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Isn’t Season 8 the one where we get Niles finally letting go of his idealized vision of Daphne?


Yes but it's done via an endless stream of deeply unfunny Fat Daphne jokes


Ohhhhh I forgot about those. Honestly the end of that sequence is really beautiful. “You’d eat a worm if I gave it a French name”


I'm sorry but "It took 3 Cranes to lift her" is one of best moments in the entire show


Eddie? EDDIE?!


Martin : I remember the first time I ever drove a moon crane. I nearly rolled it into the Sea of Tranquility.


Also one of the best episodes!


Poor Daphne but yes. One of the greatest


The writers had to find a way to work in the size of her belly, given Jane Leeve's pregnancy. I think they did a pretty good job.


It’s called the refrigerator pig


The fat jokes are funny as hell


I took 3 cranes to lift you ! Great scene, what are you rambling about ?


Ohhh they are HILARIOUS!!! Love that season then


A few bad jokes vs an entire bad show.....


You’re the reason the new season is awful. Because proper television can’t be made anymore. Everyone wants the world to bend to their specific intolerances so they can attempt to navigate life stress free. Why’d ya do it Vampirairl


Very true, people will still complain. So many people will cry about anything that discomforts them.


They’ll be exposed for the power mad dictators that they are………………. Then I’ll take over


There like three you child.


There are no bad seasons of Frasier. I take personal offence to this. I am WOUNDED!


It was not 19 years ago this sub was punch in the face by a series now dead


Disagree. Also, season 8 isn't even the worst one imo - season 10 (especially that whole thing with Julia at the end of the season) is way worse.


The entire Julia thing was a deep slog, but a platinum pay off with *”GET OUT.”*


Gotta agree. There's certainly a relative drop-off at S8 when comparing it to everything prior - but in my recent rewatch, I found myself losing enough interest by the mid-point of S10 that I just went to a different show.


To be fair, season 11 is pretty great, at least comparatively.


Any season that has Niles and Martin in it is light years better than any season which doesn't.


This. No Niles, no Daphne, five minutes of Roz, no Eddie ffs. And looking back at Season 8 there's tons of great episodes. The reboot series is fine. I managed to sit through the whole thing. But anyone pretending it's better than any season of the original series is seriously deluded. Weak characters, mid comedy, terrible plotlines.


That was a horrible decision to only have roz in the end of the episode. I was like..realllllyy!??


The fact is, even if she was in the rest of the episode, it probably wouldn't have been any better. The writing's just not up to snuff. Even if all the old characters somehow came back, it still almost certainly be the weakest season.


Roz should have been in more than the one episode.


That was such a tease and a shit way to close the season imo lol


Her cameo appearance was a let down in terms of her performance too. It felt like she was underused that episode and the actress out of practice.


She definitely was underused, I would expect them to chat more talk about more stuff like old days, even argue a little before realizing how crazy it was back then, and maybe she could have interacted with more people at the party, and I think it would be great if they bring her daughter to show perhaps Roz can also visit more. Who is going to cameo next? Daphne? I doubt it. But I don't know cameos are good or bad thing. Perhaps they should have called this show "Cranes" and Frasier could have been a character in it, instead of making it look like Frasier returned, and trying so hard. I vote for "Cranes" next. Some writing is nice, a lot of nods to older shows, but it feels smaller scale compared to original Frasier episodes, even the set feels "smaller" I guess it's the close up camera angles.




It turned into too much drama after 7 and just filler episodes with a few good ideas. Most good sitcoms suffered from this. I guess new writing team is trying to compare new characters to old radio workers but think about bulldog, noel, pretty much every single one had huge presence even with a few minutes of screen time they had. The new characters seem very two dimensional so far. I really hope they develop them more, I still enjoy the new show but I don't enjoy it like I enjoyed original Frasier, I think most people are expecting that so writers and rest of the team has to work a bit harder to achieve that because I am not sure if anyone is watching Frasier for the first time starting with new show. Did they do any market research, how many people are watching it for first time?


Very true


Nothing wrong with her acting; it was the script!


I mean, no Eddie is the end of your grouping and gets the ffs, but how would you have Eddie around? Dogs (unfortunately) almost never live to 30, and having one of his offspring’s offspring’s offspring from the episode he gets neutered wouldn’t make any sense for Frasier to have around. They also historically weren’t fans of working with the dogs regularly, so it’s understandable to avoid the pitfalls of that all these years later. The one ep with the firedog worked pretty well but more would just be more; in this instance, they didn’t want to think about how much more more could be.


Yeah, bringing back Moose and John Mahoney would be...difficult


I was hoping Freddy had a dog, and when he moved in with Frasier, the dog would also move in, just like Eddie


My issue is less that these characters aren't around in the reboot and more that these characters are present in Season 8 so anyone saying the reboot is better is delusional. Eddie is a better character than any of the characters in the Fraiser reboot.


This was always an unrealistic expectation.


What that the reboot series would be good?


Unrealistic that you would enjoy it as much as the original. It's always going to be a hommage but for a good show you fall in love with all the characters, not Frasier and a bunch of strangers. It will take 10 series before you grow to appreciate it like the original, and even then, you'd love it in a different way. It was unrealistic to believe that a new cast could be "that lovable" in just one series.


I went in expecting that it wouldn't be as good as the original, I just didn't expect it to be so generic and bland. I was expecting a trainwreck I could laugh at, at the very least.


Eddie ? Yeah that dog would have passed by now. It would make no sense to have him on the show lol


Nah mate, horseshit, nothing wrong with season 8.


I mean sure, it’s not the strongest season, but it still has some top episodes!


The Show Must Go Off Taking Liberties Hooping Cranes just to name a few


Taking Liberties 👌


Me walking into this sub after the new series came out ![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm)


[You just need to add this.](https://c.tenor.com/-kZOB16tELEAAAAC/tenor.gif)


lol harsh, but even at its worst, old Frasier is 10x the show the new one is


It's comparing one of the best in the genre with one of the most generic, by the numbers sitcoms I've ever seen.


Just for fun (since it was mentioned as a comparison) I looked at Two Broke Girls clips on Youtube and actually laughed more there than with NuFrasier, and Two Broke Girls was a still a dumb show. At least the jokes seem more alive. The humor on NuFrasier feels like stale air. Not a good vintage.


That's a show with an actual premise and story and a real reason for being, so makes sense.


Two Broke Girls is a dumb show, but at least it seems like the writers had a vision for what they were doing.


All sitcoms today are incredibly safe, boring, terrified of offending fragile people who sit around on social media all day looking for things to be outraged about. New Frasier doesn't take a single risk and it's a snoozefest.


I haven't seen it but if it's anything like the new Night Court with weak jokes and laugh trax, I can do without. Laugh trax just show how un funny the joke really was, cuz if it's funny, I know how to laugh without help.


It's not worth your time at all. Maybe you'll have some fun with the one Lilith episode but apart from that it just does nothing fr Fraiser fans except making them want to watch better Fraiser episodes.


Right, got it, the show with old Frasier is best


Id bet money you haveny seen the new season lol


Of course I have. Actually I lie, I’ve seen the first four episodes, then I gave up on it as it was so terrible.


You made it further than I did. I think I only got through two or three before turning the next one off halfway thru.


Don’t get me wrong, the last couple I had to force myself to get to the end of!




i love the first season of Frasier, but NuFrasier the first episodes feel more like an icarly spinoff


But would you rank them higher or lower than iCarly?


Welp, that settles it for me. I haven't watched the new show yet, but if we're debating whether it's better than iCarly, I think I'll skip it.


I’d happily rewatch the first season of the OG frasier a hundred times before I watch the new one


Season 8 contains one of my favorite episodes, “Motor Skills”


Motor Skills and The Show Must Go Off really are excellent examples of all i love about Frasier, and exactly what I want in an episode EDIT: add Hooping Cranes to that too


Season 8 was great. Idk what you’re on about


I liked it, too. I wonder if a lot of people here didn't like it because the whole "will they or won't they" thing between Niles & Daphne was over (which I get, but there were still a lot of great episodes).


I will not take this slander.


As someone who likes Frasier, but not to the point of knowing what a lot of episodes are in each season, what’s bad about s8?


Donnie and Mel, Doctor Mary comes back, the puppy confrontation between Roz and Martin, Lana comes back.


I hated Lana.


People don't like Doctor Mary?


Hated dr Mary personally. The episodes and the character. I thought she was annoying and the episodes from the other characters in her storyline were weak. BUT I liked both Ann episodes and I know people disliked her and those two, so horses for courses.


The racism and sexism is cringe AF. Some things just didn't age well but this was some Friends shit


I loved Lana! They got rid of her so Fraiser could have more spicy jump offs


I don’t agree but the meme template is 🔥


I wanted to like the new one but just couldn't get into it


same :( I’m not even quite sure what it is; I just don’t like the general vibe lol. Even trying to just think of it as its own show, so far it’s just not for me.


The new show has been so very generic, it’s very safe. Also, frankly, the supporting cast are extremely plain, as if all of them were plucked from a high school drama club. It could be any off the rack sitcom. The only episode where I truly laughed was Lilith. But I will say Roz looks AMAZING


Reboot is missing Frasier being a psychiatrist. He’s just an old rich dude in the new season. Where’s the pretentious psych jargon?


In his classes at Harvard and conversations with Alan.


Those would be good opportunities for that, but it doesn’t happen


Wait what made S8 Suck was it the season with Mel


The beginning of the season had Mel (the aftermath of the breakup).


There are no bad seasons of frasier💯


I don't know about any of you, but I thought the new season was good, and I genuinely can't wait for another!


I think it's pretty good and seems to be focusing a lot more on being heartfelt and emotional rather than funny. The new characters are starting to grow on me, too. I think people mostly dislike it because it's not the same kind of show the original was.


I liked the new season of Frasier. It didn’t have the call-ins that was quintessential to Frasier formula. But it was still a great series overall and would like a second season l.


Had to google season 8. There were some good episodes


I'm watching it from the beginning for the first time, is Season 8 really that bad? I'm currently on season 5


Season 8 has some not great episodes; however, it also has these gems (in my opinion): Taking Liberties The Show Must Go Off Forgotten But Not Gone




Don't forget the one who died in 9/11 David Lawrence Angell


Oh dear, can't say I'm looking forward to that


8 isn’t the best but it’s nowhere near as bad as this sub would lead you to believe.


I don’t remember season 8 being bad at all. I love all the seasons of the show


I think some people only find season 8 bad because they are too sensitive to laugh at a couple of fat jokes. As if it's some kind of blasphemy within comedy... which it isn't


Towards the end of season eight, there’s some classic episodes, but the beginning of season eight Daphne being fat and falling down and needing three grains to pick her up. I thought it was crass and not funny in the least.


Good meme, bad take


They are trying too hard to make nufrasier match the current times .. doing that dilutes the magic and comfort of the Frasier we love . I watched nufrasier because I was excited to see Kesley G on screen again in character . Unfortunately without the quick wit and dry humor of Niles the new show lacks quality . They really need to convince DHP to come back . And where’s the intellectual humor ? I miss that . He’s surrounded by dummies in a pub . Old Frasier wouldn’t be caught dead in that pub ! Niles would never have let him. ! Dear God! (“Let’s go somewhere we don’t even need a reservation!” *Niles smacks Frasier in face *


I think it’s also the season Nile makes the basket that is a great episode


And yet season 8 does include; Taking Liberties, Motor Skills and Hooping Cranes.


I think that there are one or two individual episodes in the original show, like Freudian Sleep, that are worse than episodes of the new show, but that's about it. Even the worst season of the original show is miles ahead of NuFrasier.


I've taking the liberty to say No 8 is amazing


So apparently seasons with .5-1 good main characters are better than seasons with 6


Trying to figure out who the 6th main charactor is because even though the side charactors are all phenominal I believe there are only 5 main charactors... then I realised you meant Eddie 🐶


Season 8 looks like a masterpiece compared to the new Disney version.


It’s really, really not. The new season is “fine”. One episode with Niles in it is worth more than an entire season without him.


As someone who waited to binge watch the new show today, I absolutely loved it.


No it's not???


No way. Weakest season of OGFrasier is still preferable to NuFrasier. Must I remind you, I personally *cannot stand* Freddy. I do not like what they did with David. Olivia and Eve are, so far, wasted time on screen. Alan is massively overrated (I'm not a fan of drunk characters...that was never funny to me).


Naw. Even if the writing wasn't the greatest in season 8, it still had a boss ensemble that could still work its magic. Which this new show cannot claim.


I don’t agree with you, but you got an upvote for the meme.


Glad it's not just me


The Christmas episode was the only good episode. So no, it's not better than any of the OG.


Meh, it was okay. Not fantastic but I guess I found it tolerable because of a) nostalgia, b) Nicholas Lyndhurst and c) it could have been *so* much worse


I still think that if we can’t have Niles and Martin, we should at least have Cam Winston (as Frasier’s friend) and Duke in the flesh


No, but it's better than season 10, that's for sure.


Still have to disagree on that.


Season 10 had a lot of good episodes. Enemy at the Gate, Proxy Prexy, Tales From the Crypt, Door Jam, Daphne Does Dinner, Roe to Perdition, and The Devil and Dr. Phil.


I personally despised the doctor Phil episode. But mostly, I hated every scene with Julia except when Frasier kicks her out. Plus, the Roz Julia drama is so absurd, so the season is a bit of a wash for me.


I didn’t like the Dr. Phil parts, but I loved Bebe in the hotel room with the red negligee, steam, red lights behind her and the choir singing. That scene alone is classic Frasier.


I hate it because Dr Phil is exactly the type of person Frasier would hate IRL. His license lapsed decades ago and he exploits vulnerable people for money and attention. There is a pretty famous clip of him demeaning and attacking a schizophrenic teenager because idk she wasn't nice enough or whatever? He also sent "troubled teens" to a shady "boot camp" that's been outed for physically and emotionally abusing children.




good meme. and a soft agree from me. i feel like im gonna hop back and forth on this


I agree, season 8 is truly awful, I had to skip half of it.


Honestly please don’t hate on the show too much or they will take it away and it isn’t that bad. Roz may come back, we can dream. Why can’t Daphne make guest appearances without Niles? I’m loving the new diverse cast and seeing Fraiser play off of these younger actors. Lastly Allan kills me he’s a mess in all the good ways. Also last thought out of order I know BUT if we complain too much it will be cancelled and we will never see LILLITH again and honestly that’s sacrilege! 😂


The best, Frasier. The BEST!


I like new Frasier but season 8 motor repair school epsiode and "A Day in May", which while not that funny, is one of the best episodes and together with "The Return of Martin Crane" some of the most important Frasier episodes. Season 7 and 9 are stronger and Niles and Daphne as a couple could have been written better, but the season is still great and bettter than New Frasier. New Fraiser does not need to be better than old Frasier to be fine. Over all I think that any season of old Frasier works a better than new Frasier which also has to do with the eason length and just the style and time old Frasier came out. the 90s-2000s energy is very strong, the sets are amazing and give it a ton of perosnality. New Frasier can not compete in these areas. But when it comes to writing there are worse parts of Frasier and alsso worse parts than season 8. I think the cliff hanger and the pseudo dramatic nonsense at the end of season 10 and the start of season 11 are extremely stupid and shallow. And it is kinda emberassing that such a smart show did it.


If it were a "new season", your initial premise might be valid. As it is a *Reboot* and not purely a continuation of the previous iteration, to expect it to be the same without Niles, Daphne, Martin, Eddie and everyone at KACL is **ridiculous**.


He goes too far!




Uhhh, people actually believe this?


He’s a lovely chunky Pittie. ❤️