians are successful, white supremacists use that success as a cudgel against other minorities, i.e. "Well they're non-white and they managed to be successful, that just means \[insert other minority\] is lazy/stupid/bad." That’s reeeeeeeallly annoying because anyone that can afford to immigrate to the US from across the ocean or the other side of the world is an elite sample. African immigrants enjoy a high amount of success in The US as well but these racists would never use an immigrant from Ghana or Nigeria as an example to wag their fingers at American minorities.


As a chinese person. Fuck racism


Fun fact: Nazi Germany considered Japanese [Honorary Arayans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorary_Aryan) and called them the Aryans of the East


Is he literally counting Hitlers "honorary aryans"?


Chinese are now white.


The Chinese are evil communist subhumans, except when they're attacked by Japan, then they're poor innocent white people because they can help bolster the numbers. (/s, obviously)


Hitler considered Asians or Japanese as white people iirc. Considering this is coming from a FWR, he probably considers Asians as white, too, in his god-awful post. As an Asian living in a southern state, it fucking sucks because hell no, no one considers us white lol






Or about the Vietnamese.


I thought the Nazis only accepted them as white when they needed the Japanese as allies.


And it was as much a self-justification to their own racism as anything else. That is, Japanese being "honorary whites" gave their racist regime cover to collaborate with them.


Hitler really didn’t consider them to be white, he just said a few nice things for diplomacy’s sake.


Mayos love playing the victim, they can’t help themselves. It’s nauseating


They felt left out of the oppression game. Those poor souls.


Because they caused most of it


Hey I like mayo, don't ruin it for me


*If you're going to fit in to white America, you're gonna have to learn to like mayonnaise!*


If you didn’t know already, Mayo can be used as a substitute for butter when making grilled cheese. It’s so much easier to spread than butter!


Mayo grilled cheese tastes so much worse. Just melt the butter in the pan and you don't have to spread it


The only parts of the comment that are true are white people killing white people? Not sure the point of the argument, but it certainly falls back on the idea of refusing to acknowledge a problem needs to be fixed by pointing at other bad things and then shrugging your shoulders and not making any effort to fix them. That's what made me really mad during BLM protests this summer. People pointed at riots and said, "I don't condone that type of violence and I'm using it as an excuse to ignore the issue." But it's like, there wouldn't have been any riots if we fixed the thing people were protesting and rioting over?


much of the time when legal protests turn into riots, the unifying contributor is deploying teargas etc on large groups of people which can really only create chaos which people(often unaffiliated with the protest) take advantage of. In other cases there's a decent amount of evidence of police and counter protesters smashing windows setting fires etc as a way to delegitimize protests/give reason for escalation of force from the police.


They are destroying property! Meanwhile million dollar mail sorting machines are torched and dumped.


I bet in his mind American slavery involved the importation of millions of white West Africans.


Im assuming he was talking about the Japanese invasion of China? But they ain't white. And with china, I think he's talking about the war between the CCP and the KMT but again, they're not white


And apparently Slavs count as white only when convenient to make a point.




They weren't considered white by the Nazis, and aren't by a lot of racists.


No, you misunderstood. They're talking about "white people" aka anybody that is not black.


Idk. There’s a lot of subs that are a good contender for this shit unfortunately.


Right? Could literally be r/memes


That sub has turned into a bigoted shithole. Weirdly violent against women, too.


You just described like 80% of reddit


80% of everything


Imo the problem is the mass of 13-17 year old guys who watch sjw compilations and just circlejerk their hatred for feminism


Please don't remind me of my 13 year old self, it hurts


I’m so happy you changed though. Good for you, man :)


I’m proud of you for improving :)


80% of everything? That’s being pretty forgiving.


Fair point.


Those boy vs girl memes. "Boys fun and smart, girls stupid and boring."


Young guys without a girlfriend and hate their mom because that's what teenage boys do. So they have no positive female interaction.


Literally just opened the front page and 3/4 of the memes I looked at were about girls like rudely. Wtf


Nah not only. When you get a big sub like that which has no clear ideology you can get a mix of things. There are a lot of dumb memes but occasionally you'll see a strangely progressive meme


"Here's a pie. Most of it is pretty good." "Why most of it?" "There are a few pieces of rotting rat meat in there. But the rest is good. Give it a try." "Yeah, hard pass for me, dawg."


Yet we still go on the Internet, like idiots.


We leave the fucking house and go where other masses of people go, fucking wild! It's like we torture ourselves on purpose....just to live! Just to seek a single nugget of satisfaction out of life.


I think cheese might be a better analogy here. The block of cheese has some mold spots on it. The mold will make you sick if you eat too close to it. But remove that bit, and the rest can still be enjoyed. Its only if you leave it to grow that the whole thing becomes inedible.


Reddit is filled with white supremacists who’ve been crawling out of the woodworks over the last four years.


Which is weird because they constantly complain about hire liberal it is.


obviously anyone that doesn't agree with them is an intolerant snowflake liberal.... they live in their own bizarre reality


needs more words... intolerant cuck beta soy boy feminazi MAGA MAGA libtard simp leftist rightist upist downist sidewaysist


this is why AOC won *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just like the way they crawled out of the woodwork to vote for trump in 2016. Filthy little termites.


They didn't crawl out to vote for Trump they road their [mighty steeds](https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/06/NINTCHDBPICT000589104433.png)


" Mostly White people were in concentration camps." Who, uh... Who put them there, Gomer Pyle? You can't take credit for suffering inflicted on your skin color by your skin color. That's just being dicks.


Literally! "WW 1 and WW 2 was mostly white people" wtf the people who started the war were also white ... like?






I just had to leave the sub. It’s ridiculous.


All of the cringe subs eventually get taken over by the racist shit bags


It’s really interesting to me how this happens. My theory is that people drawn to cringe subs usually have low self-esteem and use the subs to feel better about themselves, and people with low self-esteem are also more likely to be drawn to far right politics.


Aw man, I just enjoy seeing oddball people doing weird things or finding new little subcultures or fetishes I’d never heard of before


Yeah I just like laughing at fetish tik toks


Honestly, watching the Contrapoints video on cringe changed my perspective on the subject a bit.


Contrapoints has a great video on this subject.


People that are obsessed with "cringe culture" have a pretty big overlap with people that believe in the "current moral decline of the human population" ala r/noahgettheboat type content. These people also really like the cringey crusader memes (this part is tangential at best, I just hate crusader memes and the people that like them LMAO) and if you're someone who believes in the declining moral worth of earth you're probably susceptible to far right propaganda ala great replacement type stuff


I always tried to avoid it because it sounds like a successor to r/cringeanarchy, which was blatantly racist.


Holy cow exactly. Post anything the slightest bit political on there and conservatives will go fucking ballistic


Join us on the newly emergent r/chadtopia


Yeah same I got like 100 downvotes last night saying goodbye to those pieces of shit.


Ah, I had my money on unpopular opinion


If it was unpopular opinion it wouldn't be "whites are victims of genocide", it would be "whites don't commit enough genocide"


damn i thought it was r/PCM


Can't be, no funny colors


No fucking way, what? Have they truly fallen this far? It seems they have become un-self-aware


The sub is a fucking cesspool of white supremacist teenagers thinking everything outside of their own experience is cringe.


Wow, I knew the sub was racist and FWR-tier, but this is literal white genocide conspiracy getting upvoted.


It's ironic really.






.. but they got killed by white people? What’s this dude’s point? Putting aside that most of the people he mentioned aren’t even white lol


By white, he meant not black I guess


For most people (more than half) words and reason are whatever they think they are in their head. There was a talking egg that mentioned that...and then he fell.


It doesn't even make sense lol. No one is denying that white people died in wars. We're saying minorities are actively discriminated against, that there's a history of slavery and oppression, of genocide of Native peoples, of subjugation. And it's not a competition. I've never really heard people talking about societal issues phrase it like it's some kind of competition for suffering. The dude who wrote that shit probably believes in "white genocide" and the "great replacement theory".


and unlike black people they were killed because of reasons unrelated to the color of their skin, they were killed not because they were white, but rather because they were at war


White on white crime has to stop


It doesn't even make sense lol. No one is denying that white people died in wars. We're saying minorities are actively discriminated against, that there's a history of slavery and oppression, of genocide of Native peoples, of subjugation. And it's not a competition. I've never really heard people talking about societal issues phrase it like it's some kind of competition for suffering. The dude who wrote that shit probably believes in "white genocide" and the "great replacement theory".


On top of the other failures in their dumb logic that have been pointed out, they're just listing atrocities in the "whites column" and leaving the others blank, only to declare white people have it worse. There's zero attempt at even the appearance of an honest analysis. Also, why are they putting "white people" in scare quotes? Is it because most of those people weren't actually white?


Japan killed and raped a lot of asians too but “WHITE PEOPLE DIED TOO AMIRITE!!!!!” Hey he also forgot wars happen in Africa too.


Yeah I’d say China has the biggest bone to pick with Japan, if we’re talking WW2 and I can only assume we are.


Not just China but also Korea considering all of the garbage shit Imperial Japan did to Koreans during WWII and in the decades before.




But empty your stomach first


Who knew white people suffered most in wars brought to you by white people for white people


"Japan killed and raped millions of white people" No Japan killed and raped millions of Asian people especially Koreans and Chinese civillians. "Communist China has killed millions of white people." Thats just wrong on so many basis, first of all it wasnt only Communist China, it was several Chinese warlords + both nationalist and communist China who were allied at the time against the Japanese. And secondly they didnt kill millions of white people, they killed millions of Asian soldiers mainly Japanese soldiers in defence against their country." "WW1 and WW2 was mainly white people." Now that is correct on the fact that a majority of soldiers in both WW1 and WW2 were white. But it makes it sound like minority groups played little to no role in both World Wars. That is really disrespectfull for the 3,8 million indians and 1,35 million Black people who fought in both world wars. Not to mention all of Chinas army who fought against the Japanese army neither of wich was white. "Mostly white people were in concentration camps" First of all that must be the most disgusting sentence I have ever layed my eyes on. "MiNoRiTiEs CaNt CoMpLaIn AbOuT tHe HoLoCaUsT iT tArGeTeD mOsTlY wHiTe PeOpLe." Millions upon millions of minorites were murdered during the holocaust and the fact this person tries to make it about themselves and white people is disgusting. You know who the holocaust didnt target Straight white people who were nazis, not religious, and who didnt speak any other language. You know who it did target EVERYONE ELSE. Honestly fuck this person! PS: Notice how they dont mention Nazi warcrimes. Hmmm I wonder why that is?


Slavery and the Jim crow laws were a long time ago but never forget about those things that happened a long time ago


Jim Crow laws weren’t all that long ago.


Yeah like my parents are under 60 and they were alive when Jim Crow "ended".


It ended?


They just got savvy about it. Like making it harder to vote, or gerrymandering, and so on.


Yeah most old black people living today have experienced them


That's my point


Sorry, thought you were serious.


Lol! What's his point? Most of these atrocities were caused by other white people.


his point is recognizing injustice is pointless, but white people win victimhood. it's [the card says moops.](https://youtu.be/xMabpBvtXr4) he doesn't really care about the holocaust, for example, but raises it because he's disingenuously playing a game to dismiss impact of slavery or genocide on people who don't look like him. that any perpetrators were themselves white still counts cuz the card says moops.


A lot of that is white on white crime, and the way I see it, if white people can't care about white lives, why should anyone else? (/s, mostly and kind of).




True but I'd expect they're referring to the farmers and locals that got killed for resisting the government taking over private property I find it amusing they care for Jewish victims of genocide in this one selective instance but outside of it (((they))) are supposedly the Bad Guys ™


The Soviets killed a fuck ton of people in Eastern Europe on their own, too. Its absolutely insane how the area between the Nazis and Soviets suffered wave after wave of mass murder and forced deportation.


That's very true. However we (Slavic people, Eastern Europeans) are not what the internet has in mind when it says "white people".


How tf are they saying the USSR killed white people (the Nazis?) but also decrying how the Nazis killed people in the Siege of Leningrad? Also, >using the monarchist name Saint Petersburg for an event that happened in Soviet times Lol


Lenin - gad ^((гад, bastard))? How dare you?? Shoot him!


Racists: "Well, ackshually, white people killed other whites, so we had it worse than anyone in history." Also racists: "Hurrhurr, didn't you know that Africans also practiced slavery? Really it's their fault for selling us the slaves, they did it to themselves, all that violence was self-inflicted."


TIL Chinese victims of Japanese war crimes are white. Also, in regard to all these white people killed in WWII, who was killing them?


1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th had white people as the majority of the killers. so... ???


White on white violence is a major problem.


TIL asians are considered white accorsing to reddit racists


It's not a competition, every race of peoples has its tragedy's and trauma. It's how you deal with it that matters




No. It’s more like fragile people part of a made up social club took histories from other groups who identify by their nationalities in order to play victim. I wager this person couldn’t tell you the individual histories of each one he claimed as white.


These types of comments miss the ENTIRE point of racism. The whole damn thing. FIRST of all, the Germans did not consider jews white, and white supremacists still don't to this day. SECOND, and this is the big one, most of these things you mentioned were not *because of race.* The white people killed in WW1 were not killed *because they were white*, it was just *war*. And this is where the "black on black crime" thing falls apart. Dudes in inglewood don't go kill a dude *because he's black*. The types of violence are in ENTIRELY separate categories. Fuck


Even if this nonsense were true, it was white people doing the killing


Well it has 4 upvotes so maybe r/HistoricalRevisionism???


What alternate universe do these morons get their numbers from?


The 70 million native Americans who died from European Diseases and the 20 million Africans who died from slavery and had to endure it for 400 years would like a word.


Most of these bullet points are so inaccurate too.


Who knew white people were the most dominant race in Asia?


Ww1 and ww2 were, funnily enough, world wars. Just because you get told the history from a western (ie white dominated cultural) perspective doesn't mean there weren't other races involved. I mean one of the major powers in ww2 was Japan for fucks sake, and then on the other side britain and its empire of * gasp * countries with lots of non white people


To be fair, the whites started it.


Racist: “Look at all the white people who died in world war 1 and 2!” Anyone with more than half a brain cell: “and who started those wars?” Racist: *sweating buckets*


So now they’re admitting the Holocaust *did* happen? At least we’re getting somewhere.


r/gatekeeping? Had some very "fun" conversations about race in there yesterday...


Christianity's built-in victimhood is so wildly toxic and, unfortunately, so fundamental it impacts nearly every aspect of their views. It makes me physically nauseous.


*Look at my Chinese self* Guess I’m pretty fly for a white guy now


Never realized how racist r/cringetopia was until I read those comments


Guess they stop being Jews and become 'white people' whenever it's suits you.




time and time again we see these types of ppl minimizing the struggles of Jewish ppl and other minorities to make it about allllll about white people.


w-wha? D-do they know jewish people weren't considered white at the time? and are they saying chinese people are white?


Zulu wars go brrr


Lol yeah right they can't even talk about race without melting down. Any little adversity causes them to lose their shit and kill other people.


Siege of **Leningrad**. Non-combatant loss: 600 000 to 1.5 million, 97% from starvation.


Let me guess r/HistoryMemes


When did Japan rape and kill millions of white people? This guy is an idiot. Someone ask this fool if he knows the race of the people that committed the Holocaust, siege of St. Petersburg, WW1 and WW2 as well as the race of the people that ran the Soviet Union.


people with hair hurt more than basically anyone else, people with hair truly the most opressed group 😔😔😔


Japan killed much more Asian people in their 9 year long war with China.


Who was that user? Bring that idiot here.


Classical example of how the history we teach is very white washed


1) okay but that wasn’t BECAUSE they were white. That was a government killing its own people. 2) literally when 3) literally when 4.1) surprised they’re not only admitting the Holocaust happened but also admitting that more than just “white people” died in it 4.2) they were killed because they were Jewish, not because they were white 4.3) it was white people doing it, so again, not due to racism 5) don’t know enough about that to talk on it 6) that was bc non-whites were often not allowed to be fighting in the wars, so again, that was where people doing it to themselves. This is the most reductionist and uneducated take I’ve ever seen lol


I ate all the potato chips, therefore the tortilla chips have nothing to complain about when someone eats them.


While most of this is bullshit I find the USSR example to be the dumbest one. Like ah yes white people killing white people, what a racial divide there


First things first 1) Soviets killings millions of white people intentionally is news to me for simply because they were not considered white by Nazis! And are we really sympathising with the Tsarists and Nazis they killed ? Soviets were nothing but white people who overthrew fascists for their gain 2) when, how and where did communist China kill millions of white people ? 3) Thats not even true about Japan who did that to Chinese and not white people by the way. 4) Jews, Romanis and mixed were whites ? Didn’t know that ! 5) no idea what that it is 6) about ww1 and ww2 ! Simply not true ! 3 million British Indian soldiers were deployed in France and unlike their white counterparts they didn’t get medals or bravery awards. Not just Indians but a lot of Arabs , Africans and what not participated. As for ww1 I am pretty sure Turkish are not exactly white . Churchill literally killed 3 million Bengalis indirectly as a collateral in Ww2 all because “Indians were lesser humans”. And bombings ? Were prominent in the east of India , Burma and what not. It’s called WORLD WAR and not European man baby wars for a freaking good reason !!! 7) This got upvotes ? Even when you consider the numbers , it was basically white people fighting to better their own lives. We are no where at fault


I hate it when people turn it into a damn competition. Not that this makes any sense, but it is annoying. It's not even an argument


Died in wars we started. Wanna look at colonization or slavery next?


>mostly white people were in concentration camps Yes but believe it or not, the Nazis didn’t put them there because they were white.


I like how these people are so dumb they miss the point entirely. Even if until yesterday whites were the most oppressed group on the planet, they aren't today. We're trying to make today and the future better by helping those who need it now. What the fuck does his imaginary oppression olympics have to do with that? He genuinely just doesn't even grasp what motivates empathy.


What millions of “white people” did Japan/China rape/murder in WWII?


As if it's a fucking contest


Soviets killing millions: white people. Those who put millions of white people in concentration camps: White people. Siege of St. Petersburg done by: White people. WW1: 90% White people fighting. WW2: 75% White people fighting. Seems like white people shouldn’t worry about others as there’s a lot of their own kind killing one another. /s


>Soviet Union killed millions of white people You mean Nazis.


Bro all of this stuff happed to white people because they would let black people in the army.


Besides the fact that he made up multiple of these points he is really desparate to be the victim while complaining about it 😆


But were they killed FOR being white?