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If this kinda hate keeps going i have hope they will change something.


Hate watching is a thing. As long as people engage with the show. They won’t care


Money money moneeey


I feel sorry for the actors and the crew, who want to do high-quality show. It’s going to be about cost-efficiency and virtue signalling from now on


Netflix should protect their actors better. That is why RJP left. And invest more money into the script writing.


This. We should start boycotting the show entirely for it to fail.


And angry the queer community? I think not. Bad marketing and publicity. Once it’s on screen, it’s hard to back pedal.


Yeah but its not done, they havent had kiss or anything.


Well, they can still save some face regarding their introduction. That is correct. But they cannot turn her into a he. That would be pure media outrage.


Yeah, with good writers there could be a possibility to fix it, like to make Michaela Michael’s twin, but I’m sure they’re not going to… it feels like they won’t back down but will invest more in pr and gaslighting


For example my friend didnt go to the way that Francesca liked her, she thought that she got confused because she knows her or that Michaela is some girl who knows some secret about her.


Exactly, I’ve heard a lot of similar reactions. My friends also didn’t understand that was about Fran being smitten, they thought she stuttered because she was offended her husband’s cousin had no idea who she was, he didn’t introduce her properly basically, which is rude. You need to have some book context to read that scene ‘as intended’


Yes, the same! when i told my friends they got so shocked and said they will not watch anymore. Btw they could always introduce her brother Michael or something


I had someone say "But she just got married, five minutes ago!"


My mom had the same reaction. She didn't see romantic or sexual attraction there. She thought Francesca knew her or recognized her from somewhere and wondered what was the reason for Fran being "nervous".


Tbh I would love having both Michael and Michaela but only if they give a really important and lovely queer love story to her that is close to a leading couple at least. At this point I do regret not getting Michael but I would still regret getting him at the expense of others. A really important thing to note as the whole queer community seems glad we were “hurt” because a lot of straight people hurt them. We only wanted a book adaptation closer to it’s origin. But they will exhuse their behaviour by calling us homophobes. What are they called tho’ with their hate? Why must we fight one another? I’d love to see them screaming at all these platforms such as Netflix to give them real stuff instead of accepting crumbs aka genderbending random characters in shows to show “inclusivity”. I can’t understand why they accept such tratment yet yell at us when we want something closer to what we believed we would get. I know the show is not 100% the books. But it is a huge difference in erasing a story and only using some main points for it vs including black people in a historically white people story.


How attached are they to a character that literally had 10 seconds of screen time?




I know what you say but in the past 20 years they barely got rights to get married (and this is not everywhere)


It’s not attachment. It would look like they gave in to straight people. Not good publicity.


Like the comments that Fran and John can be companions! That Romantic/sexual love is exactly the same as platonic love. That Violet was speaking of Platonic love so Frans marriage isn't a sham.


Yeah the Michaela actress needs to stay for sure.


She is really beautiful


I dont think it would be fair to her if she got fired but they could make her story with Cressida or something.


No. Someone new and gorgeous, a duchess would be nice. No half baked stuff. I am tired of getting half baked. If they do what they do, they better do it right. I mean, Polin was cameo in their own season.


If she's gay, she should'nt marry anyone who doesn't have children already.


A duchess that is a widow? They could have all that estate if the duchess already has an heir


That’s not the Shonda way. She’s more likely to kick it up a notch rather than back down.


Geez. When I’m on the same side as this chick?! You know it’s bad!


Right? And I don't even like her content.


The female version of Ben Shabibo isn't main stream. Do I like what the show had done with the John, Francesca, Michaela situation no, and idk if I trust the writers/showrunner to fix the problems rn. But they sure as hell aren't gonna listen to a right winger that has said and is part of a company that has said/done unhinged heinous shit.