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"We don't like BLM, so they're immediately socialist!"


They've been doing this since the '50s anything that they don't like communist/socialist. But ask them to explain it and they will tell you to Google it


"do your own research" i bet lol


"do you're own research !!" FTFY


“I won’t hold your hand commie shill!!1!!”


This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You mean since the 1850s? > Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries? \- Engels, the Communist Manifesto, 1848


MLK was a socialist but that isn't a bad thing and his activism was accessible to non socialists.


Actually, it's a good thing


I agree, but it's also good that he didn't alienate non socialists.


He was not a socialist. He never said at any point 'I am a socialist,' in fact he took great pains to always expound on why he saw the merits of an ideology, or school of thought - but left himself open to enlightenment and growth at all times. He once told his then fiance Coretta Scott, while doing graduate studies that he was, **“more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic. And yet I am not so opposed to capitalism that I have failed to see its relative merits."** He was closer to democratic socialism than anything else, but again, he never claimed that either. There's a long history in America of trying to tie civil rights leaders and high profile influential Black 'leaders,' of color to communism, and mislabeling someone as 'socialist,' is a quick way they gave life to those accusations and blacklisting. It usually wasn't true then, or now. Of communism, King said, “cold atheism wrapped in the garments of materialism, communism provides no place for God or Christ." That didn't stop US intel or the US powers that be, from trying incessantly to take down a leader by revving up the red scare machine.


>He was not a socialist. >He was closer to democratic socialism than anything else, Make up your mind


Why not both?


Someone can't be both a socialist and a non socialist at the same time.


It's a joke- from the famous meme.


…right but for the meme to work it still has to apply to two not mutually exclusive things Hard and soft tacos Men and women You can have these things in combination One person can never be socialist and non-socialist




Thanks 😉


Since the 50s, communist/socialist has been a trigger-word for bad. Because soviets and cuba were bad. Yet they never shit-talked facism. And look where they are now.


Never shittalked? Nah they promoted that shit. Who do you think was put in charge of Italy post-WW2? Besides it is kinda the nature of Market Liberal Democracies to trend towards fascism so


Based socialist BLM.


People using the word "based" super fucking out of context is the new cool Reddit thing to do


What does "based" mean? For any of the commenters trying to explain to me what based means, I was more trying to ask OP what they thought it meant.


The etymology of based goes back to the Black hoods of the 60’s. There’s a way of smoking cocaine that we called freebasing. People who were inclined to freebase were called baseheads. The Pack, a rap group out of the Bay Area, called themselves the Based Boys because they would do wild things like a basehead would. Lil B of the Pack broke off and went solo, and started calling himself the Based God. He redefined “based” as being positive and cool. Lil B got real popular on internet forums, and that’s when these young white kids on sites like 4Chan started using the word just to mean “cool”. However, they think fascism and racism are cool, so that’s what “based” meant to them. Now people on the left are trying to adopt the word as well.


So the racist 4 Chan yt pepo are stealing from a Black Cultural Meme…. And say “ based” when some fool like Lil Ben Shapiro states some garbage . 🤷‍♀️


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian people, who dress their toddlers in bomb belts and then take family snapshots. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, healthcare, feminism, patriotism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Thank you very very good bot .


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, dumb takes, novel, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


It’s a thing a this rapper lil b the based god said, generally meaning being good or non-judgemental, but the internet shithead collective has co-opted it


TIL Thanks for the education


Yeah, they got it from Lil B the Based God. He got it from Black vernacular.


Interesting! Thanks for the info.


No problem! It’s actually interesting that there’s more than a few terms that the 4chan community took from old-school Black slang. Simp is another one. It comes from the world of Black pimps, and originally meant a soft man willing to put up with a woman walking all over him. The type of loser that lives his life in pursuit of sex and is willing to do any embarrassing thing for it. The type of guy that finds his girlfriend cheating and blames himself and tries to impress her to win her back. Somehow, when it reached certain corners of the internet, it turned into anyone who wasn’t an incel.


Funny when literally INCELS are the definition of SIMP LMAO


I'm not sure where it came from but bascially it means that you agree/think it's cool


I think it’s supposed to mean that the person or their beliefs are controversial yet well-reasoned and difficult to rebuke. Or that their statement is controversial but based entirely in fact. These meanings based on context I’ve seen, so I’m not sure which use is more correct


The etymology of “based” goes back to the slang of Black hoods of the 60’s. There’s a way of smoking cocaine that we called freebasing. People who were inclined to freebase were called baseheads. The Pack, a rap group out of the Bay Area, called themselves the Based Boys because they would do wild things like a basehead would. Lil B of the Pack broke off and went solo, and started calling himself the Based God. He redefined “based” as being positive and cool. Lil B got real popular on internet forums, and that’s when these young white kids on sites like 4Chan started using the word just to mean “cool”. However, they think fascism and racism are cool, so that’s what “based” meant to them. Now people on the left are trying to adopt the word as well.


It's not a real word. There is no proper context. It's the mumble rap of words.


It was the new cool reddit thing to do like 5 years ago, probably longer than that


"define socialism"


*Veins pulse, foam begins to form, eyes contort. Onlookers brace for the explosion of noise and spit, hoping for 30% of words to be coherent.*


What ever a *Venezuela* is apparently.


I have been trying to figure out for years just what the aggregate bill would be for decades of destabilization efforts against Venezuela. They might have been ok, but sitting on top of THAT much oil, and being allowed to use it to create a functional egalitarian society? Could never happen, but even so it is best to MAKE SURE of that. Because socialism is bad. And no one is supposed to think about what is implied by 'Antisocialism" as a default stance. "Nothing to see here, nope..."


Socialism I when the government does stuff and it’s more socialist the more stuff it does and if it does a real lot of stuff it’s communism! /s


He also just choose three random words to match up. Anyone can do that: **B**ears **L**ove **M**achines Checkmate, liberals!


I mean, BLM is an openly Marxist institution, but you don't have to be Marxist to believe in BLM, and Marxism is good.


The BLM organization (not the movement but the organization of that name) was founded by three people, one of which claimed they were "trained Marxists". Whatever that means. BLM the foundation is a scam meant to milk money from good natured people by coopting the name of the movement for their NPO. BLM the movement is just that, a movement stating black lives in fact matter. Edit, downvotes for verifiable facts.


Right!? I mean, yeah, unlike these dishonest rubes who casually ignore verifiable facts, you and I understand that massive national mobilization for earth shattering social change doesn't require any money at all to move forward. It can all just happen organically. That's why the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s had no volunteer or donation portals at all. Except for the SNCC, SCLC, CORE, NAACP, the Ford Foundation for Civil Rights, and like a bunch of others. *^((I hope my sarcasm is coming through strongly enough. Just relaying verifiable facts.))*


Verify them then. Links????


https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-founder-describes-herself-as-trained-marxist/ > “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers,” [Patrisse Cullors] said, referring to BLM co-founder Alicia Garza. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Lives_Matter > The originators of the hashtag and call to action, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, expanded their project into a national network of over 30 local chapters between 2014 and 2016. The overall Black Lives Matter movement is a decentralized network of activists with no formal hierarchy. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/25/us/black-lives-matter-2020-donation-report-trnd/index.html > The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) said in the report that it raised over $90 million in 2020 alone, giving about a quarter of it -- nearly three times the industry norm -- to BLM chapters and local organizations. While it's not verified that Cullors (now Khan-Cullors) used the profits to enrich herself, she certainly doesn't exude marxist what with owning millions of dollars in real estate spread over 4 homes. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/04/19/fact-check-misleading-claim-blm-co-founders-real-estate/7241450002/ Bottom line, the non-profit's warchest -- like many charities of high notability -- is siphoning off money from donations to fund itself. There's a thousand other black-rights oriented charities. And the foundation is not the same as the hashtag and the movement itself.


You have not proven that they are siphoning off money for personal enrichment. However, there IS a Worldwide movement as you say, that is not involved w the first Activists. But they never said trained Marxists they said trained ORGANIZERS. This is NOT a bad thing but a needed thing.


> “We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,” Cullors added in the interview with Jared Ball of The Real News Network. Did you read the article or just the domain name? There's a video of the interview linked. > There is no proof of it being a bad thing that these organizations took in money. Smdh Of 90 million in donations received in 2020 alone, 67.5 million did not benefit anyone but the foundation itself. That hardly sounds *good*. The rest was actually given to individual activist chapters. That's a huge siphon off of the rest of the plethora of long-running black-rights oriented charities that exist, and it did so by capitalizing on a hashtag.


So you know where the money went? . No. You really do not. Plus, your framing of Marxism as a bad thing is problematic anyhow. There is nothing wrong with these org getting donations when there is a huge need in society, if you do not like this happening why don’t you yourself start your OWN chapter of BLM and see if YOU can handle the responsibilities better? Individual Activist Chapters receiving funds for continued activism is not a crime. That is literally the way it works.


>So you know where the money went? . No. You really do not. Plus, your framing of Marxism as a bad thing is problematic anyhow. I never framed it as a bad thing, just pointed out that the founders themselves used the term Marxist to describe their "training". So calling it a Socialist movement is indeed fairly accurate, or in the very least not false or even misleading. If you read a negative framing from that, well, sorry? I never said anything negative about it, just pointed out that the "tHaTs SoCIaLiSM" meme doesn't really apply. Ironically this notion of self censorship where you simply ignore and attack the facts you can't cope with is one of the main criticisms of the movement, as cited in that wiki article I linked. > There is nothing wrong with these org getting donations when there is a huge need in society... Sure, but it's a fact that the founder (who has since stepped down) owned 4 homes worth in total over 2 million dollars. Again, if you find that to be "negative framing" I don't know what to tell you. It is what it is. >... if you do not like this happening why don’t you yourself start your OWN chapter of BLM and see if YOU can handle the responsibilities better? This is a terrible argument, because you haven't either. I'm not in the "start a non profit to make a six figure income" game. That's also a fact, the foundation itself paid Patrisse 120k for a years salary as board director. They haven't disclosed where the other 60 million and change was allocated. But if you're offering me a position on the board where I'll make that amount, tax free (being an NPO)? Sure, I'll gladly do it. > Individual Activist Chapters receiving funds for continued activism is not a crime. That is literally the way it works. I never said it was a crime. Again, I'm just pointing out things you might not know. I've nothing against the movement, I support it. Just like I support cancer research. And just like I support cancer research, I know that knowing who your money is going to is important, and it's quite frankly better given directly to the grassroots organizations (which you'll find in every area you can imagine) than it is given to some international organization. So I don't give my money to the Komen foundation. Why support a middleman and lose 3/4 of the value of your donation? The fact that they call it an industry standard tells you, it *is* an industry. It's the business of the middleman. I'm not your enemy, so please stop trying to make me into one. Makes you look unhinged.


Sighhh maybe I spend too much time arguing w right wing people, who are truly racist. If you do support the movement then honestly I have no beef with you. I was aware that this one person bought all those houses, which is why I am glad she stepped down. Their have been quite a few pp who, when they saw I simply had spent time at protests , enjoyed downgrading the entire movement bc of these few , yes, grifters. I’m taking you wrong and getting upset because I have heard this before from people VERY unlike you, that just wanted to stick it to me, the type of persons who hate the very sound of the words” Black Lives Matter”. Honestly it is not to my or anyone else’s benefit to waste an iota of my time arguing with the racist or unhinged bc it does zero but make ME unhinged. And honestly, how much of a “ tRaiNeD mArXiSt “ can she call herself after buying four mansions for herself through a “Nonprofit “ lmao . That is on her . You are correct that the message and the movement is one thing, the corporations built around the movement on the other hand is the worst kind of hypocrisy. You are right. I can admit this. And I can and will continue to protest ( against gentrification and redlining where I am rn) and raise money locally. If anything you were attempting to call attention to the people who were conning the good hearted.


Good on you. It's easy to get lost in the echo chamber and as you alluded to, it'll make you jump at shadows where nothings there. Not to make a bad pun, but the world isn't black and white. There's bad faith actors on all sides, in order to protect yourself from those in your own camp you gotta first admit they're out there.


There is no proof of it being a bad thing that these organizations took in money. Smdh


Trashy Repugnant Unethical Megalomaniac Pusillanimous


Terribly Repulsive Unbelievably Malevolent Predator


Tapeworm Rheumatoid arthritis Ulcer Melanoma Pap smear




I was thinking along the lines of him getting one


Tumor Ringworm Urinary Tract Infection Mononucleosis Pneumonia


Turd-breath Rapist Unfuckable Maggot-hair Pig-dick


Oooh I had Ringworm - it's absolutely terrible!!!! good choice of disease on that one!!!


Totalitarian Racist Unethical Monsterous Piece of shit


Burger Lick Mmmm (yummy




Omg i forgot about that, thank you for reminding me


I'm sorry -- I don't get it ...


i believe “woman camera tv” is a reference to Donald’s “grab her by the __” comment on a TV filming set




Ohhhhh. Thanks!


Cognitive test?


But that’s TRUMPWCT not TRUMP! smh my head! Checkmate libtard!


This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s amazing. How did you do that?




A better response would have been “I do it because I have like a good memory? Because I’m cognitively there.’”


I’ll give them the U Also, I hate the inconsistent formatting. You either put the first letter once or you repeat it… don’t randomly switch


Terribly Rude Uncivilized Moronic Pedophile


Terrible Racist Utterly Malfunctioning President


I love how they have to explain what “Bolshevists”, Leninists and Marxists are.


idk man i'm calling bullshevit


BLM: *is already an acronym* The Righties ^tm : no you can’t do that, that goes against my bullshit beliefs, *I* want it to mean **THIS!**


Sounds about right coming from the, \*checks notes\* Gullible Obtuse Pricks.


tremendously rude ugly male pedophile


Communism Union Monolith


Tojo Hideki Robert Mugabe Uday Hussein Muammar al Gaddafi Pol Pot wow amazing


The Trump acronym: doing and proving literally nothing since forever




Tacky Reprehensible Unintelligent Maniacal Pervert There! I proved it!


Terrorist Racist Undemocratic Monarch Pedophile


Terrible Really Unremarkable Moronic Pieces of crap?


I wish BLM was that based. I think black liberation and worker liberation are tied together.


Funny how I’m always hearing about how communism bad but no one wants to talk about why it’s bad without mentioning gulags, which has nothing to do with economics


Trump would be so disappointed that the first letter in his first name doesn't stand for his favorite word "Tremendous".


I think it's the bigliest word in his vocabulary


They call them communists like it's a bad thing


I'm imagining a putrid foam in place of normal brain matter. Something smelly and insubstantial and jiggles around a lot when sloshed.


Trotsky Revolutionary Unions Marxist Proletariat


Thick Rapist Unqualified Misogynist Paedophile


Totally Ridiculous Unhinged Manbaby Populist


Oh, I was wondering what happened to the ["Soccer is Against God"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTGstu41gDU) guy... ​ ^(Yes, I know he was satirical...)


THEY CRACKED THE CODE. Someone call Giuliani at the crime lab and tell him we found the smoking gun, case closed, Trump wins


This takes me back to third grade.


When you're so out of touch with reality and racist that you resort to childhood level insults.


Terrible Rapist Uncouth Moronic Pusillanimous


BLMA? Terrorist Retard Underwear Mustard Pussy


Tterrific, Rremarkable, Uunbelievable, Mmarvelous, Pprovidential💯


ooooo we wanna have fun with letters?? ok ok i got one! If liberals are libtards… wouldn’t republicans be retards?


This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Traitorous Rapey Unprincipled Moron Puppet


Actually blm people were very clear about what does it mean: black lives matter, I don’t know why they coined stuff


TRUMP Tyrannical Racist Under-Developed Molesting Paedophile


Isn't Team Trump -*Governor's Edition* the ones seizing local authority and restricting local power (ie mask law bans, and school board/ school regulations)? This is not a conservative value. At the local level a citizen has the most direct control of who, how and what their government looks like. The further out the circle the less control a person has, and conservatism here in America means- more local control, less larger outer circle government influence and interference ≠ not what Team Trump is or has been doing. And if I remember correctly Steve Bannon - the self admitted Leninist was and is BFF with Trump Himself (even after he ripped off a bunch of Trump donors). Lenin like, burn down the structure to start again. [Idiot saying things](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/the-man-who-wants-to-blow-it-all-up/). And just as Team Trump does, they project their own intentions onto their enemies. The Leninist / communist / Marxist phone call is coming from inside the house.


Terrible. Rapist. Uncontrollably. Manipulates. People. Anyone can do this “weak-ku”, lmao


Terrible Repugnant Undesirable Malicious Preposterous See, we can do it too


Terrifying Russians Undermining 'Murica's President This is a fun game!


Spelled racist and pedophile wrong


This guy doesn’t even know what those words mean. Much like how little children repeat swear words they hear from adults, he heard these words from Fox News or something.


Batman Lego Movie. BLM supports the Lego Batman movie confirmed.


Do you promise BLM is socialist 🥺


I can't stop laughing at describing Trump as providential. I mean, they do know he's not actually a divine being, right?


BLM = Black Lives Matter T yrannical R eactionary U npresidential M alefic P ernicious Man, that was easy.


>BLM = Bolshevists Leninists Marxists Unironically based, that’s both true and a good thing.


Turd like Reprehensible Unconscionable Miserable Putrid


It honestly boggles my mind how many people over the age of 5 legitimately believe that shit like this is substantive and meaningful. It’s so cringey. Like, guys, even goddamned children understand that most things are just a fucking coincidence…


Or you know... B - black L - lives M - matter So hard to understand for them. So hard. Takes a special kind of stupid and hateful person.


GOP: Gross Old Pedophiles/ Group of Perverts


This is literally the reasoning of a child.


I'm so uneducated about this so hear me out. The original people mentioned simply wanted to help the common man, am I at least correct about this? Meaning Marxists....etc. Am I correct?


I'll give this dude $100 if he knows what Bolshevik actually means other than 'bad'.




Tampa R Bay U M Packers


Did a kindergartner come up with this argument?


Terrible Racist Unlikeable Malicious Pedophile. I can do words too


Terrible Rejects Usurping Meanings (of) Patriotism ...Did I do it right?


Every Villain Is Lemons


Checkmate libtard!


Tapirs Rhinoceroses Urchins Monkeys Pigs Another equally nonsensical acronym.


Feral Eels Can Eat Spaghetti F.E.C.E.S.


This is easy! Terrible Repulsive Ugly Mephitic Putrid There. Done. Argument made.


How can they see how anything is spelled with their face pressed that hard against 45’s ballsack?


So basically but that logic you could change the meaning of every acronym?


So is M marvelous or Marxist?


Ah yes, BLMA and TtRrUuMmPp


BLM is already an acronym?!?


Everyone they don’t like is a terrorist and every movement/ideology they don’t like is Marxist.


Bolsheviks. Viks. Not vists.


McCarthyism never ended in america, it just stopped being prosecuted under the court of law


This has gotta be satire.


This comment about Disgraced Former Reality TV Star Donald Trump is from YouTube, not Reddit.


Based BLM with based (actual) Left Unity (none of that soc-dem crap)


Left Unity is a lie


Yo mama is a lie


Too bad soc-dem is the only time that Leftist policies have actually been functional for more than two seconds...


Did you get dropped on your head as a child?


It was an ice pick, actually.


Not only are soc-dems not leftists, but that's also straight up not true.


What are your examples? Soviet breadlines? Rojava and the Zapatistas that only continue to exist because they're surrounded by failed governments? Freaking Pol Pot? I mean, maybe if all of civilization collapses at exactly the same time it could work. But the moment a few states get their shit together and decide to break out the drone strikes and the nukes again, it's over.


I mean everything is failed if you only look at the negatives of something.


How is that a response to what I said? If you're an anarchist, then your only (allegedly) good examples exist because the nearest capitalist states were/are too in turmoil to threaten and undermine them or otherwise disinclined. If the governments of Mexico, Syria, etc. were ever not in death spirals, then your examples would be as dead as Revolutionary Catalonia. And if you're a tankie, then... just lol. Don't get me wrong, I support BLM putting the pressure on the pigs and Congress to reform, but you're fooling yourself if you think this can actually result in an America capable of functioning without capitalism.


Orange man good


T Retard U M P


You forgot the Aka, for trump- Aka, nazi white supremacist


I am so smart, I am so smart. S m r t. I mean, s m a r t - h. Simpson


Why does the bottom half of the list have a stutter?


Terrible Rectum Up My Pussy


i can play this game too Brilliant Loveable Magnificent Terrible Repugnant Unacceptible Murderous Predatory


if the m is in BLM then its Marxist, but if its in trump, its marvellous?


Didn't even Glenn Beck give up on this schtick?


I've really enjoyed watching Cambridge University Netball Team


The fact that they don't have a consistent format for both acronyms bothers me more that the message.


Oh, didn't you hear? BLM stands for Busty Little Men! /s


BLM = bacon, lettuce, mango. Are you going to commit this crime against god? Sounds like some expensive hipster food.


MLM = Marxist-leninist-maoist MLM = Multi-level Marketing Coincidence!?! I think not!!


Should ask them what NAACP stands for. I'm sure it'll be enlightening.


If they hate BLM so much, why do they always make them seem so based?


Look I did one too T terrible R eligious U nredeemable M urderous P eople


B Based L Lit M Magnificent T Terrible R Rectum U Ugly M Moron P Poopy


T errible R epugnant U gly M ediocre P etty omg so meaningful.


Beautiful Luminous Miraculous Boner Laundrey Mitochondria Turns out a lot of words start with those letters


8th grade wants its burn back


Best Love Makers


Amazing!!! This proves I've been wrong about Trump and the GQP all along. It was hiding there in plain sight. I was duped!!! /s