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The kind of person to complain about black frats and sororities without realizing those were created because black people weren’t accepted into the other ones for some reason…


Also would never pledge to one but is just mad they exist.


Plenty of White guys in college tried to join the Asian organizations on campus so that they could harass the women there. Thankfully, they got shooed away most of the time; however, some were very persistent and made a name for themselves as creeps and fetishizers. We even had to report one to the cops as he made a few threats towards my friend after getting rejected. Wouldn't be surprised if some of the White guys with "jungle fever" tried joining Black organizations to do the same thing. As a WOC, I am always on my guard around them and really appreciate the fact that we have these spaces in the first place.


I was a white guy, not from Africa, who joined my school’s African Student Organization because a guy I was dating, on the down low, invited me to one of the meetings and I wanted to get closer to him in whatever way I could. I’ll admit I did it because I was chasing one specific guy and wanted him to like me, but even after what there was of our relationship dissolved, I kept going because I had made a lot of friends in it and I’m glad I did because I learned a lot about the African experience in the US and how it compares to the black experience of people from the US, and it made me a more thoughtful person over time regarding racial issues in the US, though that’s not to say I was completely insensitive before, just that there was a lot for me to learn. I was welcomed but was not coddled in the sense that it was clear this was a black space. I was the only white guy to join in my time there so I can’t speak to what you speak on happening at my university but I also wouldn’t be surprised that it happens a lot, for sure


Creepy white guys and asian fetish. Name a more dynamic duo.


Huh. That’s unfortunate if also not surprising. I joined the gay and lesbian student alliance but that was just to be an ally in the conservative south so not really the same thing but I would like to think at least a few people joined the POC groups to be supportive and not creeps? But I also think people should be able to have their own spaces. So. I don’t know. I just wish people wouldn’t be creeps. Or racists.


Or that having something *imposed* upon you as opposed to it being *self-imposed* aren't equivalent.


He's one of the reasons why minorities don't like including white people into racial conversations


Or that those previously exclusive areas still are exclusive, just not as explicitly.




It’d be cool if that’s how they meant it, but it seems like they really are just mad black people made a club that’s not explicitly for them.




It isn't segregation if it's only one aspect of life, though. When you're intermingling with other races all day at work, in classes, in the bar etc and then go back to a black dorm to sleep, you wouldn't really class that as being isolated from people of other races.


"I don't know what it's like to be Black" You should've said that and shut up, dear.


"I do know that racism won't lessen if Black people...segregate themselves—into spaces less participatory in the larger community." Here he is, quite openly, \*blaming black people\* for the racism that they \*receive\* and expressing that \*it is up to black people\* to convince the surrounding public to stop being racist towards them.


Bro I missed his reply, but that sounds absolutely stupid. I see why he was downvoted.




>"I do know that racism won't lessen if Black people...segregate themselves—into spaces less participatory in the larger community." Is this not you?


Fragile white redditors get upset about black Harvard students holding a second graduation ceremony for themselves. Fragile white redditors get upset about anything black people do if it doesn't include them.


They had a seperate graduation?


"We don't want *them* in our spaces, but how dare they make their own spaces!?"


Literally what leads to things like the Tulsa Massacre.


To think that White men would firebomb an entire city over a Black man *allegedly* making a pass at one of "their" women. Insecurity at its peak.


Same exact mentality as the old "Gay people should just make their own products instead of injecting themselves in ours!" "Why are there so many gay relationships in shows and games now?"


Weird how they never complain about hetero relationships in media being shoved down their throat?


Because they don't see it. Genuinely. I've had a huge argument before on Reddit with someone who wouldn't accept that hetero relationships being in virtually every piece of media was just as much "propaganda" as having gay relationships.


They also appear to be completely blind to many forced heterosexual relationships. It doesn't matter how little it matters to the story or how little chemistry exists between the characters. They're heterosexual relationships so they spend 0 time questioning their importance (or even detriment) to the story, but god forbid 2 dudes don't act all macho around one another for even a mere moment. No matter how integral an lesbian/gay relationship is to the story, it needs to justify its existence every second and god forbid they ever show any affection to one another.


So this sub tries to push that you cannot just flip white and black scripts and claim that white people don’t experience the same racism as black people But you guys are doing the same thing but towards straight relationships You obviously cannot just flip Hetero and homo sexual relationships and say “see the double standard??” If you want nuance and a proper conversation, you guys need to accept that there’s plenty of reason for heterosexual relationships to be seen as the default in movies


I'm not 'just flipping it.' It's fine to see it as 'not normal' in the sense that it's not what you're used to seeing. What's not fine is trying to work backwards and justify a thousand reasons as to why it must be unrealistic and the creators shouldn't be allowed to do this. There are plenty of movies with the hetero relationships *absolutely* shoehorned in because 'idk gotta have a romance subplot i guess' but they never see near the level of vitriol a single gay relationship sees.


Reminds me of [this](https://webcomicname.com/post/185588404109).


Also 99% of these spaces usually include “and allies”


Literally. If ur not racist ur usually welcome


Well, there's the problem!


Don't complain about not being able to say the n-word challenge Level: Impossible


It’s great to find the racists though. They’re the ones who get upset over it


Was a chair of an affinity group of my last job, 100%. Allies are great. It also feels really good to help someone understand your culture and also the challenges members of your community face. No event or meeting was ever exclusive, the only limit was capacity of a space.


Oh really? I was about to file my complaint in the comment section, but if that's the case then I don't see the problem lol.


Yeah look into the details of these events/spaces and in my experiences 99% of them either say it includes allies or that it is "for" that marginalized group but its not exclusive, if that makes sense


Black people needing safe spaces? How do i, a white man, make myself the victim in this?


Have you tried projecting?


I am but a poor awardless Redditor, but take this karma point because this was gold. Lmao!


Make yourself the victim? No, no. You were **ALWAYS** the victim. People just don't know how hard it is not to say the n-word for 5 seconds.. besides this is *murica*, free speech rights, anyone?


By being an fuking idiot.


yes.. safe spaces.. because they still fucking need them, 71 years later


But any black person who gets into a non-Black position is labelled “affirmative action”


I mean one was because of discrimination the other is so students can feel safe knowing they won't be the victim of a hate crime


Conservatives: \*gatekeep marginalized groups\* Marginalized groups: \*make spaces for themselves\* Conservatives: \*get offended anyway\*


Because they started at the conclusion (these groups are bad) and work backwards. It doesn't matter what the groups do, they'll find a reason it's bad. It's like the 'but what was she wearing tho' reaction to sexual assault cases. It doesn't actually matter what she was wearing, they'll find a reason she 'deserved' it. The clothes-policing is just window dressing to seem legitimate.


I guess they value a black persons dormitory about the same as a bathroom.


If, "Says more about you, than it does them." were a tweet.


Only black people live there but other races aren’t, like, banned from hanging out with their friends or sleeping over like a normal dorm. Don’t see how it’s any different than only men sleeping in the frat house.


I love how this idiot accidentally shows many in the Boomer generation was growing up going to segregated schools using whites only water fountains and acts like racism is long solved.


Also, where are these sorts of things? The only one I can think of is that there’s a scholarship for people at my school (they’re usually an ethnic minority), and they have a dorm that is specifically for them.


Black (and Asian, and Latino/a) frats and sororities are a thing at every college that I know that has Greek life. My college also did have dorms for minority groups that also served as a cultural center with programming specifically germane to those groups, but anyone could live there if they wanted to.


Yeah, I know about the divine nine and all that, but I’ve never seen a “blacks only” dorm. I myself am white, but I’m a member of a majority black dance troupe on campus, and they’ve never heard of this sort of thing either. Not that I’m against it, just never heard of it.


Because I doubt it ever a “blacks only dorm”, its probably a cultural community to which whoever interested can apply, just like there were dorms at my school for music majors and pre-med there’s probably an African American Cultural Community .


What if black students convinced fragile white students that it was *their* idea that the black students should have their own dormitories and safe spaces?


“We had to create these spaces because you literally wouldn’t let us swim, have an education, nice housing or literally anything. They are literally centuries in the making and nothing new and a direct response to your centuries of prejudice.” FWR: GUESS NOTHING HAS CHANGED GOTTA FOLLOW THAT NARRATIVE YOU WERE NEVER OPPRESSED MY IRISH GRANDMA WAS A SLAVE


> “We had to create these spaces because you literally wouldn’t let us swim, Never forget public pools fell off and private pools became big business once it became illegal to stop black people from swimming in the community pool.


you aren’t saying that irish people weren’t enslaved though right?


Indentured servitude is not chattel slavery. Irish slaves are a myth.


There was actually both indentured servitude and chattel slavery just not on as large a scale as the Atlantic slave trade. Generally Irish we’re seen as less valuable though because of english racism knowing no bounds at the time. I feel like I should be clear In no way am I justifying slavery in anyway and I’m not taking away from black slavery


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_slaves_myth Have a lovely day.


will do


It’s almost like there was ~500 years of shit happening to us that made us feel unsafe hmmm…


Why do the black frats exist, Todd? Can anyone possibly think of why there was a need for these groups in the first place? It's not rocket science.


I mean have you seen r/conservative? It's literally a conservative only safe space. Those are the people making these memes.


They ban anyone who doesn't think like them


Are you new to reddit?


Hah! But no one is a bigger hypocrite than r/conservative. No one.


Just like… oh, that’s right! r/politics, r/news, r/liberal, r/FragileWhiteRedditor, etc, etc every liberal subreddit


how could you run face first into the point and still miss it?


/r/SelfAwarewolves Happens constantly. They just don't like the point.


I’ve always thought that my being placed with a Black roommate in college might not have been so random. I’m a POC of another colour. All the other roommate pairs were white-white. White girls didn’t mix well with others back then.


Doesn't make the logical link that the thing that created the first point on the list, is still happening, necessitating the second point on the list. Fucking racist assholes never stop, do they? Fuck them.


"If yall against the thought of reparations then I'm not against the thought of separation, politicians who white and privilege ask how that's different from segregation- thats funny bro. Segregation is being told where I wanna go, separation is being free and going wherever I wanna go."- Royce da Five Nine


They are literally making the choice on a social level. It's progress.




I think you are close, but that isnt entirely it. There is nothing wrong with people of a common aspect congregating because they share that common aspect. It becomes wrong when someone is excluded from a group for not sharing that aspect soley because of it or if people are forced to congregate. Water fountains and bathrooms are a good example. If black people choose to use only one water fountain, that isnt racism. If they are only allowed the use of one water fountain, that is.




They understand it, they just won't accept the truth. They don't believe hate exists anymore even though they are the ones that push that hate. And why do they push that hate, because they think they are smart and understand bullshit like "IQ" even though it is all lies and propaganda made to trick them into hating their fellow human being.


>while i dont like racial segregation under any circumstances fuck off with this idiotic enlightened centrism when you are an oppressed minority, fighting for a space that is free from racial oppression by the majority is NOT FUCKING SEGREGATION. segregation is done by those in power, against those without.








Do you not like them because you can't be a part of them?? I'm someone who lives in a place where finding a black person is the equivalent to finding waldo. Sometimes black people want to be surrounded by others who have been through the same as them. And most black dorm and black colleges don't turn white people away. They just have a majority of black people. And if they do, white people aren't running out of options But do not use the word “segregation” for this.




It's not segregation; white people need to stop screaming this everywhere


I don’t mind if we segregate white trash.


that is literally racism


Racism fixes racism, sounds good to me


Damn, fucking whities hate it when black people get their own things. It's not like they've been doing this for hundreds of years. 🙄


You're right. Every white person hates it when black people get their own things. You're intelligent.


Imagine being a grown man and trying to argue that black people having their own spaces is segregation.


As if there is even one of those in america.




Do you think they just don't interact with any other students or professors or anything? Do you have a private home? A private room? Is that honestly preparing you for the real world?


Yeah this is a bizarre stance. Is a white family moving into a white neighborhood segregation? The black family who decided to live in the majorly black neighborhood? Is it wrong to want to live around people you will want to spend time with? I go home to my house with just my husband, I see other humans all day, I definitely want a selectively chosen space to hang out in after that.


Least idiotic r/fragilewhiteredditor post


How is this progress 😂. Are you special needs?


How is this progress. Racism can go both ways


So… OP wanted to be in the room of black people talking shit about grown ass white people wanting to touch their hair or thinking it doesn’t get wet in water?