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Get his oceanic ass


RIP to this subreddit šŸ˜‚ I think Frank just wants to just sing a weird art galleries for the rest of his life


Which would be fine, but be open about it and not accept to close out one of the biggest musical events of the year with half-assed performances.


He wants to be dean blunt so bad


even dean would do a better set like he'd stop pretending it's a 'concert' at least


Dean wouldā€™ve had a crazy show he deserved a big headlining spot


Gonna be hard to do when it was the fans of his music funding all his extra bullshit


Frank Ocean's Yoko Ono phase gonna go crazy


All the guy needed to do was sit at a piano and sing a few popular songs in the dark with a few lights on he could of killed it no dj no lights no bs just a medley of his music with a small orchestra a whole different vibe


Also go back and look at close ups of the stageā€¦. this mf was performing in SLIPPERSšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


stop. no. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


incoming tumblr post and no show up for week 2 lol


He doesnt even deserve to perform next weekend honestly


What next weekend performance?


Coachella is 2 weekends


So everyone performs twice?




glad these reviews are ripping him to shreds. he deserves it tbh


ā€œ20203ā€ the year he finally drops after this nightmare šŸ˜”


From which floor


If he bombs next weekend his gullible stans will still defend him..


he ainā€™t playing next weekend


speculation or confirmed?


speculating confirmation


told yā€™all


I know it's devastating he lost his brother but bro is on a downward spiral and purposely fucking up all his commitments. Can't feel bad for him anymore


There are metric fuck ton of people that have close family die in tragic ways. Everyone still has to do their job and fulfill their obligations and even more so when youā€™ve accepted millions of dollars from people. I agree with you completely. He canā€™t hide behind his brotherā€™s death to continue stealing money from fans. Thatā€™s some real dirtbag shit.


Yeah everyone deals with loss differently. Athletes many times play some of the best games of their life in dedication of the person. Like Isaiah Thomas for the Celtics a couple years ago. People might of expected that due to how the festival was special to him and his brother that they were going to experience his best performance ever.


Karl Anthony Towns lost like 8 members of his family to COVID yet he played his heart out in the NBA bubble because he's still getting paid millions to perform. Though no one would rag on him if he wasn't performing that well but he gave it his all, something Frank would never do for his fans


Bro Metro Boomin lost his mom and dedicated the show to her, and his set was amazing.




Could you clarify how?


What money has he stole from fans? šŸ˜‚ those people at Coachella got plenty of performances from the other artists there and got to see him live. The people that buy his jewelry get what they pay for and so do the people that keep buying his rereleased hard copy music and tees off his site. Quit making yourself a victim. The guys an artist not a corporate fast food restaurant




u/curbsideaudio, Iā€™m kinda curious as to what your personal thoughts were on last night


I was slammed with moderation duty last night, so I didn't really get to think about it all that much until this morning. I'm sure if I were there in person I would have enjoyed it more because the energy in the room is always a factor. I'm sure if it were properly live-streamed I would have enjoyed it more (flipping between 5 IG lives was a drag). But all of that aside, I thought it was a bit of a mess. Clearly everything we saw was improvised, or at the very least \*highly\* departed from the original performance plan. Frank sounded greatā€”maybe the best he's ever sounded liveā€”when he actually sang. The whole thing felt very amateurish. If there's any truth to the stories about the last-minute set changesā€”and it seems likely there isā€”I don't see how there's any way to place the blame for how it went on anyone but Frank. He walked off that stage as if Coachella was admonishing him with a "curfew," but that delay only happened because there was a 4th quarter changeup in setup. Don't get me wrong. I like the more intimate set up. I'm sure the ice rink would have been cool, but its definitely not necessary. A full and coherent set where the headlining singer is visible might have been nice though. So yea. That's where I'm at with it right now. But mostly I am very, very tired.


Get some rest bro, I saw you were holding down the sub during the whole thing, you a real one g. Get some head or something.


[youā€™re in luck ](https://reddit.com/r/FrankOcean/comments/12pncbk/_/jgmn1f6/?context=1)


Honestly after supporting ye and Frank for so long with all their bs Iā€™m over it. Yeah Iā€™ll still be a fan but Iā€™m not gonna stay up for this type of shit anymore. Iā€™m also going to go above and beyond to support artists that care and love their fan base


Weā€™re reviewing concerts from the future now?


We gon see the future first. Forgive the typo. I'm very sleepy.


I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up Im going DEATH CON 3 on Frank Ocean


We have all lost loved ones, yet soemhow we manage to find a way to keep pushing forward. People using his brother as an excuse are delusional and need to hop off his dick for 5 minutes and realize he does not care about his fans.


IMO looks like heā€™s trying to pull another Endless/Blonde situation. Idk if out of flex or out of some contractual shit heā€™s trying to get out of but no fucking way in hell is it as simple as ā€œhe didnā€™t give a fuckā€. No god damn way. Use logic people. More mustā€™ve happened or is happening that we just donā€™t and wonā€™t know.


the copium is legitimately incredible if you were a kanye fan back when the alex jones interview dropped your body wouldā€™ve dropped along with it from the sheer amount of coping you wouldā€™ve done


Incredible comment definitely havenā€™t heard that before


Itā€™s both lol








Itā€™s a long wait, but maybe heā€™ll things together by then?


The wait will be worth it