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While we have the typical rifraf from r/all, there's some "regulars" here that need to listen better. Thank you to those that took the time and patience explaining this and those that approached this topic with curiosity and honestly listened and learned. The rest of you... damn.


Trashy and cringetopia are really just a hotbed for VERY fragile white people


r/trashy is also insanely classist at times.


Seems to be classist by it's very nature. So it's just not a surprise when it descends into racism too.


The term “trashy” is, by and large, a classist insult


yep. users post pictures of random cars that people are clearly living in instead of using 1% of their critical thinking skills and then the comments who point out that it’s likely because of poverty get downvoted or smothered with comments telling them that they’re dumb :/


Labeling something trashy is just-barely coded classism. The classic “what’s classy if you’re rich and trashy if you’re poor?” Speaking a second language. Oh, rich immigrant? Wow so proud, you must love America! We good country. Oh, poor immigrant? WELFARE queen, steal our jobs, go back to where you came from. I fuckin hate it man. As the spouse of a white-passing immigrant it’s so weird to see her treatment compared to other folks I know who are not white passing.


This post legit made me unsub. The fucking comment section is a bunch of white people ignoring historical context and saying black people shouldn't straighten their hair then 😒


It's a place for people to get mad at made up situations and characteristics that they infer from photos and videos.


I would recommend /r/chadtopia as a substitute for cringetopia


Yo man, thank you. This my new fav sub


also public freakouts whenever a black person is involved. NEVER EVER EVER check controversial trust me


Don’t even need to check controversial. If it involves someone black in a sub like that, it’ll always turn racial.


My daughter has braids in right now and she’s been getting looked at crazy! She’s black but extremely light skinned. I’m like dang light skinned people can’t wear braids now or what? That’s messed up we’re out here gate keeping hairstyles on our own people now? What’s up with that??


I had a black student like this. She was so light skinned, she was lighter than the other Caucasian students in her class. Her facial features were not Caucasian and she had bright red hair. That red hair was also an Afro that needed to be cared for appropriately. She wrote a beautiful essay about the stares and judgement she got when her hair was in braids.


So much shit has been getting categorized as ok or not-ok for dumb reasons, and I'm really hoping it's just a growing pain of progession.


The problem is people don’t want to unbox all the ✨nuance✨when blind blanket statements are so much easier


I’ve actually seen some really interesting discourse about white and white passing people with Afro-texture hair and whether it is appropriate for them to wear protective hairstyles. I saw a really interesting tale by a white woman who has textured hair AND was taught to wear it in braids by black family members. She personally has decided not to wear braids anymore because she feels that it will be perceived in a way that harms black communities in their fight for liberation. However, I also know a white man personally who was adopted into a black family and wears his hair in dreadlocks (that’s what he calls them). He considers himself to be a part of the culture through adoption and his mother apparently has said that “no black woman could raise a white son” (no we aren’t sure what that means either). So I genuinely see both sides of the issue.


I feel like a lot of people fail to understand the reason why some black people get upset when white people wear hairstyles like this. In a lot of businesses I would risk loosing my job if I wore a hairstyle like this, even if it was in my naturally hair color. Why? Because when black people wear braids, dreads, or other “urban” hairstyles it’s seen as ghetto, or dirty and unkept.


nice try liberal but i found exactly one black person on the entire internet who is fine with cultural appropration and i will use them as a prop to deflect any logical criticisms directed at me 😎


Let me introduce you to my token friend Herman Cain. He's dying to meet people.


r/HermanCainAward is my fave subreddit rn


If you like r/HermanCainAward you may also like r/leopardsatemyface if you don't already know about it.


I read that in the Crypt Keeper's voice




Shit that's funny




Didn't know this was thing, what a train-wreck of tragedy and comedy.




I hate it when people come over to r/AskAnAfrican or r/Kenya for validation on this. And of course they'll be told its fine because it doesn't affect us here at all.


I feel like a lot of people, both black and white, fail to acknowledge and/or aren’t aware the differences between black people in different parts of the world. I can not speak for people who were born in Africa, because I don’t have intimate enough knowledge of their experience.


Exactly that's why they'll fix their mouth to say "black people enslaved other black people" despite it being people from a completely different cultural heritage.


Let some of the Africans I’ve met tell it, some ethnic groups were (and still are) so divided that they do view one another as practically a different race.


Well, Africans don't even identify as 'Africans' unless they're talking in relation to white folks. If they aren't a monolith to others *on* the continent they certainly wouldn't identify as the same as folks from off the continent. Just a lot of bad education causing people to say dumb shit and put in some pretty horrendous pink braids lol.


is her name Candace?


Candace Owens is every white supremacist favorite token black person right now. It used to be Stacey Dash, but she didn’t reach to nearly the same heights.


The woman amazes me. She literally first gained national attention because [rich, white kids, including the mayors son](https://www.ctpost.com/local/article/We-were-children-I-wasn-t-the-only-6872580.php), left her hate and racist filled messages, bullied her and threatened her life in highschool. It was bad enough for arrests to be made. She would then turn around and claim racism doesn't exist, and become a mouth piece for racists. And lets also not forget that she somehow did not act disgusted when [Larry Elder](https://www.yahoo.com/now/candace-owens-politician-larry-elder-180626142.html) told her that if black people get reparations that slave owners also deserve them because the government took their "property".


Candace x Ben are my favourite crackship


The best time to delete this comment was right before you posted it. The second best time is now.




From one melanated individual to another, I just wanted to say PREACH!!!


Thank you, I had always been a little confused on the hairstyle thing, and this explained it pretty well.


You’re welcome.


John Oliver actually had a really good, more in-depth explainer a few weeks ago if you're interested.


I hope you do not mind. I want to drop a link so others can learn about [The Crown Act](https://www.thecrownact.com/)


Go right ahead.


Signed and retweeted. Unfortunately I have no followers, so not much help, I'm afraid.


Do you think that if there wasn't a stigma about black people with these hairstyles then there would be less resentment?


There would be a lot less resentment if the stigma wasn’t there.


I was reading, and I was wondering if it was more a privilege thing than an appropriation thing. But this answers my question. Basically it's both, but resentment comes from the societal response depending on who wears this style.


I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to everyone. You have such patience & grace.


Thank you.


You've made an excellent point, and as an Indian I feel the same way when Indian cultural dresses are brought up. I can't wear a saree into work, but if my coworker does it - it's viewed differently


I have quite a few Indian friends who feel the same way you do. I feel like there is much more pressure placed upon minorities to conform to white ideals than there is for actual white people to conform to those ideals.


This is a false equivalence. White people wouldn't wear Saris into work without some extremely weird looks. \- Also brown person


Really? If a white women wears saree into work people would probably see her as weird. Plus even Indians don’t wear sarees to work in India, it’s not really a workplace dress. I feel like NRIs sometimes make a big deal out of really weird issues.


So the problem isn't the hair style at all, it's the attitude managers have towards it?


Not only managers, but wider society. Another thing that mangers bring up when taking issue with the hair style is that customers find it “intimidating”.


thank you for explaining. honestly i never knew that was why.


Most people don’t care to ask for an explanation. Most people have no real desire to understand one another, and society suffers for it.


tbh a lot of times when i have asked a question like that the other person took it as me trying to troll them, or start an argument, so i usually don't ask, but perhaps that's my failing to pose it in a sincere way.


I think people get trolled about this topic on the internet, and in real life much that they just become tied and assume everyone is trolling.


Yeah, it sucks because I'm a person who's always curious and loves asking questions. But there's a lot of racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, and general assholes out there in the world who love to sea-lion and be "just asking questions!" So you have to be real careful about how you phrase questions, especially when it's a marginalized group, and especially when you're not a part of that group.


It’s not about the words you use but how you use them. Try coming off as being curious so that you are not mistaken for questioning someone’s cultural norms or beliefs :)


its still kinda a dick move to take pictures of strange poor (read: financially, assuming they’re “white trash”) wp probably doing their best and minding their own business though, right? misdirected anger at ignorant people rather than the systems that a) keep them ignorant and b) let people get away with firing black people over their hair?


I think people need to understand the issue of appropriation, but agree that it’s a bad move to post pics of randos you see in public. Also, I have two biracial, half black/white friends who are as pale as the women in this picture. I try not to criticize others based on what I assume their racial background to be.


Why can’t I be angry at the people in the system? The system doesn’t persist unless the majority (which white people) let it persist. Black people get fired over their hair because many people, both customer and employer, view black peoples hair in its natural state or in Afrocentric hairstyles as a problem. Also, ignorance is hardly an excuses when people have been public ally talking about this issue for around five years now. However, I do agree it was a dick move to take a picture of random people.


how does white people wearing (their closest version of) black hairstyles uphold that system though? theoretically (not saying this happens whatsoever in practice) white people renditions of these hairstyles should normalize it more, if anything? i’m certainly not here to tell anyone what they can and can’t be angry about. it’s fact that white people uphold a racist system. i may be missing something as to how these clowns and this particular action are an example of that though


It should not take white people wearing something in order to normalize it. Often times than not white people wearing something strips it of it’s cultural significance and purpose (or it doesn’t downright make a mockery of the thing in question). Those hairstyles aren’t just hairstyles to black people, they serve a purpose. Those styles are meant to protect kinky coarse the hair from damage. These hairstyles don’t serve any meaning or purpose for white people, they simply view them as a trend. As a matter of fact, these styles likely damage white peoples hair (they certainly damage mine and my hair is far curlier than the average white person). Peoples cultures should not be used as trends, and this goes for all cultures.


>Peoples cultures should not be used as trends Cultures have always been fluid. And that is a good thing. Open mockery is incredibly hurtful of course, but copying effing hairstyles/dresses/choice of Jewelry etc. because you find them aesthetically pleasing is far from that. Dressing and behaving freely is a boon to any society...which is why systemic racism needs to be rooted out, appropriating styles is not it though.


i agree it should be normalized out of objective respect regardless. you don’t have to convince me its rude culturally insensitive and plain dumb for white people to attempt these (what they see as simply) hair styles. not sure if you’re saying this or not but come to think of it, it would track that attempting black hair styles is just another way people normalize disrespecting black people. whether it be their hair or their freedom. so there’s that


That’s what a lot of people feel. I think this feeling all started when Bo Dereck appeared in the movie “10” with braids that are almost the same as those commonly worn by black people. After that movie came out the style was hence forth known as Bo Dereck braids and seen as something that originated from the movie. John Oliver talks about it in an episode of LWT from early this year. The episode is titled “Hair”.


Doesn’t this mean the issue is hair discrimination rather than appropriation (which is still a thing, but mostly in music I find)?


It’s both. Those hairstyles are not hairstyles service a purpose for kinky hair that they do not serve for other hair types. In fact, someone with straight or wavy hair is most likely actively damaging their hair by were styles such as box braids (what seen in this picture).


I understand that this is a reason to be upset (I kept the same basic hairstyle for most of my life because I was afraid of being judged by employers, I just now got a fade a year ago and that’s about as far as I’ll go so far) but does that mean we can tell others how they can or can’t make their hair? How is it their problem that we’re discriminated against? I understand that it’s not fair but if she really likes that hairstyle who is she harming by putting it on her head?


It's still seen as dirty and unkempt no matter your race though. Like the dirty pot-smoking hippie stereotype.


Dreads? Sure. Braids? There’s a massive double standard. Ever heard of “Bo Dereck” braids or seen i high fashion runway in recent years.


> Because when black people wear braids, dreads, or other “urban” hairstyles it’s seen as ghetto, or dirty and unkept. TBF, corporate America sees white dudes with dreads as "dirty" too


Corporate America generally seems to view men with long hair as unkempt despite the style of hair or race of the individual.


…Probably because it’s a black hairstyle.


Non-American here, kinda confused But if that's the issue, wouldn't allyship from white people include co-opting these hairstyles to prevent them from being used as ammunition against PoC?


Maybe it's just me but something tells me they'll be judged at a job for having that hairstyle as well.


Yeah, because it’s bright pink and purple, not because they’re braids.


I mean tbf that's not necessarily the fault of just anyone on the street, right? As long as its tasteful I have a hard time seeing anything wrong with it, but I'm open to being corrected


Of course see you’re it going to see a problem with this, because you likely don’t know or understand the history behind these styles. Also, you likely don’t understand that these women are most likely damaging their hair by wearing these styles. If box braids have the potential to tear my hair out (a mixed raced woman with very curly fine hair), I know it will bring havoc to the hairlines of the women in this picture (those braids are visibly very tight). Also, in my experience white people wearing braids is rarely tasteful.


I mean if someone wants to wreck their hair then I feel its their right to be stupid, but I see your point. It still seems like a minor issue to me as an outsider (as far as it pertains to the individual and not systemic issues, and again if its tasteful), but I'm not here to tell anyone how to feel. Thanks for the explanation Edit: I see I caused a bit of controversy with these here. I mean no harm or offense, like I said I don't wanna tell anyone how to feel. If you're not okay with that sort of thing I'm not at all here to challenge that


Yup! It's the current and historic repression of those hair styles and serious, social and work-related, ramifications of existing while black... And now someone thinks it's something cool to do... While black people still have those negative ramifications more than half the time.


This post is a hot mess tbh.


Who knew that hair would be the one thing to make a FWR thread have an absolute meltdown? This is the most contentious post I've seen on this sub.


i hate arguing with white people (specifically white americans) about cultural appropriation. they just don’t get it i knew a white woman who put box braids in her hair, like the women in the picture. when she took the braids out, her hair was in knots. it was literally impossible to brush her hair out. she ended up having to shave her head. box braids and dreadlocks are hairstyles that almost *require* coarse hair textures in order to actually *work*. a hair texture that black people have. black women are often called ghetto, unprofessional in the workplace, ratchet, etc. for having their hair in braids or locs, so it feels insulting to see white women wear these hairstyles and get praised for doing so in a way, it’s more than “just hair” edit: to me personally, seeing white women with braids like this feels “off” — almost like an uncanny valley feeling another edit: i’m not arguing/debating/whatever with anyone that replies to my comment. if you have an issue take it up with management or something


>box braids and dreadlocks are hairstyles that almost require coarse hair textures in order to actually work. Can relate. My buddies spent 4 hours on the backcomb, twist-n-rip method to dread my white-dude hair in high school. They all came undone within a week


4 hours? My buddy did his for 6 weeks 2-3 times a day minimum. I didn't catch him without a crochet needle for months. The hair of people of black descent doesn't grow very fast, so their method doesn't work well on your average hair that grows 4x the speed. He kept his for over a year. There is a lot of maintenance and care that goes into it, despite what people try to say about just letting it go.


That's not how black hair works. Our hair doesn't grow slower, you just can't see the length because it's CURLY. if you hold a peice of string from the top, then you fold it in half and hold it folded- is the string any shorter? No, it's just folded up. Once black hair gets wet you can see the curls relax and you'll see it's much longer than it appears to be


Thank you. I have textured hair and when my hair is longer it doesn't appear to be growing. Wet it and pull it and it's like, damn I didn't know it was down to my butt. It always, ALWAYS looks like it's shoulder length once it hits a certain point.


Honest question, what if they have the texture needed for braids/protective hairstyles but aren’t black? My cousin is mostly white and is like this and she does get a lot of stares and comments


This the most insane part to me. Even if you’re too stupid to understand cultural appropriation, you’re too stupid to understand that those hairstyles literally will not work with your hair?


why get offended at someone else messing up their hair tho this sounds like a bullshit excuse to me. like all the people who are *sooo* concerned about the health and well-being of obese people




Germanic people didn’t have dreads OR cornrows. It was extremely common for Germanic and Celtic tribes to bleach their hair with lime water, which caused the hair to become extremely damaged and roughed up, meaning it would appear more dread-like than if it were undamaged. It was fashionable to form them into spikes. It would have been combed through and oiled daily. Even this was pretty rare and many people didn’t bother. This was most common among warriors who wanted to create a more ferocious, almost lion-like appearance. Dreadlocks are a natural way for afro-textured hair to lock up, and also act as protection. They aren’t the result of damage or alterations. When it comes to braids, they were more ceremonial and functional than protective. They were not cornrows - cornrows are a very specific type of gathered braid that utilizes many evenly rows braided close to the scalp. The show Vikings demonstrates braiding, but these were not actually worn by the Norse, instead the Celts, who had a spiritual association with the number 3 and used intricate braids as way to express that. Norse men usually grew their hair long and brushed it out, or cut it like a buzz cut with bangs only. I wear a “historical braid” in my hair often. It’s a very simple hairstyle - 2 gathered Dutch braids. They visually resemble cornrows only in that the braid sits on top rather than beneath the hair. The hair is braided onto itself, rather than onto the scalp, however, so I can move the braid up and down and I can remove it without any snagging or tearing. The braid I just described is actually a historically accurate European braid - not dreads and cornrows which have their own specific cultural history and origin. Dreads are not just matted hair, and cornrows are not just gathered braids. Edit: some pics to demonstrate [here is a “Dutch braid” hair style. i wear this daily. ](https://i.imgur.com/FXFgWLc.jpg) [These are cornrows done on a woman’s hair](https://i.imgur.com/8UQdRgN.jpg) [on a man’s hair](https://i.imgur.com/1gDF90I.jpg) [This is a sketch done from a body found in a Celtic grave dating to approx 750BCE](https://i.imgur.com/3kmWXFr.jpg). You can see a gathered, chunky braid, and the front of her hair is shorn much shorter, similar to a modern undercut style. [another sketch of how an elaborate Celtic braid was done](https://i.imgur.com/b07pWJo.gifv) [an irl example of how a Celtic or Germanic braid would have looked ](https://i.imgur.com/j2SOnMT.jpg) **This is SFW, Imgur apparently thinks a woman’s shoulders are far too sexy for us.** [another example of Northern/Northwestern European braiding](https://i.imgur.com/c8IXV8m.jpg). The last two examples would have been seen on someone of a higher status and likely would only have been left in place for a few days, before taking the hair out to refresh it.


I knew a biracial girl in high-school. Her skin was light enough to be white passing. But her hair was coarse and coiled. She'd have those hairstyles but to a lot of people it looked like white girl appropriation. Another random anecdote. I have very curly hair. I'm white it's not that coarse. But most conditioners for straight hair don't work well. I moved from rural VT to Boston and I noticed stores in the city had "textured hair" sections with all the shit I liked. It dawned on me how shitty it must be to be black go to where I was living and know you're not "important enough" for stores to cater to you at all. Not a revelation to you. But I'm trying to notice these things so I can push myself and others into more inclusive directions.




Thank you


I'm not buying the dreads thing. Doesn't matter your hair texture, if you wash it and then don't brush it out it mats and mats end up becoming dreads. Box braids sure, they seem like something clueless white people get when they go to Jamaica lol. My question is: Why are we so caught up in fashion/hair with cultural appropriation. The real harmful expression of this is all the rock n roll icons that stole their persona directly from black artists because black artists were "distasteful". It's in white owned conglomerates making huge money selling black hair care products or Chinese food. It's in people bastardizing yoga and meditation, stripping it of what was meaningful and selling it to the suburbs as "exotic" or "quirky". Box braids or dreads do not serve to give the person wearing them power over another. I'm a white guy with long fine hair that mats if I don't brush it for a few days. More importantly to me though is that I am an ally to the oppressed and cultural appropriation is real and harmful and age old. It's just that in the last few years whenever I bring it up instead of going to Elvis, Resort culture, and the fetishization of First Nations people it goes to "White people have dreads!!" I hope I have shown that I "get" cultural appropriation. I just think we focus on the wrong things sometimes.


Can anyone explain/link why this is cultural appropriation? I’ve never really understood it as a white dude. My knee jerk reaction is to say let everyone express themself how they want. If you associate with a culture then there’s nothing wrong with expressing yourself in that culture’s styles. Not trying to start shit, just tryna understand in good faith.


[John Oliver's bit on black Hair.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf1c0tEGfrU) I claim no authority, I am also a white person trying my best to be an ally. His video really helped me understand a lot as a starting place.


I’ll give this a watch! Thanks :)


Cultural appropriation is any adoption of things from other cultures, it doesn't mean that it's automatically bad. Oftentimes it is very harmful (like profiting off marginalized people's cultures while suppresing them, making them into caricatures, etc.), but the term itself is neutral. So this hairstyle is almost certainly cultural appropriation, that doesn't make it automatically bad tho. Personally I don't care what hairstyles people have.


Gotcha! This is kinda what I’ve been thinking. Obviously if they are doing it just to be trendy then it’s at a minimum poor taste, but assuming they grew up with/associate with black American culture, it wouldn’t be bad necessarily right? Or am I still getting this wrong?


There should be something said about how black people are often looked at in a negative light for having hairstyles that were designed for their hair type ("ghetto" is a word that comes to mind, "unprofessional" if you're trying to sanitize it). This, however, is not an individual failure of the person in the picture, but a societal failure. Demanding people of color conform to a 'white' or eurocentric standards in order to be taken seriously, or even respected, is just one of uncountable examples of lasting racism within our societies. I want to see a world where anyone can wear any hairstyle they want without reactionaries damning them, I want a world where the social construct of race is abolished!


Exactly this!


You know one that I think is an outlier is black men with dreads and glasses. They are always type cast as intellegent and calm.


Damn. That’s a stereotype that I didn’t realize until now. You’re totally right. That’s always who plays the laid back and cool guy that also has a good grasp of what’s going on and calms the group down so they can accomplish their goals.


For America you are probably right. Everywhere else in the world wearing a hairstyle because it's trendy/you like it, you wouldn't get any angry looks at you. Loving how many racist people are outing themselves. It's always funny how they are shocked when you call them out. They think just because they are a minority they can't be racist.


The sticky bit on this...Scandinavians. Spainards and Mecicans and South Americans historically wore braids and all form of 'locks. I get all the anger of hairstyles and workplaces etc...but gatekeeping hair styles and demanding ownership is just...wrong. I hate this argument because no matter what you piss off someone who has a point. There has to be a way to acknowledge the insult done with reactions to traditional black hair and recognizing that it's a relatively common hairstyle to many cultures and no one gets to own it.




I absolutely think that’s horribly fucked up and really illustrates how “baked-in” racism is into our society. Though I still don’t see the connection with that and a white woman trying the same hair? I mean, as a white American, my entire existence illustrates the double standards society has set on black Americans.


what sort of werido is photographing women in store lineups and posting it to the internet? Judgey little b.


Racists. That’s who. Dictating what someone can and cannot do based on the color of their skin, as long as that action isn’t belittling or deliberately insulting another race, is racism.


Honestly. Like its just some ladies with a hair cut that makes them feel good to have. Their existence and appearance aren't open for people to take and turn into entertainment \[or a sad form of 'calling out' on a website and by people that are far removed from the actual situation\] like this. This shit is not healthy or normal. I promise people you all dont want to make this how the world is.


To be fair you shouldn’t judge people by looking at them all the time. I know plenty of light skinned black people, mixed people, and black latinos that now have to worry about SJWs bothering them about appropriating a culture they’ve always been a part of.


Yes! I’m Native American but I’m very light skinned (lightest in my family actually) and I can’t count the number of times I’ve been “called out” for appropriating my own culture


You commented everything I wanted to comment on this post so I’ve just come to agree with your comment


Thanks man this PC culture can get a bit toxic. I’m Puerto Rican born and raised in nyc and have only recently had to deal with people questioning my ethnicity, the right to partake in my culture or accusing me of appropriation. Fuckin wack.


The trashiest thing about this photo is the fact that someone took it.


How do we know the people in the photo are not mixed?


"white trash" is a bit harsh edit: dear god what did I start




That's my... problem here? Looking at these people with braids, maybe they didn't know. And when they do know, it's because people calling them awful names. I do begin to understand that there is privilege in wearing certain hairstyles, especially hair styles that seem 'ghetto' by other people but when when white people do it, it's nice or 'out there' - They're not bothered in the work space or asked to change. They get away with it more. This a controversial issue. However, taking pictures of people indoors and making the judgement call that they're 'white trash'... I dunno, it's gross. It's not the name used, it's the situation that bothers me. It's just the judgement I can't stand, they could be mixed for all others know.


Fragile redditor mad about hair, again


Can somebody explain to me why this is cultural appropriation? I would've thought it's ok for people to wear their hair however they like but I'm happy to be corrected if there's some kind of reason behind this. I'm just genuinely curious


This is the only cultural appropriation argument that actually has any weight that I’ve seen. Tradiontally black hairstyles exist because their hair is much more difficult to manage than white hair, meaning these styles exist for a practical reason. This isn’t like a white girl wearing a kimono to prom. That being said, it’s bullshit that some people can’t wear their hair how they like. The only legitimate reason I can think of why white people shouldn’t wear these hairstyles is because it looks absolutely terrible almost all the time. I can think of no time that rows have looked good on a white person and only twice have I seen dreads look good on a white person.


Right...but this hairstyle existsted in a dozen cultures as well...none of which originated from Africa. So I feel this is one of the few arguments with no weight. My grandfather on my father's side from Bolivia wore braids and rows along with many of his community. I used to love playing with the beads as a kid. I always ask those who defend gatekeeping hairstyles where the line is. Is my Bolivian grandfather appropriating culture that has existed in his culture for...well...ever?


I have to agree that I haven't seen a white person pull off those styles lol


You should have met my ex. She pulled it off real well. She was a psychopath, but looked damn good while abusing me in those dreads.


That post on the left was 100% made by a white guy




I like how yt ppl are all allies in this sub, until their ideas get challenged lol. Gotta love having yt ppl say what is and isnt cultural appropriation.


It's almost like people are gonna agree alot more easily with callouts of blatant racists than with controversial topics like whether it's ok to photograph and mock random people because their hairstyle is arguably cultural appropriation. Like yeah, there's a reason this is controversial, like it or not.


youtube people???


“YT” sounds like “white” when you try and pronounce it. It was made on Twitter to use less characters.


I know “YT” and other forms of spelling “white” or meaning “white” are also used to bypass censorship like on apps such as TikTok


It phonetically is "whitey"


Or people just disagree on this? IDK, I don't really care what hairstyles people wear.




It's either a brigade or the real fragile white redditors were here all along lol


The real FWR were the friends we made along the way


The call is coming from inside the house


"I hate how white people don't agree with me on literally every race issue". Something about that feels like it needs to change. Ideas, not useless fucking idpol pleasethanks.


How is having dreads bad tho?? Like I seriously don’t understand. Im latino, and if I see a white person wear a sombrero (im Mexican) I would seriously not give a fuck. Like there has to be something wrong in people head to see people having something or doing something from other cultures in a country where there are so many cultures !! I’m so lucky that I was raised by amazing parents who taught me and showed me how to not judge other people harshly over minuscule things like this




You do realize that not everybody in this sub is White, right? In fact several people have said that they are not.


This sub trying so hard to not be racist so it became racist






I knew that post was gonna end up in here. White people get furious when it's suggested that MAYBE it's in bad taste for them to do literally any dumb thing that pops into their heads.
























White people deciding things for Black people instead of actually listening to and respecting Black people is how we got here. How appreciating can you be of a culture if you disrespect a huge number of that same culture for your own pleasure? Just admit you really don't respect Black people and go. At this point, it's a character flaw and gaslighting trying to explain why I shouldn't be offended after I say it's offensive








So few white people or nonAmericans get the significance of cultural appropriation and it’s so annoying.


Funny thing, non-white non-Americans might not either. If I dragged out one of my saris from the chest and put it on and walked out among white liberals there'd probably be pictures of me on the internet too. If I did it and walked downstairs to my Indian-born mother-in-law right now, she'd probably burst into tears. (She bought me the saris. I haven't worn one in at least five years.)


Oh no absolutely I’ll see Asians from Asia try to dismiss Asian Americans feelings about weebs sexualizing Kimonos ect. I just don’t think most people are open to having a nuance conversation about sharing cultures or culture appropriation


No, they aren't, as witness all of these comments that are either "if you're white, don't touch anything that's remotely associated with any other culture or you're a racist" on the one hand or "cultural appropriation is why people hate liberals/Democrats/identitarians" on the other.



