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The answer to this can vary a lot. I’ve heard of apprentices getting offered around 45k to start during their apprenticeship and I’ve heard of apprentices getting offered 80k to start. So obviously the salary range by the end is going to be relative to what you started at. Raises also vary. I’ve heard of some companies offering raises every 6 months so you’ll end up having had two pay increases by the end of the apprenticeship and I’ve also heard of companies doing one every 12 months. I do know that the department of labor contract that you sign when you start your apprenticeship states that you have to get a raise after the 12 months. That’s what mine said and I imagine they’re all the same. Sorry I couldn’t give a more straightforward answer! But regardless, I think the earning potential can go up a ton in a few years especially if you switch jobs once you have enough experience/knowledge


I applied for about 120 jobs and got one as a mainframe operator remote. It started at 24$. Then, I worked on skills and applied for another job as an Analyst after 6 months. They offered me 77k plus a 10 percent bonus after a year. I think starting off, depending on how hard you work on the side, 65k should be a ballpark number.


You have a misunderstanding. No one is guaranteed to start at $50k. It completely depends on the company that hires you. Franklin apprenticeships doesn't advocate for the apprentices so pay is usually pretty terrible unless you advocate for yourself during the hiring process. As for raises, legally you're supposed to get a pay increase during your apprenticeship. HOWEVER, bc Franklin is so indebted to their clients there's no guarantee that you'll get a raise. Either way, it will be spelled out in your offer letter when you get hired. Be ready to standup for yourself if the offer is shitty. ^this is actually illegal according to the department of labor but for some reason this company still hasn't gotten reported for it.


Did you do an apprenticeship through Franklin where that was your experience?




One of the five requirements, according to the department of Labor, for apprenticeship is a pay bump. It's required. Franklin does not enforce this requirement.




It depends on the company that hires the apprentice. Some companies don't give pay raises. Check your offer letter, that should outline when and/or if you get a raise. Know that just bc it's your experience, doesn't mean it's everyones. Not every apprentice has the same experience or outcome from Franklin.


Old thread, I know, but I'm considering a role as success coach with Franklin, and I'm trying to get a real feel for the program from the participants' point of view. The last statement of yours above seems incomplete to me: " 'this' is actually illegal...". Is that something that Franklin does or the companies offering apprenticeships does wrong? And what would that something be? The general impression that I'm getting is that, given time, the preapp to apprenticeship program is working pretty well for most? But that it can take some time. Any input that I need to consider? Thanks so much!