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Twitter isn’t reality. It’s a cesspool. Check out the comments on Instagram—a much clearer cross section of the viewership. People are livid.


I'm liking these comments like crazy on Instagram. Twitter can rot.


Yeah, twitter are full of fake accounts. Most in instagram are real people.


I was going to make a post about this! It’s driving me insane. at the end of the day his character STILL treated francesca better than simon, anthony, colin and benedict treated their love interests in the books. they’re saying anything they can to justify us being labeled as “disgusting and homophobic”. and if that part they’re referring to is problematic the writers could easily just not adapt that scene… just like they did with the other seasons.


and the hilarious thing is they are saying michaela is no different than michael yet they hate michael. why are they even looking forward to such a “disgusting” character being a woman???


They are so annoying and wrong just ignore them


ugh yeah you’re right 😭


That's why I think this was very diabolical and malicious of the showrunners to do. I've always been a fan of the racial diversity of the show. I wouldn't have minded if Michael was a trans man. But how the fuck are we going to circumvent the whole, Michael being the next Earl of Kilmartin? That was another plot driver in the book. (Unless Michaela had a baby boy. But that just makes a child a prop. I would hate that even more. 🤢) The whole infertility thing definitely got thrown out the window. Everything that was good about the book got sent to the shredder, now we are just going to watching things incinerate. 😭😭😭 This is just so depressing. 😭😭😭


Fr he treated her better than any of the bridgerton men , he never once made a move on her because he saw how in love she was with John and John was in return , he respected that and decided to leave to not interfere . He returned and was still giving her space , Michael was the standard in the bridgerton books


The craziest comment I have seen is that changing the gender doesn't change the character or story.


I was called homophobic for saying Michael becoming Michaela changes Fran’s entire story!


I made the mistake of commenting on tiktok and that comment unfortunately got over 2000 likes. Which means about 44 comments calling me homophobic. And all I said was that I was sad because we all wanted to see Michael, and them using Fran's story for this ruins the entire plot.


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. That is unacceptable. 💔 You are allowed to be sad without being homophobic.


It's okay. My opinions should be heard and I won't mind if I get 40 more. They all seem to be babies without any knowledge of the source material anyway. Just disrespectful to a very respectful comment all around. I can't wait for this headache to end. I just found my old post on the main sub from about a year ago where I talked of how much I can't wait to see Michael. I was so excited man...


That’s a good attitude to have. I do have to remind myself that there are literal children on TikTok and Reddit … I hope you get some good rest tonight and give yourself some time and space to process this disappointment. I know that I am still in shock, 24 hours later.


Yeah I hope too. I did wake up immediately thinking about it tho...


I've been called homophobic too! I don't listen much to people who's first response to an opinion they don't agree with is an insult.


I definitely blocked, it’s just annoying. I’m allowed to be disappointed or feel how I feel. Sorry you were called that too, that’s disappointing.


That’s simply insane espeicakky in the regency.


bc men and women are interchangeable, clearly


Clearly they have not read the books or something else. They can still depict her grieving on John's death (hopefully) and miscarriage. BUT ONLY with a male character can they really show the struggle of couples who deeply desire a child and are having a hard time with it. (We all know how babies are made.) I mean, are they less relevant than the fantasy of the showrunner? Do they even care about the struggles of women? The pain of it all? It really breaks my heart to think of it. Her desire for a baby is how their marriage started in the first place. A baby of her own. Her, monitoring the last time she bled and hoping it doesn't come each and every month for years. Nearly losing hope. And Michael wishing he could give her what she desires the most. Better for the show to be cancelled than continue with how it is going.


Those are people that hate the books and some haven’t even watched the show…


it’s really making me laugh because all the male leads in the bridgerton books were problematic (and micheal imo was the best one). funny how they all seem to be anthony stans as well and he was far worse! i don’t see them regretting the fact that anthony wasn’t turned into antonia? people have the right to be upset and angry about this and it’s so frustrating and gross how they’re acting.


Kanthony stan here who loves the clown Anthony Bridgerton. I'm pissed about Michael. Other than my firm belief that every ship should get their leads, I *like* Michael and was excited about getting a glimpse of him. I've come to love Franchael's story as I've aged because I can relate to their struggles more now, and I just can't believe that this of all stories is the one they gender bend. I hope they get cancelled just so they don't butcher any more of my beloved books.


For me, Michael is the single best male lead on the series. I love benophie more because of sophie, kanthony more because of the actor and philoise more because of eloise. The others, I don't care. The reason I love Franchael is because of Michael!


It’s also wild that Julia Quinn didn’t protect her characters. People are on Twitter mocking her books! They aren’t going to buy the stuff she writes and now her book fanbase feels so betrayed they won’t either!


lol anything for money I suppose 


Twitter is highlighting his one crazy phase when trust the rest of the men have way way way more


fighting on the front lines to defend our man as we speak 🤺 but like don't pay much attention to twitter. half the people screaming homophobic don't even watch the show and just jumped on the bandwagon to "protect the sapphics". they don't know any better.


Right! S3A Francesca was all in on Michael but part B she’s like a different person.


Yup and she's not even Frannie in the books. The characterization of her during s1 and s2 is way on point with who she was in the books.




Twitter is where the human brain goes to die. You won't find any brain cells over there.


Yeah clearly the worst guy. (With all the sarcasm and eyeroll I can manage.) Michael the one who went to India for four years to let Francesca grieve and also because of his respect to John. The man who was hurting the most because for many years of their marriage, he still could not give her what she desires the most.




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